#female alined people in the most kindest and respectful way.. pls dni
loserrking · 2 years
could i request for tyler from turning red x male!reader? i need more tyler appreciation up in here >:[ i don't have any particular plots but just something fluffy? thanks a ton <33
Arguments? — by Valen-tyne-ghost
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Tyler x Male!reader
Warnings/Tags : Cussing, mentions of blood, mentions of bruises and scars, mentions of fighting, Highschool Au, Highschool Au Tyler being stupid, went from funny to kinda sad to fluff lmao (and i don't even know how I did that)
A/N : Hello! Thank you for requesting! This was a bit short and I added a bit of angst lol, hope you don't mind that.. I just couldn't help myself!
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"You gotta stop getting yourself into fights!" (Name) placed a damp cloth onto the scar on his boyfriend's face "Do you know how worried I get whenever you just enter my home with bruises all over you!?" He went on as the Taller male infront of him hissed at the painful feeling on his skin, specifically uh– everywhere on his body, heh
"Atleast ask me if I'm alright or if I won the fight or something" Tyler rolled his eyes and looked away...... "...Well, did you?"
"Huh?" ..... "Did you win the fight?" (Name) asked nonchalantly as he continued to tend to The Blasian's wounds..
"Y-yeah! Duh" Tyler rolled his eyes once again, obviously bluffing about his "win"
The two Highschoolers sat in silence for a few seconds just staring at each other, both having different expressions ; one with a deadpan on their face and the other with a nervous one, trying to convince his boyfriend to believe his lies..
The shorter boy broke the silence "You didn't, did you?" To wich Tyler responded quickly with a "Yeah.."
The (Haircolor)–ette sighed "You are such a dumbass" and then stayed silent after that statement. He was clearly annoyed by Tyler's actions..
The wounded male observed (Name's) disappointed/annoyed expression, he felt guilty for having to cause him so much trouble... Lately, their relationship hadn't been so great. Tyler and (Name) started dating in middle school and it was all sweet and nice until they went into highschool, it all went downhill from there. Tyler kept getting into fights and (Name) would always scold him for it, this would then lead to arguments..
"(Name) I–" "what?" "I... I'm sorry.." Tyler fiddled with the hem of his shirt, (Name) looked slightly surprised by the sudden apology.. "I know you're disappointed but I just... I'm sorry, I'll try not to get in to too much trouble anymore" He added with a sigh and looked down at the floor.
(Name) stopped for a minute, sighed, then engulfed his boyfriend in a hug.. "I'm sorry too, I don't mean to be so harsh on you.." He mumbled into the Blasian's shoulder "But I just get so worried whenever you get hurt."
Tyler didn't say anything and just hugged back. The two stood there for a few minutes just hugging when Tyler felt (Name) lean on to him more and it was as if his body went limp... Is he dead? Tyler immediately went into panic mode until he realized that his boyfriend was infact not dead and was very much alive Oh he fell asleep...
Tyler carefully shifted his arms from (Name's) waist to under his legs and upper back, carrying the smaller boy bridal style
He walked through the halls of the (LastName) residence to (Name's) room, wincing everytime his bruises or scars would start to feel sore as (Name) had not finished patching him up..
The curly haired male laid his partner down on the mattress and glanced at the window beside the bed.. It was late, he wouldn't be able to get home tonight.. He slid his hand in his pocket and took out his phone, Tyler quickly sent a text to his parents that he'll be staying at his boyfriend's house for the night...
He borrowed some clothes from (Name's) closet to change in, it was nothing special, just some hoodie that Tyler used to own that (Name) never returned and some oversized sweatpants. Tyler laid next to his boyfriend.
"Mmh.... Tyler..?"
(Name) sent a small tired smile to Tyler before falling back into slumber... The other boy chuckled at this.. Tyler pulled (Name) closer to him, it only took a few minutes before Tyler too succumbed to sleep.
Now, I may have left out a few things before. The couple always had arguments– but they weren't frequent and they always made up in the end... They weren't unhappy being with each other, arguments in relationships are normal and they can hurt... But you'll eventually learn that this happens to everyone, some more than others and some less.
Now how do we argue less with our partners? If you learn how to live with the arguing from time to time then you're already halfway there! The last thing is to communicate properly, no yelling, just y'all talking about the problem and how to fix it... Of course, it's not just that easy, it takes time and patience!
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Did I add a whole ass lecture/lesson at the end? Yes, absolutely lmao– but I'm kinda right tho, my proof? My parents, they always arguing but somehow.. they haven't divorced yet, and they still seem like they're still genuinely inlove with each other even after 13 years of being married! Anyways– I had a hard time writing this cuz I usually do angst wich gave me a hard time attempting to write fluff like— how am I even—? I tried a few other ideas but they just didn't give me that spark I usually get when writing something. Anyways, im not that proud of this one but I hope that you still enjoyed reading it!!
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