#feel like calvin's dad writing this post
wayslidecool · 11 months
did you know? the words "meta" and "metagame" in competitive gaming come from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, where Meta Knight was the best character in the game, to such an extent where the rest of the fighters in the game became defined by how good they were compared to Meta Knight. players and detractors of Brawl alike would begin referring to it as "the Meta Knight Game" and later "the Meta Game" for short, due to Meta Knight's overwhelming dominance of the competitive scene
this terminology would eventually begin spreading to other competitive games, where game-defining weapons/characters/etc. would end up being referred to as "the Meta," since they were that game's equivalent to Meta Knight. "the Meta Game" would also go on to take on a new meaning, now being the process of finding out what weapons/fighters/etc. could be considered "the Meta"
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