#ffs i shouldve just written a wattpad fanfic or something
so i have a theory about two movies i watched. 
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now im sure we’re all familiar with this iconic trio. Regina George, Gretchen Wieners, and Karen Smith are the three most popular girls in school, and very obsessed with their looks. they have intense rules about what they can and cannot wear, they constantly have a full face of make up, and they judge other people looks in their burn book. nearing the end of their movie, Cady Herring has completely obliterated their group. Karen and Gretchen both find their own groups, and I don’t quite remember what happens to Regina. (i have not seen mean girls two so keep in mind the following predictions could be inaccurate.) however, i feel as though Regina could easily bring them back together if she really wanted to. Karen would go along with what Regina said, especially if Gretchen is also involved. i think Gretchen would rejoin with Regina, initially thinking she could rise to power and be Caesar while Regina could be Brutus, instead of how she had previously described herself as being the Brutus to Regina’s Caesar. however Regina is too much of a calculating slytherin bitch to allow that to happen. Gretchen would find herself suffocating in the same situation as before. after they graduate though, they would realize that their high school popularity wasn’t worth much, and decide to stay together and help each other navigate their new lives. They realize now, that they are aging. unacceptable. In an effort to find a way to preserve their youth, Gretchen does some research, looking into diy face masks. she researches different plants and the effect they have on kin and hair. getting more and more invested in using natural beauty hacks, she finds books on different uses for plants, and some of them include other things such as crystals and meditation. she explains to Karen and Regina which crystals can be used with which plants to manipulate your energy, and make you more beautiful. thats right fuckers, Gretchen is getting into witchcraft. Regina has fallen into despair at the thought of becoming old, and is ready to try anything she can get her hands on. Karen trusts Gretchen and Regina, and helps them in their newest endeavor, a glamour ritual. The three meet under a full moon, the night before they were to go pick up their diplomas. Karen brings crystals like amethyst and rose quartz, Regina brings a jar of water and some pink candles, and Gretchen brings her books and rose hips. she arranges the candles and crystals around the jar of water, which she added the rose hips to. Opening her book, she shows Karen and Regina a chant she found on one of the pages. Regina, in her increasingly frantic manner, begins to argue with Gretchen because the spell hadn’t had any immediate results. She quickly becomes angry and recklessly drinks the jar of enchanted water. in her rage and the darkness of the night, she hadn’t noticed that the spell had begun to work, and she had just ruined it by drinking the water. She noticed Gretchen’s hair stand up in one slightly bent spike, and Karen’s hair become curly. not approving of these changes, she said “oh thank god I didn't change at all.” Gretchen and Karen however, didn’t answer, as they were too busy staring at Regina’s hair, that had just turned bright orange. scared to tell Regina what had happened to her hair, they said the spell must have backfired, but that Regina had been safe since she drank the water. Regina was shocked when she looked in the mirror after waking up the next day. Not only had her hair changed, but also her face and body were completely different. she ran to get Gretchen and Karen, just to find they looked completely different too. Gretchen explained that Regina had hexed them by drinking the lunar water, and the changes were irreversible. fearing that anybody would recognize them when they went to pick up their diplomas later, they formed a plan. They would each adopt a fake name and pose as their own aunt or family friend. Karen wanted another simple name, so she chose Sarah. Gretchen thought this was a good idea, so she chose Mary. Regina, always trying to stand our among the three, chose Winifred. Everything went according to plan that day. Gretchen chose that afternoon to inform her friends that she would be attending Harvard that fall, and therefore moving to Massachusetts. Regina and Karen, who didn't have plans, knew that if they wanted even the slightest chance of becoming themselves again, they needed Gretchen. Together, the three of them were able to buy a small, rundown house in Salem, close enough for Gretchen to be able to commute to Harvard.  they fixed up the house, but Gretchen took over most of it with her witch supplies. they quite liked the older style of their new home, and figured they should find a new style, instead of pink everything. They soon learned that their new aesthetic wasn’t all that original, because most of Salem was familiar with it, it was the witchy vibe that the entire town gave off. As they settled into their new lives, they decided to keep their new names, so as not to taint their old identities. They also said they were sisters. They did everything in their power to protect those old identities, and made sure nobody ever found out who they were. In her spare time, Gretchen, who was now Mary, researched spells to restore their old appearances. One of these required the blood of a young girl. Regina/Winifred found out about this spell that Mary had tried to hide from her, as it was too immoral, and forced Mary and Karen/Sarah to perform it with her. It wouldn’t have been too difficult, as Mary had grown quite talented with magic, if the girls brother hadn’t come to help her. The brother had entered their house in an attempt to save his younger sister, and seen far too much. He could find out who they were. Mary and Sarah refused to let Winifred kill this boy, so they instead turned him into a cat. In this act of harming someone so greatly, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen had unknowingly become permanently stuck in these bodies, and would forever remain Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson; the Sanderson sisters.
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I’m well aware that none of this matches up with either of the real stories, but thank you for reading my late night, self hatred induced, caffeine fueled extravaganza.
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