#fellas is it gay to hold your friends face while begging them to forgive you and professing your obsession
punkybabie · 7 months
me and my bf every 5 minutes while watching saltburn: "fellas is it gay-"
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trashyswitch · 5 years
YouTube Collabs be like...
Chapter 2: Challenge, turned to Karma
It’s Felix’s turn to get destroyed! Luckily for him, Jack is being forgiving and merciful! Thank god for that!
“You ready for this, Felix?” Jack asked, finishing the last touches on the recording equipment.
“I guess so. I’m still nervous about being tickled to death.” Felix confessed.
“There’s nothing to worry about. I’m not gonna let you pass out from exhaustion, and I’m CERTAINLY not gonna let you die of laughter.” Jack reassured.
Felix nodded his head in a comfortable understanding. “Okay.” He replied.
“Plus, no laughter will be happening until I figure out your ticklish spots.” Jack added before turning on the camera.
“Hi everyone! I’m here with Jack! Just like yesterday!” Felix explained, pointing to Jack.
“I may or may not have slept over last night...” Jack confessed.
“.......that’s gay, dude.” Felix muttered. Jack’s smile grew even wider as he threw his head back.
“JESUS CHRIST JACK! What other talents do you have, other than screaming?” Felix asked.
Jack thought for a second. “...falling into lava.” Jack said before bursting out into laughter.
“Okay, that’s true...” Felix agreed.
“But hey! It’s all in good fun.” Jack concluded.
“Now, I got completely wrecked in the dare video yesterday.” Jack said, remembering the moment.
[“HEHEHEHEY! Nahahat ohohon cahahahamera!”
“Felix! PUT ME DOWN! RIGHT NOW- Nohohohoho! You ahahasshohohole!”
“Aaaah, the glorious memories.” Felix mocked, poking Jack’s side.
“Hehehey! You had your turn yesterday! Now it’s MY turn!” Jack defended. Jack rubbed his hands together and smirked at the camera.
“Oh boy...” Felix muttered, slightly sinking into his chair.
“So...” Jack started, clapping his hands together while staring at the camera eagerly. “Are you going to tell me your tickle spots now? Or am I going to have to hunt for them myself?” Jack asked, turning his head towards Felix.
Felix didn’t know how to reply. Part of him wanted to keep it a secret, but the other part of him wanted to make the whole experience go faster. So, Felix stayed stubborn. “I’m not telling you anything.” Felix fought, crossing his arms and smirking.
“Oooohohohoho! You wanna play this the HARD WAY! Huh, tough guy?” Jack teased, attempting to grab a hand.
“No! NO! HANDS OFF ME!” Felix yelled with a wobbly smile on his face.
“No can do man. I’ve been waiting ALLLLL NIGHT for this revenge time! And I am going to get it, no matter HOW LONG it takes me!” Jack said, standing up before ganging up on the man. Felix tried rolling away on his chair, but it was actually stopping him more than making him move. So, he ditched the chair and made a run for it.
“YOU FUCKIN- COME HERE, YOU!” Jack yelled, chasing him. Before you could say ‘BLIP BLOP’, the camera continued recording as a silly little chase scene took place in Felix’s recording room.
Jack finally managed to corner the Swedish man against the foam-covered walls.
“REVENGE TIME!” Jack said in a baby voice before grabbing Felix’s wrists. He pinned Felix’s wrists above his head with his left hand, and got ready to use his right hand for the tickling.
“Alright. Where should we start first?” Jack asked out loud. He decided to try tickling Felix’s sides.
“Gahahaha! Jahahack!” Felix bursted out.
“What? What could you POSSIBLY need at a time like this? Perhaps MOOORE tickles?” Jack teased. He stopped his hands, and reached for Felix’s right armpit.
“BAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Felix yelled, before bursting into hysterical laughter.
“Okay! Your right armpit is kinda bad. But what about your left one?” Jack asked, slowing down his fingers so Felix could talk.
“My leheheft one ihis the sahahahame!” Felix replied.
“Really? Shall I prove it?” Jack asked. Immediately, Jack shoved his fingers into Felix’s vulnerable left armpit.
“JAAAAAHAHAHAHACK! NOOO!” Felix shouted as he squirmed in Jack's grip.
“I think your left armpit is a little worse than your right, but I’ll let this little lie slide.” Jack said, feeling merciful at that moment.
Next, Jack decided to try Felix’s stomach. He started skittering his fingers onto Felix's belly wherever he could reach.
"AAAH FUHUHUHUCK!" Felix yelled, before going silent. Jack's smile grew wider as he anticipated the awakening of Felix's most signature laugh: The hiccup laugh. He has heard it a couple times before. He's heard Felix's short spurts of laughter lots of times during multiplayer games (especially right now as he tickled him), but it was rare that he got to hear Felix's hiccup laughter! Despite the fact that Felix's laughter was silent, it was surprisingly contagious!
"God damn! That laughter! It's not as weird as Mark's, but it's definitely not normal!" Jack said, starting to laugh along with him.
"Ssshhhhhuhuhut up!" Felix said, breathless from the laughter.
"Aww! What's wrong? Is de wittle Swedish boy embawwassed?" Jack teased in a baby voice. "I wonder...are your hips ticklish as well?" Jack asked, before moving his hand to Felix's hips.
"NOHOHO! Please don't!" Felix begged, forcefully pulling on his hands to get them out of Jack's hand. After a few tugs, Felix did manage to get his hands out and defend his body.
"Dammit! Come on!" Jack yelled as he tried to grab Felix's hands again. "Ah fuck! No!" Jack yelled, smiling as he struggled. Felix managed to sneak a couple tickles into Jack's side. "AAhahahaha! Nahahaht FAHAHAIR!" Jack yelled as he moved backwards.
"Hey! You were the one teasing me!" Felix argued as he tickled his friend. Eventually, Jack managed to grip both of Felix's hands, and hold them above his head.
"This is supposed to be MY turn! I was being MERCIFUL to you! Now, you have to pay!" Jack warned, before moving behind Felix's body. Jack let go of Felix's hands, and started massaging his fingers into both of Felix's hips.
Felix's laughter turned silent almost immediately. His hiccup laughter returned, as Jack continued his attack.
"Hmm...How are your ribs?" Jack asked, leaving his left hand on his hip and digging his right hand into Felix's ribs.
"BAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHO MOHOHORE! *Hiccup* GAHAHA-*Hic*-AHA! *Hic*!" Felix shouted, hiccuping as he laughed hysterically. Jack went wide eyed before stopping.
"Holy shit! Are you okay?" Jack asked, genuinely worried. Was he killing the poor fella?! He waited for his friend to calm down a little bit, so he could talk.
"I'm...I'm okay. That usually happens." Felix told him. Jack let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay. Thank god. I thought I was killing ya." Jack explained. Felix shook his head as he gave his friend a little shove.
"It's alright. You weren't killing me." Felix reassured the guy. Jack smiled and pushed him back.
"Alright. I think that's a good time to end this challenge." Jack said.
"I hope you enjoyed these dares. We may do more dares in the future. But for now, Brofist!" Felix cheered, holding up his fist. Jack held up his fist as well, and they both brought their fists towards the camera.
"Bro tickle!" Felix yelled, undoing his fist and giving his fingers a little wiggle.
"Bro tickle?!" Jack asked, puzzled.
"Ya! A bro tickle! Ever done it before?" Felix asked.
"No." Jack replied. Felix created a fist, and waited for Jack to raise his fist as well. Then, they both glided their fists towards each other. When they joined, Felix undid his fist and started wiggling his fingers again. Jack imitated Felix's actions, and started a little finger-kitty fight against him.
That was, until Felix swiftly shoved his fingers into Jack's side to give it one last tickle.
"Hehehey! stop that!" Jack defended, shoving his hand into Felix's exposed armpit.
"BAHAHA! STAHAHAP!" Felix yelled, curling in on himself. Jack listened and stopped.
"Alright BYE!" Jack cheered to the camera on the table.
"Bye!" Felix said as well, before turning off the camera. "Alright. Now onto editing this thing..." Felix said outloud.
"Alright. Want me to help you? I kinda wanna watch it." Jack asked.
"Sure!" Felix replied.
In the end, both men now knew each other's tickle spots. They would both wind up using this information to their advantage. If one of them was cheating, the other would tickle them as punishment. If one of them was being a little shit for attention, the other would give them the attention: with tickles! Soon enough, it became a common occurrence for the both of them. They were never gonna be able to live their choices down...
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