#feeling FUCKINF insane about him today I had to stop myself from typing more god help me
aroacedindjarin · 1 year
thinking about boba fett and his sense of identity. how insane his situation is yet how much i relate to his unwavering determination to carve out a place in the galaxy for himself. not just in terms of a reputation and credits, but making himself a family. a home. trying again and again until he gets it right.
losing it all after his father was murdered. putting what little trust he had in various bounty hunters and expecting betrayal. preparing for it. as a literal child. becoming completely self-reliant, having no one but himself to pick himself up after he gets knocked down again and again. learning from every injury. every failure. getting to the very top of jabba’s empire and still getting knocked down into the sarlacc pit in a moment of bad luck. being left for dead. crawling his way back out. every moment of his life has been a fight. he never stops fighting. his whole life revolves around his ability to fight, and not stop fighting. even his years spent with the tusken tribe who became like family to him centred entirely around his ability to fight. it’s all he knows how to do. fight with his fists and his weapons but also the mental fight. the fight to learn from his enemies. to get beaten by them and still reach out a hand to them afterwards because it’s not personal. it’s never personal. nobody knows him without his father’s helmet he’s just one of a million identical faces.
imagine being a literal clone of your father. and your father is jango fett, the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, so insanely skilled they modelled a whole army from his genetics and chose the parts that they wanted. but you’re the only unaltered version of him. all the parts they didn’t want to keep; all the parts they wanted to change and “improve”. you’re all of him. the good and bad too. all of his legacy. you have to be everything he is, was and will be after he’s gone. you were made to be him. he’s raising you to be him. you don’t hate him for it, he loves you and you love him and it’s all you’ve ever known. and then he dies. who are you without him? who are you going to be?
boba fett. just a simple man making his way through the galaxy.
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