#feisty kitty boy going to murder you
uniformshark · 2 years
would you free this beast knowing it could cost your life?
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kittyxlover · 6 years
I'd like the internet to know about Smokey the cat.
Today I'm sharing some of her story with the world. Though we've long since lost old photos I'll make due with the ones I have. I may add more later on since there's a limit to how many pictures you can add at one time.
This was Smokey. My beautiful fluffy grey and white tuxedo baby. Today, March 14th 2019 would have been her 24th birthday, and mark 20 years with my family.
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Sadly she had to be put to sleep on February 12th 2019. She had been sick off and on for months and suddenly just stopped eating. Nothing we tried worked so after 2 days I called it. Clearly she was telling me it was her time. I didn't want her to suffer because I wanted to spend more time with her.
She came to us as a feral cat. Adopted from a local shelter to help us with a mouse problem we had. And because I kept pestering my mom about wanting a cat. I live up to my username. Kitty lover since day 1.
So it was very fitting that she was only a few months younger than me (I'm born in November). We were always together. She was my partner in crime to help me even the odds against my 3 older brothers.
Whenever they were mean to me growing up she'd help me get even. Claws hurt a lot more than anything I could do. One time she even went as far as coming up to my 1 brother and showing him her latest catch. And oh boy let me tell you. You have not lived until you witnessed a boy scream bloody murder while trying to do a Spider-Man impression up a wall to get away from a cat with a mouse in her mouth. She was happy as could be as she trotted off with her latest catch.
When she was young she was basically the Kool-Aid Man. You shake a bag of Temptations and she'd come running, bursting into the room at mach speed like "I heard the treats! GIVE!" You cold hear every thump and bang as she made her way towards you too. Was the best way to find her sometimes.
Growing up we lost her in the house quite a lot. As you can imagine it's not hard to lose a mostly grey cat in the dark. Now imagine having to go down a flight of stairs and not know if she was sprawled out on one keeping a watch of the house. It was like the worse game of Hide and Seek ever. Because when you find her you got claws and little cat teeth in your feet.
She was a very loving and sassy cat until her final days when she went down hill. Always wanted to be with people, didn't matter what you were doing she'd be right there curled up with you so she could get attention or just enjoy some cuddle time.
She loved blankets. Loved being curled up under them with people. Or just by herself. They were her safety spot. When she was under a blanket she was happy and content. Some she would claim for herself. We weren't allowed to use them. They were hers and she made it well known that they were hers. It's incredibly weird being allowed to use a blanket again when for the last 11 years I'd get attacked if I tried to move or wash it.
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Despite her grumpy face she loved cuddles. Every chance she could find she'd be in someone's lap or curled up with me like this. Purring away. She was a complete sweetheart who just wanted all the love and attention she could get.
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But wasn't afraid to show you who was boss if she got a bit over stimulated or annoyed.
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I have an auto immune disorder, so I can get sick very easily and tend to have a lot of days where I feel too crappy to get out of bed or go very far. So Smokey took it upon herself to try and be my personal nurse. She was always by my side, trying to purr me better. Or just telling me "hey, I'm here. It's ok Hooman."
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Despite her age she was still very feisty up until her final days. She never got along with other cats, and barely tollerarted some dogs. She wasn't afraid to throw paws and show them who's really in charge... sometimes even through glass doors.
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But she also had a playful side. Her favourite toys being shoelaces, bell balls, and any kind of writing tool. She'd go nuts for any of them in the right mood.
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She was a master expressions and sassiness. Always put me in a better mood when I'd look over and she was practically judging me for just about anything.
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She managed to survive my brothers growing up, 3 moves in city and 1 across country. Out lived 1 hamster (no she didn't eat it), 3 dogs, and 3 cats we tried to have along with her (didn't last long. She practically tried to murder a kitten so they were given to better homes.)
She lived out her final years in the beautiful mountain province of British Columbia, Canada. Enjoying the scenery and window sunbeams whenever possible.
It's incredibly lonely without her. We keep thinking we hear her collar, or her attacking something in the hallway. I keep rolling over expecting to see her curled up on her heat pad happy as can be. But when I do it's just an empty space where there should be a cat.
To many she was just a cat.
But to me she was my whole world.
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