#ffxiv qarukhel scherìs
qarukhel · 6 years
Knock, knock. Who’s there?
Scherìs was strolling from the kitchen with a half-eaten pastry when there was a knock at the door.  Changing direction, she heads toward the door and finishes the pastry.
She half turns away from the door as she yells, “I’ll get it!”  At the same time, she grasps the door knob and pulls the door open.  When she turns back to the door, all she sees is black.
Her brow furrows, “Why is it dark already?”  She looks upward until she sees his eyes.  Swallowing hard, she says quietly, “oh... hi...”
Before her is a very tall, dark Au ra, who she has never seen before.  He’s wearing garb she has seen before.  Something akin to what the Sekisegumi wear, except in black with silver accents.  A very long katana hangs at his side, causing her to believe that maybe it was the Sekisegumi... Did Qara kill someone she shouldn’t have?
The Au ra makes a brief, amused snorting sound at Scherìs’ surprise.  When he does speak, it’s a low, deep baritone voice that inquires, “Hello, little one.  Is my sister home?”
She blinks, then finds her voice.  “Sister?  Sister.  OH!  You must be Qarukhel!  Qara will be so surprised!”  Turning her back to the door, she yells as loudly as her little body will allow, “QARA!  IT’S FOR YOU!”
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qarukhel · 6 years
I Spy With My Little Eye...
Scherìs was at the top of the mansion’s stairwell leading to the basement.  She just barely had her head stuck out so she could see what Qarukhel and Qaraghoa were doing.  A moment later, a female Miqo’te head joined hers spying on the twins.  Scherìs side-eyes the new arrival and whispers, “Hi River.”
“Hey Sher... What’cha doin’?”, the Miqo’te asks.
“Seeing what Qara is like when she’s really happy.”
“Oh.  Is this about to get gross?  Is she going to kill the cute guy she’s talking to?”
Scherìs sighs and looks at River, “No silly, the guy is her twin brother, Qarukel.”
“Ohhhhh... So he is real.  Are you going to invite him to your room?”
“Uh... why?”, asks Scherìs.
“Because he’s a cute guy.  You know... so you can get to know him.”
Scherìs turns her head to River slowly and looks at her with a confused expression, “But... I’ve already met him...?”
“Noooooo... I mean get to KNOW him.”
Scherìs blinks, finally realizing what River meant.  She reaches up and grabs the hair on the back of one of her ears and yanks it.  “Ow!  Why did you do that?”, asks the Miqo’te, grabbing her now painful ear.
“Because you’re being goofy.”
“Why?  There’s nothing wrong with being with a guy.  Unless... wait... Are you wanting to live dangerously and bed Qara?”  That comment earned her an elbow to the ribs, with Scherìs replying, “She’s like my big sister...”
“So if she wasn’t, you’d bed her?”, asks the Miqo’te.  Scherìs, rolls her eyes and says, “Just like a cat, thinking about sex all the time.”  River pouts and says, “Am not... I can open doors... I have thumbs.”
“So... no guys and no girls... What?  Maybe farm animals?”
Scherìs blinks and says loudly, “WHAT!?”  She realizes a second later what she’s done and she turns back slowly to see if the twins heard her.
They did.  Qaraghoa is staring at both Scherìs and River with an eyebrow raised while Qar has a bemused expression on his face.
“Uh, yeah... um... Sher?  I... uh... suddenly remember a doctor’s appointment I need to be at.  Toodles!”  The Miqo’te stands up and runs out of the house, slamming the door as she leaves.
Meanwhile, Scherìs gulps and smiles, waving goodbye to both the twins before running upstairs and hiding under her Moogle bed.
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qarukhel · 5 years
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► Name ➔  “Scherìs Adjani! It’s pronounced the same as Cherise!”
► Are you single ➔ “Nope!”
► Are you happy ➔  “Yup! I had cake!”
► Are you angry? ➔   “No, why?  Do I look angry?!?”  
► Are your parents still married ➔  “I... I don’t know...” She sniffles as she says this.
► Birth Place ➔ “I... don’t... know...” A tear escapes her eye.
► Hair Color ➔  “Right now it’s a blueish-black with pink highlights!  River helped me dye it!”  She points to a Miqo’te, who grins and waves.
► Eye Color ➔ “Blue!“
► Birthday ➔  “31st Sun of the First Umbral Moon.  Why?  Are you bringing me a present?”  Maybe a cake?
► Mood ➔   "Happy!”
► Gender ➔  “I’m a girl!”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer, because I can go sunbathing.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon, ‘cause it’s warm outside.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Yup!  She’s my girlfriend!” She points at River, who grins and waves again.
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I don’t know...  River is my first girlfriend and she practically had to whack me over the head to make me understand she loved me.”  River laughs and yells, “Silly Leeeeezard!”  Scherìs giggles and yells, “Silly kitty!” in return.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Uh... This is my first one.  They end?”  She looks at River with a concerned look on her face.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “I... kind of broke River’s heart, but I fixed it!”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Nope!  I am afraid of spiders, tho.  Luckily my friend Giah protects me from them.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ ”Yes! Lots!  Can I hug you?”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I dunno.  River, have I had a secret admirer?”  The miqo’te nods, “Yup!  Me!”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’t think so?”
► Love or lust ➔ “River?”  The miqo’te comes over and whispers in Scherìs ear.  “Oh!  Can I choose both?  I choose both.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade!  Isrun and GIah like tea, tho.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Both!”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I like almost everybody!”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “I’ve had wild nights in and romantic nights out.  Does it matter?”
► Day or night ➔ “Day! Because sunshine!”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yup!  Giah used to catch me all the time.  I’m kind of a klutz.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Yup!”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Cake!”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Yes, when River wakes up in the morning and stinks up the bathroom.”  River gasps and yells,  “Scherìs!”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smiles!”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller!”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Yes!“
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “I’m not sure.  I think relationship.  I’m really enjoying being with River.  She’s fun!”  
► Do you and your family get along ➔  “I don’t know if I have a family... River, Giah and Isrun are kind of my family now.  We really get along, too!  They’re all so sweet to me!”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ "Nope!”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Everyday!  I’m usually late for work.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Nope!”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Why would I do that?  I mean, I hate it when River farts and covers my head with the blankets, but I don’t hate her”  River yells again, mortified.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yup!”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “I have to choose?  Oh no... I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “River!  She even knows where I’m ticklish!”
Tagged by: @ainarosewood  and @eorzean-capitalist​
Tagging: @cahli-tia​, @diskwrite-ffxiv​, @e-x-i-t-3​, @fair-fae​, @garlean-nonsense​, @ahlis-xiv​, @sporebat​, @entropytea​, @thanidiel​, @herd-of-halla​, @isuke-ejinn​, @jancisstuff​, @luckiselki​, @nineprotons​, @qarukhel​, @varae-ver-you-are​, @voidsentprinces​, @poe-lhyzeal​, @cosmicdwarf​, @qesh-rae​, @roxinova​, @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​, @tiergan-vashir​, @una-xiv​, @wandering-heart-ffxiv​
And everyone!
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