#feel free to throw some name ideas in the tags/replies i lowkey wanna see everyones names for him 馃憖
theyreallgaylol 10 months
I love that we as a fandom have collectively agreed that Gareth's last name is Emerson, but no one can agree on what the fourth Corroded Coffin/Hellfire member's first name is lmao
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chimchimsauce 5 years
Hit or Miss (3)
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In a desperate attempt to rebuke the advances of her overly energetic coworker, YN asks her quiet roommate Jungkook to pretend to be her boyfriend until Taehyung lays off. But YN comes to realize that there鈥檚 more to the quiet man than she could have ever imagined.
I guess they never miss, huh?
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Chapter Two
Chapter Three - Just One Day
The Sociology professor's words are slow and boring, the middle-aged man having the inflection of a robot. Regardless, YN tries her best to pay attention, scribbling down anything that might be useful for the upcoming final.
The rest of her classmates don't seem to share her intense desire to do well in his course. Half of them are blatantly knocked out, one guy a few rows ahead of her even snoring loudly. One girl is dazed all the way out, chewing loudly on a piece of bubble gum and blowing a large pink bubble every so often.
But the most distracting people to YN's concentration have to be the three girls right behind her who are not so subtly whispering. At first, YN wasn't paying them any attention but she perked up a bit when she caught Jungkook's name coming off of one of their lips. Normally, she wouldn't really care, but now that she's apparently dating him, she can't help but be curious.
YN still doesn't know much about Jungkook at all so gossip could give her a bit of an idea of how he usually carries himself around people.
Still taking notes but now half paying attention to the lesson, Yn ever so slightly leans back a bit and moves her hair out of the way, listening in as best she can.
"Really? He's really dating now?" One girl asks.
Her hair is pulled tightly into a sleek ponytail that must have taken half a can of hairspray to achieve. She looks like she's just stepped out of the hottest new beauty guru's glam makeup tutorial. A bit much for just a day in class, but who is YN to judge?
"Yeah, the whole music department's been talking about it ever since someone saw Jungkook and his band with this girl last week," girl number two says.
She almost looks like a clone of the first girl. Their faces are identical but that has more to do with contouring than with relation.
"But I thought Jungkook didn't date. He doesn't even hook up at parties and stuff," girl three says.
She's dressed a lot more like YN who wears a simple shorts and t-shirt combo. It is beginning to get hot.
"You think that they're just friends?"
"No, Jungkook doesn't have friends. Well, none that aren't part of his band,"
"Damn, I wish that were me. Jungkook could honestly step on me and I'd apologize for messing up his shoes," Ponytail says.
"Oof, true. Have you seen his body? That boy is so fine," Clone says, fanning herself.
"He could come up to me right now and get me to do anything, honestly," T-shirt says.
"That's cuz you're a hoe,"
"Where's the lie, though?"
"I wonder what made him choose her of all people. JK has girls throwing themselves at him everywhere he goes,"
"I don't know. From what I've heard, she isn't all that pretty. Not ugly, but definitely not on his level. He could do so much better," Ponytail says with her nose up in the air.
YN feels a quick flash of hurt, not having expected to be insulted.
"Oh, like you?" T-shirt retorts.
"Well, apparently he isn't interested since he turned you down at the last frat party,"
Ponytail huffs and YN decides not to listen to them anymore, not wanting to hear anything else these girls have to say.
She's distracted the rest of class, thoughts drifting off to Ponytail's comment. YN knew Jungkook was on another level but did she really look so out of place next to him that people felt the need to comment on it?
YN is startled when everyone stands as class is dismissed, the girl too lost in her thoughts to notice that it was winding down. She packs up wordlessly and leaves, walking home by instinct.
YN hasn't seen much of Jungkook since she hung out with him and his friends in their practice room. His schedule clashed with hers entirely, meaning she only interacted with him right before she leaves in the morning as he's just getting back home.
So nothing's really changed since they've made their agreement expect that Taehyung doesn't bother her anymore. As a matter of fact, he hardly speaks to her at all, only giving her a courtesy smile whenever they pass each other between the shelves. Even though YN's glad to be free of his annoying babbling, she is a bit concerned by the complete one-eighty his personality has taken.
Maybe she and Jungkook can already "break up". Even though he insisted that he genuinely likes her, YN doesn't really believe him. She doesn't think that he's lying, per se, but she doesn't think he's being truthful either. How can you like someone without really knowing them? Even if you count the time they spent together last week, that certainly isn't enough time to develop true romantic feelings.
YN sighs. All this thinking and over thinking is beginning to make her head hurt. She'll take some aspirin and lay down for a nap before tackling homework and getting up for her shirt at the library.
The air conditioning is welcome against her slightly sticky skin. YN plops her bag on the floor haphazardly, not caring enough to place it in her bedroom. A quick trip to the bathroom and YN finds the bottle she's looking for, shaking out two white pills. She'd take them in the bathroom but she detests tap water, instead traveling back into the small kitchen and rifling through the fridge for something cold and refreshing. She's confused when she sees a bottle with a bright green sticky note attached to it.
Pulling it out, YN is pleasantly surprised to realize it's her favorite drink. She'd run out of them a few weeks ago and hadn't had the chance to go pick more up from the grocery store.
Make sure to stay hydrated - JK
YN can't help but smile. She takes her medicine and sits on the couch, intending on finishing it before she heads to bed. She's almost done, maybe one or two more swallows left, when the front door beeps, Jungkook stepping inside.
"Hey," she replies, watching as she brushes his hair out of his eyes and adjusts his backpack on his shoulder.
"You're home early,"
"Yeah, the professor canceled class,"
"Oh," YN says, suddenly feeling kind of awkward.
She's not sure how to act around him and his confession did nothing to help.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"No, not yet. I was planning to grab something before my shift started,"
"That's hours from now, though. Let's get something together,"
"Okay," YN says, not seeing any real reason to deny him.
Now that she thinks about it, she is kind of hungry.
"Just give me a minute to put this away and then we can go," he says, flicking his head at his bag.
"Yeah, sure. Me too," YN says, picking up her backpack and awkwardly smiling at him before retreating into her room to put it away.
Jungkook's constant cleanliness had never motivated her to keep her own things tidy before, but now YN finds herself wanting to make a good impression on him even though they've technically known each other way past the good impressions phase.
Jungkook chuckles, still in the living room, before shaking his head and going to his own room.
Not even three minutes later, the couple leaves their apartment, walking down the sunny sidewalk.
"Any clue where you wanna eat?" Jungkook asks her standing so close that their arms bush as they walk.
"Not really. I'm good with anything, really," she says.
"Yeah, that'd be good!" YN says.
It's been a while since she's had a really good burger.
The two of them take the city bus downtown where there are more restaurant options available. The somewhat stinky bus is mostly empty, only a little old lady and someone just getting off the graveyard shift the only other people inside. YN and Jungkook sit in comfortable silence, watching the buildings go by. YN gets the feeling that Jungkook isn't much of a talker, that he's more the type to simply enjoy another person's company without feeling the need to fill the space between them with chatter.
It makes it easy to relax around him.
Before long, the bus pulls up to their stop, YN and Jungkook exiting to the busy streets.
"Where are we headed?"
"You've never been here before?" Jungkook asks, surprise evident.
"I haven't been most places," YN says, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Well, it's just a cluster of shops and places to eat. A lot of students come here on the weekends or after class,"
YN nods her head, stepping closer to Jungkook due to the large number of people going by. The last thing she needs is to get lost in a place she's never been at before. After nearly being separated after a man rams straight into her, Jungkook takes YN's hand, squeezing it in reassurance. Thankfully, Five Guys isn't as packed as the rest of the shopping center, the couple is able to find a table without a problem.
Once food is ordered, they fill their soda cups and sit on the hard bench. Jungkook props his head on his hands, watching her silently as she sips her soda.
"I've missed you," he says.
"I haven't gone anywhere,"
"Still. I've missed you. I hadn't realized how little I actually see you,"
YN's heart flutters slightly and she feels herself begin to blush. She clears her throat.
"Well, we'll be on break soon, so I guess we'll see each other more often," YN says, voice quieter than she'd like it to.
Jungkook's smile is instantaneous and bright.
"Yeah, I guess we will,"
"So, uh, how have your classes been going?" YN asks him.
"Fine. I'm just waiting for them to be over,"
"Yeah, me too. This semester has really been exhausting. I'm ready for the sweet, sweet, release of summer break,"
"Mm. I'm excited to be done with school but I'm not too sure that I'm really ready to be out in the adult world,"
Before YN can ask him to elaborate, their order is called, two beautifully silver foiled burgers and a cup of hand-cut fries shoved in a brown paper bag. Jungkook stands up and retrieves the food and they both dig in, occasionally brushing fingers as they eat their shared fries. For a moment, YN just watches him, watching the way he seems so natural here, less like that untouchable stranger he was only weeks ago.
It's not that he's any less gorgeous or unknown to her, but this is one of the first times that he seems normal, like he really might be just another young man instead of the sexy enigma she's always believed him to be.
"Do I have something on my face?" Jungkook asks.
"What?" YN says, slightly startled, "No, there's not. I just . . . got distracted,"
Jungkook smiles slightly.
"So when are you going to prove it?" YN asks in a sudden bout of unexplainable courage.
He lifts an eyebrow before smirking slightly and taking her hand.
"Just you wait," he says, winking at her.
Somehow they both know that he's already begun.
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