#feril fae
loominggaia · 6 years
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In old times, goblins around the Blue Valley widely worshipped a god they called “Gob”. Gob was believed to be the creator of all goblinkind, blessing them with great intelligence and telekinetic abilities. However, Gob had a malicious counterpart called “Hob”, who cursed goblinkind with “Hob’s Curse”.
When a non-goblin addresses a goblin by their full name, that goblin temporarily becomes enthralled and must obey their every order. This is why goblins never willingly share all three words of their name with just anyone. One who has become enthralled is known as a “hobgoblin”, and it’s considered a most degrading state to be in.
As Evangeline Kingdom began conquering the Blue Valley, goblins were the first peoples to be swallowed up into slavery. The curse made them easy to exploit, and Evangelites started referring to goblin slaves as “hobgoblins”. Over time, this derogatory name was shortened to “hob”, and it became an all-encompassing term for all fae.
           Today it is often used towards fae whether they are goblin or not, whether they are free or enslaved. This term is slung casually around Evangeline Kingdom, where it is considered less offensive than in other parts of the world. In Mogdir Kingdom, however, calling someone a “hob” or “hobgoblin” is a crime punishable by lashing.
           These terms originated from the swamplands of Evik. The area’s native cecaelia race, the Oopoptee, once dominated this region. They did so by way of ingenuity, for unlike most other cecaelia, they spent more time on land than in water. They built their homes high on stilts to avoid swamp dragons below. But most notably, they smeared their skin with mud and slimy plants to keep themselves hydrated on long treks away from water.
           Other cecaelia are actually responsible for these derogatory terms. They dwelled in the water and so they always appeared clean. They thought lesser of the Oopoptee for walking around on land covered in swamp debris, their dirty tentacles resembling peatcreeps—a worm-like parasite native to the area.
           In time the terms’ usage spread to other peoples around Evik, even well beyond the swamps. Aquarian peoples helped them spread across the seas to other continents. Today they are used worldwide, slung towards any cecaelia that spends significant time on land, whether they are of Oopoptee heritage or not.
This term is used mostly by female cecaelia, referring to male cecaelia they find undesirable. Male cecaelia may also use it against other males. It is a term meant to insult and emasculate, implying that a male cecaelia is lazy, sexually impotent, and/or genetically defective.
Cecaelia do not have genitalia, and instead reproduce without contact. Male cecaelia have one tentacle which can release spermatophores, and it is this one which he uses to ferilize a female’s eggsac. To be “slug-armed” means his breeding tentacle is sluggish and doesn’t function well.
           This term originated with goblin slaves in the Blue Valley. It was originally used to refer to their overseers, who were known to brutally lash them. In modern times, it’s become a derogatory term used against humans. Less commonly, it is used against commoners in general.
           To call someone a “lasher” insinuates that they are bossy, oppressive, malicious, and/or greedy. This term is rarely used outside of Evangeline Kingdom.
           This is a word of Volkaspek origin, a language commonly spoken around Halostira and northern Noalen. It is rarely used outside of these areas. It directly translates to “penis-swallower”. This versatile term is used against women of any age or species, insinuating that they are not only promiscuous, but also wicked, as they take delight in breaking the hearts of men.
           In less common cases it is used against homosexual men to demean their sexuality. It is also sometimes used in a more light-hearted or joking context among friends, more often female-to-female. This word is considered more offensive when males use it against females, even as a joke.
This is another term of Volkaspek origin. It simply translates to “penis-skull”. It has two uses, depending on the context. The first is used only against males, implying that they are behaving based on sexual desire rather than logic.
The second meaning can be used against anyone, implying that they are unintelligent.
Minotaurs differ from most other peoples on Looming Gaia, for the anatomy of their mouths makes it difficult to grasp other languages but their own. If they do manage to master a more complex language, the way they pronounce words is notoriously “garbled” and difficult to understand.
Peoples around the Serkel Midlands often said the minotaurs spoke as if they had a mouth full of gravel. This is where the term originated and today its usage has spread almost worldwide. It is used exclusively against minotaurs to insult their intelligence or failure to assimilate into other cultures.
           These words are not offensive on their own. When used to describe gaians, however, they take a much more offensive context. Gaian peoples, such as minotaurs, centaurs, and satyrs, are known for having animal-like traits such as horns or hooves. Despite their appearance, gaians are not beasts. They are peoples just like fae and commoners.
           To compare gaians to animals is to insult their intelligence, hygiene, and in some contexts may imply that they are beasts of burden destined for slavery. Peoples worldwide have compared them to animals since ancient times, and continue to do so today. Many do so without malicious intent, not even realizing it’s offensive.
           This term is used exclusively against humans, referring to a pig’s squeal and the pork-like taste of human flesh. Its usage spreads all around the world, particularly among trolls, ogres, vampires, and other peoples known for eating humans. It is more commonly heard outside the Great Kingdoms.
           Within the kingdoms, this term is considered much more offensive. It’s even considered a threat punishable by law in some jurisdictions, reasoning that by calling a human “squealer”, one intends to kill and eat them. Peoples such as humans, elves, and fauns may get away with it. But larger, more imposing peoples such as ogres face more scrutiny and harsher sentences for such language.
An offensive term used against commoners, referencing the trace amounts of iron in their blood. Used worldwide.
This term may or may not be considered offensive, depending on the context in which it’s used. In some cases it can actually be a term of endearment, while in others it is an insult. It is a slang term used for goblins. The origin of the word is unknown, and it is used worldwide.
“Knuckle-dragger” or simply “dragger” are derogatory terms used mostly against trolls, but sometimes against ogres as well. These terms are used worldwide to some extent, though they are much more common throughout Noalen and Halostira, particularly in Folkvaran territories.
These are terms used mostly by humans against other human races. They may be neutral or derogatory, depending on how they are used. They simply refer to the natural skin color or patterns of other humans.
Their usage varies, but “blackskin” typically refers to humans of Odazi or Lagaal descent. “Brownskin” encompasses humans of Lagaal, Balxee, and Westlander descent. “Whiteskin” refers to humans of Gildfolken, Skylind, and Moorenock descent. “Spotskin” refers to those of Grisa and sometimes Skylind descent, and “Goldskin” refers specifically to those of Solra descent”.
This is another term used by humans against other humans. This term refers specifically to humans of Gilldfolken descent, and may be considered neutral or offensive depending on how it’s used. It can be used for both males and females.
Yet another term used by humans against other humans. This term refers to humans of Grisa descent, but sometimes may also be used against those of Skylind descent. It may be considered neutral or offensive depending on how it’s used.
This is an offensive term used specifically against humans of Westlander descent. It refers to the underground lifestyle of the native Westlander peoples in Lamai Nation.
These terms are all considered offensive. They usually refer to humans of Moorenock descent, but Zareenites often use them to refer to all peoples living in the marshlands south of their empire. These terms imply poverty and low-class behavior.
These terms are used against satyrs worldwide. They are considered offensive and derogatory in all contexts.
As cecaelia grow older, their brains are consumed by a cancer that is naturally-occurring to their species. Their brains begin to resemble coral as the cancer eats away tissue. This term is used against cecaelia, implying that they are unintelligent or forgetful. It can also be used to insult a cecaelia’s age, implying that they are old and senile. In some cases, cecaelia may use this term against non-cecaelia.
This term is primarily used by minotaurs, gorgons, and cecaelia. It refers to all species outside their own.
This term came to be due to the widespread discrimination that minotaurs, gorgons, and cecaelia experience due to their “alien” or “beast-like” faces compared to most species.
These terms are used in opposition to “ape-face”, referring to minotaurs, gorgons, and cecaelia.
A term used specifically against cecaelia. In some cases it may also be used against sirenes, mermaids, or Aquarian species in general.
Originating in Zareen Empire, this derogatory term is used specifically against mermaids. When mermaids escape their thralldom to their undine masters, they often suffer amnesia, as well as a host of mental and emotional disorders. The term “airhead” weaponizes their condition against them, implying that they are unintelligent.
This term refers to red elves who are addicted to pyre dust.
This term can be used disdainfully towards anyone who uses dreamleaf, but typically refers to those who over-indulge.
Disparaging term for a ziqit.
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