#fenris: *exists*; hawke: 'holy shit do that again'
ndostairlyrium · 10 months
Some wholesome ask? ✨
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7 for everyone, 28 for Ankh and Bonbon, 31 for Kerry, 35 for Ela and 37 for Len! :3
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HI ** 💛
Laughing bc I envision something dreadful for all of them
7 - [The Bunch] What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would enjoy?
Elanor: Probably an epic fantasy, or something from the 80s. Labyrinth is the first that comes to mind, but she'd be a hardcore fan of The Lord of the Rings as well. Her favorite character would be Aragorn and she would totally wear a necklace with the one ring unironically.
Kerry: Whatever makes him laugh and have a good time. Airplane or one of The Naked Gun movies would be good candidates. But also a "romantic flick with a twist" would do (catch him crying and fangirling @ Keanu Reeves in The Lake House). Also, Julia Roberts is totally a fave!
Ankh: Now, this you won't expect, but in the modern days AU I've written in my brain she's a huge fan of Ducktales. Like, she knows the lines and every episode by heart. She's obsessed with the old and the new series, but also with the Disney ducks in general, so much that she has a lot of first editions and multiple sketches signed by Don Rosa scattered around her house. Magica De Spell is her favorite villain, hands down. Movie wise, I'd say it's either Fantasia or Robin Hood. She's not a Disney adult even if she loves their brand of animation, but these are the movies she enjoys the most. "The snake speaks!! Lmao"
Len: Army of Darkness and Planet Terror are her favorite movies of all time. She's a sucker for a grotesque slasher with some comedy in it, she knows her tropes and when a movie has "horror" and "Bruce Campbell" in the mix she's sold instantly. The less quality FX the better!
28 - [Ankh & Bonbon] What would they do if their favorite pet suddenly fell asleep on their lap?
Oh, Bonbon is a gentleman! He would wait until she wakes up and then bark insistently until she fetches him some carrots.
31 - [Hawke] What would make them blush?
He's not one that flusters easily, mind you, but he's very impressionable when it comes to his crushes doing anything. Ask Fenris to point at a rock, he would sing the praises of how valiantly he raised his finger and think about it fondly for a week straight.
35 - [Elanor] What is something they're ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
Copy-pasting the original answer because I still stand by that:
"Her laugh. It's a syncopated one that has small snorts here and there. She usually "corrects" it by using a deeper tone, or she just covers her mouth and laughs silently. Her life is a try not to laugh challenge without rewards. And considering her LI is, in her words, "the funniest person in Thedas" it's a real torture."
37 - [Leonarda] Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
A fuckton of grenades for herself, a couple of mods for Garrus, and a Salarian-shaped plushie for Wrex so he can choke it when he's too stressed. She would probably reach the limit in two minutes << also now I have to pay for her monthly Fornax subscription fee
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thebonerpit · 2 years
I need to talk about Dragon Age Absolution because yeah I’m late to the party but I finally watched it...
First of all, I can’t get over the utter ridiculousness of Hawke failing to kill not one but TWO villains. Like. what the FUCK lmfao. This poor man/woman. And poor Varric too, holy shit. But I am a bit confused because Varric was viscount of Kirkwall at the end of DAI right? Was this already happening and he somehow just didn’t notice?? (There was also some weird timeline fuckery with Hira saying her family was killed by Venatori when she was a small child but now she’s at least 20 and the Venatori didn’t even exist until DAI. DA4 cannot be 15+ years later, that would be bananas.)
I was kind of spoiled for the Meredith reveal but I didn’t know she was fully aware and talking and controlling red lyrium templars?!?!?! I thought she was just gonna be the red crystal and that artifact was going to wake her up but I guess she’s already awake, so maybe it’s to give her a body again? IDK IDK.
Unfortunately I didn’t love Miriam. She’s just the type of character I don’t generally like... kinda 2edgy4u y’know? I mean she’s basically a female Fenris but the difference is we had a whole-ass game to get to know him and see his personality emerge and see him work through his trauma but this entire series was over SO fast that I never felt like I knew her at all. I knew Hira was going to betray them because there was absolutely no fucking way Fairbanks was the real traitor and if you played Inquisition you probably knew that too. It sucks he died but at least he wasn’t a bastard. Oh and speaking of Hira I just find it so funny that she was like “yeah I asked the Inquisition to go WAR with Tevinter and they said NO can you believe?!” and I’m like YES I can believe, what the fuck? Are you kidding me?? You think the Inquisition - who are already being scrutinized and accused of being power hungry and are dealing with mountains of other things - are going to start a war with one of the most powerful nations in Thedas? I have to laugh.
Rezaren had the personality of a piece of wet bread and I was zero percent interested in his whiny shenanigans. Although I do appreciate how he thought that keeping the reanimated corpse of his dead slave around to chat to every now and then was NORMAL. Horrific. I actually really liked Tassia though! Because for almost the entirety of DA we’ve sort of been told that Tevinter templars are weak as kittens and are basically pointless, but Tassia was a certified boss swinging that hammer around. It was weird that we never saw her use any templar abilities though (unless I missed it?) so maybe that is sort of frowned upon in Tevinter.
The real winners here are OBVIOUSLY Lacklon and Roland omg babessssss. Roland was by far my fave character. Optimistic and heroic with just the right amount of sass so he wasn’t boring. Qwydion was... ugh ok I am on the fence with her. There were a lot of parts where I really did like her but imho they just made her a BIT too silly. Like running away screaming from the demons... girl... you’re a badass mage, what the hell was that?!
Anyway overall I give it a solid 7/10. I think I was just so excited to see something new in the DA world again /sobs, so I can overlook some of the faults. I am both terrified and excited for DA4 because I thought we would be mostly dealing with Solas and his bullshit but now we have Meredith + red templars invading Tevinter which is already struggling to repel constant Qunari invasions?? Things are not looking good for Tevinter tbh and if that means something bad happens to Dorian I will RIOT.
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timesorceror · 7 years
Year of Review - Writing 2017
Decided to do this thing again, cause last year’s was pretty fun. Alright, let’s go for a ride ladies and germs!
Total number of completed stories:
Fifteen…? Many of them are oneshots or collections of fics written for month/week challenges, but who cares.
Total word count:
*whistles* Wow. 264,023 words. Last year I only had, like, 72,483, though to be fair I didn’t start writing consistently until around June. Still though, that’s a nice chunk of word change right there. 
This also includes the 12k+ word alternate ending to A Promise Kept, and my currently unfinished fic, A Beautiful Experiment.
Fandoms written in:
Dragon Age. It’s still my only fandom headspace, though I repeat I’d love to do a DA crossover with Zelda someday.
Looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?:
Uh… I definitely didn’t expect to write as much as I did, no. Like I expected to write some, but not quite that many words.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?:
Hmm. Excluding my collections for #Januanderstakeback, Anders Week, and Fenhanders Week… I think I gotta give this one to Once Bitten, Twice Bonded. It’s the first chaptered fic I’d done since my fic writing dry spell of about 3 years or so, and man I don’t think I’ve ever agonized so much over a fic before, like ever. I mean, I googled how snake sex worked just to write the darn thing.
…I’m also really impressed with how a lot of people in the Fenders Discord really like it, actually. I think someone even called it a masterpiece or something. Like, wow. I’m actually kind of jazzed about that.
Did you take any writing risks this year?:
The #Januanderstakeback prompts were super hard to keep up with, considering as I was just starting my final semester in college around that time, but I’m actually kind of proud how I was able to keep up with them. Seeing them all in the collection on AO3 is pretty neat, tbh.
Do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?:
I always want to finish my Inquisitor’s journal entries, though not as much as before. Other than that, I want to spread the DA Weird Shit chat’s wonderfulness with the world. There can never be too much kink, really. Not where Fenders is concerned. 
Some of the projects on my current spreadsheet are of course that Fenders Nutcracker AU, the Darkest Dungeon AU that @drawsshits and I came up with, more A/B/O stuff, some sequels to My Watchword is “Tranquil” and Keep You Safe. Also I’m gonna finish A Beautiful Experiment, for sure.
Best story of the year?:
It’s not, like, an actual fic, but The Rule I Will Most Cherish Breaking is my favorite collection of stories. But if we’re going with like a straight fic here, Once Bitten, Twice Bonded probably has that spot, hands down. 
Most popular story of the year?:
Looking at AO3, Change for the Better has the most hits, but What’s Lost and Found has nearly twice as many kudos while holding the #1 spot in that category. It’s also been the fic most bookmarked by other people. Once Bitten, Twice Bonded has the most comment threads and currently the highest word count, though A Beautiful Experiment has the most subscriptions.
Overall, however, Once Bitten, Twice Bonded holds at least a top three spot in all categories, also sitting at the #2 spot on most hits and bookmarks, as well as #3 in kudos and subscriptions. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
It’s a toss-up between The Absolutely True Story of a Possessed Grey Warden Corpse, or A Precious Gift. Both feature my canon Warden Amell and custom Hawke, so I’m super biased about it, though this category is about my personal opinions anyway after all. :P
Most fun story to write:
There’s two fics in my Fenhanders Week 2017 collection that I had a lot of fun with. One of them was about a Fenkhanders OT4, while the other was about a three way soulmate AU where I got to write about Anders getting loved on and DP’d by his soulmates. (Don’t kinkshame me now, lol. Kinkshaming is unjust.)
Story with the single sexiest moment:
I think Once Bitten, Twice Bonded has this category beat. I mean, interspecies sex plus egg laying and double peneration with a side of accidental bonding makes for a lot of sexy moments.
Most sweet story:
Happy Accidents and A Precious Gift definitely hold spots in the running for this one, but the one that I actually cried several times during the writing of it was A Promise Kept. Something about it was just super emotional, especially after listening to Peter Hollens’ ‘Ashland’s Song’. Seriously, read the ending while listening to it and tell me if that doesn’t just make you want to cry.
“Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story:
Despite being one of my most popular stories this year, I’m probably gonna give this one to Once Bitten, Twice Bonded as well? XD
Just because some people might not be into it once they actually google what snake “penises” look like, lol. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Probably Reclaiming Freedom (Through Sex and Other Things). It’s an odd one for sure, but writing selfcest tends to make you really think about how a character would react if their past self just suddenly exists in the world and absolutely wants to bone down with their future self and their lover.
Most unintentionally telling story:
I dunno. Guys, you’ve read my stuff, you tell me.
Hardest story to write:
I got stuck on A Promise Kept a lot, though that one was just really long. 
The Absolutely True Story of a Possessed Grey Warden Corpse was difficult too because I wasn’t sure how my Warden would interact with all of the Kirkwall crew (especially Fenris), and Once Bitten, Twice Bonded was SO HARD since not only was I not used to writing Awakening Anders, but I had to write an Awakening Anders who was falling in love with a Fenris who never went to Kirkwall. Sing for Me got me a couple times due to its sheer ridiculousness.
I also had trouble really hurting Anders too much in What’s Lost and Found even though the prompt called for it, and the logistics of mermaid on octopus bits made me pause for the longest time during A Compatible Mate.
Biggest disappointment:
The journal entries are still not done, but that’s, eh. Not as important anymore. Most of my current disappointments have nothing to do with my fics.
Biggest surprise:
Just, like… all of your support and kudos and comments. I’ve really been going out on a limb to test so many wonderful, smutty kinks and you all just keep indulging me. Thanks guys. :D I hope to bring more kinks to the fandom in the coming year.
Alright, tagging time! I set this upon: @pikestaff, @contreparry, @tearsofwinter, @rhube, @greensphynx, @thejourneymaninn, @damnedapostate, @therealmnemo, @dovabunny, and @protect-him.
Go and do the thing! :D
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