feenmies · 9 months
feenie's dbh fic masterlist!!
i don't write much. as will become obvious in like. 2 seconds But when i DO i'll update this . probably. maybe. links + summaries under the cut
simarkus | oneshot | T | 2.4k | getting together | fluff | first kiss
fall at your feet
Simon discovers his affection isn't as one-sided as he thought.
i was born (to love you)
simarkus | oneshot | T | 5.1k | established relationship fluff | post-revolution | jericrew friendship!!!!
Three times work gets in the way of Simon and Markus' relationship, and one time it doesn't.
faulty cables
simarkus | oneshot | T | 2.7k | pre-relationship | stratford tower fix-it | hurt/comfort
When Simon returns from Stratford Tower, Markus makes sure he's taken care of properly.
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