bobmccullochny · 7 months
The Way We Tell a Story (Pat McCarty 1851-1931)
Says I to him, I says, says I, Says I to him, I says, The thing, says I, I says to him, Is just, says I, this ways. I hev', says I, a gret respeck For you and for your breed, And onything I could, I says, I'd do, I wud indeed. I don't know any man, I says, I'd do it for, says I, As fast, I says, as for yoursel', That's tellin' ye no lie. There's nought, says I, I wudn't do To plase your feyther's son, But this, I says, ye see, says I, I says, it can't be done.
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talesofpassingtime · 11 months
That’s what comes o’ marr’in’ young wenches. I war gone thirty, an’ th’ feyther too, afore we war married; an’ young enough too. She’ll be a poor dratchell by then SHE’S thirty, a-marr’in’ a-that’n, afore her teeth’s all come.
— Mary Ann Evans, Adam Bede
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biboocat · 2 years
A reviewer’s thoughts on Precious Bane
A glossary:
Afore - before
Agen - against
Ah - yes
Amna - am not
Blow - bloom
Bwones - bones
Callen - calling
Clem - starve
Couldna - could not
Daggly - ugly?
Darstna - dare not
Dommed - darn
Dun - don’t
Dunna - do not
Durst - dare not
Fettle - condition
Feyther - father
Frit - afraid
Frommet - away from
Granfer - grandfather
Inna - is not
Lief - rather
Met - may
Mommet - voodoo doll
Mon - man
Mun - must
Munna - must not
Nought - nothing
Ool - will
Oot - thou?
Ooth - with
Owd - old
Raught - returned
Sartin - certain
Seyn - saying
Shanna- shall not
Summat - something
Sup - to sip or drink or a sip
Swound - swoon
Toerts - towards
Tuthree - few
Ud - would
Un - him
Uns - ones
Whome - home
Wrostle - wrestle
Wun - won’t
Wunna - would not
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feycharm · 3 years
@feythers​ ( sc. )
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      ❛ Xayah. Xayah. Next time there’s a town, we should visit the shops! I want to buy hats. ❜
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leaguepositivibee · 3 years
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@ronind / @feythers / all of ziro's blogs: he is a STUNNING soul with so much love to give and passion for his muses. he is so welcoming and warm to everyone in the community, and i am blessed to have him following and interacting with me.
from Anonymous
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streetslost · 3 years
hi i wanted to tell you that i love and appreciate you so much, you're doing so good, and keep up the great work friend<3
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yooooooou.... shush. i know i am the WORST to talk to. literally ask anyone who has ever friended me on discord or tried to plot with me anywhere but. you continually put up with me and support me and i love you. 🥺🥺🥺 you are doing the great work and even if i don't seem like it, i am so happy to have you on my dash and to chat with even with my .5 energy. m u w a h !!!!
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perfect-fourth · 4 years
just a small reminder you're great
“Thank you, unusually stylish bird person.”
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kalijhomentethi · 4 years
Here’s the thing about rebels, misfits, and people looking to make a name for themselves: it’s easy to mistake that they share one mind. Take tonight for example, because the whole place had a lot more people than usual. Scenes like this tend to be magnets for people that want to prove something. Graffiti lined the walls, some dark and some that glow dimly against the shadows of the corners. The crowd jostled each other, moving with the beat that blasted through the speakers. The center stage lights shone and switched colors in sync with the DJ’s track. Here, no one’s out-of-place just as long as you can keep up.
The perfect place to live and let loose.
The hosts of tonight’s showdowns apparently picked up on the eager (or perhaps restless would be a better term) energy because they decided to try something new—a duo battle of sorts. Find a random partner and set the stage on fire. Easy enough to follow. Best part is that she thinks she might enjoy the new challenge. If her opponents decide to turn things up a notch that is, with the opportunity to bust some moves and double the burns & rhymes right within their grasp.
Akali turns to look at the person who stayed by her side despite the countless others who immediately took to going around clamoring for people to join them. “You ready for this?” She says, tilting her chin up to acknowledge him. She doesn’t even bother asking if he wants to partner up; spontaneous performances are what she lives for.
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asunnydog · 3 years
Sits on her shoulder, "Whoa the view up here is stellar!"
Why was this weird friend sitting on her shoulders? Well, they seemed to be enjoying themselves, at the very least. 
“I suppose so - ya kinda get used to it, hey? - Also, can’t ya fly? That should get some amazin’ views!”
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heartate-aa · 4 years
i just want you to know, no bs, i appreciate you. between shenanigans and comments you're a gem to this community<3
HEY  !!!!!  HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THIS ISN’T ALLOWED  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(  pearl vc from finding nemo  )  YOU’LL MAKE ME CRY  [INK]  )
you are truly so kind ziro,  and i appreciate you and your patience and kindness so much  !!  you are a light of positivity in this community and it’s so amazing and inspiring just how kind and welcoming you are to new and old faces alike.  thank you so much for being lovely,  always 💕
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noxiandove · 4 years
while i don't dislike the actual gwen look i VIBE with your design sm? it's so well done
; { thank you!!! I hope they give her a sewn chaos/doll skin at some point! }
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maneatcr · 4 years
just a small reminder you're great
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thank you so much for this ask !! it really means a lot that you’re willing to spread positivity through the community. you are very sweet QQ big love to you
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shurima-demigod · 4 years
"Whoa there boy. Easy now, I think I had treats in my feathers somewhere-"
He crossed his arms rolling his eyes.
“I have heard that joke several thousand times now.  Come, surely you have something better to say to me,” he replied, arching a brow.  “Unless you are a rooster without a crow.”
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ahri-thefoxylady · 4 years
"Hey hey where you off to? Can I come?"
“Mh? I’ve gone to many places, Rakan. Is there somewhere in particular you’re looking for? I’m sure the plants would be happy to tell me how to get there.... Wait.. Aren’t you normally a pair? Where is uh... Where is Xayah?”
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charmerquilled-aa · 4 years
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Call out for @feythers​ for being an equally as amazing Rakan and they won’t take my love, YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME FROM SAYING IT.
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virtuosin · 4 years
"Well don't YOU have a fun air about you! Can you teach me that little floaty thing?"
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“I certainly like to think so,” Sona calls out through her telepathic link, a cheerful smile on her lips. It wasn’t often she visited her homeland, rare still when she engaged in conversation with the non-human populace of the First Lands. Today would grant her the great fortune of a rather rambunctious Vastaya--one with soft ivory tufts with a shock of crimson. He was bright and enthusiastic, carrying a sort of energy that was contagious to be around. Sona couldn’t help but grin and feel alive with newfound vigor in her motions. Not many had such powerful personalities, and while some may find it as abrasive, Sona is quite the opposite; a light such as this ought to be appreciated in full, for she knows all too well how the cruelty of life can make such optimism scarce. “Ah, and you mean my etwahl,” Sona replies, idly gesturing to her floating instrument. The gilded body of the etwahl would turn slightly, as if considering the man for a moment. Then, there’s a quiet trill, one that seems eager but reserved, as if a child wishing to make a new friend. It earns a cheerful giggle from the maven. “Somebody seems to like you. It’s not often they approach strangers without some sort of caution.” Truthfully, had it ever noted anyone with anything more kind than leeriness? The instrument was possessed by a kindly spirit, one that acted as a guardian to Sona as she grew up in the world as an orphan, and it was one that had remained dutifully by her side ever since her earliest memories. Not once could the maven recall the etwahl being receptive to anyone so positively. A good omen, perhaps. “Since it seems to be so appreciative of you, I’m sure they’d let you play. Oh, I ought to introduce myself proper to you, shouldn’t I?” Sona would take a step away from the etwahl and offer a low courtesy with the same grace and humility she’s exemplified thus far. “I am Sona Buvelle, a virtuoso. Are you at all familiar with music and the arts, my friend?”
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