#featuring: henry devlin (coinquinatvs)
bloodsalted · 3 months
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@coinquinatvs || a meme from here! || accepting!
[ Henry~ ] ❝ It would have been a lot easier to treat if you’d mentioned it sooner. ❞
dean's sitting there in a pair of boxer briefs, a black tshirt and holding a towel against his leg. til he's asked to pull it away and shows the rather nasty gash that's freshly opened in a few places. and it doesn't feel nice. to put it lightly. not nice? son of a bitch. not at all.
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henry's kitchen is lit up enough that the wound looks even more gross now that dean takes a real good look at it. his nose is crinkled as he stares down at his calf with a look of utter disgust. "well. i woulda but i know you're not one of those kinda doctors. and i thought it wasn't that bad. turned up here in the middle of the night. took a shower. thought i'd be least a little better by morning. turns out? the damn thing wouldn't stop bleeding." yeah. that thing's gonna need stitches. dean and hospitals though? that's oil and water. matter of fact? he's damn near gotta be dying before he hauls himself into one. if it's for himself. not some case.
you know?
forcing somone he cares about to go get looked at. cause that's a whole different ballgame. dean doesn't mind being a hypocrite when it comes to someone he loves being taken care of. just? you know? himself? that's when it becomes a PROBLEM. forest green eyes bounce from henry to his leg and back. he musters up a round-eyed, imploring gaze at what he's about to ask of him. complete with smile and a big, happy kinda plea. in spite of how bad it hurts. and. that it's bleeding all over again.
"you good with a needle and thread?"
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esoterium · 6 months
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@coinquinatvs || basorexia || accepting always. cause kisses!
[ Henry, for Beaver~ ] Basorexia: 15 + 2: a first kiss that comes out of nowhere.
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derry's covered in a thick fog. a winter storm's bearing down on them and he's got a haul of firewood in the back of his pick up that he grabbed just for a certain doctor that he's worried might not've taken the time to get enough for himself. considering what the news is saying? they could be without power for longer than anyone's gonna care for with the temperatures dropping below zero. there's other supplies in a few bags. candles, hand warmer packs. enough to carry anyone through the worst. because one thing they got going? maine's so used to getting it's ass kicked by the cold? they'll get their shit figured out fast. just gotta deal with it til then.
the bags now at his feet inside henry's house. the firewood's safe and dry. beaver's standing at the window looking out at his truck with a mug of hot chocolate and bailey's knowing that his worry and his fucking overkill in making sure all things henry were storm ready were a sure sign that above and beyond.. meant something.
toothpick twirling against his tongue, his gaze bounces to henry's reflection in the glass. he holds the stick expertly still as he swallows a sip of his spiked drink. the wood reappearing once the mug's lowered only to be taken out and shoved in his coat pocket when he turns around and henry's right behind him. there's a closeness that visibly shakes beav. has him damn near dropping the mug before he bends to lower it to a coffee table. thanks and you're welcome. his voice is strained. his eyes get tired. god damn he's so wary of pretending he'd do this for any of his friends. a select few, yes. but henry? he's the one he rushed here to check on first.
beaver moves to excuse himself but neither one of them move. he swears he hears an offer to ride out the storm there. but his head feels like a sponge and his hearing's muted by the thundering heartbeat. henry's eyes are on his mouth. beaver's gaze reflects henry's. all eyes on the doctor's lips. who knows who makes the first move? he'll replay it later in his head. but henry's mouth tastes like home the minute his lips are sealed against it and his hands are buried into the top of henry's hair. beav's on his toes, tasting him like he's been starving. devouring the flavor like he's never swallowed a drop of heaven in his life til now. fuck me freddy. so this is a thing.
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esoterium · 5 months
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@coinquinatvs || your affection || accepting!
[ Henry, for Beaver~ ] 💓 – to  listen  to  my  muse's  heartbeat.
they're relaxed back against a bunch of pillows piled on the floor in front of the television. large screen playing one of henry's favorite movies. something beaver hasn't seen that he doesn't remember the title of. but it's good and it's sucked him in. not as much as the head on his chest though.
beaver's long fingers push through the hair on top of henry's head as the other hums against his chest. legs tangle with the others and a soft sigh parts his laps. glasses long forgotten, he doesn't need them to see this close anyway. the tv screen's big enough. this is moment's perfect. they got a fire going. the light bounces off the ceiling, the walls. murmuring down into the softness of henry's hair--beav murmurs, "ever think we'd end up like this? cause i'm starting to wonder if this is a dream i'm going to wake up from sooner or later. too damn good to be true."
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in all these years? he didn't think he could find such a perfect thing. and it's been under his nose the whole fucking time. from relationship to relationship. one failed married and a handful of other attempts before that. all fell to pieces. he's too much to deal with. too much to take. there's too much in his head that he doesn't let out and too much baggage for someone else. he doesn't blame them. not a single bit. to get the hell out of dodge and not look back.
henry knows all that shit and more. knows everything about him. the most anyone ever has. then some. it's how they're all wired together. "took so much bullshit for us to see. too many damn years. figurs though. that'd be us..walk a mile to gain an inch." lips press against the top of henry's head.
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bloodsalted · 3 months
[ Henry~ ] *places an apple AND a cherry pie on the table in front of him*
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@coinquinatvs || pie day shenanigans || yeah, buddy!!
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"knew you were a good guy from the second i met ya, doc. dare i say a keeper even? and i don't say that about many shrinks. pull up a chair. i'll even share this round."
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bloodsalted · 4 months
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@coinquinatvs || meme continuation || from here.
"oak and eden whiskey.. bourbon and vine. think that's what the bartender called it. good stuff. little sweet for my taste but i think we polished off a bottle." more like he polished off most of the bottle while poor henry here? he went down pretty quick. dean doesn't mention the beers in between because the guy seems a little guilty and hung over for what he put down--so he'll leave those out unless henry starts truly hating life. a hand comes down solidly but gently against the other man's back. he gives him a soft pat, pat.
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"listen. you did sound pretty damn good. got some compliments. hell. even a few tips. used it to tip the waitress. playing a drunken robin hood is kinda noble." a broad grin stretches the hunter's lips before he stands up taking that touch and his presence along for the rid. instead, he goes over to the small motel room fridge and fishes out a ginger ale and a bottle of water before walking back over and holding both out to henry. "here. drink these. then we'll talk about coffee. sound good? don't worry. in no rush to go anywhere. sam--my brother--headed into town early this morning. he'll be back later on. said he'd let you sleep it off a little. and me, i guess. thanks. saved me a trip to the library.."
yes. he really did drink more than you henry. and, wow. he is up?? and functioning? go figure. musta been that sam smack to the back of the head when he woke up to a stranger in dean's bed and dean curled up on the tiny loveseat that's supposed to be a sofa.
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