#feedism needs a trans person in the mix
Deep in Euphoria: Keys
Junno stared out the tinted window of the vehicle watching the strange world pass by at such a fast pace while sitting across from his interplanetary mate, Bjarnasson blushed with sympathy especially when they passed a few military houses with Christmas lights. The vehicle hit a bump in the road and Junno looked at one of the guards and they nodded to allow him to check on his encumbered partner. Junno approached Bjarnasson who was holding his undulating stomach full of fat and hybrid embryos. Bjarnasson grabbed Junno's tiny hand and placed it on his stomach. Junno felt some movement and rested his head on Bjarnasson's stomach.
The personnel pulled into the driveway of the dignitary housing. The guards step out first to check the perimeter. They wave the entourage to signal the "all clear" the Admiral and Junno stepped out with a handful of personnel. Junno was stepped through how to use keys and was given a tour of the place.
The personnel was moving Dr. Bjarnasson as Einarsson toured Junno around the master bathroom. They heard a thud and rushed down to the den to see the sliding doors being removed to move the imposing mass of the heavily pregnant Dr. Bjarnasson. He was clutching his ample bundle of blubber and extraterrestrial hybrid brood to protect them from being jostled too much.
"How are you holding up?" Einarsson inquired with concern.
Bjarnasson nodded with assurance and massaged his stomach and replied "We're okay."
Junno ran over to Bjarnasson and embraced him despite his arms not being able to go all the way around his lover's girth.
"If you need anything like clothes or food, not to worry we already arranged for someone to deliver what you need at the military's expense" Einarsson said before having the personnel present boxes of clothing and food from the commissary.
"We took the liberty of getting anything in your size made with natural materials and natural blends since we noticed that you seemed safe in the cotton jumpsuit we issued to you." One of the members said while presenting a shirt and pair of pants from a box to Junno.
The personnel leaves and Junno was left to his devices to move Dr. Bjarnasson to the bedroom, with all of his extraterrestrial strength while being careful with the hybrid clutch growing within his human mate.
When in the bedroom Junno asked "Even though we've known each other for a short period of time and engaged in interspecies breeding, I never got your first name due to being on a last name basis at the facility."
The doctor looked stunned from the realization. He also understood that despite this feat for the sake of science there should be an even more intimate and casual approach. Since they were equals in their own right. Plus they had this controlled environment to themselves so more notes to journal while also including not just a human approach but a universal approach.
"My name is, Elías" He replied, "Since you want to go on a first name basis to provide comfort plus we're to be hand rearing not just to make things feel less sanitized but to also learn not just about how the Euphorian species raises their young but also have an emotional understanding especially since I'm carrying Euphorian hybrid children." He said with a deep, primal, sense of duty while cradling his massive belly and looking down with a deep sublime expression. ...
To Be Continued...
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gaytransmalefeedist417 · 11 months
Deep in Euphoria: Within and Throughout
The passions between Junno and Dr. Bjarnason intensified even more after the eggs were fertilized and laid within him. When Admiral Einarsson walked in to check on the unusual pairing after their bout of exchange of passions with the intensity of both of the suns of their solar systems combined Dr. Bjarnasson handed over the list of items Junno could eat for Earth food. Junno was listed as a species that required a low acid and low glycemic diet after a test and it listed why Junno could not eat all manner of human foods.
Low glycemic requirement: Subject displayed intense bouts of vomiting upon ingestion of refined sugars, bleached rice, and gluten. Subject responded positively to chromium in combination with inositol capsules.
Low Acid: Subject had blue urine when ingesting a lemon and had symptoms that mimicked a human UTI. Subject responded well to sodium bicarbonate in combination with over the counter UTI medication.
Carambola warning: Carambola (Starfruit) acts as an aphrodisiac with this species, only reserve for breeding.
Admiral Einarsson took the file on Junno to turn to the mess staff and consulted with the head of the commissary to have some clothes sent to an isolated on base residence for Dr. Bjarnasson and Junno to live on and further study on how he assimilates to living on Earth somewhat among humans.
When night fell, Junno and his earthly mate were loaded into a military vehicle. Dr. Bjarnasson had to be loaded in with an industrial lift due to his hefty mass despite Junno offering to help lift him with the Euphorian strength he was imbued with from birth. ...
To Be Continued
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Deep in Euphoria: Insights and Origins
When Dr. Bjarnason woke up coming to the realization that he was impregnated by an extraterrestrial and an ex royal no less. He saw Junno sleeping sitting up and leaning on the doctor's immense stomach and the huge lab coat draped on him.
Admiral Einarsson walks in and shocked enough that her unlit cigarette falls out of her mouth.
Dr. Bjarnason broke the silence by saying,"Hey, Admiral how's your wife."
Admiral Einarsson quickly adjusts her hijab and picks her smoke off the ground in perplexed frustration, " She's doing well, explain to me what on this ice cube happened in here?!"
"I know that an in intergalactic species having an intimate relationship with a member of the staff is not what anyone is used to. Let alone a staff member getting impregnated by an intergalactic species. But the upside is that we are learning about the mating habits of extraterrestrials.", Dr. Bjarnason explained to try to put the admiral at ease.
"I'll adjust and see what I can do to maintain the funding and get you compensation. I'll make arrangements to have Junno and some personnel go to the commissary during after hours.", The Admiral responded.
"You're surprisingly taking this well." Dr. Bjarnason replied.
"You two are in a similar situation to how my wife and I met." The Admiral responded with a very somber tone.
"She was stationed in Iran and back then I was serving coffee in a café near the base she was at. We had a secret affair and it escalated to where my brother almost found out. We were smart enough to get me to the embassy as soon as possible, especially since my family tried to pair me off with a man that I had no interest in. She did not want to leave the country without me and wanted me to have a better future. So I became Selah Moharam- Einarsson, wife to Captain Isolde Einarsson-Moharam. I enlisted into the military, outranked my wife, and completed 2 engineering degrees in the process." Admiral Einarsson disclosed.
Junno woke up and massaged Dr. Bjarnason's stomach. "How are you feeling?" Junno asked.
Dr. Bjarnason replied,"I'm okay just having very strong food cravings."
"Where can I find my hungry human and our clutch food?" Junno asked.
"No need to panic, can you pass me my radio on the desk?" The doctor asked while pointing
Junno grabbed the cold, black, plastic box looking device and handed it to Dr. Bjarnason.
Dr. Bjarnason contacted the mess hall with a big list of food not just to satiate himself and the incubating brood within his blubber but to also see what Junno could eat since he had been away from his planet for some time.
Dr. Bjarnason received a big spread of burritos, a variety of mac and cheese, meatballs, cinnamon rolls, and sausage. For Junno it was a variety of lean meats, seeds, fruits, fish, herbs, dairy, natural oils, sweeteners, and veggies to see how he responded to each of the items.
As Dr. Bjarnason dug into each decadent item, he observed how Junno would sample each item to see how he responded.
But Junno was getting sexually aroused by the sight of the Dr. gorging himself on the food he ordered for himself.
"Can I mount your moobs while you're filling up for our clutch?" Junno asked.
Dr. Bjarnason nodded with a burrito in his mouth.
Junno put his ovipositor in between Dr. Bjarnason's massive tits and thrusted very hard while the doctor's huge nipples became so red and hard they looked like cherries that were as big as golf balls. The doctor was eating the jumbo cinnamon rolls like crazy that the icing was dripping down his chins. As Junno was so close to cumming he put his ovipositor in the doctor's mouth and came. The doctor slurped up the cum and blimped out to 2,000 pounds and moaned while grabbing his sides.
To be continued...
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Deep in Euphoria: Pilot
Somewhere off the coast of Greenland the military finds an unknown body and canvas the area.
Dr. Bjarnason's expertise was needed, due to the anomalous nature of the body.
The entity was placed in the bag and into the van to be taken to the base. The driver heard a thud and turned around to check the back, the bag was off the gurney. He pulled over and jumped out of the van and put the bag back and the straps were latched and tightened.
When the driver arrived at the facility the personnel took out the gurney. When the gurney wheels tapped the ground the head of the entity sprung up and turned in both directions and made a series of perplexed and frightened squeaks.
The entity realized the restraints and started to writhe, struggle, and make high pitched grunts. When one of the operatives pulled down the zipper he saw a pair of large cat like pupils with a bluish, purplish glowing hue followed by a loud scream and more vigorous writhing and wriggling. The operative closed up the zipper quickly and the rest of the entourage wheeled in the once dead but is now live specimen.
Admiral Einarsson and Dr. Bjarnason walked over to the staging area to make out the files on the entity and the debris found with the entity. Admiral Einarsson lit her cigarette and playfully elbowed the doctor and chimed "Hey I think you could be getting your Christmas wish there big man, you've been seeking to investigate a live specimen instead of dealing with cutting open the trivial corpses we get as routine to practically pickle after the fact."
Dr. Bjarnason replies as he watches holding back his sadness from the sight of the wriggling parcel being brought in "I'm grateful but I hope they will be able to survive in this environment that is stark from their surroundings."
The orderlies take the gurney and one of them shouts "Doctor! how much should we dose this entity for sedative?!"
"Don't dose them, we don't know how if they'll have an adverse reaction!" Dr. Bjarnason replies.
The orderlies rush the entity to the prep lab and Dr. Bjarnason follows in suit despite his 500 pound body causing him some struggle.
The bag is quickly unzipped and it takes a team of 3 men to grab all 4 arms and the 1 pair of legs to strap the entity to the table despite their frame looking dainty. The entity laid there stark naked, they watched as the orderlies placed one of the clear bags on another table and left.
Dr. Bjarnason walked over to the entity and the entity looked at him with uncertainty and curiosity. Dr. Bjarnason got ready put the sensors on the unusual humanoid and they tensed up a bit. "I don't know if you can understand me, but I'm not going to harm you. It's not in my funding agreement, especially since I wrote it." Dr. Bjarnason said as an effort to try to positively engage with the entity.
The entity relaxed after getting a good look into the doctor's eyes. The sensors were placed onto the neon blue skin with yellow tiger like stripes. Especially when he worked his way to the chest, he watched in amazement on how it rose and fell.
The entity flared its crest and what appeared to be female genitalia an 8 inch protrusion exited from the entity's crotch and a round sphere fell out with gold colored liquid with a holographic sheen and smelled like vanilla buttercream icing.
He knelt down and grabbed tennis ball sized sphere and put it in a container for analysis along with a swab of the fluid.
But the smell of the fluid drove his stomach to bloat and look over at the entity showing a state of odd repose. He looked the entity in the eye and asked "Do you understand me?"
The entity nodded. The doctor asked "Can I remove the restraints?"
The entity nodded again.
The restraints were removed and the entity put their arms around the doctor and inserted a set of white tendrils for a tongue into the doctor's mouth.
The entity dismounted and spoke in the doctor's language "Thank you."
The doctor asked "Do you have a name?"
"I do but I'll translate it to where you can understand." The entity replied.
"My name is, Junno former crown royal of Euphoria of the Persephene Galaxy." Junno introduced themselves.
"What brought you here, if you don't mind me asking?" Dr. Bjarnason asked
Junno replied, "I was exiled for refusing to pick a suitor within my planetary system."
"As a random question what was that thing you expelled from your body?" Dr. Bjarnason asked.
"That is one of my eggs, and when someone of my species expels an egg with the crest flared it means we found a mate. I hope this doesn't offend you or break any ethics." Junno answered.
Dr. Bjarnason replies "I'm not offended at all, fortunately I was in hopes to study the mating habits of different intergalactic species."
"Do you have any issue with me laying eggs in you for study?" Junno asks.
Dr. Bjarnason replies, "I don't see any chance of our facility receiving any Euphorian mating partners here anytime soon. Plus you don't look half bad yourself."
Junno inserts their ovipositor inside Dr. Bjarnason's blubbery navel and thrusts hard as a silver colored fluid gushes out and overflows his navel. Dr. Bjarnason's stomach fills up to 800 pounds and Junno puts the doctor's cock inside his throbbing ovipositor and lays the doctor on his back and the inside of the ovipositor pulsates from the inside, massaging Dr. Bjarnason's sweet, little cock into a stupifying state of ecstasy. He fills Junno's ovipositor with his cum and Junno puts his ovipositor back into the doctor's navel. Junno pumps the doctor full of fertilized eggs and the doctor fills up to 1,830 pounds.
"How does that compare to Earth's way of mating?" Junno asks.
"No wonder your planet is called Euphoria. I can't believe I got knocked up by an E.T. princess. You are a girl, right?" Dr. Bjarnason replies and massages his belly.
"By my planet's medical standards and yours yes, is there a problem that I identify as male and that we are both fathering this clutch?" Junno answered with a question as well.
Dr. Bjarnason replied, "Not at all, I'm bisexual so I think this is all a turn on that I am having relations with an entity that has an exterior that emulates both sexes."
To be continued:
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Love Least Expected Part 10
When Jake and Samu had all of the luggage in the car.
Samu wrapped his arms around Jake's tiny waist and said "I'm here for you always through better or worse".
Jake choked up and said "Thanks." Jake placed his tiny hand on Samu's big forearm.
Jake grabbed his bag and Samu followed him out of the apartment to the parking garage.
"Samu? I have a weird question." Jake stated
Samu looked over at Jake as both of them neared the elevator, "What is it Jake?" He asked.
"With the engagement and my medical status, have you ever thought of wanting a family? I ask since there are a lot of options even ranging to adoption." Jake responded.
Samu responded, "I eventually hope so, why?"
Jake responded, "I always saw myself becoming a father. Hopefully be better than mine."
When they arrived on their floor Samu looked over at Jake, and said "We are engaged, you're in your 20's, and pre t pre op. Are you sure that your dysphoria could take going seahorse?"
Jake responded "You have never seen me as less of a man, so why limit myself. Also look on the upside my cooking could get better if we went seahorse."
Samu thought to himself, "He's not wrong, his pregnancy cravings could make for even more interesting and appetizing foods."
Both walked to the car and buckled in, "Jake, when we gradute I will have you meet my family and work on our wedding arrangements." Samu stated.
While Jake was driving, Samu munched away on the treats in the cooler as they were nearing Connecticut.
"So where should one of us live when we become husbands?"Jake asked to kill the awkward silence.
Samu responded, "I think you'll like where I live, you get to see the Northern lights among other things."
"That has always been on my bucket list, I tried catching it in Canada and got rained on." Jake replied
They stopped at a rest stop to use the bathroom and get some gas when they were nearing New Hampshire. Samu came out with a few bags of chips, some candy bars to try out, and a couple boxes of taquitos.
As Jake was paying for the gas Samu offered Jake one of his taquitos and a bottle of water. Jake took the offer since he barely ate anything and was still 2 days into his period and kissed Samu on his pillowy lips "I thought feedees didn't like sharing their food." Said Jake while puzzled.
Samu responded, "You're in mourning and losing blood, I don't need you get depressed and risk you passing out behind the wheel on me. You haven't eaten in almost 6 hours, and you barely ate at the wake."
Jake gingerly bit into the taquito and got back onto the highway to near Massachusetts. Jake looked at the car clock and it read 10:30pm as Samu was leaned back, asleep in his seat. Jake nibbled a bit more on his taquito and decided to turn on the radio to see if he could find anything, but no avail. The snow fell as he was nearing the toll booth for Vermont he looked at the clock again it read 11:30pm. He paid the toll and arrived in the apartment parking lot.
Jake pecks Samu on the cheek and whispers, "We're home babe."
Samu smiled and groggly got up and helped Jake with the luggage and called it a night.
6 Months later in Oulu, Finland.
Jake woke up and felt odd, he knew that just a month after they graduated they decided to try for kids. Jake put some sausage on the stove to fry up for a breakfast burrito for Samu but instead the smell made Jake so nauseous. Jake ran into the bathroom the moment the sausage was ready to be set asside and vomited so loudly it woke up Samu.
"Jake, are you okay?!" Samu inquired as he knocked on the door.
Jake responded, "Yes, give me 5 minutes."
Jake pulled open the drawer and took out a pee test and drank some water from the tap before going on the first test. He peed on the test and let it set before taking out the second one. The first one came up positive "Lets see what our verdict is." Jake thought to himself silently as he peed on the second one. He set the second test asside and washed his hands to pass the time, when the time was up the second one came up positive. Jake opened the door and said to Samu "Merihevonen(seahorse)" as he pointed to the tests.
Samu saw the tests and hugged Jake. Jake asked, "You ready for another long, crazy fun journey?"
Samu responded, "I wouldn't have it any other way." As he placed his hand on Jake's abdomen.
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Love Least Expected Part 9
When Jake woke up he quietly grabbed one of Samu's hoodies and quietly left Samu's room to grab his black pinstripe suit from the back of the door. Jake grabbed his tin of Kiwi black shoe polish to shine his shoes to be extra sure to look his best, grabbed his personal blend of cologne which was frankincense and sage. Set everything on his bed and went to make Samu some bacon roses, and nutella on toast with some cherry milkshake.
Jake took the small breakfast over to Samu's room and left it on the bedside table and kissed Samu on his big, pillowy left cheek before heading to the shower.
Samu caught a whiff of the bacon and nutella and woke up when Jake was in the shower washing up.
Samu dug into the toast with a slow, savoring nature by picking off one of the meaty, greasy, salty blossoms before taking a bite of the toast to get the rest of the sweet flavor of the nutella on his tongue to blend with the bacon.
By the time Jake was washed and walking out in his robe and fresh pair of Thinx Samu was drinking the cherry milkshake and daydreaming of last night's sexual encounter with Jake.
Samu's daydream was interrupted by Jake saying "Huomenta korvapusti(Good morning cinnamon roll)" Samu stopped slurping his milkshake and responded "And a good morning to you too my sweet, little wake up call."
"Ready to help me with the eulogy or do you still need a moment?" Jake asked
Samu responded, " Yeah I'll need a moment to freshen up and get dressed."
"Okay" Jake responds and heads to his room to get dressed and slick back his hair.
"Jake?" Samu calls out.
"What is it babe?" Jake responds.
"I don't have a suit." Samu replies.
"Not to worry, my mother and I will help you out." Jake assured him.
Jake made a scrambled egg and a small piece of toast with garlic, salt, and olive oil on it.
Roksana handed Jake some cash and assured him by saying "Tell your uncle Reggie that you need one quick and classy for Samu since the funeral won't be until around 2:00pm."
"Sure thing mom we have about a good 5 hours which should give us some ground to cover." Jake reassured her as Samu entered the kitchen with his dishes in a white button down, a black tee shirt, khaki slacks, and black loafers.
Both of them rushed off to the tailor shop his uncle owned down the block and walked into the shop with the little bell on the door ringing as they walked into a huge showroom of suits and dress shoes. Jake screamed "Uncle Reggie, you free at the moment?!"
Reggie walked out from the back room tall, lanky, and with jet black hair with a few silver streaks on his widow's peak wearing a black, velvet suit with a pair of silver, semi circle, half rimmed glasses, sporting a pair of black patent leather dress shoes.
"Do you carry a size 5XL or a 6XL?" Jake asked as he was hugging onto Samu's right arm.
"Jake you haven't changed a bit my crazy nephew, you always dated the big and tall section despite being so darn tiny."Reggie chuckled from his booming voice and grabbed a few black suits from both the 5 and 6XL area with a dress shirt while Jake looked at shoes for Samu.
Samu tried on the first suit from the 5XL in a pin stripe similar to Jake's and asked "How does it look?!"
Jake looked over at Reggie and asked "Do you have something modern but flattering?"
Reggie responded, "No problem and had Samu try out a classic, black, modern cut in a 6XL for some give."
Jake responded "It's perfect." He reached for the cash and also asked, "How much for the tie, pocket square, and shoes as well?"
Reggie refused the money and said "He's part of the family now."
Jake blushed and thanked him.
"We were talking while you were picking out the shoes, tie, and square and I noticed he was wearing your mother's engagement ring on a chain around his neck". Reggie pointed out.
Jake responded, "He met your brother just minutes before he died, he wanted Samu to take care of me and handed us Mom's engagement ring before he flat lined. It was what he wanted."
Reggie choked up, "He didn't want you to be alone and he was afraid because you were being yourself would make you lonely. He found out from Sister Eusebius, he didn't know how to react after all that had happened."
Jake handed Reggie the last written words of his brother. Reggie unfolded the piece of paper and choked up.
Jake asked, "Would you like to sit down and have me grab some water from the break room?" Reggie sat down and responded, "Yeah, you'll find some bottles in the fridge."
Jake dashed to the back and opened up the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and dashed back to hand his uncle the water.
Reggie cracked the bottle of water open and took a sip and sighed very deeply to regain his composure on the grey, leather, antique style, lobby sofa while Samu sat on a black, velvet chaise, and Jake sat on an electric blue, velvet seti.
Jake took out his olive green Moleskin book to get started in on writing the eulogy and asked his uncle "Would you like us to stick around a bit longer or should we all head off to the funeral home?"
Reggie responded, "Stay a while, heck both of you help yourselves to the food and the scotch that I have in the filing cabinet in my office."
Jake dashed into the office and reached into the third drawer at the top and shifted the false folders in the back forward and took out the decanter of Dimple Pinch Scotch and grabbed the shot glasses from the back of the very bottom drawer.
He dashed back out and put the bottle of scotch and the shot glasses on the glass top of the coffee table and let Reggie pour the scotch since he was their host.
He served Samu first, Jake grabbed his in suit, and Reggie grabbed his last.
Jake asked, " Should I do the eulogy or would you like to be the one to do the honor?"
Reggie leaned in while slowly nursing his scotch and Samu putting his large hand on Jake's tiny shoulder.
"I ask since I'm still trying to process your brother acting like a father to me for once just literally minutes before he slipped off of the mortal coil." Jake choked up.
"I understand." Reggie replied
Jake handed him the tortoise shell patterned pen with cherry blossoms enameled on it and the tiny olive green moleskin book.
Samu held Jake and said "Let it out, we all need the release."
Jake cried into his shoulder as Samu swigged the scotch.
Reggie got to writing as Jake tried to find his composure before drinking the shot glass of scotch.
When Jake regained his composure despite still in the state of bereavement Reggie completed writing the eulogy.
Jake prepared himself to clear the coffee table and Samu gestured and said " I'll pick it up, you two have taken a lot."
Jake responded still choked up, "All three of us have been through a lot."
Samu cleared the table and asked, "Where do you store the scotch?"
Reggie responded "In the back of the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet in my office."
Samu went to the break room to put the shot glasses in the sink to wash them later and entered the office to put the scotch in its hiding place. While Reggie locked up the back door. Samu returned to the break room to quickly wash and rinse the shot glasses. He returned to the showroom to meet Jake and Reggie.
All three of them left the shop and Reggie locked the front door and caught a taxi to head to the funeral home to make it 30 minutes early. The viewing was still in progress.
They greeted and shook hands with the relatives.
Roksana was by the casket crying, while Jake and Samu were greeting Jake's siblings along with his sister-in-law and future brother-in-law. Roksana held the hand of her husband and kisses him for the last time before going to her seat.
Jake and Samu excused themselves to the "restroom" when in actuality they walked into the showroom of caskets and spotted one designed to fit a 600 pound person.
Jake whispered "Let's wake up the dead, I feel a touch of rigor mortis setting in below my belt".
Samu laid on his back as Jake straddled his stomach and closed the lid. Samu felt under Jake's dress pants as Jake kissed Samu with a burning passion and ground his clit into Samu's stomach, Jake grinded into Samu harder and it built up to thrusting that caused the casket to rumble.
When they were in the middle of climaxing the funeral director who was a close friend of the family opened the casket. Jake apologized profusely to Zhair Simon, the funeral director and he responded, "It's no big deal, you're not the first living couple to be caught waking the dead in an empty casket. I saw 5 crazy instances of widowed spouses pulling necrophila where I had to report all of them to the authorities.
Both of them went to their seats just 5 minutes shy of the service starting.
Reggie walked up to the podium with the tiny, green book in tow. He stated "I guess all of you know why we are here. We are here to mourn the loss of Giovanni Pietro Moretti. Admired son, loving brother, committed husband, devoted father, and innovative business man." My nephew along with his fiancé was able to get his last words in writing. Reggie started to cry Jake, held Samu's hand and both of them walked up to the podium after reassuring him. Jake took the paper.
Jake stated, " I know all of you if not most of you may remember my father speaking fondly of a daughter while speaking of her in grief about her becoming a man, I am to put the claims to rest along with him in a positive nature. I'll read this in exerpted form. He wrote "I will try my best to understand who you are besides it'll be my last hours with the son I never knew I had and the partner of his choosing." He gave me my mother's engagement ring and said "I want to go into eternity knowing my boy isn't alone." He told Samu to take care of me and asked for my prefered name before he left us.
The minister went in and did the formal service stuff and the casket was carried to the cemetery. Jake, Samu, Reggie, Piotr, Guido, and Zhair carried the casket to the resting place as a Catholic priest chanted the funeral rights in Gregorian.
After the service was done. Everyone went to the restaurant that Giovanni built his life around that went over to Roksana for the wake. Samu comforted Jake as he dug into the food in that was served buffet style in the huge dinning hall. He asked Jake "Would you like something honey?"
Jake replied, "Some water and 8 pieces of gnocchi."
Samu asked, " Are you sure? You are 2 days into your period, there is no shame in trying to get a meal in when in grief."
Jake nodded and Samu grabbed a glass of water, a small thing of minestrone soup, and a big plate of gnocchi with alfredo to share with Jake.
Jake was able to eat half of the soup, and muster to eat a quarter of the gnocchi.
Samu said "I'm glad that you're trying to manage through the pain."
They both thanked Jake's mother and said their goodbyes to everyone and returned to the apartment to pack their bags and return to Vermont.
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