#feeling very ‘ehh not sure’ abt first bullet tho bc rj’s writing is a permanent brainworm fixture for me like it would probably feel
aldieb · 7 months
rereading new spring for the first time in ~10 years… takes thus far:
coming back to the series after a whileeee has me approaching the repetitive character/culture/clothing descriptions from a different angle, ie “could this function like homeric epithets but for helping the reader rather than the narrator find their way?” like, there are so many words. long-ass books. and whenever i get to the old familiar “copper-skinned domani, arafellins with their hair in braids, etc” in a crowd scene or w/e my brain kind of breathes a sigh of relief and i coast along for a while before going back into active processing mode. still lmao at the prevalence of the description “unfortunate nose” tho. the phrasing just tickles me
i’m only 100 pages in and twice moiraine has been confronted with information about sex and thought about how she obviously has no problem considering this subject bc she has seen horses give birth. iconic tbh
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