#ffxv aboverse
moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
So what are you Omega!Gladio HCs?
This has an awfully long tie in my inbox. Came in around November, I’m calculating. I apologize, and I also thank you greatly for your patience! I hope you’re still around ;w;
This entry came in when I shared some posts about Omega!Gladio that @gladioflowerchild posted. It’s from them that I first even thought about the possibility of Gladio being an Omega in an ABO verse. Check their posts! Tags Omega!Gladio, of course ヽ(・ω・)ノ I’m pretty sure many of what I list down below have already been pointed in their posts, because they basically summed it up pretty well, but I’ll write my own list, see what pops up.
Also, do note I’m not very well versed into ABO verse (didn’t even know it existed until I found this fandom), so I may be missing so many possibilities and things to imagine.
This is A/B/O dynamics, so if you don’t like, please do not read.
Adding a Keep Reading at some point.
Omega!Gladio headcanons:
He’s the ‘typical’ “Omega that everyone mistakes for an Alpha”.
EXCEPT not at all.
This happens with most people…except Clarus always knew Gladio was an Omega.
Toddler Gladio was already making his nests, partly imitating Mama (his omega figure, instead of imitating papa, his alpha figure) and partly because he just wanted to.
Toddler Gladio could spend an hour arranging his plushies and toys and blankets in his crib or in his play mats until it was perfect.
He would usually bring Clarus to show him and he would look for his approval and praise.
Toddler Gladio, when alone, also played to be a parent.
With other children he played tag and hide and seek and normal things, but when he was given the chance with other kids or when he was alone, he could cradle a teddy bear and lullaby it to sleep, would take care of his moogles, play dad with his plushies.
A very typical omega behavior; his omega-parent instincts showing through what he likes to play.
Even when playing with other kids, if one fell or got injured, Gladio was always first to go look after them and treated them like a good Omega parent.
So, at least for Clarus, it was always pretty clear that little-not-so-little Gladio would be Omega.
Did Clarus have any troubles with that? Nah. He adores his son whatever dynamic.
Clarus aside, everyone thinks Gladio a natural alpha; he’s always taller and bigger than the average, and he’s scary when he wants to.
Instead of shying away, he dares smack other kids if they’re picking on other kids, so everyone thinks this little ball of growls is going to be an alpha.
It doesn’t help that he grows as a skyscrapper-tall and super muscled tough guy; everyone always assumes he’s an alpha.
Luckily, this is actually great help for Gladio; no other alphas mess with him like they would mess with other omegas, for example. Also, the omegas are super comfy around him even if they mistake him for an alpha, because their senses, even if subconsciously, tell them they’re with an omega friend so they’re safe; this helps to keep unwanted alphas away of the omega friends that don’t want to get close to an alpha.
This usually makes of Gladio a great escort when one of his other omega friends go into heat in public; with Gladio walking them to their place or somewhere to be alone, other alphas assume that the Omega in heat already has an alpha so they stay away.
Like, they don’t even stop to smell that that’s two Omegas; they think that the one in heat is just very bad into it, but don’t take the time to notice that it’s actually two different smells, because they look away when they see who they mistake for an Alpha.
But speaking about this, and agreeing with gladioflowerchild, Gladio’s actually not ashamed of his dynamic nor does he lie about it.
You ask him, he answers like you’d ask for his horoscope sign or age; naturally, like it’s nothing, or even proudly.
It’s super rare to find an Omega with his looks; a big and tough guy. But, hey, he didn’t choose, don’t question him.
Gladio had troubles when he built his first serious nest.
The ones he made as a toddler were just his attempts to call the attention of his Alpha dad to be spoiled or to call the attention of Omega mama to make her proud.
But the first serious one? He had big troubles with it.
The necessity of his first nest hit him when he was fourteen.
Fourteen year old Gladio doesn’t fit in the closet.
He tried to make it under the bed, but it just wasn’t right.
He tried on the bed, but it was “too exposed”.
He tried leaving his room but he felt anxious about making his nest somewhere that wasn’t his room.
He even tried to find a spot in the gardens but he grew anxious that someone would notice.
He tried in the bathroom, but grew anxious anyone would walk in.
He tried in the closet again and again every time he tried another spot, because it just seemed the safest and most correct place, but he doesn’t fit comfortable in there.
Gladio tried to use one of the closets that are in the hallway, where the family keeps blankets and such.
Gladio put everything outside to put his own stuff inside, but ended up taking everything out again because even though he spent two or three hours arranging the nest, it just didn’t feel right.
His mom noticed how anxious Gladio had been all day, and Gladio ended up cuddled up against her, in her bed, that she tried to make as comfy as possible for Gladio.
Clarus walked in and had a wordless conversation with her; he understood Gladio was going through a first pre-heat of sorts and was in the mighty necessity of a nest, but they had no idea why he had found no appropriate place for it.
It was until Clarus found the mess of a closet that Gladio made that he understood.
Clarus ended up helping Gladio to rearrange his room so that it felt different, sort of new without taking away its familiarity, and Gladio found peace in making a nest in a corner close to the bed’s new space.
Gladio doesn’t take plush toys with him; he brings blankets, pillows, and sometimes flowers.
They make him happy, don’t question him.
Gladio may grow a bit embarrassed just of how long he takes to build his nests.
He really wants his nests to be good, but if someone is watching he does get a bit embarrassed by thinking they’re judging how long he’s taking.
However, he’s not embarrassed of building the nest as in the action itself.
He even will ask his mate to help him (sweetie, can you please pass me that cushion? I borrowed your shirt, is that fine?) or for advice; “do you think that’s enough?”, “should I add (X)?”, even though he always ends up doing what he wants.
Not embarassed at all, unless he feels he’s taking too long.
Gladio will have much more of his mate’s stuff in his nests than stuff of his own.
This is a hopeless romantic, leave him alone.
Gladio is the kind of cuddly Omega.
His partner, whether Beta or Alpha, isn’t going to be free of the cuddles.
If the cuddles were a thing, his nest would be full of them.
You have to cuddle him when he’s feeling sick/sad/stressed or pre/post-heat, YOU HAVE TO CUDDLE HIM.
All the cuddles. He needs and wants all the cuddles.
Pamper him and spoil him. The man may be the size of a small house, but he needs all the pampering int he world.
HE LIVES FOR IT. He likes to be talked softly and sweetly to, adores cuddling, enjoys of his mate’s praises.
Omega!Gladio finds it difficult to find a mate.
Omegas are naturally not attracted to him (nor is he attracted to other omegas).
When alphas catch he’s an omega, it’s rare to find a partner, because 99% of the alphas aren’t comfortable with an omega that’s much bigger and taller and stronger than them.
Alphas want to feel in dominance; it’s difficult to feel that dominance when this omega could easily crush their skull with one hand.
His best go is betas. Betas are super nice to him :)
Hello, there, Ignis, sweetie.
I mean, so are many alphas (due to their want to woo an omega), but in the end it’s never worked with many of them (so far).
Alphas are always looking for a small and timid omega; Gladio’s the entire opposite.
Omega!Gladio makes the best omega papa ever.
He has his omega instincts of absolute loving care for his pups, but can also defend them like an alpha.
And not like his partner isn’t protective; it’s just that a protective Omega would already go distances for their pups, but an omega with an alpha physic? Best omega papa ever, he’s like both alpha and omega all in one.
Speaking of pups, Gladio is the most loving of omegas ever.
He’s the omega prototype; he dreams of having his own pups and he wants to dedicate his life to his mate, his pups, and his family, marriage, etc.
Just because he’s not a blushing shy schoolboy doesn’t mean he doesn’t behave like an omega because BOY DOES HE.
He’s the cuddliest of partners and loves fiercely and cutely.
He also adores cuddling his pups.
The taller the person that can get pregnant is, the easier it is for pregnancy (because there’s plenty space for the baby there).
So you can tell Gladio is a very good choice for an omega!
As tall as he is, he can carry with babies and have much less risk of pregnancy difficulties! :3
((don’t worry, short people can handle pregnancy just fine, too, so don’t be scared of trying
If his mate agrees to it, Gladio would really LOVE to have multiple pups.
Gladio has some troubles to handle himself during heats (when he has no mate); someone so massive needs some very hard dedication to get through the heats, and they usually get to him very badly.
With time he learns how to best handle himself, so that’s okay.
With how hard the heats hit him, you can tell there may be a bit of a mess of slick and sweat on the bedsheets, even worse when he has a partner than can please him better than he can do it himself.
That’s okay, he’s an expert on laundry by now ;w;
Gladio’s scent is quite powerful. 
It tends to confuse the alphas that mistake him by another alpha; their nose is telling them “Geez, there’s an omega that’s smelling pretty damn good right now, you should try and woo them”, but they look around and ?? where?
This is more of a vantage than a problem; that way, when his heats hit in a not very good moment or place, Gladio usually has it easy to leave before any unwanted alphas lie eyes on him.
Hmm….I think that that’s all I can come up with for now. I’m sorry this took literal months to be answered and comes up as too short…I hope that, well, first, you’re still around and see that I answered, dear anon (wouldn’t surprise me you’ve left after so long without an answer ;A;) and that I don’t disappoint you too much… (・・;)ゞ
I’m not the best versed in ABOverse, but I tried! ;w;
Really, I’m so sorry for taking so long… OTL
Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you liked it! ;▽;
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