#female genitam mutilation
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The right to bodily integrity, like all human rights, is non negotiable.
It cannot be applied just in-part, or in some areas, or to only certain members of society.
It cannot be superseded by any religious faith, nor by the wish of a parent, women’s preferences, or by cultural expectations.
The right to one’s body, belongs to the individual.
No “ifs” or “buts”, no asterisks, and no compromises.
Much of the modern world has come to understand this when it comes to girls’ bodies, as FGM continues to be criminalised and rightly punished, falling out of favour, and slowly into the history books.
In most countries FGM is universally illegal, no matter the extent, or context.
Even just a prick is forbidden, because really, the extent of violation needn’t matter, if that procedure is being done on an unconsenting baby.
But not for boy babies.
And I don’t care what people say about circumcision’s so-called “medical or hygienic benefits”, because the medical benefits are virtually non-existent, and we don’t cut off body parts to avoid cleaning them.
Do we cut off our head to stop us getting dandruff?
What about lopping off our feet to rid the world of athletes’ foot?
I mean, why not go the whole way, and cut off the whole penis, if you’re not a fan of cleaning it?
The fact is, there are very few good enough reasons to remove half the nerve endings of a baby boy’s penis, as well as its most sensitive parts.
There is no reason to subject a boy to the risk of erectile dysfunction, desensitisation, PTSD, sexually transmitted disease, or even death…
No reason to tie a baby boy’s limbs down, and as he screams, slice away at his penis, without anaesthesia.
Nobody’s first few days of life should be welcomed by that, and no journey of parenthood should begin with child abuse.
So when will we treat circumcision with the same universality as FGM, where we say “no”, regardless of the severity, scale, or context?
When will a boys bodily integrity supersede religious faith?
When will we give our boys the same rights as girls?
When will we ban infant male circumcision?
National medical organisations against circumcision: https://circumcision.org/circumcision-policies-of-international-organizations/
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Baby boys can and do succumb as a result of having their foreskin removed. Circumcision-related mortality rates are not known with certainty; this study estimates the scale of this problem. This study finds that approximately 117 neonatal circumcision-related deaths (9.01/100,000) occur annually in the United States, about 1.3% of male neonatal deaths from all causes. Because infant circumcision is elective, all of these deaths are avoidable. This study also identifies reasons why accurate data on these deaths are not available, some of the obstacles to preventing these deaths, and some solutions to overcome them.
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