#fennel silicobra
pequenosol · 2 years
Alright, I don’t know how many days late exactly this is X”D But yeah here’s what I’ve been up to!
After beating the third gym, I headed over in the direction of the Dark Team Star Base, because Giacomo’s Pokemon were MUCH lower leveled than mine at the time totally not for any other reason, like my love of Team Star as a whole. Nope, not at all >>’
Along the way, I found a Ghost Tera den and somehow caught Osaimhthus (he/they) a Makuhita! He’s…level 35. Higher than any of my other Pokémon at this point X”D So, with the level and the fact that Giacomo’s base is Dark type, I added them to the team!
I traveled up the long path to base, along the way catching Gyokuro the Mankey (They/Xey), Tulsi the Misdreavus (He/Fae), and Nettle the Gastly(they/them)!
(Also, not as important, but when I first walked up to the base, the grunts guarding the entrance called me sassy >:] Hehe! In-character-ness achieved~) But yeah Giacomo was super easy! Cinnamon, Lemon, and Osaimhthus were awesome and then I got more backstory on Team Star that was fun! Penny/Cassiopeia gave me my LP and materials afterwards.
Then I caught Thistle (she/her) the Bramblin, who I added to the team because the next gym is Water and I would like to have more than one Pokémon that’s good against them. I spent. THREE. WHOLE DAYS TRAINING HER UP AND WALKING AROUND TO GET HER TO EVOLVE…Don’t make the mistake I did, thinking it would just evolve when it got the 1000 steps…turns out ya gotta level it up as well….so YEAH! DON’T WASTE 2 DAYS WORTH OF GRINDING LIKE I DID.
After that, I traveled to the city with the gym and a lady runs out and tells me that the gym leader forgot his wallet. And gives it to me.
(unfortunately you can’t take money out of it but IMAGINE IF YOU COULD LMAO)
So yeah she says that if I can return it to Kofu then it’ll count for my Gym Challenge, which I agree to because I’ve heard that the gym challenge for this city is BRUTAL. Then I head off into the desert. Accidentally go the wrong way and end up at a cliff overlooking the next route that happens to be next to the city Kofu went. Any person with any sense would’ve gone around. But. Not me.
I jumped off a cliff and lived >:]
And then got attacked by a group of Maschief :[
But then after that I caught Sugar (She/He) the Sableye! :D
Then I caught up to Kofu, fought the guy who was with him because he was like ‘shoo shoo smol child’, and then Kofu forced me to buy some seaweed for him at an auction for some reason (? Why can’t you buy it youself-)
BUT HEY I got 15,000 dollars out of it so in a way I did rob the old man ✨ ùvú
At this point, I was very nervous about fighting Kofu, because the description of his gym said it was meant for more experienced battlers, and this lady I met (I forgot her name but she’s the Elite four member who uses ground types and has a super gender design) did NOT make me feel any better about doing so because she said that this is the place where most challengers give up the gyms. So. Thanks for that >:( I hoped maybe Kofu would go easy on me because I didn’t rob him, but he said no…..
Thankfully my Pokémon were great and all OHKO’d all out his :D
After that I added Sugar to the team in place of Thistle and set out to fight in a bunch of Tera Raids to train up to level 35! Along the way, both Cinnamon and Fennel evolved! <3 Yay!!
Oh yeah and I’m WAYYYY behind on the refs X”D But here’s what I got done right now!
The Tera hats are stupid so I’m doing type-swap like designs! :D the ones shown here are an Electric Silicobra and a Psychic Grevard
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pequenosol · 2 years
I took on the third gym today! :D
Prior to that though, I trained up Fennel to level 25, and along the way, I caught Yerba Mate (He/Him), a Greavard with the Psychic Tera Type, and, just outside the city, I caught Barley (it/its) the Sandygast! So. Fennel's. Not super sturdy, so I decided to add it to the team to help! And. I had to do more training XD But yeah I got it leveled up and headed towards the city! Oh yeah and Lemon the Toxel evolved! However, just as I was approaching the gym/league building place. The game crashed D: I was freaking TERRIFIED for a hot second, because I could have lost all my progress!! Thankfully, I didn't lose that much and quickly made up for the time I lost though I did run over a random NPC to express my rage. Anyways, after I reach the gym/league building again, Nemona shows up and forces me to fight her, even after I said no! How RUDE >:[
I easily beat her though and then Iono livestreamed me playing "Where's Waldo Clavel", which I dominated at because he's literally the only person in the crowd wearing purple. Like. It's not an easy color to miss XD I beat up a couple of Iono's adoring fans, then it was onto the UwU Kawaii Girl herself. And, tbh, she was the first gym leader that gave me trouble.
I lead with Cardemom because I knew her first Pokémon was a Wattrel. And. He misses the first Rock Tomb XD Cardemom eats a spark like a boss and the borb goes down, and Iono switches to her ✨favorite, super-adorable partner✨, Bellibolt. I thought Cardemom could handle it. He outsped the 'bolt, but. Rock Tomb did like nothing. And then the 'bolt used Spark and HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE. I predicted Spark (which it did use) and used the chance to switch into Barley. Bulldoze gets it down to orange, but I'm outsped and Water Gun does SO MUCH. So, I switch to Lemon, who tanks a couple of attacks while I heal up Cardemom and Barely, then he kicks the Bellibolt's butt. Her Luxio was next, which Cardemom easily took care of, and then comes her Mismaguis. With an Electric Tera Type. And Levitate.
Well frick me.
The Mismagius has Charge Beam, which Cardemom definitely CANNOT survive, so I decided my best option would be to switch to Cinnamon and Yawn it. I did that and then healed up Cardemom. The Mismaguis fell asleep, I switched to my Drednaw, prayed it wouldn't wake up, and then killed it with two Rock Tombs.
Third badge git!! :D
Oh yeah and here's Fennel's ref ^^
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pequenosol · 2 years
Once again, I combined a couple of days, since they were just training.
On the last training day, I caught two new Pokèmon! :D Yarrow the Cyclizar (he/they) and (after many Great Balls and much difficulty), my babee, Needle the Dreepy(she/her)! I'm ESTATIC about catching a pesudo-Legendary...I sent Yarrow to the boxes and added Needle to the team in place of Tribute (as much as I love them, they're. Not very strong XD I think if I can evolve them, she'll be worth having on the team, but that's going to take a while. So. To the boxes for now!)
After I decided I had trained enough, I headed over to the base. Along the way, Not-Penny/Cassiopia gives me a walk through of what I'm supposed to do, and then. Director Clavel shows up, poorly disguised as a kid X"D Dear God I love that trope...anyway I immediately know it's him but he denies it anyway. Not-Penny doesn't trust him but reluctantly lets him in on the mission.
I beat up the grunt guarding the base's Houndour and entered with Cardemom, Gongmei, and Sorrel. As I was in the auto battling section of the raid, unfortunately...Sorrel died. Tbh, I wasn't too surprised, since they're kind of fragile, and I wasn't too upset either, since I was planning boxing them anyways after this, and I don't really need another Fire-Ghost on the team. So. Oh well first death lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Then the big bad boss Mela came out herself. She sent out her Torkoal, which has the Drought ability, and because I am big brained, I taught Cardemom Rain Dance and got rid of the unfavorable weather condition ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Then I Terastaliyzed him and. Just destroyed her X"D
Then Mela has a flashback. And. I want to know who the smol Fairy type leader is 👀 They look so cute and sassy and smol, cute and sassy characters are my absolute FAVORITE CHARACTERS. So yeah I'm excited to fight them, whenever I get around to it!
Not-Penny sends out a field member- who, would ya look at that!- is Penny to give me some materials for TMs and some LP before disappearing. Then I decide to head on over to Iono's Gym and along the way, I found an Electric Silicobra in a Tera Raid! :D I caught them, named them Fennel (any pronouns) and added them to the team! They're a bit underleveled, so I'm going to have to do a bit of grinding again!
So, both some good and some bad things, but overall mainly good! Here's Yarrow and Needle's refs, and I'll see y'all later!
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