#fehr and mo's roswell rewatch
guerins · 4 years
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“How did you guys manage to stay so close so many years after dating?”
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garylapointe · 4 years
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Roswell rewatch on Wednesday!
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guerins · 4 years
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I think Nick made that up.
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guerins · 4 years
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brendan & majandra’s insta live // ‘behind the music’ for @the-whole-long-stupid-story
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guerins · 4 years
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Remember... I think it was Carol. Remember what she used to do with Jason’s bangs?
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guerins · 4 years
Brendan replied to me on Twitter. I am deceased. Goodbye.
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guerins · 4 years
credit for this vid goes to mireya ♥
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guerins · 4 years
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majandra delfino’s insta story
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guerins · 4 years
Video 1 - Part 1
Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr's instagram live on 4/20/20 (first live) They watched the episode "Heat Wave" from Roswell with the fans. Video 1 of 5. 
Credit: Mireya
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guerins · 4 years
Brendan and Majandra watch the episode "The Departure" from Roswell while talking to their fans on 07/15/20.
Credit: Mireya
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guerins · 4 years
a little summary of fehr and mo’s insta live
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HEAT WAVE RE-WATCH - April 20th (2020)
It took Brendan a minute to figure out how to add Majandra to the live feed.
She was wearing a sickass robe. Said robe was discussed like halfway the feed.
They were both drinking. Brendan: red wine and vodka. Majanda: who knows (I think it was also wine. I don’t remember if she said it, though)
Did they toast each other you ask? They sure did. Glasses clinked the screens; I shit you not
Majandra said she wanted to watch the episode beforehand, to prepare herself.
She did. But only the beginning because she could not get through the first scene due to embarrassment.
On the live feed we saw her embarrassment fist hand. Brendan was also feeling weird about it.
She kept looking away, talking to distract herself.
He said the reason why he kept talking while the scene was on, was so he could distract himself from what was happening on the screen as well.
They discussed Majandra’s sweeping abilities -or lack thereof- and Brendan’s mom being on set while they filmed that make-out scene at the crashdown.
They were dating while they filmed that ep. They were on the early stages of ‘courting’ as Majandra put it, so Brendan’s mom being on set did make her nervous.
Brendan said they should not have been making out on the floor of the diner. He said something along the lines of ‘That place if full of cooking grease!’
He shared a little anecdote about how he was on his trailer one day, someone knocks on his door, he opens and ‘oh, majandra delfino is there’
She went to him to rehearse their first kiss. They barely knew each other. Hated each other (she more than him, apparently). And she went and said she needed to see what he kissed llike to prepare herself for the actual scene. So, they would rehearse the kiss scenes. They would make out on his trailer and then film the scenes. Yes, SCENES. As in, MORE THAN ONE. I repeat, this happened MORE THAN ONCE. Majandra claimed she wanted to know what it would be like, so it’d look/ feel good on screen.
Majandra said she now realizes how unprofessional that was, but at the time she didn’t think it was weird. Brendan, on the other hand, thought it was a weird thing to do and still does. Not that she refused to kiss her back then tho…
The hair was a big topic of discussion.
Majandra kept apologizing about hers.
Although they both praised Brendan’s hair.
Brendan said he still has that red shirt from when they’re making out at the eraser room. He said one of his daughters wears it all the time.
Hey, did you guys know the girl playing Vicky Delaney (Kyle’s date at the soap factory) was actually a 40 year-old woman?! Huh. Go figure.
Majandra saying to Brendan that they are now the age the actress is and they don’t look nearly as good. Brendan agreeing.
Majandra said she loved Liz’s voice. That she loved how Shiri would sound different when she played Liz.
The love they got for Diane (Amy Deluca)!!!! Majandra said she was too young to be playing her mom.
Brendan saying how he can now appreciate the grownups scenes and how cool it was that Bill Sadler (Valenti) got to have that storyline with Diane. How he didn’t care about the adult scenes back then because he was kind of a dick and whenever he saw the scenes with the grown-up actors, he’d ask why those scenes were even necessary.
Majandra agreeging. She said that whenever she watched ‘My so-called life’ she would hate the adults scenes because they were boring in her eyes.
They now realize those scenes were actually very important.
Majandra: He looks like a baby! Look at his clothes.
Brendan: He was great. I love this relationship he had with Liz. Maria was the best friend but he was also there…
Majandra: Yeah, it was like a trio.
Brendan: (or was it Majandra who said this?) He was the third sister.
Majandra: But Maria was number one. [laughs]
They discussed the turtle neck. Or, as Brendan put it, the ball of yarn Majandra was wearing.
This was a good hair day for Brendan btw, just in case you were wondering. He confirmed it.
The Stargazer relationship was talked about. They had nothing but love for those two.
Brendan addresses Katie’s PJs
Brendan: Katie was really great.
Majandra made the observation of what a sweet guy Alex was to be having this kind of dream about Isabel, and not something entirely different.
Brendan: He even got a tuxedo.
Majandra: Look at the boombox. Like ‘Say Anything.’
Once again, back to the clothes. Brendan’s t-shirt in the bathroom when he and Max talk about how ‘it has gotten complicated’ (Brendan actually said that line twice when this scene came on), he said he still has that shirt and he had to fight to let them wear it on the episode. Apparently, everyone was against it, he had to convince them. The t-shirt has some horses on it.
Brendan also stole a bunch of clothes and memorabilia, Majandra was not so lucky. She went to get some of Maria’s clothes only to find out it was all given to some producer’s daughter. So, when the show was over, she parked her car, opened the trunk and got whatever she could in there. Ended up getting the clothes the adult actors wore.
The way Jason looks at Liz when they’re dealing with the ‘mating ritual’. Majandra said ‘look at Jasons eyes! Ahhhhh’
The golden top maria wears at the soap factory? Majandra didn’t remember it. BRENDAN DID.
What Majandra remembers is that at this point in time in real life, they were sort of on the outs. Mimicking fiction. As they usually did. They were on and off during the entire series and funnily enough, when the characters were fighting, so were they irl. She said that she believed there was a scene in this ep she remembers which means they were sort of fighting.
They talked about how it was also difficult filming when they were on a fight irl but Maria and Michael were doing great. Those were hard days filming. They would come to set and everyone would have to figure out and read the vibe to see how they were doing. Lol.
Majandra saying how it was kind of unbelievable that Isabel would go for a guy like Alex. That she was so beautiful, she looked like she could be dating a college guy. Also, she praised that Isabel chose Alex, she gave the good guy a chance instead of going for a different type.
When they got to the ‘maybe we should have never started this’ Majandra confirmed that they were definitely on the outs irl at this point of the series. She again apologizes for her hair.
Brendan says he was worried about the humidity in this scene because of his hair. He was very protective of his hair. He wouldn’t let anyone touch it. Even today he gets nervous when he goes to get a haircut.
They talked about Valenti’s phone when he’s on a date with Amy. Well, it wasn’t Valenti’s phone, it was the restaurant’s phone but they thought it was Valenti’s cellphone and that he carried it around on his pocked or something. They had a good laugh about it because the phone was huge.
They talked about Majandra’s old phone back in the day. Which was both a cellphone and a walkie. (A nokia, I think they said. It was yellow? I don’t remember the color.)
They could not get through the jail scene. Kept saying ‘when is this gonna end? This jail scene is so long.’ Lol
To be fair, they were right.
They praised Alex for standing up to Valenti. Talked about Liz making the index finger signal as she tells Alex about Max, Michael and Isabel.
Brendan mentions Liz’s crazy eyes in this scene and why Michael was clearly right no to trust her.
Brendan: Look at her, she’s telling him the secret. Knew I couldn’t trust her.
Majandra: Yeah, she’s telling everybody.
Brendan: The bars in the jail. Are they real?
Majandra: What if they started to bend?
[more laughs]
Liz’s roof? All fake. The ladder was short. Not that short though.
Brendan: Yeah, Jason wasn’t on his knees climbing up that ladder.
Majandra: Can you imagine if he was though?
Brendan: Is this their first kiss?
Majandra: It is. I think.
Brendan: He even lifts up her shirt a little! That’s ballsy.
 For the little Q&A
They said they would do the live feed again. Next episode to re-watch would be 285 South (maybe) because that got a lot of votes and they love that episode. Brendan said they should probably do one ep from each season. They talked about B&T. They have a second trailer. They filmed it. (We already knew this. Well…we assumed, but now we know for sure it’s out there.) They are very protective of this new project and getting it done so that’s why they haven’t released the trailer. They are sort of saving it for reasons. They have talked to networks, and continue to work to bring the show to life. There are things they want to keep, easter eggs, like the tobasco bottle, among others, so they are fighting to get those things to stay in the story.
They zoom with Nick and Jason very – and I mean VERY-often. Apparently the four of them are really good friends. They said maybe they could do a live feed with them. And they would also love to have them on B&T, obviously. Actually, they’d love to get as many actors as possible that were on Roswell to join B&T.
They were asked to describe each other in one word. Brendan said the word for Majandra back then wouldn’t be the same as now. They were asked to choose two words to describe each other, one for back then, one for now. Brendan went with ‘Passionate’ and ‘Loyal.’ Majadra said of Brendan he was ‘Blunt’ and now he is ‘LOUD.’ “Crazy, frustrating, agitated, stubborn” were other words to describe each other they used. Majandra said she thought Brendan had a condition, that that was the reason why he talks so loud nowadays. Brendan made sure we all knew that he does not. That’s just the way he talks.
Gags: When Brendan connected for the second video, he had trouble adding Majandra to the live feed (AGAIN) so he grabbed the ipad/tablet/or whatever from where he had it set, to try and work it out. And when Majandra finally appeared on screen, he dropped the ipad/tablet/or whatever to the floor. More specifically to the back of his desk. When he was setting it back on the table, he nearly dropped his glass of wine or flask (?) of vodka. Majandra laughed, he made a panicky funny face.
If I forgot something, I apologize. If remembered something incorrectly (like, who said what) please forgive me, I’m only human. Also, I wrote this down on Monday night after the live feed. Well, it was like, 4 am so… it was actually Tuesday. I was worried if I waited longer, I would forget more details. Anyway, I hope this was helpful somehow. Love you all♥
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guerins · 4 years
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Okay, losers. Let’s do this.
These two are gonna be watching and commenting on ‘Heat Wave (1x09)’ this Monday. So, if you wanna be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience go sign up HERE!
Shout-out to @adampascalfan for keeping me informed ♥
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guerins · 4 years
Video 2 - Part 1
Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr's instagram live on 4/20/20 (2nd live) They watched the episode "Heat Wave" from Roswell with the fans. Video 1 of 2.
Credit: Mireya
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guerins · 4 years
Video 2 - Part 2
Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr's instagram live on 4/20/20 (first live) They watched the episode "Heat Wave" from Roswell with the fans. Video 2 of 2.
Credit: Mireya
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guerins · 4 years
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guerins · 4 years
Video 1 - Part 3
Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr's instagram live on 4/20/20 (first live) They watched the episode "Heat Wave" from Roswell with the fans. Video 3 of 5.
Credit: Mireya
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