#fexi forever indeed!
thedarkestgreys · 10 months
Thank you for still being here legend 🥺 fexi forever ❤
no, thank you nonny 🩶🥺
fezco and lexi are characters i’ve grown deeply attached to, and as long as the versions of them that live in my head keep talking to me, i’ll have their stories to tell. under the circumstances we’ve found ourselves in, that might not be true for everyone, and that’s okay. whatever is best for each individual.
but as for me, yvor still has 15 chapters left and i have every intention on finishing it. i’ve put my blood, sweat and tears into that fic, bared my soul for all of you writing it - fezco and lexi deserve every happy ending we can give them and that’s always been my intentions with that fic. i can’t wait to take it to the finish line. 🩶🫶🏻🩶
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