notarealfriend-blog · 7 years
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heyo, i’m damn lanton, from fake friends. i got arrested once, it was pretty b.a., because i’m a bad boy, here for all your bad boy needs. i enjoy having my hair petted and not using my indoor voice. if any of these things sound appealing to you, contact me @ damnlambton on gh, and i’ll tell you my hourly fee. 
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Hello there lovelies! I’m Eleanor or El, whatever floats your boat.I do that thing where they pay you to pretend to be someone else and you get to wear snazzy clothes. In the little free time I have, I spend it with my son, Noah, who is decidely going through his terrible twos. Hit me up on gh; fallingdaisypetals to get cooking tips and mum jokes.
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Whats up fam my name is Brian and I sing in a band called the Front Bottoms (insert all the puns here) I love watching hocus pocus and eating way too much ramen also a huge admirer of cats, if any of that interests you hit me up @spoppybrian  
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Hey im Alexis or Lexi. I do the wrestling thing for a living as Alexa Bliss. I also am in love with anything disney. I go multiple times a year. I have a pet pig and two dogs. My gh is twistedbliss91 if youre down to chat.
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nifflerd-blog · 7 years
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Hi there, I’m Liam and I’ve got a bit of a habit of rambling on about nothing with hopes that my apparently misplaced accent will find it’s way back. Still don’t get that rumour, but it’s alright. I guess I should mention that if I’m not singing, I’m usually trying to keep my son, Bear, busy or watching Harry Potter. I’ve got a lot of superhero obsessions, too, but you could probably figure that out if you managed to find my gh ( superheroaesthetic ). I hope you’re all having a lovely day 😎
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alishabo · 7 years
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i’m going to go ahead and just throw something together. because if not i’ll forget again. yay laziness!
fair warning i tend to get over excited and try to be funny which doesn’t work. i apologize in advance. 
but hey, i’m alisha. i’m twenty and you probably know me from that controversial show ‘13 reasons why’. my best friend miles is also here on tour, so you can probably find me following him around like a lost puppy dog. other than that i like to do spontaneous things and listen to music - i am always looking for recommendations SO GIVE ME SOME HOMIES. OR we can just hangout and have a good time. [ not like that tho, whatchu think this is?!? ] so if you want to be my friend just message me.
(( gh: alishxboe ))
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matteaheely-blog · 7 years
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Matty Healy, emo lord and king of dirt. I also sometimes sing for this really terrible pop band you probably heard of once or twice. I'm married to Drake so if someone would like to tell him, that would be brilliant. He'll probably say absurd things like "I'm not married" or "Who the fuck is Matty" but don't mind it he's not all there in the head. Anyway, that's all about me and if you'd fancy a chat go ahead and message me @ trumanblac
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chasinggold · 7 years
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Hey hi hello. I'm Jordan Witzigreuter and I sing in The Ready Set aka Love Like Woe, I also have side projects, Only Child as well as Nekokat. Those are for when I don't feel like dealing with TRS. Anywho, my hair goes from green to yellow to green. Like magic. Or hair dye you choose. But if anyone wants to talk and get to know more about me hmu on [email protected]!
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This intro is a mess so hold onto your hats, folks, cause I just woke up. I’m Flynn Oakwood-Williams, 25, little brother of Hayley Williams, photographer for Paramore, professional coffee drinker. 50% caffeine, 43% ball of sunshine, 5% human, and the rest, well… I can’t do math. Anyway, I like dogs, the smells of October, and arguing with Hayley about if she’s cool or not. You can probably catch me not being able to sleep, rambling about nothing in particular, and giving people photos of dogs in exchange for them singing to me. If you want to show me your favorite meme you should definitely hmu @ [email protected]. also, @dontaskaboutdaisy is my sun, moon, and stars. the end.
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littleboibear-blog · 7 years
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This dude comes along, knocks your mozzarella sticks out of your hands and steals your girl while wearing Gucci flip flops. Wyd?? I'm Mat Musto, though I'm more formally known as blackbear, or even just bear. I'm just your average guy who makes music and has a weak spot for dogs. Like so weak I'll drop everything just to go pet one. Just ask my pup Pocky. He gets all the attention. So like, I could keep going on about myself but where's the fun in that? I like to keep the mystery a bit. You can come find out whatever you wanna if you come thru and make my hotline bling @ blackbeardontcare
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littlemisscady · 7 years
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alright here goes nothing
hi y’all the name is groves, cady groves. I hail from the small town of Marlow, Oklahoma and I am so stoked to be here and meet some new faces.
let’s listen to turnover and dance the night away find me @ littlemissgroves
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whosdemilovato · 7 years
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hey party people it's your friendly neighborhood ex disney starlet Demi Lovato here! When I'm not on the road or studio (which btw my new album comes out later this month so if you love me you should totally buy it) I'm in the gym or most likely coped up somewhere with my two dogs watching the ID channel & knitting. If you'd like to hit a girl up you can do so at / [email protected]
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smileandtay-blog · 7 years
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Hey hey hey! It’s Tay here… reporting for duty! I like doing the la la la in Sainte/formerly We Are The In Crowd, watching good ‘ol Disney movies (I even have a lion king tattoo which is pretty tiiiight), petting lots of pups and kittens, and just having good times with good people!
You can smile… and wave at me (haha, see what I did there? horrible pun) on hangout at couldbealone!
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semisupersad-blog · 7 years
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Hey, guys. I’m Pete Wentz. The only people who don’t know me as the guy who everyone loved to hate in the early 2000′s are my two kids. I’m on a mission to keep up with the youth, because my body was the only thing that grew in age. My spirit and height are still stuck in the 90′s. 
Find me @ ihomeboi on GH to talk about how Drake and Nicki Minaj would make an incredible power couple. 
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fireballyelyah-blog · 7 years
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Howdy there! My name's Hayley, and you may know me as the crazy haired one in Paramore! At least, at times other than right now. Anyway, I do the singing thing for a living, and I love every minute of it. My best buddy is a puppy named Alf, and you'll probably see lots of pictures of him! I also founded Good Dye Young, and I'm darn proud of that little project! Other than pups, hair dye, and music...I guess you'll have to find out! I'm on Hangouts at rosecoloredbeing and I would love to make some pals!
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matteaheely-blog · 7 years
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Hello everyone, I'm Matty, the lead knob head for The 1975. I'm either your favourite or your least favourite, there's no in between. Unless you don't know who I am, then that's excusable. I hate talking about myself, so if you wanna know anything, just ask x my gh is trumanblac
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