#few things make me want to commit violence more than walking thru a discount department store
notquiteaghost · 2 years
off the back of that post, smth else i think about all the time in regards to Voting With Your Wallet! is that modern capitalism is not actually affected by supply and demand
like, on the small scale, sure. most small businesses will cease to exist if no one buys their goods. but on the large scale? any chain, any major corporation, any company with significant financial backing? supply and demand don't mean shit, that's what advertising is for
like. that's what advertising is for. so much of the truly wasteful parts of commercial industry is someone saying, okay i can make this thing for ten cents and sell it for twenty times that, how do i convince people to buy this thing. no one buying it is barely even a loss, because the whole business model is it's dirt cheap to make
there's no kind of consumption-related action that makes that business model unprofitable. we have to make using [insert any planet-killing method or material] illegal. or start setting manufacturing places on fire.
i do believe buying less & more consciously is useful and important, but not because doing so makes a meaningful impact. it's useful and important because the way we currently live is unsustainable and we all need to get used to living differently
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