#feels so cool to own these original prints aaaa
la-cocotte-de-paris · 5 months
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I can't remember if I showed these already (I'm sure I did) but anyways...I love these prints I own 💖💖💖
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florenceisfalling · 3 years
HI THIS IS RLY RANDOM BUT ive been thinking about how cool all my mutual's versions of jameson are and i realized i barely know too much about your interpretation?? so if u feel like it could i have some fun facts about ur boy???? like a basic run-down of the jamie in the Florence Lore. if u feel like it of course. i want to learn more about him 🥺
AAAA HELLO! ur version of jameson is way cooler than mine but i'd love to share :3
ok i was just going to do point-by-point fun facts but ended up going into way too much detail. sorry. u do not have to read it all. but more stuff under the cut!!
back in his original era, my jameson had lots of different jobs as a kid. once a paperboy, once a shoe-shiner, once doing deliveries. but what he really wanted was to be an actor!!
as he got older he grew obsessed with theatre, but often only had the opportunity to play brief side characters due to people not taking his disability into consideration. he didn't have as much fun with minor parts like that, so he started working with costumes and music instead. he had an awesome time doing it, learned a lot of skills from it!! once silent films started to grow more popular, he got really excited because it was a format that could easily include him!!!!
he worked with those when he could, and used his costuming skills to become a tailor :3
but that's all of his backstory that didn't... actually... happen. just false memories...
(to those unaware here's a speedrun of one of my big lore points: the egos did not actually exist before anti and jack accidentally created them, but they had full sets of false memories and the universe just kind of bended to jack's will)
as far as what Actually happened: jameson suddenly becomes real and feels like he "snaps out of it" or "wakes up" in fall 2017, roaming the streets of a city he doesn't recognize. full of lots of big scary machines and lights and confusing nonsense. he starts to panic and gets really badly lost and hurt, and someone helps him to a homeless shelter where he stays until jackie finds him.
fast forward! after he gets adjusted to the egos and the new world..
he finds a new job - once again as a tailor! it's a really fancy shop, high quality suits for only the most refined gentlefolk... he loves working there and feeling super fancy, but on his own time he likes wearing real crazy-patterned fluffy sweaters, and button-downs printed with kittens on them, etcetera.
he still does theatre too! more places are willing to find better roles for him these days!
jj loves to cook! he's good at pretty much anything, and his cooking has quickly turned into all the egos' favorite comfort food, but he ESPECIALLY likes to bake. sweet treats all around! he's nearly always got cookies in the kitchen jar. definitely the grandma friend of the group.
he also enjoys piano, and makes guest appearances playing at marvin's shows! he also has played with anti a few times when anti was in a bad mood and needed a way to de-stress without hurting anyone.
speaking of which, out of the egos, jameson is typically the best at talking anti out of making horrible decisions. whereas jackie is too direct, henrik and marvin are too aggressive, and chase is too passive, jameson is really good at reaching out and comforting anti without letting anti walk all over him. he's gentle but he is stubborn and is good at using his kindness as manipulation (though he does his absolute best not to misuse that skill).
he also keeps the other egos in check and makes sure their falling-outs between each other are short-lived. whenever they need someone to talk to for advice, they typically go to jameson. he gives wonderful hugs and he wants the best for them.
he lives in the same flat as jackie and chase, and his decor has sort of spread throughout the whole place- he's made embroidered curtains for the kitchen and bought lots of nice tea sets to use. he's also super sentimental and has pictures of all his friends hanging up everywhereeee. and lots of clocks of course :)
he's aro and gay :3
last but of course not least, he did gain time powers in his creation, and they usually manifest in small ways- glimpses of the future, never showing up late, a knack for nearly-inhuman perfect timing. however, they may manifest in bigger ways. this might not be the first timeline. maybe he tried to save someone. maybe it didn't work. maybe he tried to save someone again. maybe it didn't work. maybe he tried again and again and this is the best he could manage. who knows, though? all hypotheticals. right?
thank u sm for asking and sorry i ranted so much aaaaaaaa thank u thank u
tl;dr: james is from the past, he's an actor and tailor and he loves to bake, play piano, and take care of the boys. he's the grandma friend and he has time powers!!
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