karynturk · 7 years
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Immaturity at its finest. Reporting my posts, which are my #freedomofexpression and my #freedomofspeech Jealousy is really one stupid bitch. Look out! Karma’s coming for you. I’ll just be over here being loud, proud & awesome . #winnersarentlosers #biteme #freespeech #firstamendment @devilindivorce #divorcesucks #meanpeoplesuck #feministssuck #yousuck #itsaduck #tuesdaytruth #palmbeachinsider #karynturk (at Palm Beach, Florida)
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Just watched Beauty and The Beast
Hated it. Just hated it. Emma Watson's acting and singing was poor and shit. The Beast looked fucking stupid. And not racist, but. wasn't slavery around back then? Pretty sure it was. Lefou was okay. Though his orignial counterpart is far more hilarious. His gay scene wasn't really a big deal. Gaston was barely even the size of a barge. And Lumiere's accent changed like, 20 times through out the whole film!! C'mon Disney...if you're gonna make live actions please get someone who knows how to do it.
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dont-mind-me-8-blog · 9 years
A little rant......
Why does everyone here get so mad or pissed at everything?
Seriously,it’s getting annoying.Just stop.Grow up,and stop being so damn “triggered”.It’s like “Oh I see something that slightly goes against what I believe in.Better find a way that this somehow oppresses me and act all pissed.”
And I’m no troll,just a ray of freakin’ sunshine.
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