#female broska
mw567152 · 2 years
My 10000% true ranking of all the origins from Dragon Age Origins (this is just an opinion)
6. Human Noble- so boring tbh. Like yeah you can become king/queen but come on spice it up a bit. The only interesting part was when your parents died.
5. Elf/Human Mage- Again, kind of boring, I like the part where you can meet Jowan again. And of course coming back to the tower is cool because you have a bigger reason for wanting to save the tower.
4. Dalish elf- It’s good! I like Merril and the overall story is really good and I love picking an elf, however coming back to the dalish doesn’t have the same satisfaction as the others do because it isn’t your clan, and I feel like they just added the part with Tamlen in because you wouldn’t see him again if they’d hadn’t done it. Still good.
3. Dwarven Commoner- it’s a really good story! And it’s so fun coming back to Orzammar as a dwarf and it makes killing the crime lord more satisfactory. I think the part with Leslie didn’t quite make sense to me but other than that it’s great.
2. Dwarven Noble- it was so hard to pick this or the other one for first place. This one is soooo good. I love it. Coming back to Orzammar and picking the king is so fun and this gives it extra stakes. And it’s just so fun. Playing as a noble through Orzammar is just so cool. I love it.
1. City Elf- so cool!! Such a good story, killing Vaughn was so awesome and coming back as a city elf was amazing. And it just gives you extra hatred for the humans. I love it, it’s just perfect.
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