#fell chrom won't run off to start a better family with someone else. there is no way groom robin can resist keeping him. he is too lonely
the-priestess-of-dawn ยท 1 year
Fell chrom wanting to make groom robin happy cause "past chrom isn't capable of doing that smh" in his mind but when robin sees him for the first time, he gets a mini heart attack at seeing a dead chrom ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I think he'll soon get used to his presence when he sees how fell chrom does have a conscious and is kinda like a puppy with him
Fell Chrom: Grr... (I hate everyone for making you feel unloved and afraid, especially my other self.)
Groom Robin: Oh no, he hates me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ He must want to kill me for what my other self did to him!!!
You know how when they did Mustafa's Forging Bonds, they had Chrom acting all upset and everyone just assumed he hated Mustafa and wanted to fight him, but he actually wanted to apologize and was just being REALLY intense about it? I think something similar happens here. Everyone expects Fell Chrom to do something scary to this seemingly joyful and innocent Robin, but when he finally catches up to him, he just wants to give him some pretty flowers. Well, that and his eternal devotion, but like... he doesn't want to scare Robin any more than he already has, so flowers seem like a good start. Robin loves flowers. Day of Devotion Robin wanted HIS Chrom's flowers, not that that's been driving Fell Chrom insane or anything Hey did you know you can press them into a book and they won't wilt, Robin? Maybe Fell Chrom can help you with that.
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