#fgo mini ushiwaka
memeyey · 2 years
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tanaka-asuka-san · 3 years
Once again it's my birthday. And once again one of my favorite things about it is new birthday lines from all of the servants I've pulled in FGO over the last year. Here's a couple favorites of mine from this year.
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Paris singing me happy birthday was adorable. You and Abby have voices that could make anyone smile of you sing them happy birthday.
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Da Vinci I would actually love to have a mini Border replica.
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Jeanne Alter continuing to be as tsundere as always. Totally doesn't just want to share a birthday with me, no no no.
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My benevolent queen of ice offering to grant me a wish.
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And best of all my adorable Ushiwaka. Little does she know the only head that I want is hers to pat whenever I'd like.
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akampana · 3 years
who are your top 5 servants in fgo? in order and why.
You know, to be honest this changes every so often :D I did answer a similar ask not too long ago but as for right now, I'll have to go with these lovelies:
5. Medea
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Oh, Medea, sweet Medea. I love her so bloody much. That insta-charge buff removal NP plus best NP Gain in game has saved me a crap ton of times. NP loops <3 But also, what a sweetheart. I support her and her scale model making, don't ever change, Caster.
4. Arash
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Honestly, who doesn't love Arash? Aside from the obvious stellar (heh) NP, he's the warmest person ever??? He was my favorite in My Room for a heck of a long time just because I like his dialogue so much. He's just a really great guy, to be honest.
I got incredibly attached to Mr. Arash during the Camelot Singularity, and I'm so glad we got more of this goofball in the last event. I take him with me a lot, not just for farming, and even now hope to see more of him in events. I can't get enough.
Ozy I relate to you so much, I too, hold Arash in such high regard my precious bby
Also, seeing Stella animated in the movie fucking broke me, thanks.
3. Old Man Li
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This guy is just so damn cool.
Annnnnd Old Man Li makes the list again. Getting him was...a surprise. A big surprise, and one I ended up being really thankful for.
Man, he was a pain in the ass to beat in the Lostbelt and wow am I glad to have him on my side. I CANNOT get enough of his fight animations. I'm obsessed. Honestly, every time his cards come up I'm super tempted to pick them all just because I like his animation so much. And his NP???? One punch goodness. Amazing. Super cool. Love to see it. 10/10.
Not only that, but I just got to play his interlude earlier today and now I love him even more. ;_; he already had interesting dialogue and was one of the characters I latched onto in the Chinese Lostbelt, and getting more content for him was icing on the cake.
2. Ushiwakamaru
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Another Servant everyone loves, and for good reason. Best Rider in game, hands down, and also the sweetest little cinnamon roll ever.
Ushiwaka, damn I love her. Like the previous two Servants I mentioned, I also immediately latched onto Ushiwaka in the Babylonia Singularity. This sweet, genuine little bean. I'm so glad she's getting an animation update (ITS SO GOOD HOLY CRAP JUST WOW) and a buff. It is well deserved and long-awaited. Started out using her as main Rider, still use her as my main even now that I have higher star Riders. Prolly always going to use her, to be honest.
Always a delight to have her on the team. Honestly, she'd be Number 1, if I didn't have
1. Cu Alter (To no one's surprise)
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Cú Alter was one of the first Servants I ever got. Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure I got him before Lancer Diarmuid.
He was on a banner when I'd just started playing FGO late last year and I rolled for him without knowing who he truly was. And now?
He's my first Bond 10.
I suppose my experience was rather...backwards when it came to Cú Alter. He was with me through the other Singularities before I ever even got to E Pluribus Unum to meet him. So, he'd been saving my ass for that long, and so of course, when he was on the enemy side and I got to learn even more about him, like why he was so crass, etc. I just got even more attached.
I'm in love with his character and his development in his interlude. I've read it a few times now. Plus, Mini Cú is too cute, and just skyrocketed all the love I had for Cú Alter already.
This guy made FGO fun for me. Honestly. A great NP, great skills. Whenever there's a big fight, you better bet he'd be my last stand. There is no servant that I trust more.
Thank you for the ask! :D Always great to have these in the inbox.
Other opinions:
Were ya surprised none of the OT3 made it in here?
Well, me too. I have Gil and Casgil, Diar and Saber Diar, and a singular Arturia Pendragon and none of them made the list. Strange, but it's true. Early game, I had them out a lot for reasons undisclosed but now, not so much. Don't get me wrong, I still love them an unhealthy amount, but I thought these five were most appropriate to showcase for this ask. I wouldn't change my answers.
Obligatory Cuturia Brainrot that follows Cu Alter wherever he goes:
In relation to my last post, I also had Arturia early, so she and Cú Alter here have been fielded together a ridiculous number of times. Especially in early game, and heck even now. More so, than I have ever fielded them with anyone else. That is a huge thing, considering I have my OT3 with me.
Like just imagine how she must feel to have Lancer in the same building and yet rarely be sent out with him. Or Diarmuid, for that matter. Or even Gil. Instead, the one she has to learn to trust is a twisted Cú Chulainn that's had a crown of thorns thrust upon him against his will.
I didn't even ship them at first. They were just together so often (not even purposely at that, I just liked Buster chains when I started) and then I got to E Pluribus Unum and then I fell. Hard.
The Mini Cú + Arturia content also began for this reason. because going by my particular game timeline, Arturia would also have been one of the Servants Mini Cú was around the most, especially if she's fielded with his bigger version that often.
That's also why the Akampana Chaldea Official Arturia ship is her with Cú Alter. Out of coincidence or fate, it was always these two. Maybe I'll talk more about them once I find another ask game or ya could just drop by the inbox if ya wanna know more HCs.
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