#fence company massachusetts
newgenfencing · 2 years
Five Major Benefits of Installing Vinyl Fence
Fences of various varieties are installed for both commercial and residential constructions. We’ll talk about vinyl fences and their advantages here.
Maintenance is minimal
Wakefield vinyl fence is simple to clean with a hose and requires no rigorous or frequent upkeep. In fact, it takes very little maintenance. Vinyl holds its colour beautifully, so property owners won’t have to worry about staining or repainting it. They will also save money and time on repairs and upkeep.
Vinyl is approximately five times durable as wood. It will not degrade or succumb to rust or bugs, thus it will survive for decades. Because vinyl does not absorb moisture, it will not blister, degrade, or peel. This fence type is simply perfect and safe to install near a swimming pool.
Strength and flexibility work well together. Whether a location is with high winds, heavy rain, or harsh winters, the flexibility of the vinyl fence will help it to remain upright and attractive.
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Wakefield vinyl fence is a fairly economical fencing choice, especially when considering the cost of maintenance. It is substantially less expensive than wood or iron, and it gives even more savings when property owners consider the fence’s upkeep and lifespan. They won’t have to pay for paints, stains, or treatments, and the fence will last for a long time.
The vinyl fence provides total seclusion. One-piece panels are available which eliminate the normal gaps between separate posts. As a result, vinyl is ideal for backyards, pool enclosures, and perimeter fences that conceal trash or mechanical equipment.
Vinyl fences have increased in popularity over the years owing to their minimal maintenance requirements, affordability, and durability. New Generation Landscaping & Fence provides a diverse range of fence options. The company is always eager to assist their clients in finding the best one for their needs. Customers may choose from a variety of vinyl fences Peabody MA.
View original source: https://sites.google.com/view/newgenerationlandscapingfence/home
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buiralplot · 13 days
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( TWENTY-FOUR. NON-BINARY. HE/THEY. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( BRYCE ARCHER ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( THEIR WHOLE LIFE. ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( ASSOCIATE AT THE RECORD STORE ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( WATCHING RERUNS OF GLEE AND BEING ANNOYING, GOLD STAR METAPHORS EXCEPT YOU’RE NOT CRINGE ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY DO IT – IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS THOUGH, LAUGHING TOO HARD AT A JOKE NO ONE BUT YOU THOUGHT WAS FUNNY ( GUYS - IT WAS FUNNY. GUYS. GUYS???? —) . ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( CREATIVE, HARDWORKING & OVERBEARING, HYPERACTIVE . ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( REDACTED ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE THEATRE NERD. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade!
FULL NAME            bryce alexander archer.
BIRTHDAY              april 1st ( 24 ) . 
BIRTHPLACE          hollowcreek , massachusetts.
GENDER                 non-binary.
OCCUPATION     record store worker / public menance.
BUILD                     slim. like a baby dear.
HAIR COLOR         brown .
EYE COLOR           brown.
HEIGHT                  6’1
PARENTS              nicholas ( fc tbd ) + faith ( fc tbd ) , step mother.
SIBLINGS        1 sibling , 1 step sibling .
PETS                    zodiac ( dog ) .
warnings for cheating, divorce, hearing loss, injury, car accident , drug dealing ( ???? ) . please note that the hearing loss portion is based off mun's own experience. i'm not a doctor, but i did try to get the technical mumbo jumbo as correct as i could ( i'm just a thirl ) so if there's any concern regarding portrayal, please reach out privately. <3 mun is autistic & takes forever to respond back to dms. don’t be alarmed by this and after a while if i haven’t gotten back to you, feel free to nudge.
beginnings  are  easy  ----  girl  meets  boy,  boy  meets  girl,  they  fall  in  love  and  do  what  all  high  school  sweethearts  think  they  have  to  do:  get  married,  have  kids,  live  a  little  picket  fence  life  after  that.  and  they  did  ..  kind  of.  nicholas  and  faith  met  in  freshman  english  and  as  luck  would  have,  at  that  point,  the  rest  was  history.  they'd  never  spent  more  than  two  weeks  apart  and  when  they  graduated,  faith  followed  him  to  a  large  school  to  play  football  —  and  by  the  time  they  graduated,  she  was  pregnant  with  their  first  child:  esme.  when  nicholas  got  an  office  job  and  spent  …  possibly  more  time  than  necessary  at  the  office,  there  wasn't  much  she  could  do.  he  was  actively  disinterested  in  her  and  their  daughter  ----  cue  bryce,  the  fix  it  baby.  kind  of  (  not  really  )  .
his  essential  purpose  was  to  save  a  dying  marriage.  and  it  worked,  for  a  time.  nicholas  was  spending  more  time  at  home  with  the  new  baby  around.  all  was  well.  until  it  wasn't  —  receipts  to  dinners  she  never  went  to,  emails  on  their  shared  computer,  hair  ties  in  his  car  that  weren't  hers.  and  faith  was  livid  ----  who  wouldn't  be,  after  all?  she  divorced  him.  and  naturally,  with  two  kids,  there's  a  custody  battle:  it's  nasty.  she's  upset,  he's  worse  because  he's  hotheaded  as  hell.  eventually,  the  idea  is  for  them  to  split  half  the  year  in  california  (  where  nicholas  lives,  his  company  is,  etc  )  and  new  york  (  where  faith  has  family  and  eventually  returns  to  )  .  it  worked,  kind  of.
the  thing  is,  faith  never  got  over  it.  eventually  it  turned  into  disinterest  into  her  own  kids,  as  bad  as  that  sounds.  by  the  time  bryce  was  4,  nicholas  was  granted  custody  full  time  after  faith  all  but  relinquished  her  rights.  he  didn’t  understand  it  at  the  time,  but  he  was  closer  to  his  father  anyway,  so  it  was  fine.  they  were  attached  at  the  hip.  bryce  would  scream  and  cry  during  kindergarten  dorp  off,  and  be  a  wreck  by  the  time  he  came  to  pick  him  up  during  the  day.  it  was  bad  lowkey.  however,  it  was  also  his  own  foreshadowing  for  the  future  …. 
all  things  considered,  their  childhood  was  great  —  thanks  to  the  wealth  nicholas’  job  brought  and  moving  up  the  ranks  within  the  company,  constant  trips  to  disney  and  doing  things.  was  spoiled,  though  his  sister  took  advantage  of  it  more  than  bryce  ever  did.  an  adhd  kid  and  diagnosed  at  age  11,  he  likes  the  way  he  can  expend  all  his  energy  into  his  after  school  programs  and  things,  and  be  able  to  fall  asleep  at  night  with  only  slight  melatonin.  was  lowkey  kind  of  a  hobby  -  hopper  -—  a  try  everything  once  kind  of  kid,  and  bryce  knows  what  he  likes,  and  they  stick  with  it.  from  little  league  baseball  to  soccer  to  pottery  to  coding,  he  literally  tried  everything  —  then  came  theatre.  the  idea  of  slipping  into  another  mindset  and  playing  essential  pretend  was  more  than  enough  for  him  to  thrive  within  their  small  community  and  then  some. 
high  school  was  …  well.  high  school.  went  to  a  charter school,  one  focused  on  the  arts  and  sciences  more  than  an  actual  curriculum.  it  was  where  bryce  thrived.  socially,  academically,  semi  -  professionally - ISH.
CAR  ACCIDENT   +  INJURY   +   HEARING  LOSS      /      bryce  was  16  when  they  finally  got  their  driver's  liscence,  and  thus,  a  car  (  thanks,  nepotism  money!  )  .  he  was  returning  home  from  a  later  than  usual  football  practice  when  he  was  t-boned  by  a  car  who  wasn't  pay  attention.  bryce's  own  car  was  flipped  onto  it's  side  and  pushed  several  feet  when  the  other  car  wouldn't  stop  —  air  bags  deployed,  though  that  didn't  stop  his  own  head  from  impact.  if  you'd  asked  him,  as  soon  as  he  was  out  of  the  car,  he  was  all  fine  and  dandy.  reality  check:  he  wasn't  —  concussion,  temporal  bone  fracture,  post  concussion  syndrome.  it  wasn't  a  fun  time. 
HEARING  LOSS      /      due  to  the  impact  and  fracture  within  his  right  ear,  bryce  was  diagnosed  with  hearing  loss  (  sudden  sensorineural  hearing  loss  in  particular,  in  his  right  ear  )  .  for  lack  of  better  words  and  ease  of  understanding,  he  has  about  40%  left  of  his  hearing  in  his  right  ear  thanks  to  the  fracture  and  damage  of  the  nerve  cells  within  the  ear  canal.  despite  this,  bryce  tries  to  continue  his  life  as  normal.  normal  school  (  or  –  as  normal  as  it  can  be  with  your  siblings  hovering  over  you  )  ,  normal  activities,  no  need  for  adjustments.  you  tell  your  family  you've  got  this,  not  to  worry,  and  don't  look  to  meet  them  in  the  eye.  tries  his  best  and  in  a  fuck  you  rachel  berry  moment  —  applies  to his  dream  school,  nyu  tisch.  it’s  a  big  jump.  less  than  a  year  and  a  half  out  from  his  accident  (  "the"  accident,  as  bryce  continues  to  refer  to  it  )  and  he’s  already  talking  like  he’s  going  to  move  states  (  and  wants to  )  .  it's  not  like  new  york  is  unfamiliar  to  him,  but  in  a  different  realm,  he'd  never  been  there  by  himself,  for  extended  periods  of  time.  bryce  argued  that  this  is  how  an  artist  grows,  this  is  how  he  becomes  who  he  is,  or  whatever  lindsay  lohan's  character  in  confession's  says.  his  parents  disagreed,  but  bryce  is  stubborn,  and  there  was  no  changing  his  mind. 
he  doesn’t  get  in  ----  but  that’s  how  legends  are  made,  after  all,  so  he  moves  to  new  york  city  anyway.  and  the  change  is  astronomical.  maybe  not  to  some,  but  for  someone  who  is  still  adjusting  to  how  he  is  now?  it  was,  indeed,  a  bad  idea.  he  had  a  year  lease,  and  within  that  time?  a  legend  dies  rather  than  is  born.  as  stubborn  as  he  is,  he  came  eventually  relented  to  his  father’s  pleas  to  return  home to hollowcreek.
as friendly as he is, he’s very afraid of … just about everything. he’s skittish and kind of like a stray cat. though, if he likes you, he truly never shuts the fuck up. genuinely a kind guy, though he tends to have foot - in - mouth disease and says the wrong thing all the fuckin’ time. doesn’t think before he speaks, and rarely thinks at all.
a bit too empathetic. tends to try not to look at one person a specific way, and is way too open minded to relationships with people who are bad news. tends to look at the world in rose colored glasses, though if you cut him just the right way, they’re going to cut you off.
definitely favors his left ear, and will turn to face whoever it is speaking in that direction, even if it is a bit odd looking. he’s not completely deaf in his right ear, but the tinnitus often wins out, and bryce doesn’t bother to fight it anymore. has been working on learning sign language and isn’t totally fluent — but he’s working on it. but the adhd demons. to be clear, bryce is open to all forms of communication, but which he prefers depends on the situation. in a crowded area, he’s going to rely more on written or sign language. i understand most muses don’t know sign, and that’s totally fine! in that case, we’ll work with what we have. when he’s signing, it will be in italics like this and have a descriptor of signage.
due to the intense focusing that having vocal conversations can have, he, unfortunately often experiences overstimulation and burnout. concentration is hard tenfold since this happened and they’re exactly great at managing emotions. lashing out and having attitudes will occur. usually apologizes, but sometimes not.
intense hyperfocus when he likes something, or is invested. can, will and has tuned everyone in a crowded room completely out until it’s done. has that adhd rage, i’m afraid. he’s come a long way to control it, but sometimes it’s just too much. tends to switch to different topics all within one conversation, and lowkey has a motor mouth.
has been doing theatre since middle school, really. both local and school productions, but mostly high school once he began attending that charter school. he excelled and tended to be quite the little show off, evne if he didn’t mean to be. was the lead in .. quite a few of his school productions. i’ll make a list eventually.
his family is .. rich. but he definitely doesn’t act like it. outside of the whole school + family trips thing, he doesn’t seem like it. will spoil his friends and loved ones anyway, bc his mom tries to shove money onto him all the time and he doesn’t know what to do with it. will jokingly buy you a new car, send you on a trip to cabos or pay for 10 packages of those fancy packaged strawberries.   speaking of money ---- bryce hasn’t spoken to his mom in years, but that doesn’t stop her from sending checks upon checks of money, thanks to her own career in the fashion industry. 
constantly on that damn zoom … wants to be an actor, so he’s been auditioning for literally everything. even things he doesn’t fit. he gets into the zoom and they’re like hello? and he’s just like hii ^.^ and they close the room or something.
a gleek and a swiftie. like pick a struggle? he’s an evermore guy but also 1989.  is the guy in the room to be like “they played this on glee..” like i’m sure! get a hobby! get a job do something!
has no filter, whatsoever. tends to say out of pocket things without meaning too, and doesn’t entirely convey when he’s joking. more often than not, he’s being entirely sincere. he’s funny, but he can be a little bit of a try hard. laugh please.
has not driven since the accident. if anyone asks, he just says he ‘prefers to support the economy by using uber’ (?????) or public transport. has nightmares about the accident, constantly, and doesn't tell anyone about them. he’s embarrassed, lowkey, and doesn’t quite remember them — so it’s like. what would i even say? he’s a tad bit afraid to admit his hearing is getting worse. he’s been asking others to repeat themselves more often , his tinnitus is getting noticeably bad , migraines are starting to occur far more often. this is going by silently on his own part and won’t admit it to anyone.
uses theatre as a way to cope with his trauma ---- he delves into other people to see new perspective and coping skills, though they're not always the healthiest nor do they make the most sense. it's what he knows, it's what he's good at, and he doesn't see a reason to stop – only a reason to adapt, even if he isn't happy about it.
wanted connections ..
sibling !! this person would be a graduate student at the very least ---- in my head they’re total opposites and it’s so funny. he was lowkey encouraged to go to golden state because they could keep an eye out on him for … many aforemented reasons above, and he tends to annoy them quite a bit. also i’d love for this to be taken up by rachel sennott or molly gordon but alas anyone wld be beloved by me.
step - sibling !! in a lore reveal, nicholas remarries around the time bryce enters high school. this person is the same age as him, and they don’t get along at all. it isn’t until recent that they’ve stopped butting heads and can be in a room without a fight breaking out. this is on the main ! this is a step sister to me.
perhaps another half sibling on his moms side? cousins?
i love dynamics that are like sunshine x grumpy so perhaps he’s the kid they “can’t stand” but like deep down? an annoyance you’d kill for.
best friends!! a cute little squad maybe? wrecking the town. can’t find one without the others type beat.
his old roommate from new york for that singular year could be cool.
maybe. a fling. or two. probably just one.
former classmates ..
people who knew / know his parents? family friends?? 
people who hate him? people who want him dead bc he’s annoying as shit? yeah
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fatehbaz · 11 months
Fencing became a primary mode of seizure of public land and resources for the benefit of individual ranching enterprises in the West. [...] Estimates are that 100,000 bovine animals roamed Texas by 1830. Three decades later, on the eve of the Civil War, that number had increased to an estimated 3.5–5 million. [...] In the boom years of the 1870s and 1880s, the cattle barons enjoyed “near hegemony” over western public lands by declaring a simple right of sovereignty. [...] Thus, part and parcel of the American colonial project was this type of land acquisition – the process of turning the public domain into private property [...]. [E]ntrepreneurs in the new cow towns such as Abilene, Kansas, sought out Texas livestock trails [...]. The most-well-known of the western cattle trails ran from Texas northward to the state of Kansas [...]. From 1867 until 1871, the 1,000-mile-long Chisholm Trail was the main livestock trail from Texas, a trail that ran from San Antonio [...] through Oklahoma and ended at Abilene. [...] They collectively drove 600,000–700,000 [cows] north from Texas during 1871 alone, all eventually bound for abattoirs in St. Louis and Chicago. [...] [Cattle barons] [...] rounded them up, claimed them, branded them, and enclosed them. [...]
Infrastructural and technological developments at towns such as Abilene [...] at the termini of the cattle trails also represent a singularly important carceral phenomenon of the nineteenth-century United States Innovations in transportation, specifically, the “cattle car” (and by 1869, the refrigerated car that hauled dead animal carcasses) [...].
It was primarily British companies that played a major role in developing the transcontinental railroad in the 1870s and 1880s – the foreign “cattle barons” – and who eventually also shipped refrigerated cow carcasses to Britain in ocean steamers. [...] The first twenty-car shipment of cows from Abilene to Chicago was in September of 1867. [...] This north-south cattle complex expanded in the 1870s, as the demand for beef, tallow, and hides greatly expanded amid postwar [conditions].
Concomitantly, one of the most significant instruments [...] was the revolutionary invention of wire fencing, which facilitated the enclosure of public pasture land for private use. [...] Netz argues for the critical importance [...] [of] the case of barbed wire [in] the violent enclosure and control of bovine animals during colonization of the American West. Joseph Glidden patented barbed wire in 1874 and opened a small manufacturing plant in DeKalb, Illinois, for its production, with large-scale production and sale eventually located to [...] Massachusetts. More than 350 barbed wire patents were issued between 1875 and 1890, although it was the Glidden patent that came to monopolize the market (and indeed, is the fence still in use today). [...]
One rather infamous early adopter in the Texas Panhandle [...] fenced in over 3 million acres of public range with illegal fences while others followed suit [...]. Also in the Texas Panhandle, [a] Scottish-backed [...] ranch pursued its own 3 million acre fencing project, operating on a grant from the state with an estimated 6,000 miles of fence. [...] Such [...] activities led to what has been called the “Fence Cutting Wars” in the early 1880s [...]. Estimates are that up to 7.3 million acres of public land was fraudulently expropriated by cattle companies in this way in the 1870s and 1880s.
All text above by: Karen M. Morin. "Bovine Lives and the Making of a Nineteenth Century American Carceral Archipelago". A chapter in Carceral Logics: Human Incarceration and Animal Captivity edited by Lori Gruen and Justin Marceau. Online publication date April 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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lboogie1906 · 30 days
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Henrietta Vinton Davis (August 25, 1860 – November 23, 1941) was an elocutionist, dramatist, and impersonator.
She was born in Baltimore to Mary Ann Johnson and her husband, musician Mansfield Vinton Davis.
Shortly after her birth, her father died. Her mother married George A. Hackett, a member of Bethel AME Church. Upon his death, Mary Ann Hackett moved with her to DC.
She passed the necessary examination and was awarded the position of teacher in the public schools of Maryland. She moved to Louisiana to teach. She returned to Maryland to care for her ailing mother. She had a certificate from the Board of Education. She became the first African American woman to be employed by the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, she worked as a copyist.
She began elocution and dramatic art lessons. She was introduced by Frederick Douglass before a distinguished integrated audience. She appeared in performances in New London, Connecticut, New York, Boston, and “more than a dozen of the larger cities of the Eastern and Middle States”. She made a tour of Boston, Worcester, and New Bedford, Massachusetts; Providence and Newport, Rhode Island; Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut; and New York City and Albany. She continued perfecting her craft. She attended the Boston School of Oratory.
Her performances consisted of performing a diverse spectrum of works: from Paul Laurence Dunbar’s Negro dialects to such plays as Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It, “Mary Queen of Scots”, “Cleopatra’s Dying Speech”, “The Battle”, and “How Tom Sawyer Got His Fence Whitewashed”. She is considered the first African American after Ira Aldridge to have successfully performed Shakespeare. She appeared before a crowded house in Melodeon Hall. She appeared in various Shakespearean and classical tragedy roles with John A. Arneaux’s troupe in New York City.
She started her company in Chicago, traveled to the Caribbean, and collaborated on writing Our Old Kentucky Home. She only performed in four full-length productions: Damon and Pythias, Dessalines, Our Old Kentucky Home, and Henri Christophe. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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krcfencecompany · 2 months
Professional Fence Installation by KRC Fence Company Cape Cod
KRC Fence Company, a trusted name in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, has been providing high-quality fencing solutions for over a decade.
With a commitment to professionalism and expertise, KRC Fence Company specializes in installing a wide range of fences, including wood, vinyl, metal, chain link, and privacy fences, as well as walkway and driveway gates.
Whether you're looking to enhance your property's curb appeal, increase security, or create a more private outdoor space, KRC Fence Company has the skills and experience to bring your vision to life.
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improvementjchome · 6 months
JC1 Home Improvement is your premier destination for top-quality fencing solutions in Rocky Hill and surrounding areas of Massachusetts. As a leading MA Fence Contractor Company in Rocky Hill, we pride ourselves on delivering reliable, durable, and aesthetically pleasing fencing options to meet your specific needs. Having worked in the field for many years, we have a solid reputation for quality and professionalism. Whether you're looking to enhance the security of your property, define boundaries, or simply add a touch of elegance to your outdoor space, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life. At JC1 Home Improvement, we understand that every property is unique, and that's why we offer a wide range of fencing options to suit various styles and preferences. From classic wooden fences to modern vinyl and metal designs, we have something for everyone. Our team of skilled craftsmen works diligently to ensure that every fence is installed with precision and attention to detail, ensuring long-lasting performance and durability. In addition to installation, we also offer comprehensive repair and maintenance services to keep your fence looking and functioning its best for years to come. Whether it's repairing a damaged panel, replacing worn-out hardware, or performing routine inspections, you can count on us to keep your fence in top condition. What sets us apart from other MA Fence Contractor Companies is our commitment to customer satisfaction. We believe in providing personalized service and working closely with our clients to understand their needs and preferences. Every step of the way, from the first consultation to the last installation, we aim to go above and beyond your expectations. When you choose JC1 Home Improvement for your fencing needs, you can rest assured knowing that you're getting the highest quality products and craftsmanship at competitive prices. We believe in transparent pricing and honest communication, so you'll never have to worry about hidden fees or surprises. Thus, JC1 Home Improvement is the only company you need to look for if you're looking for a trustworthy Massachusetts fence contractor in Rocky Hill or the surrounding areas. With our expertise, dedication to quality, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we're confident that we can deliver the perfect fencing solution for your property. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation. Visit us: https://jc1homeimprovement.com/
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swldx · 6 months
BBC 0407 4 Apr 2024
12095Khz 0358 4 APR 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, ID@0359z pips and Newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. New York Judge Juan Merchan on Wednesday dismissed former President Donald Trump's latest effort to delay his four criminal trials, keeping Trump's Manhattan hush-money case on track to start April 15. Denmark’s government has fired the country’s top military official after embarrassing revelations about faulty air defences on a frigate it sent to the Red Sea to fend off Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. General Flemming Lentfer was sacked late on Wednesday after failing to report to the defence minister that the Iver Huitfeldt had experienced a half-hour long malfunction of its missile and radar systems during a drone attack last month. The ship was recalled early from its mission. The Israeli military acknowledged two critical errors in the drone strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers: overlooking a message about the convoy and mistaking a possible bag for a weapon in a car. Rights groups and aid workers argue this incident isn’t isolated, but part of a broader issue where the military’s engagement rules allow excessive civilian casualties in the Gaza offensive. The Israeli military seldom admits to mistakes in its operations. When admissions occur, they often raise further questions about the conduct and rules of engagement of the forces. A Russian drone attack struck residential buildings in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and an energy facility in the surrounding region on Thursday, killing four people and severing power for 350,000 residents, officials said. Turkey's supreme electoral body has reinstated the office-holding rights of Abdullah Zeydan, a pro-Kurdish newly elected mayor, after appeals by his party to revoke the prohibition against their candidate. The authority on Wednesday overturned a decision by a lower body that prompted widespread protests and led to dozens of arrests. At least three security forces and 15 assailants have been killed during terror attacks targeting several military headquarters in the southern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan. The attacks took place in late Wednesday against the headquarters in question in Rask and Chabahar Counties, which are located in the southern part of the province. According to officials, the so-called Jaish ul-Adl, a terror outfit that was formed in 2012 and has conducted several attacks on Iranian soil in recent years, has claimed responsibility for the attack. Sanofi has reached an agreement in principle to settle 4,000 U.S. lawsuits linking the discontinued heartburn drug Zantac to cancer, the company said on Wednesday. Sanofi did not disclose the financial terms of the deal. The agreement, which still needs to be finalized, will resolve most of the lawsuits against the French pharmaceutical company in U.S. state courts, with the exception of Delaware where the majority of the cases are pending. Rescuers in Taiwan scrambled to free dozens of people trapped in highway tunnels after the island was struck by its strongest earthquake in 25 years Wednesday, killing at least nine and injuring more than 900 others. The powerful 7.4 magnitude tremor shook the island’s east coast, hitting at 7:58 a.m. local time 18 kilometers south of Hualien city and at a depth of 34.8 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey. It was followed by several strong aftershocks with tremors felt across the island. The first man to receive a genetically modified kidney transplant from a pig has been discharged from hospital. The 62-year-old was sent home on Wednesday, two weeks after the ground-breaking surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. @0406z "Newsday" begins. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2258.
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newstfionline · 6 months
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
State Medicaid offices target dead people’s homes to recoup their health care costs (AP) As Salvatore LoGrande fought cancer and all the pain that came with it, his daughters promised to keep him in the white, pitched roof house he worked so hard to buy all those decades ago. So, Sandy LoGrande thought it was a mistake when, a year after her father’s death, Massachusetts billed her $177,000 for her father’s Medicaid expenses and threatened to sue for his home if she didn’t pay up quickly. But the bill and accompanying threat weren’t a mistake. Rather, it was part of a routine process the federal government requires of every state: to recover money from the assets of dead people who, in their final years, relied on Medicaid, the taxpayer-funded health insurance for the poorest Americans. A person’s home is typically exempt from qualifying for Medicaid. But it is subject to the estate recovery process for those who were over 55 and used Medicaid to pay for long-term care such as nursing home stays or in-home health care.
State legislators and the working class (Stateline) A new survey conducted by political science researchers at Duke and Loyola found that only 116 state legislators in the entire United States currently or most recently worked in manual labor, the service industry, clerical jobs or labor union jobs, out of around 7,400 state legislators in the entire country. That’s 1.6 percent of state legislators, compared to 50 percent of the entire working population of the country. Indeed, 10 states lack a single legislator from a working class job. Alaska has the highest percentage, with three out of 60 lawmakers, while New Hampshire has the highest total, with eight of their 420 legislators.
Trump fails to obtain bond (NYT) Donald Trump’s lawyers said he has been unable to obtain a bond to guarantee payment of a $454 million civil-fraud judgment against him. The former president tried to negotiate a deal with some of the world’s largest suretors, but the amount was so large that they wouldn’t accept real estate as collateral and would require cash to guarantee the bond, according to a New York appeals court filing. A private company like the Trump Organization would need $1 billion in cash to obtain the bond and continue operating, an amount the company doesn’t have. Trump has asked to have the bond requirement waived while he appeals, arguing that paying now would cause him irreparable harm. If the court turns down his request and he can’t get the money, the state will look to seize his assets. The judgment stems from a ruling that found Trump falsely valued parts of his real estate empire for financial gain. The judge imposed $355 million in penalties, plus interest, so the debt grows by at least $87,500 daily.
Chinese organized crime in the U.S. (ProPublica) From California to Maine, Chinese organized crime has come to dominate much of the nation’s illicit marijuana trade. Along with the explosive growth of this criminal industry, the gangsters have unleashed lawlessness: violence, drug trafficking, money laundering, gambling, bribery, document fraud, bank fraud, environmental damage and theft of water and electricity. Chinese organized crime “has taken over marijuana in Oklahoma and the United States,” said Donnie Anderson, the director of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, in an interview. Among the victims are thousands of Chinese immigrants, many of them smuggled across the Mexican border to toil in often abusive conditions at farms ringed by fences, surveillance cameras and guards with guns and machetes. The mobsters operate in a loose but disciplined confederation overseen from New York by mafias rooted in southern China, according to state and federal officials.
Protest erupts in eastern Cuba amid blackouts, food shortages (Reuters) Hundreds in Cuba’s second-largest city, Santiago, engaged in a rare public protest on Sunday, according to social media and official reports, prompting Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel to call for dialogue in an “atmosphere of tranquility and peace.” Protesters in Santiago took to the streets with chants of “power and food,” according to videos posted on social media, as blackouts in places extended for 18 hours or more a day, jeopardizing frozen food and ratcheting up tensions on the island. Cuba has fallen into a near unprecedented economic crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic, with vast shortages of food, fuel and medicine stoking a record-breaking exodus that has seen upwards of 400,000 people migrate to the United States.
Haiti’s Hospitals Survived Cholera and Covid. Gangs Are Closing Them. (NYT) Taïna Cenatus, a 29-year-old culinary student in Haiti, lost her balance at school one day this month and toppled over, but it was not until she hit the ground that she realized she had been hit in the face by a stray bullet. Unlike many Haitians wounded by gunfire in the middle of a vicious gang takeover of the capital, Port-au-Prince, Ms. Cenatus was actually lucky that day—she made it to a clinic. But she is still in pain, her wound swelling, and she cannot get any relief, with more and more hospitals and clinics abandoned by staff or looted by gangs. More than half of the medical facilities in Port-au-Prince and a large rural region called Artibonite are closed or not operating at full capacity, experts said, because they are too dangerous to reach or their medicine and other supplies have been stolen.
With New Six-Year Term, Putin Cements Hold on Russian Leadership (NYT/BBC) President Vladimir V. Putin on Sunday extended his rule over Russia until 2030, using a heavily stage-managed presidential election with no real competition to portray overwhelming public support for his domestic dominance and his invasion of Ukraine. Some Russians tried to turn the undemocratic vote into a protest, forming long lines at polling stations at a predetermined time—noon—to register their discontent. At the same time, Ukraine sought to cast its own vote of sorts by firing a volley of exploding drones at Moscow and other targets. But the Kremlin brushed those challenges aside and released results after the polls closed claiming that Mr. Putin had won 87 percent of the vote—an even higher number than in the four previous elections he participated in. He described Donbas and other parts of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces as part of a “New Russia” during a speech in Red Square, after he claimed a landslide election win.
U.S. anticipates grim course for Ukraine if aid bill dies in Congress (Washington Post) U.S. officials foresee a range of bleak scenarios in Ukraine if the military aid President Biden has requested doesn’t materialize, including a catastrophic breakdown of Ukrainian lines in the grimmest contingency and the likelihood of massive casualties in the best. Hoping to maintain the public focus on Congress, administration officials have refused to openly address any alternate realities for Ukraine. But in private, they are fast coming to terms with the prospect that Washington’s political dysfunction may prevail, either by tanking the aid package or passing it too late to avoid disaster for the government in Kyiv.
Shock and confusion as Turkey seizes earthquake survivors’ homes (Reuters) Habip Yapar felt lucky that his home in southern Turkey withstood last year’s devastating earthquake. Then a text message appeared on his phone in October telling him the government was taking ownership of the apartment. The message sent to Yapar, 61, declared that the deeds for his property in Hatay province were being transferred to the Treasury under an amendment to an urban planning law set to affect thousands of earthquake survivors. The government said the seizures were to create “reserve building areas,” a temporary measure to expedite reconstruction. Those affected would be entitled to a property after paying towards the construction costs, it said, without providing details of the financial burden. Interviews with nearly two dozen residents, lawyers and local officials show that thousands of homeowners were blindsided by the seizure plans, with many learning on social media their properties would be affected.
‘We’re Not a Banana Republic,’ Netanyahu Says, Rejecting Criticism From U.S. (NYT) The rift over the war in Gaza between Israel and the United States, its closest ally, broadened on Sunday when Israel’s prime minister accused a top-ranking American lawmaker of treating his country like a “banana republic.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing increasing pressure to negotiate a cease-fire, lashed out at Senator Chuck Schumer over his call for elections to be held in Israel when the war winds down. In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Mr. Netanyahu suggested that Mr. Schumer, the Senate majority leader, was trying to topple his government and said his call for an election was “totally inappropriate.” “That’s something that Israel, the Israeli public, does on its own,” he said. “We’re not a banana republic.” On Thursday, Mr. Schumer, a Democrat from New York who is the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States, delivered a scathing speech on the Senate floor, accusing Mr. Netanyahu of letting his political survival supersede “the best interests of Israel” and of being “too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza.” The speech was indicative of the widening gap between Israel and the United States over the war and mounting frustrations in Washington with Mr. Netanyahu’s policies.
Israel’s Military Raids Al-Shifa Hospital Again (NYT) The Israeli military said it was conducting a “high-precision” operation at Al-Shifa Hospital early on Monday morning, claiming that senior Hamas officials had regrouped in the hospital, which is Gaza’s largest. The hospital and the surrounding area house about 30,000 patients, staff and displaced civilians, and a number of people were killed, the Gaza health ministry said. Al-Shifa Hospital has been a flashpoint of the war. Israel has said that the complex in northern Gaza doubles as a secret Hamas military command center, calling it one of many examples of civilian facilities that Hamas uses to shield its activities. Hamas has denied the accusations. Israel has provided limited evidence to back up its claims about Al-Shifa, and it came under criticism from health and humanitarian organizations after storming the hospital in November.
Already fasting (BBC) When dawn broke last Monday morning, signalling the beginning of Ramadan, it brought a cruel irony for the people of Gaza. The holy month when Muslims fast during daylight had arrived during a looming famine. "The people here have already been fasting for months," said Dr Amjad Eleiwa, the deputy director of the emergency department at al-Shifa hospital, Gaza City. Under his care on Friday, 16-year-old Rafeeq Dughmoush was lying on his side, bedbound. Rafeeq's bones were showing and one of his legs had been amputated from the knee down. A colostomy bag was attached to his torso. "I am emaciated," he said, speaking slowly in order to draw breath between words. "I am so weak I cannot move my body from one side to another. My uncle has to move me." Rafeeq was already suffering from malnutrition, he said, before the strike that wounded him.
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constructionaafence · 7 months
A&A Fence Construction: Your Trusted Choice for Fencing Solutions in Wakefield
In the quaint town of Wakefield, nestled in the heart of Massachusetts, residents understand the importance of privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal when it comes to their properties. Whether it’s defining boundaries, enhancing curb appeal, or safeguarding loved ones and possessions, a reliable fencing solution is essential. Enter A&A Fence Construction, the go-to Fence Company in Wakefield dedicated to providing top-notch fencing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
With years of experience serving the Wakefield community, A&A Fence Construction has earned a reputation for excellence, reliability, and exceptional craftsmanship. Specializing in a wide range of fencing materials and styles, they offer versatility and customization options to suit any property type or preference.
One of the key aspects that set A&A Fence Construction apart is their commitment to quality. They source only the finest materials, ensuring durability and longevity for every project. Whether it’s sturdy wooden fences for a rustic charm, sleek vinyl fences for low maintenance, or ornamental metal fences for timeless elegance, they have the expertise to deliver outstanding results.
At A&A Fence Construction, customer satisfaction is paramount. From the initial consultation to the final installation, their team of skilled professionals works closely with clients to understand their vision, address concerns, and execute the project with precision and efficiency. Their attention to detail and dedication to exceeding expectations have earned them a loyal clientele base and numerous referrals throughout Wakefield and beyond.
In addition to their exemplary craftsmanship, A&A Fence Construction also prioritizes affordability without compromising quality. They understand that investing in a fence is a significant decision for homeowners, and strive to offer competitive pricing options to accommodate varying budgets. With transparent pricing and no hidden costs, clients can trust that they’re getting the best value for their money.
Moreover, A&A Fence Construction values integrity and honesty in all their dealings. They prioritize clear communication and transparency throughout the entire process, ensuring that clients are kept informed every step of the way. From providing accurate estimates to adhering to agreed-upon timelines, they prioritize professionalism and reliability to make the fencing experience seamless and stress-free for their clients.
Beyond their commitment to excellence in fencing solutions, A&A Fence Construction also prioritizes environmental sustainability. They are dedicated to minimizing their ecological footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices and utilizing sustainable materials whenever possible. By choosing A&A Fence Construction, clients can feel good about investing in a company that cares about both their needs and the planet.
In conclusion, when it comes to finding a reputable fence company in Wakefield, look no further than A&A Fence Construction. With their unwavering dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, affordability, integrity, and sustainability, they are the trusted choice for all fencing needs in the Wakefield area. Contact them today to transform your property with a custom fencing solution that reflects your style and enhances your lifestyle.
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newgenfencing · 10 months
A Comprehensive Guide on Enhancing Privacy with Chain Link Fences.
Privacy holds immense importance for homeowners, especially in choosing the right fencing. When opting for a chain link fence company, seek versatility to suit your privacy needs. Trusted contractors like New Generation Landscaping & Fence offer tailored solutions. This guide underscores the importance of privacy in property fencing, highlighting the significance of professional services like chain link fence installation in Massachusetts by reputable companies. Find more insights in our Blog: https://newgenerationlandscapingfence.com/chain-link-fence-guide-for-privacy/
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asszu · 8 months
Comprehensive vs. Collision Auto Insurance
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Collision and comprehensive car insurance are two types of physical damage coverage protecting your vehicle. Collision coverage helps repair your car from traffic accident damages. Comprehensive coverage pays losses from non-collision incidents like fires or theft.
While both coverage types of auto insurance can cover the same vehicle, the protections differ, with more specific differences between states and insurance companies.
Collision and comprehensive car insurance can cover the same vehicle, but in different ways.
Collision insurance covers damage done to your car when you have a collision with another car or an object like a fence.
Comprehensive insurance covers damage caused by events such as natural disasters, fires, or theft.
Lenders may require both comprehensive and collision insurance, although neither is required by state law.
Comparing Comprehensive and Collision Auto Insurance
Comprehensive and collision auto insurance can cover the same vehicle, but they offer different protections. Here’s how they compare. Collision Comprehensive Covers Collision with another car, an object such as a building, fence, or guardrail, and single-car accidents Damage caused by animals, falling objects, fire, natural disasters, vandalism, and theft Required Not required by state law, but may be required by your lender or leasing agent Not required by state law, but may be required by your lender Cost Typically higher Typically lower Deductible Yes; typically, higher amounts offered Yes; typically, lower amounts offered
Collision Auto Insurance
Collision car insurance covers your vehicle’s damage repairs caused by:
An accident or contact with another vehicle
A collision with a building, guardrail, person, rock, tree, or wildlife
Damage from a rollover 
Car damage caused by an uninsured driver, potentially
If one of the above occurs, this coverage type pays to repair your car, even when you’re at fault for an accident. However, ask your insurer for details. In most cases, comprehensive coverage is the coverage type that covers animal collisions, including hitting a deer. 
Collision auto insurance doesn’t cover damage you cause to someone else’s property or any injuries to you or your passengers.1 
In a few states, such as Massachusetts and Michigan, limited collision coverage is a cheaper collision coverage type that only pays if you’re less than 50% at fault.23
Cost of Collision Auto Insurance
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data shows that U.S. drivers paid an average annual collision premium of $370.73 in 2020. However, costs can vary by location. For instance, that same year, California drivers paid the most, with an average premium of $501.64 per year, while Wisconsin motorists paid the least, with an average of $244.82.4
Costs may depend on:
Value of the vehicle: Higher-priced or luxury cars generally cost more to insure, as they’ll also cost more to repair. 
Repair cost: The general, historical cost to repair the car 
Crash damages: The type of damage your particular car often incurs in a crash5
Collision Deductibles
A deductible is an amount you pay toward repairs before your insurance begins paying for any remaining repairs (up to the actual cash value of your car). You can choose your deductible when buying collision coverage. It’s offered in various options such as $200, $500, $1,000, or more.
A higher deductible lowers the amount of your overall insurance premium, but you’ll have to pay more out of pocket if you have an accident.6
Comprehensive Auto Insurance
Comprehensive auto insurance covers repairing non-collision damages and losses, even if you’re at fault somehow. Comprehensive coverage can help pay the cost of repairing damages caused by factors like:
Civil disturbances such as riots
Falling objects
Comprehensive is also the coverage type to pay repair costs for your windshield and other car glass.7
Cost of Comprehensive Auto Insurance
Generally, comprehensive coverage is less expensive than collision insurance. Nationwide, in 2020, automobile owners paid an average of $174.26 for comprehensive auto insurance, according to the NAIC. Costs vary by location. California drivers paid the least, at an average of $97.26 annually for comprehensive coverage, while South Dakota motorists paid the most: an average of $353.10.8
Factors that could lead to higher comprehensive premium rates include:
Car and repair costs: Repair costs for your vehicle’s make and model
Car theft: How often a particular car is stolen, or the rate of auto thefts in your location5
Weather events: If you live in a region prone to severe weather, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, you may pay more.
Comprehensive Deductibles
In general, comprehensive deductibles are provided in lower amounts compared to collision deductibles, starting at $100.9 
Comprehensive car insurance typically covers glass and windshield damage. An insurer may offer glass coverage with or without a deductible. Choosing no deductible will help you avoid out-of-pocket costs but will increase your comprehensive premium. Some states, such as Kentucky, require zero-deductible glass damage coverage if you carry comprehensive insurance.10
Key Differences Between Comprehensive and Collision Auto Insurance
If your car is damaged in a road collision with another car or object and you’re at fault, only your collision coverage can help pay to repair it. Only comprehensive coverage covers losses caused by contact with animals, civil disturbances, fires, natural disasters, theft, and vandalism. 
Your personal collision and comprehensive coverages may include rental car damages while you’re on vacation.11 Check with your car insurance agent for details and to ensure that coverage is extended to rentals. Remember that:
You’ll still need to pay the deductible.
Any claims may raise your premium.
All expenses may not be covered—such as loss of income for the rental agency. 
Some insurers may not extend physical damage coverage for certain difficult-to-insure cars, whether due to high theft rates or repair and replacement costs.5 Or, you may need to have a high deductible of $1,000 or more.
For other types of situations, neither collision nor comprehensive coverage would apply. Here are the types of auto insurance policies that would cover other situations:SituationInsurance coverageMedical expenses for you or your passengers Personal injury protection (PIP), medical, or your health insurance policyOther auto’s driver or passenger medical expensesBodily liability The difference between your collision payment and the amount owed on a new vehicleGap insuranceCar rental while repairs are performedAuto rental coverageMechanical breakdownsMechanical breakdown insuranceGeneral wear and tear and maintenance costsNo coverage available—pay out of pocketTheft of items from your carPossibly homeowners or renters’ policy
State laws do not require drivers to buy collision and comprehensive car insurance coverages. But when you borrow money to buy or lease a car, the lender or leasing company will likely require you to carry both types of protections.7 If you don’t purchase these policies, the lender may buy them for you and charge you for it, also known as force-placed insurance. 
Depending on your state and insurer, the insurer may drop your collision and comprehensive coverage if you have an excessive claim history or only specific claim types, taking into account both at-fault and not-at-fault claims. 
Typically, collision car insurance costs more than comprehensive coverage.12 The cost of both types of coverage can depend on factors such as your location and the type of vehicle you drive. 
Your premiums may increase if you have had frequent or high-value claims. You may more often see premiums increase where you were at fault for collisions vs. not-at-fault comprehensive. Increased premiums may depend on state laws and insurance companies. 
For example, in Texas, an insurer can raise your premium if you have three claims over 36 months for damage from flying gravel or other flying or falling objects, which fall under comprehensive coverage.13
Typically, collision and comprehensive coverages have separate deductibles, and you can choose different amounts for each deductible. Comprehensive coverage deductibles are typically offered in lower amounts than for collision coverage. 
Some states set minimums for deductibles. In New York, insurers must charge at least a $50 deductible for comprehensive and $100 for collision, but a $0 deductible is allowed for glass damages.14
When it’s claim time, you pay separate deductibles for each incident. If you’re in a fender bender in the morning, and a tree falls on your car in the afternoon, you’ll be charged two separate deductibles—one for collision and one for comprehensive.
Is Collision or Comprehensive Car Insurance Better?
If you finance or lease a car, you’ll have to carry both collision and comprehensive coverage until you pay off the loan or the lease ends. 
If you own a vehicle outright, you may not need either coverage. However, figure out how much you can afford to spend out of pocket if you total your automobile, if it’s stolen, or if it sustains natural disaster damage. If you have an older car with a low market value, carrying collision or comprehensive coverages might not make financial sense.
Suppose you just paid off your car loan and your automobile still has a $15,000 market value. Depending on the cost of your insurance premium, it might make financial sense to continue carrying collision and comprehensive coverages. But, if your vehicle has a market value of less than $3,000, you can likely drop both coverages.15
Do You Need Both Comprehensive and Collision Auto Insurance?
Car leasing companies and lenders require lessors and borrowers to carry collision and comprehensive car insurance coverages. If you own your vehicle outright, you might consider discontinuing collision, comprehensive, or both coverages. However, remember that if you drop collision and comprehensive coverages, you’ll have to use your own funds to pay for losses. Generally, it makes good financial sense to drop both coverages when your car’s market value dips below about $3,000.15
Does Comprehensive Mean Full Coverage?
No. Lenders and auto leasing companies typically require customers to buy a full-coverage car insurance policy. “Full coverage” is not an actual policy type. It typically refers to an auto insurance policy that includes all legally required coverages, like bodily injury and property damage liability, plus collision and comprehensive coverages.
What Is Third-Party Insurance?
You file a third-party insurance claim when you think the accident was the other driver’s fault, and you file a claim with their insurance company. If the insurance company agrees and pays your claim, you do not pay a deductible for any car repairs. If you first file a claim with your company under collision coverage and pay the deductible, your company may be able to refund the deductible to you later.16
Is It Better to Have a High or a Low Deductible?
Choosing a high deductible can lower your premium, but it requires you to pay more out of pocket if you need to file a claim. Car owners who can afford to pay for losses using their funds may choose a high deductible. Sometimes, your insurer may require a higher deductible if you have an excessive claim history.
On the other hand, a low deductible can help you avoid high out-of-pocket costs following an accident but will require you to pay a higher premium. Drivers with limited savings may benefit from paying a higher premium, with the assurance that their policy will cover higher losses.
The Bottom Line
Collision and comprehensive auto insurance coverages provide valuable protections. If you drive an expensive vehicle, consider carrying both types of coverage to protect your assets in the event of a major loss. However, not all drivers need collision or comprehensive coverage. If you’ve paid off your car loan and your automobile has little market value, carrying these protections is probably not cost-effective.
Also, consider your risk level. You might not need collision and comprehensive auto insurance if you own your vehicle and only drive it occasionally. But, if you live in a location with high auto theft or traffic accident rates, the extra protection might be valuable in the long run.
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Tips on Fence Installation Framingham from Licensed Contractors
Look no further if you are contemplating putting up a new fence installation Framingham or replacing the one you already have! In this article, we will give advice and suggestions from qualified professionals on everything you need to know about designing and carrying out a fence installation in the most effective way possible. We will ensure that when it comes time for you to install your new fence, there will be nothing in the way of you having the ideal backyard setup. This includes researching and understanding local zoning laws and determining what type of fencing will work best for your property. Let's start with some helpful pointers that our team of qualified experts has compiled from their years of expertise. ASK FOR A QUOTE FROM MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS It is only normal to want to compare prices and services while searching for a fence. This is only sometimes the ideal plan, however, and especially not if you want a sturdy wooden fence installed in Framingham. While it's smart to be flexible, remember that too many choices might make it harder to settle on the best one. Expert Framingham contractors should be ready to provide an exact estimate right away. When you get numerous bids from various service providers, you run the risk of receiving estimates that vary widely and fail to consider important details about your home. Perhaps one contractor has given you an estimate for a certain quantity and design because they have gleaned from your previous conversations that this is precisely what you have in mind. If you get many estimates, you may receive a more affordable one of a different style than you had envisioned. To avoid unpleasant surprises when it comes time to sign the contract, getting quotes from up to two contractors at a time is essential. HIRE A CONTRACTOR THAT OFFERS A WARRANTY ON FENCE INSTALLATION FRAMINGHAM The second aspect of the contractor's career that you need to investigate is their track record. Make it a point to inquire about the length of the warranties that cover their services. Should this be the case, the company's products and services are of the highest possible standard and will continue to perform admirably for many years. If they are just willing to provide a guarantee for a single year, it indicates that they need more confidence in the quality of their finished product. After the fence has been finished for only a few months, it may need maintenance. When you pick contractors that give fair warranties on their services, you can know that they will stand by their work and take care of any issues that may arise with your fence in the future. MAKE SURE THEY HAVE LIABILITY INSURANCE Framingham is a city in Massachusetts with a population of about 71,265, making it the 10th most populated state. Framingham is also a part of Metro West, which consists of Framingham, Wayland, Marlborough and Sudbury. Many other towns and cities surrounding Framingham are also contractors, so you're bound to find someone to work with if you prefer. The biggest tips you can get regarding Framingham fence installation are to make sure they have liability insurance and that they're licensed to work in Massachusetts. The first one is obvious: you don't want a contractor working on your home who isn't insured against damage or injury. The second one is important because not everyone in Massachusetts can qualify as a contractor. Even if they have experience installing fences, it might not be legal here. CHECK WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU There are several fencing installation businesses in the Framingham region, but before you engage one, you should verify that they are properly licensed and insured. You may verify a business's legitimacy by contacting the BBB (BBB). Companies that maintain the highest levels of honesty and integrity in their dealings with customers and other stakeholders may earn the Better Business Bureau's seal of approval. You may find BBB-accredited contractors in the Framingham area by visiting and doing a search for "fence installation" along with the name of a local Framingham contractor. When you click on a company's name, you'll be able to check its overall rating as well as any customer complaints that have been lodged against it. Before hiring a firm to conduct work around your house, it's a good idea to see their reputation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Contact J.Gudiel Landscape Inc. at (508) 380-0048. We are dedicated to providing affordable, quality landscaping services to Framingham, MA; Wayland, MA; Lincoln, MA; Sudbury, MA and all surrounding towns. Our experienced landscapers are committed to delivering the best customer service in the industry. Please call us today to schedule an appointment!
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For the Christmas prompt thingy! Honestly I'll take all the help I can get getting into the holiday spirit. (I literally just got back from seeing the nutcracker for the 1st time ever and while i loved it, still nothing as far as holiday cheer goes😔)Obviously you know which one of your oc couples is my favorite and i never get tired of(S+C(+E)), but if you want a break from them, I also accept Dean and Kat or Stiles and Sadie. Any # tbh but 3, 7 or 10 caught my eye. I appreciate the help 😅🎄
I know that this took me until Christmas Eve-Eve, but I hope that it still gives you a little boost. I knew exactly which one I wanted to do as soon as you sent this.
iv. taking their time picking the tree
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Christine had experienced almost every kind of Christmas she could imagine. She’d had years where she and her dad had just gone to the movies and eaten Chinese food. She’d had years where she went to a big Christmas party thrown by whatever company her dad was working for that year. She’d had Christmases where they decided to skip Christmas and try to recreate Hannukah the way her mother would’ve done it. Big Christmas, small Christmas, or no Christmas—Christine didn’t have a lot of expectations.
This year, though, she knew things would be different.
Once everything in Hawkins had settled and healed, once she’d finally grabbed her diploma without being eaten by an interdimensional monster, Christine left Indiana behind for MIT. Moving to Massachusetts might’ve been bittersweet if she hadn’t taken so much of Hawkins with her. It was hard to miss home when she was sharing an apartment with Eddie and Steve.
There hadn’t been much debate about the situation. Both boys cared more about Christine than anything keeping them in Hawkins—except Wayne, who Eddie called pretty much every day. He worked for cash at the local mechanic, Steve climbing his way to up to assistant manager at a nearby movie theater. They split rent and groceries three ways, which meant Christine was saving loads on room and board. It also meant spending every day with two of her favorite people.
Most days it was a little slice of heaven.
Today, it was decidedly not.
“Will you two stop arguing?” Christine begged. “My feet are about to freeze in these boots.”
“I’ll stop arguing when Eddie takes his head out of his ass,” Steve complained. He had his arms folded over his chest, giving Eddie a stern look. “We’re not getting this one. Pick something else.”
“No,” Eddie said stubbornly. “Why would I pick something else when we could have this beauty of a tree?”
“Because this beauty of a tree isn’t going to fit through the door, let alone in the living room. It’s about three feet too tall.”
“Wha—no, it’s not.” Eddie scoffed, struggling to hold the tree upright as another gust of wind blew through the lot. “Okay, it’s tall, but once they do a fresh cut on the bottom and we trim the top—”
“Dude, they’d have to cut the damn thing in half! We’re not buying it!”
Eddie swore and dropped the tree back against the fence, which creaked dangerously under the weight. “Well we’re not buying that shrimp of a tree that you picked out. Why the fuck would we get a three-foot Christmas tree?”
“Because it’s practical,” Steve said for the hundredth time. “The apartment’s already too small for us and, unless the tree’s gonna pay rent, I’m not letting it take up a quarter of the living room.”
“It’s for one month, Harrington. Don’t be a Scrooge.”
“Hilarious. Have you even read that?”
“What, because you have?”
“Guys, stop,” Christine pleaded. “Can’t we just split the difference and get a five-foot?”
“No,” the boys replied in unison.
Christine whined and snuggled further into her winter coat. They’d been standing in the tree lot for almost an hour, but with the wind chill, it felt like four. Even with two pairs of socks, her boots, her gloves, her sweater, scarf, coat, and hat, Christine could feel her blood starting to crystalize in her veins. Eddie seemed to be impervious to the cold, merely adding a hat and gloves to his usual ensemble of ripped jeans and flannel. Steve was bundled up in his peacoat, but he was so irritated that his anger was doing a better job of keeping him warm.
She knew, in theory, why they were having this argument. Steve had grown up with an over-the-top Christmas every year, a tree larger than God in his living room. Eddie never had that opportunity. In the trailer with Wayne, the most they ever did was hang up twinkle lights in the living room. This year, in their own apartment, they had a chance to do Christmas their way. They just couldn’t decide what their way was going to be.
“I still say we get a fake tree,” Steve huffed. “It’s less money in the long run and—”
“Over my dead body, Harrington.”
“Oho—we’re getting there, Munson!”
“Come on, angel, back me up here,” Eddie said, turning his puppy eyes to Christine.
“We’re not getting a fake tree,” she sighed. Eddie punched the air in victory and Steve groaned, sour until she added, “Because if we get a fake tree, it means I’ve been standing here for an hour freezing my ass off for no reason. I literally do not care what kind of tree we get. So help me, God—you two are gonna pick a tree, strap it to the car, and take me home before I take that seven-footer and shove it up your ass.”
“Wow, okay, uh…” Steve scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “Which one of us?”
“Both of you,” she growled, “one on each end.”
The boys winced, then exchanged a look of resignation. Eddie shrugged and tipped his head to the side, a silent “you heard her” to Steve. Steve pursed his lips and looked around the lot one last time before he folded.
“We’re not doing anything bigger than six feet. And you’re vacuuming, Munson! If there’s a single needle in the carpet come January—”
“Then you can use me as a tree topper next year,” Eddie said, hand over his heart. “Aye-aye, Captain.”
“Oh, fuck you, Munson.”
“That’d be great, thanks.” Eddie winked as walked around Christine, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back into his chest. The boy was like a furnace, heat radiating through her layers as he kissed the top of her head. “But I think we have to thaw-out the princess first.”
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Clouds (No. 564)
Gettysburg National Military Park, PA
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 2 years
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"A good number of Filipinos found themselves on both sides of the fence during the American Civil War which pitted the Union against the Confederacy. As we can recall, several prickly issues—including the abolition of slavery—paved the way for several southern states to break from the Union and form the Confederate States of America.
With the help of the documents found at the National Archives in Washington and military records in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Nestor Palugod Enriquez, a former US Navy man, discovered that there were at least 31 Filipinos who joined the Civil War.
One source claims that some 30 Filipinos fought in the US Civil War. However, there is only one well-documented case—that of Felix Cornelius Balderry.
It is not known where Balderry originally was from in the Philippines, but he was known to have been a crew member of an American merchant ship that plied the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. Like multitudes of his countrymen after him, Balderry somehow managed to settle in the US after his seafaring days.
When the US Civil War broke out in 1861, Balderry enlisted in the Union Army’s "A" Company, the 11th Michigan Volunteers. He survived the Civil War and returned to his new home state of Michigan. He then took up the trade of tailoring and started a family. He married one Ada May Burns in 1885 and had one son. He died ten years later in August 1895."
Mercene, F. (2007). Manila Men in the New World: Filipino Migration to Mexico and the Americas from the Sixteenth Century. UP Press.
BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you enjoy our work, please support us @ ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Brazil was Harvard’s preferred target. [...] Recent field investigations in Brazil show that the situation has not changed, and, if anything, it only seems to be getting worse. [...]
Harvard's Terracal subsidiary moved into their territory in 2010 [...]. Communications between Harvard and its Brazilian managers, made available through a labour court case [...], show that Harvard was aware of the conflict with local villagers [...]. The company has been ruthless in its tactics. [...] "We were watching wondering from one hour to the next when we would be killed", says one of the villagers. [...]
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"We used to live off of fishing and farming. I can still remember the smell of rice when it was being harvested. But now we can no longer grow [...]". These are the words of a resident of Arthur Passos, a rural community in the north-eastern Brazilian state of Piaui, speaking in October 2019. Ten years ago, they gained official recognition as an Afro-descendent community (quilombola), with special protections under Brazilian law, and with this they began a process to secure official title over their territory. But in 2013 that process was dramatically interrupted.
A powerful company, owned by Harvard University's endowment fund, moved in and claimed all the area surrounding the villagers' homes. The company, Terracal – a subsidiary of another Harvard-owned company, Gordian Bioenergy – erected a 17 km fence and hired security guards to keep people out. The people of Arthur Passos could no longer hunt, fish, grow crops, [...] or collect fruits, medicinal plants and firewood from the forest as they had always done. [...] Terracal cleared forests from the land and was preparing to move ahead with a massive irrigated plantation project covering 45,000 hectares.
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The Brazilian farmland deals have been especially disastrous for rural communities living in the areas where Harvard bought lands. [...]
The last [global “profound economic crisis”] a decade ago, which was caused by a collapse of the financial sector, triggered a global rush for farmland, as pension funds, private equity boutiques and billionaires sought refuge from tanking stock markets by speculating in so-called natural resource assets. Big players like the US pension fund manager TIAA and Sweden's national pension plan shifted hundreds of millions of dollars into new farmland funds.
But of the many financial houses suddenly looking for farmland, none was more aggressive than Harvard University's US$40 billion endowment fund. In an eight year period following the 2008 crisis, Harvard poured over US$1 billion into amassing a global portfolio of farmlands, covering nearly 1 million hectares [...].
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Brazil was Harvard’s preferred target. It established three offshore structures, operating through three different Brazilian agribusiness operators, to buy Brazilian farmland. By 2016, these three structures had amassed over 40 rural properties covering approximately 405,000 hectares, an area twice the size of all the farmland in the US state of Massachusetts.
In September 2018, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos and GRAIN released a report documenting the human rights violations happening on some of Harvard-owned farms in Brazil and the University's lack of due diligence [...]. Our recent field investigations in Brazil show that the situation has not changed, and, if anything, it only seems to be getting worse. Moreover, new information shows that Harvard purchased more farmland in Brazil than previously estimated, and that its operations are connected to alarming levels of deforestation and forest fires in the Brazilian Cerrado (the most biodiverse savannah in the world) [...].
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Much of the deforestation that takes place in the Cerrado is the result of fires that are deliberately set by agribusinesses to expand their holdings. [...] Research conducted by AidEnvironment found that Harvard's farms overlap with the areas of the Cerrado where there was a heavy concentration of forest fires in 2019. [...] This was later confirmed by field visits to the communities undertaken by Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos in October 2019. The villagers of Arthur Passos believe that the fires were set deliberately, as a way to keep them from entering the area. [...]
"The forest reserve of [Insolo's] Galileia farm is all burnt. The reserve they left, in the lowlands, everything was burned", said one Baixao Fechado resident, speaking about the section of the former Harvard farm property that the company was legally obliged to protect as a reserve and not clear for farming.
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The Baixao do Aleixo community in the neighbouring north-eastern state of Bahia is in a similar situation. Harvard's Terracal subsidiary moved into their territory in 2010, when it bought a contested title to a large parcel of land from a wealthy Brazilian family. Since then, there's been a tense conflict between Terracal and the villagers who have used the land [...] for generations. [...]
Communications between Harvard and its Brazilian managers, made available through a labour court case filed by a former Terracal employee, show that Harvard was aware of the conflict with local villagers at its Bahia property.[...]
The company has been ruthless in its tactics. Villagers say people hired by the company offered them bribes, deliberately set neighbours against each other, and threatened and intimidated people with violence. "We were watching wondering from one hour to the next when we would be killed", says one of the villagers. [...]
Headline, photos, map, captions, text excerpts: GRAIN and Rede Social de Justica e Direitos Humanos. “Harvard’s land grabs in Brazil are a disaster for communities and a warning to speculators.” 8 May 2020.
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