arco-pluris · 5 years
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Arceusgender flag
Description: usually connected to feelings of neutrality, being equally imposing, titanic and having a great impact on the person’s life. But it’s also mysterious, alluding any sort of pinpointed description other than “kind of a neutrois or non-binary but not quite 100% there” or something of the sort. 
The individual feels like it can change or fluctuate depending on how much time they spend on an impactful space and how long an impacting experience lasts while additionally how they immaterially impact anything, but the initial feelings it’s connected to will still be there.
Note: gendered-nesses aside, all that actually changes in these descriptions are what impacts someone’s feelings and how they shift: Dialga’s influence over time, Palkia’s over space, Giratina over antimatter and Arceus over time-space (it all).
I coined for me but anyone can use it, based in dialgagender, palkiagender, giratinagender, deusgender and leptrois, however anyone can describe emself what is genderneutrality for em, in my case it means a balance/equilibrium between all genders (accessible/possible in one’s life experience, culture and mentality). Since my username is cognate of Arceus, I guess I had time enough figuring out how to define that.
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