gradienty · 6 years
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West Side Pumpkin (#ff8818 to #ff7114)
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allegra0 · 6 years
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I love them.
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allegra0 · 6 years
Franz Ferdinand 8-8-18
one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to and basically one of the greatest nights of my life.
sorry this is so long i just love them so much!!!!
I got to the venue around 5:30 when doors weren’t even going to open until 7. Even as I sat outside with only six people ahead of me in line, I was SO anxious about getting front row and I was really afraid that I wouldn't make it. I know this sounds weird, but when they let us into the theater and I bolted for the barrier and actually got it, I felt like I could finally relax for the first time in months.
I loved chatting with the people around me on the barrier! I don’t know any Franz fans in real life so it was nice to be able to talk to people about them.
I really enjoyed POW! They were fun. The keyboard player was cute as hell and her outfit was adorable. I was dying laughing at all the people in the audience who kept randomly yelling POW!!! between songs.
It was surreal when the lights finally went down and they came out. Bob and Paul first, then Julian and Dino...and then Alex, casually strolling onstage with his guitar in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. This video says it all. ♥
I was so happy they opened with Always Ascending! It's one of my absolute favorites of theirs and I feel like it's a great opener with the way it builds up. My memory of this song is a fucking blur because I was mostly just standing there attempting to process the fact that holy shit, this is happening, they're real!!!!! They're fucking real!!!!
They played Come On Home next (which I wasn’t expecting at all!!!) and they dedicated it to a woman in the front row, Reese, for her birthday. :’) Such a lovely song and the fact that they played it for her is amazing.
Alex had to stop during the second verse of Walk Away because he was having some sort of sound issues...they finished the song, but afterwards he had to walk over to the sound guy to get something fixed and he told the other guys to jam and told Bob to start lmao. So they all started awkwardly jamming and laughing and it was cute af.
When Alex came back they played The Dark of the Matinee which was AMAZINGGGG. The intro with Julian and Dino and Alex all on guitar??? So fucking cool. This was the song that sort of lowkey got me interested in them last summer (shoutout to @flakybandit ♥) which made it even better.
Come and dance with me...come and dance with me...now cOME ALL OVER ME MICHAEL
Lazy Boy is so much fucking fun!!! Alex played that shaker thing during the intro (idk what it's called) and then just fucking...flung it onto the floor behind Bob and it landed with a soft chhhk and I was dying. It was also cool to watch him counting out the 10/4 time signature in the middle of the song!
Alex held my hand during the second verse of Glimpse of Love!!!!!!!! aaaa 
It took me a second to recognize Lucid Dreams when they started playing, because I'm more familiar with the version on Tonight, but when I figured it out I fuckin lost my shit. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH.
I was still reeling from hearing Lucid Dreams and then they fucking started playing EVIL EYE. SAJDJSDJ OH MY GODDDD. This song makes me so fucking happy. Screaming “IT'S RED YA BASTARD!!!” is definitely a life highlight.
I know I said that DotM is the song that got me interested in them last summer, but Do You Want To is the song that finally got me hooked on them this spring. I lost my mind a little bit haha. So much fun. They really drew out the “lucky lucky” part, which I loved. Alex was so into it dsjfjsf. Like yeah, Alex, you know what? I am so lucky. ❤️
Ulysses though ;o; I’ve loved that song from the moment I first heard it. I was a junior in college when it came out and I distinctly remember listening to it while walking around campus, rewinding the “you’re never going home” part over and over because I just loved it so much...yeah. Finally getting to hear it live was incredible.
The first song of the encore was Finally!!! This song means a lot to me for various reasons and I'm so happy I got to see it live. The whole band stopped playing during the little breakdown part in the middle of the song and Alex encouraged the audience to sing along. It was quiet because most people didn't know the song haha but he tried. (God, how it feels good to be with people like me.)
Feel The Love Go. Oh my god. I know I say this about a lot of Franz songs but I honestly think this is my favorite song of theirs. Back in May, when I was first getting into FF, I had a really horrible day at work. I felt like such a failure and I honestly wanted to give up and quit teaching forever. I remember listening to this song that night and the next day, and that was the first time I really paid attention to the lyrics. “For the things that you do are not who you are.” “Think of a friend and wish them love. Think of an enemy and wish them more.” It sounds ridiculous, but it spoke to me at a time when I really needed to hear it – and it kind of put some things in perspective for me. I love it so much. It gives me such a good feeling every time I listen to it. And it's so good live!!! Alex's dancing is impeccable, and I absolutely love when he gives his fucking sermons on feeling the energy and the love in the room tonIGHT!!! Fucking magical. ♥
One of my favorite things about concerts is how the energy in the room changes when a band starts playing their most popular song. The Killers with Mr. Brightside, Duran Duran with Hungry Like The Wolf, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones with The Impression That I Get...everyone just seems to come alive. That's how it felt to hear them play Take Me Out. I love it sosososo much. It takes me back to being 15, in a good way haha. Alex and Julian and Dino jumping at the beginning is cute as hell. I love those bouncy boys.
I'm pretty sure Julian noticed me at one point during Take Me Out, since he was in Dino's spot... I smiled at him and did a heart with my hands and he smiled :D
This Fire was insaneee. if you haven't seen FF play it live go check it out here (not my show but it sounded pretty much exactly the same). I loved the extended guitar jam in the middle! When Lexi and I were outside later talking to Alex, she told him how much she loved this version of the song, and Alex said he thought it was great, too! He said it's not always so drawn out, it all depends on whether he and Dino hit the right groove or not, and tonight they did. :D
Getting down on the floor and watching them through the barrier and then jumping up and dancing my ass off is another experience that I'll never forget. Part of me regrets not taking any videos of this, because it was fucking amazing, but I knew I had to just experience it. (Oh, how I burn for you. <3) Some more random observations from during/after the show:
Alex came back out for the encore with a second mug of tea
When he introduced Dino he referred to him as “the man that is loved by every cat in the world” :')
Julian has the longest legs known to man
Also Julian kept randomly giggling throughout the show jdsfjds so cute
Paul and Bob were so far away :( but it was cute to see them looking so focused and intense!
Alex has a nice butt. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
When Dino and I took our picture he leaned his head into mine (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
When I went to take my selfie with Paul we did that awkward thing where we both put our arms up so he was like “Here, I'll go up” sdjfsfj :’)
I wanted to talk more to Bob but I didn't know what to say! At least I got to tell him that the show was amazing and he thanked me :) What a cutie.
This is going to sound weird I think but like...Alex looked really nice in the dim glow of the streetlights in the alley? It really brought out his eyes or something haha. He's just so stunningly beautiful, and it's even more pronounced in person. <3
I almost didn't tell Alex how much their music has helped me this year. Lexi and I had taken our pictures and she was talking to him and he looked like he was about to head over to someone else and I knew it was kind of a now or never thing so I just...fucking did it. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder and told me how much he likes hearing things like that and he hopes that next year will be better for me. :)
I was SO nervous to talk to them, especially Alex, but they all instantly made me feel at ease. They're just as lovely as everyone said they would be. If any of you ever have the opportunity to meet them after a gig, do it. They’re so kind and genuine and you can tell they enjoy getting to talk to their fans. 
It’s been a week since I saw them now and I’m not gonna lie, I’m sad and I miss them so much. Weirdly, though, I’m comforted by the fact that even though I don’t know where or when, I’m going to get to see them again (and maybe even meet them again!) and that’s enough to keep me going. ♥
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allegra0 · 6 years
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allegra0 · 6 years
I met Franz Ferdinand part 2
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allegra0 · 6 years
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allegra0 · 6 years
I appreciate that Dino and Paul are posting videos of the rain on their insta stories
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allegra0 · 6 years
Franz Ferdinand - Lazy Boy (New Haven 8-8-18)
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allegra0 · 6 years
I really liked POW! I saw Paul sitting off to the side of the stage watching them!! Franz comes on so soon and I'm gonna fucking cry!
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allegra0 · 6 years
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I Am Here
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allegra0 · 6 years
Some dude just came and laid down on the ground next to me in line and started vomiting
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allegra0 · 6 years
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@indiumrubber @academyawardforgoodtimes @shy-retiring-oxford-chaps thank you guys!!! It was absolutely magical. I still can’t believe it actually happened!!
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allegra0 · 6 years
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allegra0 · 6 years
I met Franz Ferdinand part 1
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allegra0 · 6 years
I met them
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allegra0 · 6 years
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Tonight could not have been more perfect
I love them so much
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