feyxareum · 4 years
a starter for @feyxkieran
having the ability to make those around her hallucinate and believe that they’re seeing things differently, including her own appearance, was something that came in handy over the years as a vampire. after she had become a master vampire and had gained her ability it made things a lot easier for her, especially since she no longer had to worry about actually moving away and start over somewhere new in order to avoid any suspicion among the humans.
here lately she would use her ability when doing such things as making her illegal deals or even when she just wanted to go out and have a little ‘fun’ at one of the clubs, which she had decided to do this exact night in order to kill her slight boredom she had been feeling. 
another great thing about having lived for as long as areum had was that she could easily sense when things seemed off and that’s exactly what she feels as she makes her way up towards her front door. her eyes narrow slightly as she steps up onto the porch, stopping for a short moment to glance around and check her surroundings before realizing that the presence she’s currently feeling isn’t outside with her but rather inside her home.
who would dare to even enter her home, especially while she was out? no one that she could really think of. there was no way that sebin would just enter her home uninvited, areum knowing very well that the fledgling was rather afraid of her despite him actually having been created with her own blood. the only one she could possibly really think of was maybe kijung, wondering if the younger vampire had managed to find some sort of trouble once again with the werewolves, however, she can tell that it’s not him because the presence of the unknown ‘guest’ is much older than kijung was. from what she could guess, the unknown entity was at least older than her and it’s this reason that she actually feels the need to be just a bit cautious as she finally opens the door.
just because she was a master vampire didn’t mean that she couldn’t be easily taken out if the intruder was older than her, more powerful than her even. she couldn’t just enter her home carelessly, something she didn’t really even like the idea of, because if by chance the one who was inside her house happened to be a threat there was no telling what would happen.
she enters slowly, glancing around to try and pinpoint where the threat is at. it doesn’t take long though to find the intruder who dared to enter her home without permission, closing the door behind her as her gaze stops on the figure. where her eyes playing tricks on her? was this some sort of spell being cast that was making her hallucinate? right there in front of her, sitting on her sofa, was her own sire. kieran. it had been 400 years since she had last seen him, since he had abandoned her and left on his own to do whatever it was he had done. back then she had almost turned her emotions on just for him, almost allowed herself to feel something for him, but when he left the way that he had, she ended up leaving her emotions off.
“what the hell are you doing here?” she asks in displeasure, a sigh following afterwards as she approaches him. her arms cross over her chest when she stops only a few feet away from where he’s currently seated and she looks down at him, her expression blank as she does so. of course she wasn’t happy to see him again, not after what he had done back then. 
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