#feel free 2 ask 4 clarification or like if u wanna kno anything else i had 2 leave som stuff out 4 the sake of at least slight brevity lmal
scourge-sympathiser · 3 years
basicz of the jay AU tht i tried 2 keep short but failed pretty bad would put a read more but alaz im on mobile yr just gonna hav 2 scroll past sorry
so jaypaw is full on forced into the med den whn hollypaw quitz & he becomez super bitter & blamez her, sabotaging his relationship with his siblingz [lionpaw as well as he understandably stood up for hollypaw agasint his unfair jabz] the dark forest also approchez him but just piss him off further whn itz clear tht thy also think he could only be a medicine cat.... jaypaw startz training on his own by watching & copying thingz from othr catz dreamz, bcuz of this he catchez on 2 cat hellz planz of recruitment...... he ambushez & killz all the df catz who actually kno How to get into the dreamz of living catz within said dreamz
parallel 2 this brambleclaw haz started 2 notice his sonz increasing bitterness and antisocial behavior, how disconnected he is from both the clan but evn more worryingly his formerly extreamly close siblingz.... misreading the situation he assumez jaypaw is training within the dark forest..... at this point jaypaw haz also started sneaking out at night to train in the tunnelz as he needz 2 build up real muscle which he cant do within dreamz, brambleclaw followz him with the intention 2 talk him out of training in the df....... thy get into a huge argument & jaypaw, extreamly worked up & desensitized to killing blowz at this point, lungez towardz brambleclaw
brambleclaw preparez 2 fight back but endz up giving in without doing so bcuz of how much jaypaw reminded him of hawkfrost in tht moment & he just couldnt bring himself to take the life of another loved one
jaypaw killz his own father in one blow, somthing he did aim to do- but didnt actually think he Would be able 2, u kno?
he returnz 2 thunderclan & in a short bit the whole clan realizez brambleclaw is missing... for a while jaypaw stickz around but very quickly is unable to deal with his own resentment of the clan mixed with the experience of his mothrz growing distress at his fathrz disappearance, plus the guilt and confusion from he feelz from killing said fathr..... he cant take it anymore & runz away- but not before talking to his siblingz for the first time in moonz && telling thm 2 check the tunnelz
unsure of where 2 evn go jaypaw [who had long since begun refering to himself in his head as jay, his own little way of spiteing & disowning starclan] decided to head towardz where he waz Pretty sure the old forest, skirting around the mountain, of course he didnt actually Kno where the forest waz and he ended up just off track enough to happen apon skyclan
at this point he hadnt rly worked thru a lot of his issuez but the long travel time spent alone had made him realize just how much he missed being around othr catz despite evrything... so whn he met a skyclan patrol he ended up introducing himself as the rogue jay & asking to stay the night in camp to rest.. and thn hunting somthing 4 thm in the morning as a thank u... rinse n repeat with varing excusez until the grouchy tom waz essentially apart of the clan, though he asked leafstar to let him keep his name simply jay, a request she accepted
& thn skyclan haz 2 travel 2 the lake n suddenly jay is faced with the possibility of returning to the place he had left- his new family in skyclan learning tht he Lied about his past & the possibility tht his old family in thunderclan kno Wht He Did........... or going somwhere else, having to be Alone again aftr finally having managed to prove himself & feel like he belongz aftr oh so many moonz
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