mbtizone · 7 years
Chris Halliwell (Charmed): INTJ
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Dominant Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Chris is singularly focused on preventing Wyatt from becoming evil in order to save the world from him. He is so caught up in his mission that he often fails to think of anything else, often overworking the sisters in order to reach his goal. He doesn’t stop to consider their feelings, their needs, or their desires, because he sees the big picture and will stop at nothing. We need to make preemptive strikes to prevent that future from happening, otherwise we’re all doomed! Chris is extremely conscious of how anything he says or does can potentially impact the future, and always exercises caution about what he reveals to Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo. He initially allows them all to think that his reason for coming back to the past is to save Wyatt… but he fails to mention that what he’s saving him from is becoming evil, because if he said that, they wouldn’t believe him, and they certainly wouldn’t help him. He only tells them the truth when he has no other choice but to come clean with them. He doesn’t reveal that he’s actually Piper and Leo’s son because he is aware that doing so could lead to serious consequences, and doesn’t fess up about his actual identity until Phoebe asks him point blank. He understands how events can unfold and often uses that foreknowledge to his advantage. When he and the sisters find themselves saddled with a demonic baby, Chris immediately wants to vanquish it. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige see an innocent child, but Chris sees what it’s going to become. You can’t see it for what it is now, you have to look at what it’s going to be when it grows up! You can’t let it live!
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Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: For Chris, it’s all business, all the time. He has no patience when the girls get distracted. You need to be taking this seriously. Ugh Fine, maybe we can talk about taking a little break after you’ve killed three more demons. Chris likes to keep everyone on target and wants Piper, Phoebe, and Paige to stay focused on the task at hand. There isn’t time for distractions! Chris is good at organizing his environment, as well as the people in it, in order to achieve something. He is often the one who develops plans of attack, which he expects them to follow exactly as he commands. Chris is always thinking about what he wants to accomplish, and what he needs the Charmed Ones to do in order to see his plans executed in the way he envisions them, and doesn’t typically allow emotions to influence his decisions. Chris gets annoyed when the sisters allow their emotions to keep them from doing what needs to be done and tells them flat out to get over it and move on. There are more important things to be concerned with! The facts of the situation are important to Chris and he often has trouble seeing around them. When Paige insists on going to find Leo where the crystal pointed to, Chris tries to talk her out of it. It’s pointing to the middle of the Indian Ocean, Paige! You can’t orb there! However Paige believes that something must be there and goes anyway. Chris tends to go for the simple, straightforward solution to problems rather than thinking of creative solutions. In his mind, the only way to stop the baby from growing up to become a demonic killer is to just vanquish it now before it has the chance to do any damage as an adult. When his conception date draws near and he comes into contact with a Genie, he believes the logical thing to do is just wish for Piper and Leo to have sex.
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Tertiary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: It is Chris’s ability to put his plan above all else that leads him to carry weight of the truth about the future by himself. For a very long time, he refrains from telling his own mother about her untimely demise. He internalizes a lot of his negative feelings instead of discussing them openly. Although he doesn’t talk about his emotions, he does tend to act on the anger and resentment that he feels, particularly towards Leo. When Chris is faced with a moral decision, he looks at the future implications first and foremost (Ni-Fi). He has no qualms about killing if it’s to stop Wyatt from becoming evil, because it’s for the greater good. Chris tends to see things as being black and white. The baby has to die in order to spare potential future victims! It doesn’t matter that it’s just a child! It’s a demons. Demons are evil. Therefore, it needs to die. Case closed. You can’t be sentimental about this! Chris has trouble empathizing and dealing with the girls when they become emotional about anything. He can’t relate, because everything he does is in service of a better future, so he lacks the time or patience for such trivial problems
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Inferior Extroverted Sensing [Se]: It’s impossible for Chris to relax and live in the moment. When the girls try to get him to take a load off, he refuses to, because he has a job to do. He’s not here to enjoy himself, he has a purpose. There’s no time for sensory pleasure or fun. He doesn’t want to loosen up or let the sisters enjoy their lives because there’s work to be done. You need to concentrate on saving Wyatt! Stay focused, guys! Sometimes, Chris is able to improvise in the moment when necessary. On rare occasions (particularly when under stress), Chris can behave recklessly without regard for the potential consequences. Although Chris spends a lot of time coming up with plans and strategies, he sometimes just wants to charge in guns blazing and get things done (Te-Se). “I don’t understand. Why don’t we just storm the place and find her? It’s not like we don’t know where she is.” Every now and then, Chris is able to lighten up and live a little, such as engaging in highly inappropriate sexual relations with his newly assigned charge.
Note: Though I haven’t seen many typings for Chris, the few that I have seen typically type him as an ISFP. When I typed him based on memory, I thought that would be my typing for him as well, but I went back and watched many of his scenes again, and there’s just no way. All the functions are there, but Ni and Te are definitely running the show.
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Enneagram: 6w5 1w2 3w2 Sp/So
Chris Halliwell (Charmed): INTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place): ISFJ
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Dominant Introverted Sensing [Si]: Although Chidi is extremely aware of different perspectives and life’s possibilities, he also enjoys sticking to what he knows. When Michael tries to find Chidi a new hobby, Chidi is reluctant to give new things a try. He eventually tells Michael that the only thing he wants to do is continue studying ethics and writing his book. Chidi reads the works of moral philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Immanuel Kant and has a remarkable memory for all of the information he absorbs. Chidi is extremely detail-oriented and sometimes has a habit of including too much detail, as seen in the ridiculously long title of his book (as well as the actual book itself, which has thousands of pages due to his inability to make omissions. It’s all important! Chidi’s past is important to him and he tries to learn from his mistakes on Earth while in the “good” place. His past is important to him and impacts his behavior in the present. At the opening of The Good Plates, each resident is presented with their favorite meal from when they were alive, and Chidi’s favorite has sentimental value, as it was a special meal his grandmother used to make for him.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Chidi looks outside of himself in order to make moral decisions. He doesn’t necessarily do what inherently feels right to him, but instead consults the works of moral philosophers in order to reach a decision. Chidi often wrestles with moral decisions because he doesn’t follow his own, personal moral guidelines. Instead, he reaches his conclusions by studying what other people believe is “right” and “wrong.” While morality is very important to Chidi, his desire for peace, harmony, and his unwillingness to offend others can lead him to violate his principles. When a coworker asks Chidi for his opinion about his new red cowboy boots, Chidi doesn’t want to hurt his feelings, so he says that he likes them. The guilt that Chidi feels for lying, combined with the fact that his friend then went out and bought Chidi his very own pair, gnaws at Chidi until he eventually tells him the truth. When he has a moral dilemma, he typically discusses it aloud, going back and forth until he can figure out what the best thing to do is.
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Tertiary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: It’s easy for Chidi to notice the logical consistencies in other people’s statements, which he will often point out in conversation. Chidi has a deep desire to understand. He wants to analyze his experiences to come to conclusions about himself. He wants to study the viewpoints of various moral philosophers so he can determine what makes the most sense. Chidi is able to think critically, which allows him to make assessments about experiences, people, and morality. When he tries to explain contractualism to Eleanor, he uses an example about people coming together to form their own society with their own rules, wherein the group is able to veto the laws other people come up with. When Eleanor simply says she will make a rule that nobody will be able to veto their rules, Chidi responds that that’s “called tyranny, and is generally frowned upon.” Chidi is very quick to put a name to events other people describe. He will often second guess his assessments about morality because he’s constantly questioning everything. Is this really right? Well what if… Because his mind is always digging deeper and contemplating issues at every possible level, it’s often difficult for him to stick to just one way of interpreting things.
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Inferior Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Is Eleanor taking someone else’s spot who genuinely deserves to be in the “good” place? Was someone else supposed to be in the “good” place, and are they now stuck in the “bad” place because of a mix-up? There are just so many things to consider! The reason that Chidi was sent to the “bad” place is because of his inability to make decisions. He has a hard time committing to just one thing and has a tendency to change his mind frequently. Chidi can become so overwhelmed with all of life’s possibilities that he can actually suffer physical reactions in the form of stomachaches when presented with too many choices. He’s unable to decide on just one best man speech mere hours before when he believes his friend’s wedding will be. He can’t decide between Fake Eleanor, Real Eleanor, and Tahani because he sees potential in all three women. How could he possibly choose? Chidi is good at seeing situations from multiple perspectives, which often makes it hard for him to choose what the “right” thing is. He weighs moral decisions carefully and thinks of the issue from every angle before coming to a conclusion.
Note: Chidi is rough. I wrote out an entire post arguing him as an INFP, but the more I wrote, the more I realized that he might just be an ISFJ who suffers from frequent grip experiences. I even wrote a section about how I don’t think an ISFJ would be so perpetually indecisive, but he wouldn’t be so bad at using his Ne if it were higher in his stack. He’s so stressed by choices and possibilities. It’s impossible for the man to make a choice and commit to one thing. His Ne is his kryptonite, which leads me to believe it’s his inferior function, not his auxiliary, as I had previously reasoned. Si/Ne usage is quite apparent in him. My bigger struggle was Fe/Fi. Chidi does have a few Fi tendencies, which tricked me into thinking he was an INFP. Some may see his unwillingness to discuss his feelings with Fake Eleanor, Real Eleanor, and Tahani as Chidi not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings, and while I definitely believe that’s part of his struggle, I just don’t think that’s his primary motivation. His real problem is he needs to make sure he fully understands his own feelings before he can consider having a relationship with anyone (and that he’s being presented with choices, which gives Chidi anxiety. He doesn’t want to choose one woman only to later discover he’s made the wrong decision. He wants time on his own to fully evaluate and understand how he feels about them. I had also argued that, while he looks outside himself for answers to ethical conundrums (Fe), I thought that maybe that was just his Ne appearing as Fe. He likes to look at things from multiple perspectives and understand both sides of an issue before coming to a final judgment. which lead me to Fi rather than Fe. However, when it came time for me to write about Te as his inferior function, I came up with… nothing. There was no Te. So I re-evaluated him and decided that exceedingly unhealthy ISFJ was a better fit for him. There’s a small part of me that is still considering INFP for Chidi, and if I see more evidence for INFP than ISFJ in the future, I may come back and retype him.
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Enneagram: 1w9 6w5 2w1 Sp/So
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place): ISFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things): ISTJ
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Dominant Introverted Sensing [Si]: Lucas puts a lot of faith in his former experiences. He will only trust something that he’s seen with his own two eyes, and doesn’t tend to speculate beyond what he knows, which is always based on sensory data he’s collected and stored. All he actually saw Eleven do was close a door! They have no way of knowing whether she’s capable of doing anything more than that! Shutting one door doesn’t mean she’ll be able to protect them when they go looking for Will. They need real, practical weapons if they want to defend themselves! “She’s not a superhero. She’s a weirdo.” When he sees Will’s body, that’s it. He’s dead and he isn’t coming back. While Dustin is more open to possibilities and starts to believe Mike might be right about Will still being out there, Lucas is unable to get around the fact that they saw Will’s body being removed from the water. Lucas doesn’t have positive feelings towards Eleven right off the bat like Mike does. He can’t trust her; he doesn’t even know her. She could be (and probably is) a psychopath for all he knows! Instead, he slowly learns to regard her as an ally, and later as a friend as he continues to interact with her over an extended period of time. He doesn’t begin to fully trust her until she stops the bullies from harassing them. Once she proves herself, Lucas changes his tune and begins to see her differently. While Mike and Dustin are usually more concerned with the big picture, Lucas thinks about the details of a situation. Yeah, using Mr. Clarke’s radio is all well and good and everything, but it’s at school. And we can’t bring Eleven there looking like that. She’ll draw way too much unwanted attention! Yeah, you get to the Vale of Shadows by casting Shadow Walk in the game, but how do we get to the Upside Down in real life?
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Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: The facts of a situation are important to Lucas. The Demogorgon isn’t real, it’s fictional! Lucas brings practical supplies (weapons) so that they can defend themselves if they find themselves up against whoever or whatever took Will. Lucas doesn’t sugarcoat the truth and has no problem telling it exactly the way it is, regardless of whether the people around him get offended. While Mike tiptoes around Eleven’s feelings and doesn’t want to scare her, Lucas charges right at her and demands to know what she knows about Will. If Dustin is being a sissy, Lucas will tell him to either cut it out or go home. Lucas doesn’t like when things don’t go according to plan. They went out to look for Will and came back with Eleven. She’s not their problem, Will is! They should be focusing on finding him, not adding to their list of problems! The logical thing is to just tell Mike’s mother about Eleven and let her deal with it, so they can get back to searching for their friend. “All that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters, finding Will.” Lucas is okay with taking charge of a situation and saying, “This is the plan. This is what we’re going to do.” However, he is often outvoted by Mike and Dustin, who are less realistic about things than he is.
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Tertiary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Although it’s clear to Mike that Eleven needs their help, Lucas doesn’t want anything to do with her. Lucas cares very much about his friends, but doesn’t usually go out of his way for anyone he doesn’t have a personal connection to. He will do whatever it takes to find Will because Will is his friend. He doesn’t know Eleven, so he doesn’t feel the need to protect her. And her head is shaved like the people at the nut house, so there’s a very real possibility she escaped from there! Lucas doesn’t want to get mixed up with a crazy person. He wouldn’t want Eleven in his house, even though it’s very obvious to Mike that she’s terrified and needs to be helped. Lucas approaches morality in a completely subjective way. When Will rolls a seven and gets caught by the Demogorgon, he tells Will that the seven didn’t count as long as Mike didn’t see it (though Will fesses up and tells Mike the truth anyway). Although Lucas can cling to his convictions about things and people, he is capable of changing his opinion and apologizing when he is confronted with hard evidence that he was wrong.
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Inferior Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: It’s hard for Lucas to theorize and come up with ideas, which Mike and Dustin manage to do with ease. Rather, Lucas tends to keep the other two boys grounded. He doesn’t want to get ahead of himself with baseless speculation. Lucas wants to be practical and realistic, and is often irked when the other two start spewing what he considers to be nonsense. Lucas is capable of coming up with theories, but only if there’s some sort of precedent. Eleven’s hair is shaved and doesn’t seem sane to him, so it’s very possible that she escaped from Pennhurst. While he doesn’t jump on Mike and Dustin’s abstract discussions as readily, he is able to follow along with their train of thought and fine-tune their more far-fetched ideas. Lucas is okay with using his imagination every now and then (such as when he’s playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends), but it isn’t his main approach to life. He uses it more for recreational purposes than to solve real-world problems.
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Enneagram: 6w7 8w9 3w4 Sp/Sx
Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things): ISTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert (Tangled): ESTP
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Dominant Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Flynn sees opportunities everywhere and doesn’t hesitate to act on them. He enjoys adventure and has no trouble taking risks that put him in dangerous situations. He’s a thief who doesn’t think twice about stealing the tiara of the lost princess from the palace. Flynn is quick, agile, and uses his keen awareness of his environment to evade capture. When he’s being pursued by the guards and comes across Rapunzel’s tower, he climbs it without hesitation to hide out there. He improvises in the moment and gives little thought to the potential consequences. Flynn sees things for exactly what they are without reading into them. When Rapunzel says, “Something brought you here, Flynn Ryder. Call it what you will, fate, destiny…” Flynn cuts her off simply by saying “A horse.” Flynn thinks quickly in the moment, using a nearby shard of a mirror to cut Rapunzel’s hair, thus defeating Mother Gothel.
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Auxiliary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: If it makes logical sense to Flynn, he does it, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. His priority is to steal the tiara without getting arrested. As he’s being chased by the guards, he uses the Slabbington brothers to give him a boost, and leaves them behind to get caught. Flynn isn’t lacking in the wit department, and uses this both in his sense of humor, and in his various schemes. He’s a rational thinker and He’s able to come up with creative solutions to his problems on the fly without planning ahead (cutting Rapunzel’s hair).
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Tertiary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: When Rapunzel attempts to extort him into taking her to see the floating lights, he tries to play on her emotions to get her to change her mind and return home. He knows how to manipulate her, and plays on her fear and her guilt in order to get her to return to her tower. Flynn pretends to be encouraging her to rebel, but he’s really trying to make her feel even worse about leaving Mother Gothel by going on and on about how Rapunzel will be “breaking her heart.” When that doesn’t work, he decides to take Rapunzel to an establishment filled with customers who are a bit rough around the edges. Flynn cares about what others think of him and invents a false identity in order to appear more impressive than he actually is (“A fake reputation is all a man has.”)
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Inferior Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Flynn wants to be rich and have adventures and his entire life has been in pursuit of these two desires. Although he knows that he wants to have a lot of money and visualizes himself living in a castle, he doesn’t exactly have a solid plan to get himself there. Instead, he just steals valuable objects in order to fund his dream, but quickly abandons his ambitions in favor of a “new dream” shortly after meeting Rapunzel.
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Enneagram: 7w8 3w2 8w7 Sp/Sx
Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert (Tangled): ESTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Fa Mulan (Mulan): ISTP
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Dominant Introverted Thinking [Ti]: When Mulan decides on the best solution to a problem, she just goes for it without stopping to discuss it with anyone. She analyzes her obstacles and thinks around the facts. She doesn’t need to have a conversation about it. Instead, she just isolates what her best move is and does it. She realizes that her father is in no condition to go off to war. He’ll die if he goes. So, she chops off her hair, takes his sword, and sneaks off in the middle of the night to fight in his place. She thinks quickly and creatively in stressful situations without losing her cool. Mulan is intelligent and good at defeating her enemies using her brain rather than brawn. While everyone else is fighting in expected ways, Mulan comes up with an innovative method of dealing with her opponents. She takes into account that they are outnumbered and decides to uses Mushu to light the cannon fuse. Instead of aiming at the oncoming men, she uses the cannon to cause an avalanche instead. She also sees that their way of trying to save the Emperor will take too long, so she comes up with the idea of dressing the men up as women and having them use sashes to climb the pillars. Later, she thinks fast on her feet again, pretending to be out of weapons, pulls out her fan, which Shan Yu pierces with his sword, but Mulan turns the tables on him and uses it to disarm him.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Taking risks doesn’t frighten Mulan. She charges into war with no combat experience whatsoever and doesn’t spend much time worrying about the potential consequences if her true identity is discovered. Despite Mushu’s warnings, Mulan bathes out in the open where any of the men could walk by and see her. She takes the chance of getting caught and ruining everything because she doesn’t want to smell bad. Mulan is great at improvising in the moment and taking action. She’s extremely resourceful, which she proved by combining her awareness of her surroundings with quick thinking, allowing her to come up with the idea of causing the avalanche to defeat the Huns. She makes bold moves during battle, and though it takes her some time to fully hone her skills, she learns to become aware of her environment and becomes adept at using whatever is available to her advantage.
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Tertiary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: If Mulan really wants to commit to something, she doesn’t let anything stop her. She impersonates a man to fight in the war in her father’s place and she works hard to transform into a warrior. She’s able to save China due to her dedication and perseverance. When she has a goal in mind, she doesn’t stop until she achieves it, whether it’s stopping the Hun army or saving the Emperor’s life. Mulan can fail to account for how future events may unfold, which causes her to be somewhat careless. She becomes fiercely determined to climb the pillar and continues trying long after everyone else had left, not stopping until she ultimately prevails.
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Inferior Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Mulan wants to fit in and embody everything that her family expects of her, but she struggles between what she wants for herself and what her family wants her to be. Mulan puts aside who she really is and what she wants in order to please the people around her. Not being able to live up to what people expect from her is upsetting because she wants her family to be proud of her. Mulan deals with an internal conflict because while she hates the thought of disappointing her loved ones, it’s also hard for her to blend in and be like all of the other girls.
Note: I considered inferior Te, inferior Si, and inferior Fe for Mulan. She has a hard time navigating established rules and systems and functioning within them (inferior Te). It’s also difficult for her to follow traditions and remember the information she acquires, as she has to cheat by writing the correct responses for the matchmaker on her arm (inferior Si). However, for her to have inferior Si, she would need dominant Ne, which isn’t there. And she exhibits too much Fe/Ti for me to consider her using Te/Fi at all. Some people believe that the song Reflection indicates Fi, but I feel that it actually screams inferior Fe. She doesn’t want to dishonor her family, and even though she’s trying to play the part of the girl they want her to be in order to make them proud, she feels that she falls short. She is willing to be someone other than who she is if it makes them happy, it’s just that she can’t seem to actually do so despite her efforts.
Enneagram: 3w2 6w7 8w9 So/Sx
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Mulan: [Using chopsticks to balance a grain of rice] Quiet and demure … graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised… [she picks up a paintbrush and makes a mark on her arm] punctual!
Fa Zu: Mulan. You should already be in town. We’re counting on you to- Mulan: Uphold the family honor. Don’t worry, Father. I won’t let you down. Wish me luck!
Mulan: Ancestors, hear my plea, Please don’t let me make a fool of me And to not uproot my family tree Keep my father standing tall.
Matchmaker: You are a disagrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!
Mulan: Look at me … I will never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect daughter Can it be? I’m not meant to play this part? Now I see That if I were truly to be myself I would break my family’s heart. Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me Why is my reflection someone I don’t know Somehow I cannot hide Who I am, though I’ve tried When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflection show Who I am, inside?
Mushu: Hey, this is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you? Mulan: Just because I look like a man doesn’t mean I have to smell like one. Mushu: So a couple guys don’t rinse out their socks. Picky, picky, picky. Myself, I kinda like that corn-chip smell. Mulan: [Jumps in the water] Ah. Mushu: Okay, all right, alright, that’s enough, now c’mon, get out before you get all pruney and stuff. Mulan: Mushu, if you’re so worried, go stand watch! Mushu: Yeah, yeah. Stand watch, Mushu, while I blow our secret with my stupid girly habits. Hygiene.
Mulan: How ’bout a girl who’s got a brain, who always speaks her mind?
Shang: Ping! Ping, come back! [Frantically, as Shan Yu draws nearer, his sword raised, Mulan fumbles with the match] Mushu: Okay, you might want to light that right about now, Quickly, quickly! [Mulan is attacked by Shan Yu’s hawk and loses the match.] Yao: C’mon, we gotta help! [The Gang of Three run toward Mulan, swinging their swords. Mulan uses Mushu to light the cannon fuse, and it shoots off toward the overhang] Mushu: You missed! How could you miss?! He was three feet in front of you! [The cannon hits the overhang with a bang, and causes an avalanche that rains down on the Hun Army, burying in them. In fury, Shan Yu roars and hits Mulan in the side with his sword blade. She quickly runs away from the avalanche, pulling Shang with her. Khan runs toward them, and Mulan gets on and tries to give Shang a hand, but he loses his grip and is dragged into the snow.] Mushu: [riding down the snow in a hubcap] Mulan! Mulan! Mulan? [He pulls a Hun’s head out of the snow.] Nope. Mulan! [He reaches down and pulls out Crickee.] Man, you are one lucky bug. [Mulan and Khan break out of the snow and race toward Shang, who, unconscious, is sliding on the snow toward a cliff.] Mulan: Shang! [She pulls him up onto the saddle.]
Shang: Ping! What’s wrong? [Mulan moves her hands to reveal blood.] He’s wounded! Get help! [Mulan sinks into unconsciousness.] Ping, hold on. Hold on. [The doctor emerges from his tent and says something to Shang, who looks disturbed and rushes inside. He looks at Mulan, who sits up in bed, her side bandaged. Shang stares at her, recognizing her as a girl. Mulan realizes her mistake and pulls the blanket back on.] Mulan: I can explain! Chi Fu: So it’s true! Mulan: Shang! Chi Fu: [yanking Mulan out of the tent and pulling her hair out of a bun] I knew there was something wrong with you! A woman! Treacherous snake! Mulan: My name is Mulan. I did it to save my father! Chi Fu: High treason! Mulan: I didn’t mean for it to go this far! Chi Fu: Ultimate dishonor! Mulan: It was the only way! Please, believe me!
Mulan: I should never have left home. Mushu: Hey C’mon. You wanted to save your father’s life. Who knew you’d end up shaming him, disgracing your ancestors and losing all your friends. Y’know, you just gotta… just gotta learn to let these things go. Mulan: Maybe I didn’t go for my father. Maybe what I really wanted was to prove that I could do things right. So that when I looked in the mirror [she picks up her helmet] I’d see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing. Mushu: Hey, that’s just cause this needs a little spit, that’s all. [He spits on the helmet.] Let me shine this up for you. I can see you, lookit you, you look so pretty! The truth is, we’re both frauds. Your ancestors didn’t send me; they don’t even like me. I mean, you risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions. [Crickee starts to cry] Mushu: What do you mean, you’re not lucky! You… lied to me? [Crickee nods. Mushu turns to Khan.] And what are you, a sheep? Mulan: I’ll have to face my father sooner or later. Let’s go home Mushu: Yeah. This ain’t gonna be pretty. But don’t you worry, okay? Things will work out. We started this thing together and that’s how we’ll finish it. I promise. [The shadow of a hawk flies overheard, and around a bend. Shan Yu climb out of the snow and looks around. He lets out a roar. Soon he is joined by five of his soldiers. They start down the path toward the Imperial City. Mulan watches them, grabs her sword, mounts Khan and turns after the Huns.] Mushu: Uh, home is that way. Mulan: I have to do something. Mushu: Did you see those Huns? They popped out of the snow! LIKE DAISIES! Mulan: Are we in this together, or not? Mushu: [looks guilty] Let’s go kick some Hun-ny Bunch! [He and Crickee jump on Khan, and they ride down the mountain, whooping.]
Mulan: They’ll never reach the Emperor in time. [She looks around, then at the tall pillars by the side of the palace. She whistles to them.] Hey guys! I’ve got an idea! [The Gang of Three looks at each other and then follows Mulan, dropping the statue. They all take off their equipment, and put on dresses and makeup, and they use the silk belts around their waists to climb up the pillars. Next to them, Shang takes off his cape and climbs up. Inside the palace, on a balcony, the Huns hold the Emperor. Shan Yu sticks his head in their faces.]
Shan Yu: No! [He turns to Shang, who is now conscious.] You! You took away my victory! [He is hit by a shoe.] Mulan: No! I did. [She pulls back her hair.] Shan Yu: The soldier from the mountain! [Abandoning Shang, he chases after Mulan, who is putting on her shoe. She slams the door shut, and he rams his fist through the wood. Mulan is joined by Mushu and Crickee, riding the feather-less hawk.] Mushu: So what’s the plan? Mulan: Ummmmm… Mushu: YOU DON’T HAVE A PLAN? Mulan: Hey, I’m making this up as I… go … [as they pass a window she notices a pile of fireworks and two men.] Mushu– Mushu: Way ahead of you, sister! C’mon, Crickee! [They jump onto a paper kite decoration and float across to the tower. Shan Yu attacks Mulan, and she shimmies up a pole. Shan Yu cuts down the pole, and Mulan and the pole go through the wall. Mulan jumps up and grabs onto the roof and pulls herself up. She looks across to where Mushu and Crickee are gathering ammunition.]
Man: Look! On the roof! [Mulan backs along the roof, mesuring the distance with her hands. Shan Yu crashes through the roof and raises his sword. Mulan pulls out a paper fan.] Shan Yu: Guess you’re out of ideas. [He stabs the sword through the fan; Mulan turns it around and readies the sword.] Mulan: Not quite. Ready, Mushu? Mushu: [with a rocket strapped to his back] I am ready, baby! [He breaths fire on a stick and hands it to Crickee.] Light me! [Mulan kicks Shan Yu in the face, then trips him and pins his shirt to the ground with the sword. Crickee lights the fuse, and the rocket slams Shan Yu straight into the firework tower.] Mulan: [picking up Mushu] Get off the roof, get off the roof! [As the fireworks explode, she jumps, catches a lantern and swings down the cord, then drops onto Shang, who is running down the stairs. Shan Yu’s sword and Mushu land nearby.]
Fa Mulan (Mulan): ISTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd): ENTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When it comes to developing plans, Mrs. Lovett has it all taken care of. She wants her business to be a success, and comes up with a very logical (albeit, disgusting) plan to make that happen. She is taken with Sweeney Todd and is determined make him hers, doing whatever she feels is necessary to keep him. Mrs. Lovett is very deliberate and acts with purpose in order to reap whatever possible benefits she can. She is very good at detaching from her emotions and taking immediate action in the moment without freaking out or losing her nerve. If Mr. Todd is going to be killing people, she might as well prosper from it! And so, she decides to start using his victims to make her meat pies. It’s cost effective! Free meat, and better taste. Business will be booming! “Seems an awful waste… Such a nice, plump frame… Wot’s ‘is name has… Had… Has! Nor it can’t be traced… Bus’ness needs a lift, Debts to be erased… Think of it as thrift, As a gift, If you get my drift! Seems an awful waste… I mean, with the price of meat what it is…”
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: If Mrs. Lovett has a vision, she sets out to turn it into reality and often fantasizes about the life they could have together someday. She is so singularly focused on that, that her blind ambition ends up costing her both the future she yearns for and her life. Mrs. Lovett is conscious of ramifications and consequences and considers these possibilities in her plans. Mr. Todd will kill people to satisfy his bloodlust, I’ll get rid of the evidence by using their bodies for my meat pies, which will benefit my business! She is careful and takes precautions to keep them from being caught. “We got a nice respectable business now. Money coming in regular-like. Since we’re careful to pick and choose, strangers, people who won’t be missed… who’s gonna catch on?” Mrs. Lovett exercises an extraordinary amount of patience in her schemes and knows that having the ability to wait will be rewarding in the end.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: She is highly resourceful and sees Sweeney’s crime as an opportunity. It would be wasteful to just let that corpse sit there and rot when she can use it to make meat pies! And seeing as they’d have to get rid of the body anyway, she might as well profit off of it (Te-Se)! Mrs. Lovett tries desperately to get Sweeney to forget the past and live in the now. It’s over, it’s done! Your wife is gone, but I’m here! Let it go and move on already! We could be happy if you’d stop brooding over what’s dead and gone! Although Mrs. Lovett understands the risks, she believes she foresees any problem she may face and continues in her dangerous schemes.
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Mrs. Lovett is very selfish, and, though she cares about people, she tends to love them in unhealthy ways. She cares about what’s best for herself, so she keeps Sweeney away from his wife, knowing how much he loves her and misses her, because she wants him all to herself (though, after being caught, she claims she did it for him). Mrs. Lovett doesn’t usually show empathy for anyone except for Toby, who she takes a liking to. She initially admonishes Sweeney for “killing a man who done you no harm”, but eventually (after seeing what it can do for her business) becomes an accessory to murder, as she disposes of Sweeney’s victims by baking meat pies using their remains.
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Enneagram: 3w2 7w6 9w8 Sp/Sx
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd): ENTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers): INFP
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Dominant Introverted Feeling [Fi]: What Veronica wants more than anything is to be free of Heather. She doesn’t like being part of her mean tricks or participating in her bullying. Veronica has trouble with anything that’s phony. When the entire school is grieving over the loss of Heather, even though almost everyone hated her, it makes Veronica sick. When she finds out that there will be a spread dedicated to her in the yearbook, Veronica is appalled. She was pissed about the “love-in” that the school organized. Veronica believes in getting justice. She plans to get back at Heather Chandler by mixing milk and orange juice (and attempts to throw in some phlegm, though she’s unable to produce any). She also conspires with JD to get back at Kurt for lying to people about what happened between them on their double date. Although she did want to get revenge, Veronica didn’t want to kill them. She tends to internalize a lot of her feelings and can be self-destructive when trying to deal with them (intentionally burning the palm of her hand, getting in the shower with all of her clothing on in the locker room). Veronica is quite reflective and regularly writes in a journal to get out all of the feelings she suppresses. Veronica doesn’t want to write a note to torment Martha Dunnstock, because she doesn’t have anything against the girl! Although Veronica does comply with Heather’s demands, she has no problem telling her off when she believes it’s necessary. She eventually comes to hate what JD has turned her into and when she feels he’s gone too far, she walks out on him. Even though she’s become popular, Veronica doesn’t forget her former friends, and takes time to have a conversation with Betty Finn, before being pulled away by Heather Chandler (“I was talking to somebody!”
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Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Veronica isn’t satisfied with the way things are, and tends to envision what could be. She dreams of a world without Heather and “just wants her high school to be a nice place.” She wants people to be good to each other and hates being part of a clique that terrorizes social misfits. Veronica is a gifted writer and is able to use her skills to craft “suicide” notes for the classmates she accidentally helps to kill. Veronica is metaphorical and uses vivid analogies, particularly when writing in her diary. She wants change and nothing anybody does is making a difference. Between her call to Hot Probs, and the fact that Heather Duke and the rest of the school were teasing her for it, Veronica knew to run after Heather McNamara, fearing that she might attempt to kill herself. Veronica is able to come up with ideas – such as pretending to commit suicide so JD would think she was dead. Sometimes, she has trouble seeing how things will play out (not realizing JD’s deception, failing to see that killing one popular person will result in another one taking their place, causing an endless cycle). Veronica uses her creativity to do things differently. Sure, we could just have sex on the neighbor’s swing set, but playing strip croquette would be a lot more fun. Even though she’s never forged a suicide note before, the words seem to flow out of Veronica effortlessly and poetically.
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Tertiary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Although she does stand up to Heather, Veronica keeps going back to her. She’ll lash out at her one day, and go running back the next. She seems to regret the choices that she’s made that have landed her in her current situation and longs for simpler times. When Veronica begins to struggle with what she’s done, she seeks comfort by reaching out to an old friend – Betty Finn, after ditching her for the Heathers. Veronica pays attention to detail, as she points out that Heather Chandler would never use a word like “myriad” in her suicide note, since she missed it on the vocab test. She also points out that Heather would never drink anything that looked like the liquid drainer.
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Inferior Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When Veronica decides she needs to do something to stop JD, she begins a quest to take him down and prevent him from blowing up the school. She sets out to do whatever it takes to stop him, even going so far as to shoot him. Veronica is direct, blunt, and has no problem asserting herself. It’s hard for Veronica to navigate within Westerburg’s established social structure and seeks to fix the problem, although she ends up doing more harm than good in the process by accidentally eliminating multiple classmates. Veronica wants to make a difference and enact real change, but her attempt to push back and rebel against the system gets entirely out of hand (“My teen angst bullshit has a body count.)
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Note: I typically see Veronica typed as either an INFJ or an INFP. I don’t think she’s an INFJ, but I strongly considered ISFP for her because she can act impulsively and fails to consider the consequences of her actions. I see her as more future-focused than living in the present. Her solutions to things tend to be less “creative” than JD’s (milk, orange juice, and phlegm cocktail versus liquid drainer). She also says that killing Heather wouldn’t solve anything, instead suggesting to just “grow up, be adults, and die.” She takes what JD says at face value and believes his story about the “Ich Luge” bullets, failing to realize that he’s lying to her about the plan regarding Kurt and Ram. When she berates herself for being stupid, JD suggests that she “believed it because she wanted to believe it.” She denies this, and we don’t really know for certain what the truth is. I’ve seen this movie more times than I can count, and can literally recite every single line, yet I still don’t feel as confident about Veronica’s type as I should. I could probably construct a fairly decent argument for ISFP, but I’m sticking with INFP for now.
Enneagram: 4w5 7w6 8w9 Sx/So
Veronica: Dear Diary, I want to kill. And you have to believe it’s for more than just selfish reasons. More than just a spoke in my menstrual cycle. You have to believe me.
Veronica: Betty Finn was a true friend and I sold her out for a bunch of swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Killing Heather would be like offing the Wicked Witch of the West. Wait, East. West! God, I sound like a fucking psycho. Tomorrow I’ll be kissing her aerobicized ass, but tonight, let me dream of a world without Heather. A world where I am free.
JD: Thank you. That was my first game of strip croquet. Veronica: You’re welcome. It’s a lot more interesting than just flinging off your clothes and boning away on the neighbor’s swing set.
Veronica: What a night. What a life. They wanted to move me into high school out of the sixth grade because I was supposed to be this big genius. And then we decided to chuck the idea because I’d have trouble making friends, blah, blah, blah. Now blah, blah, blah is all I do. I use my grand IQ to decide what color gloss to wear and how to hit three keggers before curfew.
Veronica: Oh, the cops. I can’t believe this is my life. Oh my god. I’m gonna have to send my SAT scores to San Quentin instead of Stanford. JD: All right, just a little freaked here. At least you got what you wanted, you know? Veronica: Got what I wanted? It is one thing to want somebody out of your life. It is another thing to serve them a wakeup cup full of liquid drainer.
JD: All right, we did a murder. Now that’s a crime. But if this were like a suicide thing, you know? Veronica: Like a suicide thing? JD: Yeah. I mean, you can do Heather’s handwriting as well as your own, right? Right? Veronica: You might think what I’ve done is shocking. JD: Um, to me, though, suicide is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me. Veronica: That’s good, but Heather would never use the word myriad. JD: This is the last thing she’ll ever write, she’s gonna wanna cash in on as many 50-cent words as possible. Veronica: Yeah, but she missed myriad on the vocab test two weeks ago. JD: That only proves my point more. The word is a badge for her failures at school. Veronica: Oh. Ok, you’re probably right. People think just because you’re beautiful ad popular life is easy and fun. No one understood, I had feelings too. JD: I die knowing no one knew the real me. Veronica: That’s good. Have you done this before?
Veronica: Can’t you see these programs are eating suicide up with a spoon? They’re making it sound like it’s a cool thing to do.
Veronica: All we want is to be treated like human beings, not to be experimented on like guinea pigs or patronized like bunny rabbits.
Veronica: God, you’re an asshole. Mute him. Heather, how many networks did you run to? What are you talking about? You hated her, she hated you.
Veronica: Ram and I died the day we realized we could never reveal our forbidden love to an uncaring and ununderstanding world. The joy we shared in each other’s arms was greater than any touchdown. Yet we were forced to live the lie of sexist, beer guzzling, jock assholes.
JD: Look, you believed it because you wanted to believe it. Your true feelings were too gross and icky for you to face. Veronica: I did not want them dead! JD: You did too. Veronica: I did not! JD: Did too! Veronica: I did not! JD: Did too! Veronica: I did not! JD: Did too! Veronica: Did not! JD: Did too! Veronica: Did not, did not, did not! Shut up! I did not want them to- JD: Come on, you did, you just- Veronica: Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb!
Veronica: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count. The most popular people in school are dead. Everybody’s sad, but it’s a weird kind of sad. Suicide gave Heather depth, Kurt a soul, Ram a brain. I don’t know what it’s given me, but I’ve got no control over myself when I’m with JD. Are we going to prom or to hell?
Veronica: Hi, I’m sorry. Technically, I did not kill Heather Chandler, but hey, who am I trying to kid, right? I just want my high school to be a nice place. Amen. Did that sound bitchy?
Veronica: That thing this afternoon. I’m so angry! It was chaos, fucking chaos. JD: What are you talking about, huh? I mean, today was great! Chaos is great! Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling. Face it, our way is the way! We scare people into not being assholes! Veronica: Our way is not our way!
[JD shoots the radio] Veronica: That’s it, we’re breaking up! JD: What? But you can’t bring them back, you must know that. Veronica: I am not trying to bring anybody back except maybe myself.
Veronica: And to think there was a time when I actually thought you were cool. Man, if you can’t deal with me now then just stay home and shoot your TV. Blow up a couple toasters or something. Just don’t come to school and don’t mess with me!
Veronica: Heather told everyone about Heather. Yes, Dear Diary, I’ve cut off Heather Chandler’s head and Heather Duke’s head has sprouted back in it’s place. Like some mythological thing my eighth grade boyfriend would have known about. Heather’s even doing the old note trick. I’ve seen JD’s way. I’ve seen Miss Pauline Fleming’s way. And nothing has changed. I guess that’s Heather’s way. And Jesus, what about JD? I can’t get him out of my head.
Veronica: Heather, you’re throwing your life away to become a statistic in the US-fucking-A today. Now that is about the least private thing I can think of. Heather McNamara: What about Heather and Kurt and Ram? Veronica: If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you? Heather McNamara: Probably. Veronica: If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn’t be a human being, you’d be a game show host.
Veronica: Dear Diary, last entry. No one can stop JD. Not the FBI, the CIA, or the PTA. He once told me that the extreme always makes an impression. Well now it’s my turn. Let’s see how the son of a bitch reacts to a suicide he didn’t perform himself!
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers): INFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter): INFJ
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Dominant Introverted Intuition [Ni]: When it comes to thinking in the long-term, Dumbledore is second to none. He spends years grooming Harry, knowing that in the end, he’d likely have to give his own life in order to defeat Voldemort. Dumbledore always seems to have a sense of what’s really going on. Although Dumbledore ultimately used his powers for good, he spent a portion of his youth consumed with the idea of building a “better” future and devoted a great deal of energy to making tis vision into a reality. Nearly every move that Dumbledore makes is in service of a larger goal. While he was once infatuated with the idea of wizard supremacy and with finding the Deathly Hallows, he later becomes entirely focused on stopping Voldemort. He organizes the Order of the Phoenix, delves deep into Voldemort’s past and his memories for clues and information that might be useful in thwarting him (Ni-Ti), and launches a mission to find and destroy each of his horcruxes in order to vanquish him once and for all. Dumbledore always has his mind on the big picture, and displays incredibly good intuition. He has the ability to apply a tremendous amount of insight into most people and situations, and seems to innately understand them, often with little to no prior knowledge, and his various hunches are proven to be correct. He’s always moving pieces into place and making moves to serve his overall goal – ridding the world of Voldemort’s tyranny once and for all. Even though he knew Harry was the world’s best chance at defeating Voldemort…
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Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: … he never saw him as a mere pawn. Instead, he formed a deep relationship with him and cared for him very much, even though he knew that Harry would someday need to make an inconceivable sacrifice. While he and Gellert made plans for the future of Wizarding kind, Albus genuinely believed that what they were doing was for the “greater good.” Dumbledore is extremely good at understanding other people and knows how to deal with everyone he encounters individually. He knows what methods will work and can personalize his approaches with people. Dumbledore thinks in terms of the collective and wants to make the world a better place, which he does by leading the fight against Voldemort through his founding of the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore cares very much about other people’s feelings and is skilled when it comes to relating to those around him. While he is an immensely powerful wizard, who people should fear for his knowledge and skill, he has a gentle, humble, and kind demeanor, which makes him appear approachable, and allows him to effortlessly put those around him at ease. He is able to find the good in most people and “could find something of value in anyone.” Although he has his secrets, people tend to implicitly trust Dumbledore and his judgment. He is a strong leader who is admired and respected by those around him.
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Tertiary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Much to Harry’s annoyance, Dumbledore rarely clues anyone in to what he’s thinking or planning. Instead, Dumbledore typically reaches his own personal conclusions about things, and keeps his assessments to himself. His thinking is an internal process and he can be far from forthcoming with the people around him. Dumbledore was known to have one of the most gifted minds in the wizarding community. He had a variety of interests, whether he was discovering the twelve different uses for dragon’s blood or working in alchemy with Nicolas Flamel. Dumbledore is able to maintain a certain level of detachment. He is capable of putting his personal feelings aside for the good of the many. Dumbledore has a curious and penetrating mind, and he enjoys pondering questions and is more than comfortable with thinking around the facts of any given predicament he finds himself in.
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Inferior Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Dumbledore is rarely seen engaging with his physical environment. He tends to be detached from his external world and prefers to act behind the scenes. His approach tends to be a bit indirect, but while he prefers to be the “man behind the curtain,” he is more than capable of getting his hands dirty when necessary, as evidenced by his duel with Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic. Although Dumbledore is a master at subtext, intuitive deductions, and seeing what could be, he is also able to see things for what they are, and is incredulous when so many witches and wizards refuse to accept Voldemort’s return. It’s right in front of you! How can you not see it? Dumbledore enjoys some sensory pleasures, including bowling, music, and has a fondness for sweet treats. Although Dumbledore is a brilliant man, he isn’t impervious to short-sighted mistakes. When he finds the resurrection stone in Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, he thoughtlessly puts it on his finger, desperate to see his family once again. However, the ring had been cursed, an oversight which lead Dumbledore to his demise.
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Enneagram: 5w6 9w1 3w2 Sx/So
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter): INFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Jasmine (Aladdin): ESFP
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Dominant Extroverted Sensing [Se]: The palace makes Jasmine feel trapped. She wants the freedom to see what else is out there, and so she hops over the wall and leaves her life behind, throwing herself into a world she knows nothing about. When Aladdin has to come to her aid after she takes an apple without paying to feed a small child, she’s able to adapt and play along when he tries to get her out of trouble by claiming that she’s crazy. Jasmine is able to improvise in the moment, even bowing to Abu and pretending to think that a camel was her doctor in order to really sell Aladdin’s lie. Jasmine picks up on how to do things quickly. When Aladdin takes Jasmine back to where he lives, he pole vaults from one building to another. He sets down a plank for her to walk across, but by the time he’s finished, she’s already flown over his head, claiming to be a “fast learner.” She thinks quickly on her feet and is able to distract Jafar by pretending his wish for her to fall in love with him came true, giving Aladdin time to sneak up behind him. Jasmine is open to adventure and new experiences, and is delighted by the opportunity to ride on a magic carpet where she can explore new places and see new things.
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Auxiliary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Jasmine refuses to have decisions made for her. She wants freedom and the ability to make her own choices in life. If she gets married, she wants it to be for love. If the law is forcing her to wed, then the law is wrong. It bothers her that she’s never been able to do anything by herself. Jasmine wants to be independent and even attempts to run away in her desire to gains some autonomy. Once Jasmine finds out who Aladdin really is, she becomes outraged by how unfair it is that they can’t be together. She doesn’t want to sacrifice her heart’s desire and wants nothing more than to live her life on her own terms without interference from anybody. She wants to be treated like a person and doesn’t hesitate to put people in their place when they treat her like an object.
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Tertiary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Although it’s difficult for Jasmine to obey rules, she understands the established system and is quite good at barking orders and making demands. When the guards take Aladdin, she reveals herself and commands them to let him go. She doesn’t hesitate to use her status as the princess to get the men to release him, and is very firm with the guards, though they take Aladdin despite her efforts. Jasmine is direct, decisive, and bold. She is frank and speaks her mind, regardless of who she’s talking to. When she finds out that the guards were acting on Jafar’s orders, she marches straight up to him and reprimands him for his actions. Jasmine is unhappy with her life in the palace, so she leaves everything behind and escapes.
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Inferior Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Because Jasmine acts without giving much thought to the future, she leaves the castle with nothing but the clothes on her back, not accounting for where she will go or what she will do, especially since she doesn’t have any money. Jasmine is good at picking up on people’s deceptions and has good gut instincts. She’s able to figure out that Prince Ali is actually Aladdin and plants a trap which forces Aladdin to admit that he’s the guy she met in the marketplace. When Jasmine releases the doves, it symbolically represents her own desire to fly away from her cage, the palace (Fi-Ni).
Enneagram: 4w3 8w7 7w8 Sx/So
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Prince Achmed: I’ve never been so insulted! Sultan: Oh, Prince Achmed. You’re not leaving so soon, are you? Prince Achmed: Good luck marrying her off! Sultan: Oh, Jasmine! Jasmine! Jasmine! [The sultan goes off into the garden looking for his daughter. He finds her, but is interrupted by Rajah, Jasmine’s pet tiger, who blocks him off. Rajah has a piece of the prince’s undershorts in his mouth.The sultan grabs the cloth and yanks it out of Rajah’s mouth.] Confound it, Rajah! So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out! Jasmine: Oh, father. Rajah was just playing with him, weren’t you Rajah? You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren’t you? Sultan: Dearest, you’ve got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call. The law says you… Both: …must be married to a prince. [They walk over to a dove cage.] Sultan: By your next birthday. Jasmine: The law is wrong. Sultan: You’ve only got three more days! Jasmine: Father, I hate being forced into this. [She takes a dove out of the cage and pets it.] If I do marry, I want it to be for love. Sultan: Jasmine, it’s not only this law. [She hands him the dove, and he puts it back in the cage.] I’m not going to be around forever, and I just want to make sure you’re taken care of, provided for. Jasmine: Try to understand. I’ve never done a thing on my own. [She swirls her finger in the water of the pond, petting the fish.] I’ve never had any real friends. (Rajah looks up at her and growls.] Except you, Rajah. [Satisfied, he goes back to sleep.] I’ve never even been outside the palace walls. Sultan: But Jasmine, you’re a princess. Jasmine: Then maybe I don’t want to be a princess. Sultan: Oooohhh! [to Rajah] Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
[As she’s climbing the palace walls] Jasmine: Oh, I’m sorry, Rajah. But I can’t stay here and have my life lived for me.
[In the marketplace] Jasmine: Oh, you must be hungry. [Jasmine takes an apple off one of the stands and gives it to the little boy] Here you go. [The boy runs off.] Proprietor: You’d better be able to pay for that. Jasmine: Pay? Proprietor: No one steals from my cart! Jasmine: Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I don’t have any money. Proprietor: Thief! Jasmine: Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan. Proprietor: Do you know what the penalty is for stealing? [He takes her hand and pins it down on the table, intending to chop it off] Jasmine: No, no, please! [The sword drops, but his hand is stopped by Aladdin] Aladdin: Thank you, kind sir. I’m so glad you’ve found her. I’ve been looking all over for you. Jasmine: [whispering] What are you doing? Aladdin: Just play along. Proprietor: You know this girl? Aladdin: Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She’s a little crazy. Proprietor: She said she knows the Sultan! Aladdin: She thinks the monkey is the Sultan. [Abu is picking a pocket. He hears this and straightens up. Jasmine, playing along, kneels down and bows to Abu] Jasmine: Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you? Abu: Well, blah blah blah blah. Aladdin: Tragic, isn’t it? [He leans forward, picking up another apple from the cart with his foot] But, no harm done. [He walks over to Jasmine] Now come along, sis. Time to see the doctor. Jasmine: [to a camel standing nearby] Oh, hello, Doctor. How are you? Aladdin: No, no, no. Not that one.
Jasmine: I want to thank you for stopping that man. Aladdin: Uh, forget it. [He grabs a pole] So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh? [He pole vaults to the next building, leaving Jasmine behind] Jasmine: Is it that obvious? Aladdin: Well, you do kinda stand out. I mean, uh, you don’t seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be. [He lays a plank between the buildings for her to walk over, but as he is leaned down, she vaults over his head. He looks back in surprise. She tosses the pole to him.] Jasmine: I’m a fast learner. Aladdin: Right. C’mon, this way.
Jasmine: I want to thank you for stopping that man. Aladdin: Uh, forget it. [He grabs a pole] So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh? [He pole vaults to the next building, leaving Jasmine behind] Jasmine: Is it that obvious? Aladdin: Well, you do kinda stand out. I mean, uh, you don’t seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be. [He lays a plank between the buildings for her to walk over, but as he is leaned down, she vaults over his head. He looks back in surprise. She tosses the pole to him.] Jasmine: I’m a fast learner. Aladdin: Right. C’mon, this way.
Jasmine: Unhand him, by order of the princess. [The guards suddenly stop and bow, forcing Aladdin to bow as well.] Guard: Princess Jasmine. Aladdin: The princess? Abu: The princess? Guard: What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat? Jasmine: That’s not your concern. Do as I command. Release him! Guard: Well, I would, princess, but my orders come from Jafar. You’ll have to take it up with him. [The guards drag Aladdin out, bowing as they go.] Jasmine: [angrily] Believe me, I will.
Jasmine: The guards just took a boy from the market, on your orders. Jafar: Your father’s charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah. The boy was a criminal. Jasmine: What was his crime? Iago: I can’t breathe, Jafar! Jafar: Why, kidnapping the princess, of course. Iago: If you could just- [Jafar kicks him back inside the door and it slams shut] Wow, that hurt! Jasmine: He didn’t kidnap me! I ran away! Jafar: [Walking away as if shocked] Oh, dear! Oh, how frightfully upsetting. Had I but known. Jasmine: What do you mean? Jafar: Sadly, the boy’s sentence has already been carried out. Jasmine: What sentence? Jafar: Death. [Jasmine gasps] By beheading. Jasmine: No! [She collapses to the floor.] Jafar: I am exceedingly sorry, princess. Jasmine: How could you? [She runs from the room crying.]
Sultan: Jafar, this is an outrage. If it weren’t for all your years of loyal service… From now on, you are to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me, before they are beheaded. Jafar: I assure you, your highness, it won’t happen again. Sultan:Jasmine, Jafar, now let’s put this whole messy business behind us. Please? Jafar: My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well, princess. [He takes her hand to kiss it, but she yanks it away.] Jasmine: At least some good will come of my being forced to marry. When I am queen, I will have the power to get rid of you.
Sultan: Jasmine will like this one! Aladdin: And I’m pretty sure I’ll like Princess Jasmine! Jafar: Your highness, no. I must intercede on Jasmine’s behalf. [Jasmine hears this and gets mad.] This boy is no different than the others. What makes him think he is worthy of the princess? Aladdin: Your majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa! [He pricks Jafar’s goatee, which springs out in all directions.] Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter! Jasmine: How dare you! All of you, standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won! [She storms out.]
Jasmine: A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I’m way up here It’s crystal clear That now I’m in a whole new world with you!
Jasmine: Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky
Jasmine: A whole new world! Aladdin: Don’t you dare close your eyes Jasmine: An hundred thousand things to see Aladdin: Hold your breath- it gets better! Jasmine: I’m like a shooting star, I’ve come so far I can’t go back to where I used to be!
Jasmine: It’s all so magical. Aladdin: Yeah. Jasmine: It’s a shame Abu had to miss this. Aladdin: Nah. He hates fireworks. He doesn’t really like flying either. That is… oh no! Jasmine: [She pulls off his turban] You are the boy from the market! I knew it. Why did you lie to me? Aladdin: Jasmine, I’m sorry. Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid? Aladdin: No! Jasmine: That I wouldn’t figure it out? Aladdin: No. I mean, I hoped you wouldn’t. No, that’s not what I meant. Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth! Aladdin: The truth? The truth… the truth is… I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. But I really am a prince! Jasmine: Why didn’t you just tell me? Aladdin: Well, you know, um… royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don’t you think? Jasmine: Not that strange.
Jafar: It pains me to see you reduced to this, Jasmine. [He takes a bite out of the apple she is holding.] A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world. [He waves his finger and a crown appears.] What do you say, my dear? Why, with you as my queen… [She picks up a glass of wine and throws it in his face.] Jasmine: Never! Jafar: I’ll teach you some respect! [She falls back as he raises his hand to slap her. Then he stops.] No, Genie, I have decided to make my final wish. I wish for Princess Jasmine to fall desperately in love with me. GENIE: Ah, master- there are a few addendas, some quid pro quo- Jafar: Don’t talk back to me, you stupid blue lout! You will do what I order you to do, slave! [Jasmine looks up and sees Aladdin in the window, who makes a “Shh” motion.] Jasmine: [Thinks for a moment, then stands and puts the crown on her head.] Jafar! I never realized how incredibly handsome you are. [The Genie’s jaw drops.] Jafar: That’s better. [He pulls the Genie’s jaw up like a shade.] Now, pussycat, tell me more about… myself. Jasmine: You’re tall, well dressed…
Jafar: Go on. Jasmine: And your beard…is so…twisted! [She has her arms around him. She pretends to twist with her finger, but she is actually motioning for Aladdin to come over. He makes his move. Iago sees him.] Iago: Jaf–mmmmmm! [Abu grabs him and covers his mouth.] Jafar: And the street rat? Jasmine: What street rat? [They are about to kiss when Iago manages to knock over a bowl. Jafar turns to look, but Jasmine grabs him back and kisses him. Aladdin looks disgusted. Iago and Abu both look disgusted.]
Jasmine (Aladdin): ESFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Megara (Hercules): ISTP
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Dominant Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Meg has a quick wit, which she frequently uses to insult those around her. She’s logical, independent, and doesn’t rely on anyone to save her. When she first meets Hercules, she believes she can deal with Nessus on her own, telling him that she’s capable of handling the situation herself. She has confidence in her ability to come up with solutions to her problems without any help. Meg prefers to remain detached and doesn’t want to grow too close to Hercules. She’s clever and comes up with several ways to manipulate Hercules (claiming that she has “weak ankles” as a segue to get Hercules to open up about his own weaknesses). Meg is cynical, snarky, and believes that it’s best to isolate herself so that nobody can hurt her.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: It’s easy for Meg to use what is immediately available to her accomplish a task. She manipulates Hercules using her sexuality. When Hades tasks Meg with finding out his weakness, she does so by persuading him to play hooky with her and shows him a fun-filled day. Though it’s never stated, one might infer that Meg purposely tripped down the steps in order to start a conversation with Hercules about weaknesses because she was trying to get him to admit his. Meg is comfortable in risky situations and can make shortsighted decisions without considering the ramifications when presented with an opportunity (selling her soul to Hades in exchange for her boyfriend’s life). She’s quick to leap into action (hopping onto Pegasus to get Phil in order to save Hercules, even though she’s terrified of heights). She also notices the pillar about to fall and crush Hercules and is able to push him out of the way in the nick of time, saving his life.
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Tertiary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Meg is driven by one goal – work off her debt and eventually be free from Hades forever. She experiences flashes of insight – she can tell relatively quickly that Hercules isn’t like everybody else and believes in him. Meg is good at knowing how to manipulate people and instinctively knows which buttons to push. Once Meg falls for Hercules, she becomes determined to protect him from Hades, regardless of the consequences. Meg appears to believe in universal truths about the world and humanity (everyone is petty and dishonest).
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Inferior Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Admitting her feelings doesn’t come easily for Meg. Instead, she keeps them hidden and denies the truth. Although she was working with Hades to obtain her freedom, in the end, she sacrifices herself to save Hercules. Meg is willing to make selfless choices for those she loves – she’s only a slave to Hades because she sold her soul to him in an attempt to save her boyfriend’s life. Although Meg doesn’t lead with her emotions, she is able to tap into them, as she puts on quite a performance for Hercules in order to convince him to come save the two little boys (Pain and Panic), who were supposedly trapped as a result of a rock slide.
Enneagram: 6w5 8w7 4w5 Sp/Sx
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Hercules: Pardon me, my good, uh… uh… sir. I’ll have to ask you to release that young – Megara: Keep movin’, junior. Hercules: — lady. But you… are-aren’t you… a damsel in distress? Megara: I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.
Megara: Megara. My friends call me Meg, or at least they would if I had any friends. So… did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorials? Hercules: Uh, I’m, uh, um- Megara: Are you always this articulate? Hercules: Hercules. My… My name is Hercules. Megara: Hercules, huh? I think I prefer Wonderboy. Hercules: So, uh, how-how-how’d you get mixed up with the, uh- Megara: Pinhead with hooves? [Hercules nods] Well, you know how men are. They think “no” means “yes” and “get lost” means “take me, I’m yours”. Don’t worry, Shorty here can explain it to ya later. Well, thanks for everything, Herc. It’s been a real slice. [She starts to walk away.] Hercules: Wait! [She stops and turns.] Um… can we give you a ride? [Pegasus snorts, whinnies and flies to a high branch.] Megara: Uh… I don’t think your pinto likes me very much. Hercules: Pegasus? Oh, no, don’t be silly! He’d be more than happy to- Ow. [PEGASUS has dropped an apple on Hercules’ head. He looks up and Pegasus whistles innocently.] Megara: I’ll be alright. I’m a big, tough girl. I can tie my own sandals and everything. [She walks away again.] Bye-bye, Wonderboy.
Megara: Please! Help! Please! There’s been a terrible accident! Hercules: Meg? Phil: Speakin’ of disasters. Megara: Wonderboy! Hercules, thank goodness! Hercules: Wha-what’s wrong? Megara: Outside of town, two little boys, they were playing in the gorge. There was this rock slide, a terrible rock slide! They’re trapped! Hercules: Kids? Trapped? Phil! Phil, this is great! Megara: You’re really choked up about this, aren’t ya?
Megara: Looks like your game is over- Wonderboy’s hitting every curve you throw at him. Hades: Oh, yeah… I wonder if maybe I haven’t been throwing the right curves at him, Meg, my sweet. Megara: Don’t even go there. Hades: See, he’s gotta have a weakness, because everybody’s got a weakness, I mean for Pandora, it was the box thing, for the Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse, okay? We simply need to find out Wonderboy’s. Megara: I’ve done my part. Get your little imps- Hades: They couldn’t handle him as a baby. I need someone who can … handle him as a man. Megara: Hey, I’ve sworn off man-handling. Hades: Well, you know, that’s good, because that’s what got you into this jam in the first place, isn’t it? You sold your soul to me to save your boyfriend’s life. And how does this creep thank you? By running off with some babe. He hurt you real bad, didn’t he, Meg? Huh? Megara: Look, I learned my lesson, okay? Hades: Which is exactly why I got a feelin’ you’re gonna leap at my new offer. You give me the key to bringing down Wonderbreath and I give you the thing that you crave most in the entire cosmos! Your freedom.
Megara: Let’s see … what could be behind curtain number one? [She pulls the cord on the side and we see Hercules behind the curtain.] Hercules: Meg! Megara: It’s alright. The sea of raging hormones has ebbed. Hercules: Gee, i-i-it’s great to see you. I-I-I missed you. Megara: [Flopping down onto a couch] So this is what heroes do on their days off? Hercules: Ah… I’m no hero… Megara: Sure ya are. Everybody in Greece thinks you’re the greatest thing since they put the pocket in pita. Hercules: I know, it’s-it’s crazy, y’know, I can’t go anywhere without being mobbed, I mean- Megara: Ah. You sound like you could use a day off. Think your nanny goat would go berserk if you played hooky this afternoon? Hercules: Oh, gee. I-I don’t know. Phil’s got the rest of the day pretty much booked- Megara: Ah, Phil-schmill. Just follow me- out the window, round the dumbbells, you lift up the back wall and we’re gone.
Hercules: I didn’t know playing hooky could be so much fun. Megara: Yeah. Neither did I. Hercules: Thanks, Meg. Megara: Oh… don’t thank me just yet. Oh! [She falls into HERCULES’ arms.] Hercules: Oops- careful. Megara: Sorry. Weak ankles. Hercules: Oh yeah? Well maybe you’d better sit down. [He carries her over to a bench, puts her down, then sits down beside her.] Megara: So… uh… do you have any problems with things like this? [She stretches out her leg and holds her foot right in front of his face.] Hercules: Uh… Megara: Weak ankles, I mean. Hercules: Oh. Uh, no. Not really. Megara: [Moving closer to him] No weaknesses whatsoever? No trick knee? Hercules: Uh… Megara: Ruptured… disks? Hercules: No. I’m… I’m afraid I’m uh… fit as a fiddle. [He stands.] Megara: [sighs] Wonderboy, you are perfect. Hercules: Thanks.
Megara: If there’s a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I’ve already won that No man is worth the aggravation That’s ancient history, been there, done that
Megara: No chance no way I won’t say it, no no It’s too cliche I won’t say I’m in love
Megara: I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming “Get a grip girl Unless you’re dying to cry your heart out
Megara: No chance no way I won’t say it, no no This scene won’t play I won’t say I’m in love You’re way off base I won’t say it At least out loud I won’t say I’m in love
Hades: I’m sorry… you hear that sound? That’s the sound on your freedom fluttering out the window… forever. Megara: I don’t care. I’m not gonna help you hurt him. Hades: I can’t believe you’re getting so worked up about some… guy. Megara: This one is different. He’s honest, and – and he’s sweet- Hades: Please. Megara: He would never do anything to hurt me. Hades: He’s a guy! Megara: Besides, oh Oneness, you can’t beat him. He has no weaknesses. He’s gonna — Hades: I think he does, Meg. I truly think… he does.
Megara: Hercules! Look out! [She pushes him out of the way, but the pillar falls on her instead.] Hercules: Meg! NO! What’s happening? Megara: H-Hades’ deal is broken. He promised I wouldn’t get hurt. Hercules: Meg. Why- why did you… you didn’t have to- Megara: Oh, people always do crazy things… when they’re in love. Hercules: Oh… Meg. Meg, I- I… Megara: Are you… always this articulate? You- you haven’t got much time. You can still stop Hades.
Megara (Hercules): ISTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale): ESTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: It’s important for Cheryl to be in charge of her external environment and have power at Riverdale High, whether that comes in the form of being captain of the River Vixens, or by plotting against against her enemies. She’s domineering, barks orders with ease, and tends to come on quite strong and doesn’t hesitate to put people in their place. Cheryl doesn’t seem to spend much time tuning in to the emotions of the people around her. Cheryl is quite intelligent and, in addition to her position on the cheerleading squad and the various activities she participates in, she also maintains a 4.0 GPA. She’s a leader who wants to organize and implement her plans. She can easily take control of any situation and doesn’t back down when she has a goal. Cheryl is blunt, direct, and knows how to work within the system. Cheryl tells it like it is and doesn’t sugarcoat anything for anybody. “I think she’s crazier than a serial killer on bath-salts, but so what? She’s carrying Jason’s baby. That trumps everything.” The facts are important to Cheryl and she tends to need indisputable evidence in order to believe something. She doesn’t believe that Jason would’ve had anything to do with a playbook based on her prior experiences with him (Si), and it isn’t until she sees the book with her own two eyes that she begins to think that she might not have known her brother as well as she thought she did. Cheryl believes she must keep her emotions in check and wants to present a strong image. Cheryl is quick to take action in situations. When she comes to the conclusion that Polly killed Jason, she tweets the news to her followers in an attempt to get the residents of Riverdale to make Polly pay for what Cheryl believes she has done.
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Auxiliary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Cheryl’s past experiences shape all of her opinions. The playbook doesn’t exist. It’s just a stupid “suburban legend.” She knows her brother, and he never would’ve stood for anything like that. And even if such a book existed, Jason would’ve told her about it. Tradition and hierarchy matter very much to Cheryl and she takes a great deal of pride in being captain of the River Vixens. The maple tapping ritual was something she and Jason participated in every year and she didn’t know how to face the annual event without him by her side. Cheryl cares about her status at Riverdale High and is extremely threatened by Veronica, who could usurp her as Queen Bee. She wants to keep Veronica in check and make sure she knows her place in Riverdale’s social hierarcy. Cheryl tends to hold grudges and loathes Polly because of what happened between her and Jason, and treats Betty poorly because she’s Polly’s sister. She judges people based on their past. She warns Hermione to put all of the money in the register because “Lodges are known to have sticky fingers.” Cheryl likes a sense of consistency in her life. She wears the same broach frequently, dresses mostly in reds, and her material possessions mean a lot to her, which is why giving her HBIC shirt and position as captain to Veronica and making amends with Jughead by giving him her broach were such strong indicators of what she was planning to do. At Jason’s memorial, Cheryl decides to wear the dress she wore the last time she saw him alive. Cheryl clings to Archie because he reminds her of Jason, and seeing him at the pep really in Jason’s jersey caused her to run off the stage and have a private breakdown (Si-Fi).
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Tertiary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: When Cheryl discovers that Polly escaped from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy on the same night that Jason’s car was set on fire, she “does the math” and incorrectly believes that Polly killed Jason. Though, there are times when her intuition is spot on. She thinks that one or both of her parents could’ve been involved in Jason’s death and theorizes that if Clifford wasn’t mad at Jason about Polly, he must’ve been angry with him for a different reason, telling her mother that it “must have been about the business.” Although she can be quite rigid, Cheryl is open to adjusting her beliefs and opinions as new information presents itself and is able to adapt when necessary. Cheryl is able to think quickly and improvise in the moment. She lies to her parents about having flushed the ring and makes up a story about Polly charging at her to get to it, but in actuality, she keeps it hidden because she has grown suspicious of her mom and dad.
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Cheryl refuses to dwell on her emotions. She deals with her feelings by taking action. She doesn’t want the dance to be canceled after Jason’s body is found. Rather, she wants to use it to allow people to heal from the tragedy. When she’s feeling particularly emotional, she goes off on her own to deal with her feelings in private. Cheryl often lacks empathy and has a hard time relating to people, which is why her plan to get information out of Betty by being kind to her fails. Cheryl doesn’t like to be vulnerable and tries to present a tough exterior, but when her emotions do come to the surface, she’s usually quite volatile, as evidenced by her suicide attempt at Sweetwater River, the place she was last with Jason, and the place where his body was discovered (Si-Fi). Cheryl is much better at helping others by donating her time and her money (buying Archie a guitar, getting money for Polly) than she is at supporting them emotionally.
Enneagram: 3w4 8w7 6w5 So/Sp
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Cheryl: Will this beautiful, exotic, hothouse flower drown under the town’s scrutiny, or be swamped by her emotions? The answer, ladies, is “no” and “no.”
Ethel: I already tried. Weatherbee said that he didn’t find anything. Betty: Okay, we need undeniable proof. Cheryl: Proof of what, Nancy Drew? That boys will be boys? And that playbook reeks of suburban legend. Betty: How would you know, Cheryl? Cheryl: Because, Frida Shallow, before he died, my brother was co-captain of the football team with Chuck, and Jason never mentioned it, and he never would’ve allowed it.
Kevin: Cheryl just tweeted #PollyCooperKilledMyBrother, NowhereToHide, SharpenYourPitchforks.
Cheryl: Speaking of breaks, what’s a big one worth to you, Mother? Letting me be a River Vixen again? Penelope: What on earth are you talking about, Cheryl? Cheryl: I have information you… Both of you, would find interesting vis-a-vis my brother’s case. But first, the Vixens are mine. And I want your permission to reclaim them. Penelope: Good Lord, fine. Cheryl: So, Ginger texted me while I was in the ladies’ room. It seems that crazy bitch, Polly Cooper, escaped from some looney bin, the same night Jason’s car was torched. So let me do the math for you. Polly escaping plus Polly torching Jason’s car equals she’s Jason’s killer. Covering her tracks, trying to go underground, like the vicious, cold-hearted murdering mean girl that she is.
Cheryl: As a maj thank-you for coming to the maple banquet with me tomorrow, I wanted to give you this. An ’84 Les Paul. In our signature color. You’re welcome. Okay. That’s all. I’m going now. My claustrophobia acts up in small houses. See you tomorrow.
Cheryl: What did my dad say to you? That everyone thinks I’m a train wreck? Jason was the golden boy, but me… People hate me, Archie. And at school, that’s fine, whatever. But this is my family.
Cheryl: You catatonic bimbos didn’t even vote. So you stuttering sapheads are too dim to exercise your own rights, and you’ve got the combined vocabulary of a baked potato. Consider this your last practice as River Vixens, and your last week as my social handmaidens. You’re fired on all fronts. That’s all. Shoo, bitches.
Penelope: One more thing before you go to the dance. Nana Blossom’s ring… It’s not in my jewelry box, it’s not with Polly. Where is it? Cheryl: It wasn’t my fault, it was Polly’s. She lunged at me, trying to get it, I didn’t know what to do. I panicked. I thought it would be better for everyone if the ring were just gone. Down the drain. That way, if Polly ever said anything to anyone, there’d be no proof. Just her word against ours. Did I do something wrong? Clifford: No… It’s quite right what you did.
Cheryl: I think something happened, Mommy. Penelope: Whatever do you mean? Cheryl: If Daddy wasn’t mad at Jason about Polly, it must have been about the business. I don’t know if he heard something he shouldn’t have, or he saw something he didn’t like- Penelope: You don’t know what you’re saying. Cheryl: What was Jay-Jay running away from? The business? Daddy? You? Ow!
Cheryl: Your room’s so sweet. Betty: It’s too pink. It doesn’t feel right anymore. Cheryl: No, I like how girly it is. Mine is, too. You should come over and see it sometime. But, just you, not Veronica. I mean, she must be evil incarnate if even you won’t have her as a friend. And on the subject of being friends, Betty, I’m sorry I’ve been such a witchy-witch to you. After Polly and Jason’s epic demise, I was angry… At everyone. But I took it out on you which was super unfair. Especially since, in a way, it’s kinda like we both lost siblings. How, uh, how is Polly? Is she still in that group home? Do you think she knows what happened to Jason, that he was murdered? Betty: I-I’m not sure. Cheryl: What do you think went down between them? Betty: I don’t know- Cheryl: What do your parents say? About Jason and Polly? Betty: Not a lot. Cheryl: Same. I keep thinking that maybe Jason said something to her or she said something to him. I mean, didn’t they have a big fight this summer, or- Betty: Why are you asking me so many questions about Polly, Cheryl? Cheryl: Because, you dumb cow, someone shot my brother and I think it was your crazy, tweaked-out sister.
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale): ESTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Harry Potter (Harry Potter): ISFP
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Dominant Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Harry doesn’t typically like to discuss his feelings, and instead keeps them to himself. He believes in doing the right thing, even if he has to put his life on the line to do it. It doesn’t matter much who the person is or how dangerous the situation might be. Even though he doesn’t particularly like Hermione in the beginning, he still puts himself at risk to find her and warn her about the troll. He even saves Draco Malfoy, who has done nothing but torment Harry for years. What other people say or think doesn’t influence Harry’s beliefs. He knows that Voldemort’s back and if his classmates don’t accept that, then that’s their problem. How Harry feels about something is much more vital to predicting his reaction than logic. Harry values freedom and is able to relate to the boa constrictor because they’re both trapped in confined spaces they wish to escape from, and so he inadvertently uses magic to set the snake free. Harry is extremely moralistic – he refuses to befriend Draco Malfoy because he treats Ron poorly and disrespects the Weasley family. He doesn’t care about his status, he just cares about what kind of person he is. Harry is quickly able to tell that Draco is no good and he knows he doesn’t need friends like that. Harry wants to help those around him, but he typically does so by doing something (Fi-Se), rather than offering emotional support (tricking Lucius Malfoy into handing Dobby a sock in order to set the house elf free or buying a bunch of treats on the train to share with Ron). Harry is often shown to be uncomfortable with physical displays of affection and prefers when people don’t make a big deal out of it when he does something nice for them. Harry often struggles with his fame and doesn’t usually enjoy all of the attention he constantly receives. He’s okay with it when he wins a Quidditch match or defeats a dragon, sure. But he doesn’t want recognition for his claim to fame because he was just a baby. He didn’t do anything, and so he feels the way people treat him is undeserved. He wants to earn respect, not have it given to him for something that was out of his own control. Harry’s values come from within – he doesn’t prevent Sirius and Lupin from killing Wormtail because killing is wrong. He stops it because he doesn’t think his father would’ve wanted two of his best friends to become murderers. Harry strongly believes in fairness. When he finds out that the champions will have to face dragons during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, he passes the intel along to Cedric, believing that Madame Maxime has told Fleur and Karkaroff has informed Krum. He’s very honorable, and even though he ends up having to face the most vicious of the four dragons, he refuses to accept any advice from Ludo Bagman. During the second task, Harry’s task is to rescue Ron, but he can’t just leave Hermione, Gabrielle, and Cho, and so, he waits for the others to arrive to make sure they get back safely. When Fleur doesn’t show up, Harry takes Gabrielle and Ron, even though doing so puts him at a disadvantage in the competition. He couldn’t just leave her down there, regardless of whether or not she was his responsibility. Sometimes Harry’s morality in his undoing. In the third task, he saves Cedric (his competition) and he suggests taking the cup with Cedric, allowing them both to win, a gesture that would ultimately result in Cedric’s death. When Rita Skeeter writes an inaccurate article about Harry, he’s angry because it isn’t true. It’s not a real representation of him. It’s not so much that he’s afraid of how other people will treat him after they read it, but that they will get the wrong idea about who he is. Harry’s sense of self is important to him. He frequently questions his identity and worries that his connection to Voldemort makes him bad. Harry readily stands up for himself and others and doesn’t keep his mouth shut to avoid trouble if he truly believes something is unjust. He lands himself in detention with Umbridge because he refuses to allow her to deny the return of Voldemort. Harry doesn’t like to make a big show of it when he does something kind for someone else. He’d rather they didn’t mention it because he doesn’t do things for the recognition or for gratitude. If he helps someone, it’s because he felt it was the right thing to do – he doesn’t need his good deeds to be broadcast to the world. Harry can deal with the majority of people thinking he’s a liar (or believing him to be untrustworthy) but it only truly gets to him when his friends turn against him (like Ron did after Harry’s name came out of the Goblet of Fire). He’s also deeply hurt when he assumes that Dumbledore isn’t sharing any information with him due to a lack of trust. Even though Harry usually saves those who don’t really deserve his mercy, he allows the centaurs to drag Umbridge with them into the forest after the way she treated him and his classmates throughout the course of the school year because she crossed a line and deserved whatever punishment was in store for her.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: It’s initially difficult for Harry to accept that he’s a wizard because wizards don’t exist. Even though bizarre things always seem to happen when he’s around, it’s just not possible. Even after witnessing Hagrid perform magic, he wakes up the next day, expecting that it had all just been a dream. The people around Harry often become frustrated with him because of the way he can recklessly throw himself into perilous situations. Harry is athletic and picks up on things quickly. He has a natural talent for flying and makes the Quidditch team in his first year after his very first flying lesson ever, when he’s caught on a broom (which he only did to catch Neville Longbottom’s remembrall). Harry tends to live in the moment and can sometimes fails to think about the possible ramifications of his actions beforehand. He enjoys experiencing new things, and is so excited upon seeing Diagon Alley for the first time that he wishes he had more eyes to be able to see everything at once. Harry’s failure to think of consequences often leads him to dive into things without thinking them through (such as spying on Draco Malfoy, going after the remembrall, sneaking into Hogsmeade when there was an alleged murderer on the loose who supposedly wanted to kill him). Although she was wrong, Hermione was right to be concerned about where the Firebolt came from, but the thought of it being jinxed didn’t cross Harry’s mind. Harry is quick to notice things in his physical environment – when he tries to prevent the Philosopher’s Stone from being stolen with Ron and Hermione, he is able to quickly spot the key that’s different from all of the others, allowing them to enter the next room. Harry is also the one who notices that a piece of paper is balled up in Hermione’s clenched, petrified hand. Harry is good at acting in the moment and has proven himself to be extremely resourceful. After the Basilisk’s fang poisons him, Harry uses it to destroy Riddle’s diary, effectively defeating him. Harry often does things with no real plan – for instance, impulsively leaving the Dursley’s after accidentally inflating Aunt Marge. He didn’t know where he was going to go or what he was going to do… he just gathered his belongings and left. Harry has a tendency to see things as they are and take them at face value. He truly believed that if Fleur didn’t come for Gabrielle, she would just be left there at the bottom of the lake. It never occurs to him that the hostages would be unharmed if a champion were to fail their rescue mission. Although Hermione suspects that the vision Harry has of Sirius is a trap, Harry insists on going to rescue him anyway. When it turns out that she was correct, Harry is forced to deal with the guilt he feels for the part he unwittingly played in Sirius’s demise.
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Tertiary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Sometimes, Harry gets hunches, which he can become quite obsessive over. When his intuition tells him something, he typically sees it through, following it wherever it takes him. Harry knew that Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater. However, sometimes Harry gets very strong gut feelings that turn out to be incorrect – such as believing that Snape was the person trying to steal the Philosopher’s Stone. Even though he’s wrong about Snape’s intentions, he is right in the sense that Snape was once involved with the Death Eaters. When he saw the stag patronus, he believed that it was somehow his father saving him. Harry doesn’t spend very much time thinking about the future or what he wants, and when he does, he often thinks of it pessimistically (believing he wouldn’t survive beyond the first task of the Triwizard Tournament). Although Harry sometimes resents his destiny, he commits himself to stopping Voldemort and dedicates himself to destroying Horcruxes so he can kill Voldemort once and for all. It can sometimes be difficult for Harry to predict chains of events. It doesn’t occur to him that if he spares Peter Pettigrew, he might find a way to return to Voldemort, which would result in Professor Trelawney’s prophecy coming true. Harry often struggles to read between the lines. He doesn’t pick up on Cho’s (fairly obvious) jealousy about Harry’s friendship with Hermione, and misses the cue that he was supposed to use that moment to reassure her.
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Inferior Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When Harry finally loses his temper, his Te becomes apparent. Nobody is safe when Harry finally loses his temper. Between Dumbledore practically ignoring him all year long and the events at the Ministry of Magic (notably, Sirius’s death), Harry reaches a breaking point and he finally tells Dumbledore off for not being there for him. His violent outburst even causes him to angrily break items in Dumbledore’s office. Harry has no problem standing up for himself and others, and can become quite vicious. When Harry seeks out information on his own, it’s usually for a reason. He wants to use it for something. He tries to prepare for his first Quidditch match by borrowing Quidditch Through the Ages from Hermione. He only spends time in the library when he needs to acquire specific knowledge that will aid him with real problems (researching how to get past his dragon, looking in the restricted section for information on Nicolas Flamel). Harry doesn’t typically develop his own plans – he typically leaves all that to Hermione (Te-dom). It’s difficult for Harry to prepare for things ahead of time, as indicated by his procrastination during the Triwizard Tournament. He didn’t give himself enough time to try to figure out the clue for the second task, much to Hermione’s disappointment. He also tends to put off his school assignments and leave them for the last minute. Even though people tend to look to Harry for leadership, Harry often feels uncomfortable in this role. He can be assertive when he needs to be, but it’s not natural for him. It’s difficult for him to give orders and he has a hard time when people look to him for answers.
Enneagram: 9w8 6w7 2w1 Sp/Sx
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Harry: Look, let’s not talk about Cedric right now… let’s talk about something else. Cho: I thought, I thought you’d u-u-understand! I need to talk about it! Surely you n-need to talk about it too! I mean, you saw it happen, d-didn’t you? Harry: Well – I have talked about it, to Ron and Hermione, but- Cho: Oh, you’ll talk to Hermione Granger! But you won’t talk to me! P-perhaps it would be best if we just… just p-paid and you went and met up with Hermione G-Granger, like you obviously want to!
Harry: I’m going to keep going until I succeed — or die. Don’t think I don’t know how this might end. I’ve known it for years.
Harry: You’re the one who is weak. You will never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.
“And Harry saw very clearly as he sat there under the hot sun how people who cared about him had stood in front of him one by one, his mother, his father, his godfather, and finally Dumbledore, all determined to protect him; but now that was over. He could not let anybody else stand between him and Voldemort; he must abandon forever the illusion he ought to have lost at the age of one, that the shelter of a parent’s arms meant that nothing could hurt him. There was no waking from this nightmare, no comforting whisper in the dark that he was safe really, that it was all in his imagination; the last and greatest of his protectors had died, and he was more alone than he had ever been.”
Harry: Ginny, listen…I can’t be involved with you anymore. We’ve got to stop seeing each other. We can’t be together. Ginny: It’s for some stupid noble reason isn’t it? Harry: It’s been like…like something out of someone else’s life these last few weeks with you. But I can’t…we can’t…I’ve got to do things alone now. Voldemort uses people his enemies are close to. He’s already used you as bait once, and that was just because you were my best friend’s sister. Think how much danger you’ll be in if we keep this up. He’ll know, he’ll find out. He’ll try and get me through you. Harry: What if I don’t care? Ginny: I care. How do you think I’d feel if this was your funeral…and it was my fault…
“It was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew – and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents – that there was all the difference in the world.”
Harry: Do you—do you think I want to—do you think I give a—I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! Dumbledore: You will. Because you are not nearly as mad at me as you ought to be. If you are to attack me, as I know you are close to doing, I would like to have thoroughly earned it.
Harry: Let me out. Dumbledore: No. Harry: If you don’t – if you keep me in here – if you don’t let me- Dumbledore: By all means continue destroying my possessions. I daresay I have too many.
Dumbledore: There is no shame in what you are feeling, Harry. On the contrary… the fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength.
Harry: I DON’T CARE! I’VE HAD ENOUGH, I’VE SEEN ENOUGH, I WANT OUT, I WANT IT TO END, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE! Dumbledore: You do care. You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.
Harry: I didn’t want anyone to talk to me. Ginny: Well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as how you don’t know anyone but me who’s been possessed by You-Know-Who, and I can tell you how it feels.
Dolores Umbridge: Your previous teachers in this subject may have allowed you more licence, but as none of them–with the possible exception of Professor Quirrell, who did at least appear to have restricted himself to age-appropriate subjects–would have passed a Ministry inspection– Harry: Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher, there was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head.
“I just wondered where you —” Ron broke off, shrugging. “Nothing. I’m going back to bed.” “Just thought you’d come nosing around, did you?” Harry shouted. He knew that Ron had no idea what he’d walked in on, knew he hadn’t done it on purpose, but he didn’t care — at this moment he hated everything about Ron, right down to the several inches of bare ankle showing beneath his pajama trousers.”
“As Hagrid had said, what would come would come and he would have to meet it when it did.”
“No, I’m fine,’ said Harry, wondering why he kept telling people this, and wondering whether he had ever been less fine.”
“…he was going to die upright like his father, and he was going to die trying to defend himself, even if no defence was possible…”
Harry: [to Cedric] Yeah…we’ve helped each other out, haven’t we? We both got here. Let’s just take it together.
Ludo Bagman: Most of the judges, feel that this shows moral fiber and merits full marks. However… Mr Potter’s score is forty-five points.
“Harry was finding it difficult to think about the future at all, he felt as if his whole life had been leading up to, and would finish with, the first task…”
“Harry, listen,” said Hermione, exchanging a look with Ron, “you must be really upset about what we heard yesterday. But the thing is, you mustn’t go doing anything stupid.” “Like what?” said Harry. “Like trying to go after Black,” said Ron sharply. Harry could tell they had rehearsed this conversation while he had been asleep. He didn’t say anything.”
“Get off me,” Harry spat, throwing Pettigrew’s hands off him in disgust. “I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it because — I don’t reckon my dad would’ve wanted them to become killers — just for you.”
Harry: So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord did he?
“Hmm,” said a small voice in his ear. “Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There’s talent, oh my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that’s interesting. . . . So where shall I put you?” Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, Not Slytherin, not Slytherin. “Not Slytherin, eh?” said the small voice. “Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that — no? Well, if you’re sure — better be GRYFFINDOR!”
Dobby: Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew…
Madam Pomfrey: [to Harry] Oh, it’s you, is it? I suppose you’ve been doing something dangerous again?
Dumbledore: I will say it again. You have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected of you tonight, Harry. You have shown bravery equal to those who died fighting Voldemort at the height of his powers. You have shouldered a grown wizard’s burden and found yourself equal to it.
McGonagall: For heaven’s sake, Potter! Do you really think this is about truth or lies? It’s about keeping your head down and your temper under control!
Harry: So that’s it, is it? “Stay there?” That’s all anyone could tell me after I got attacked by those dementors too! Just stay put while the grown-ups sort it out, Harry! We won’t bother telling you anything, though, because your tiny little brain might not be able to cope with it!
Snape: I told you to empty yourself of emotion! Harry: Yeah? Well, I’m finding that hard at the moment. Snape:Then you will find yourself easy prey for the Dark Lord! Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked this easily — weak people, in other words — they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease, Potter!
Hermione: This isn’t a criticism, Harry! But you do … sort of … I mean — don’t you think you’ve got a bit of a — a — saving people thing?
Harry: I don’t want to talk about how I feel, all right? Dumbledore: Harry, suffering like this proves you are still a man! This pain is part of being human – Harry: THEN — I — DON’T — WANT — TO — BE — HUMAN!
“Harry – you’re a great wizard, you know.” “I’m not as good as you,” said Harry, very embarrassed, as she let go of him. “Me!” said Hermione. “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things – friendship and bravery and – oh Harry – be careful!”
“You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.” He held out his hand to shake Harry’s, but Harry didn’t take it. “I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks,” he said coolly.”
Lupin: [to Harry] “What you fear most of all is —fear. Very wise…”
“Every second he breathed, the smell of the grass, the cool air on his face, was so precious: To think that people had years and years, time to waste, so much time it dragged, and he was clinging to each second.”
“A fierce battle was raging inside Harry's brain: She's Ron's sister. But she's ditched Dean! She's still Ron's sister. I'm his best mate! That'll make it worse. If I talked to him first- He'd hit you. What if I don't care? He's your best mate!”
Harry Potter (Harry Potter): ISFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
19 notes · View notes
mbtizone · 7 years
Regina Mills/The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time): ENFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Regina doesn’t cast the curse for control – she does it because she wants to see everybody suffering. She wants to revel in watching everybody from the Enchanted Forest be cut off from their loved ones and miserable. Seeing Snow and Charming separated from one another is tremendously satisfying for her. Prior to Snow White’s betrayal, Regina was kind, selfless, and good. She immediately springs into action to save a young Snow White when she loses control of her horse. However, losing her true love caused her to seek vengeance and she can’t be happy until she destroys everybody’s happiness. Once she begins to rehabilitate herself, she is capable of generosity, love, and sacrifice. When Marion returns, she is willing to step aside to let Robin be with her again. Then, after Robin chooses Regina, she makes another sacrificial move when the ice curse resurfaces in Marian, and Regina tells Robin he has to leave town with her (an act that will never allow them to return). She’s again wiling to lay down her life to save Storybrooke from being destroyed. Regina can easily fake her feelings and manipulate those around her. For years after Snow White got Daniel killed, she played the part of the loving stepmother, even though she despised Snow. Regina began studying the dark arts because she thought she could use magic to bring Daniel back. She struggles in the beginning, though. Regina is opposed to killing a unicorn and doesn’t show up for her lesson because she doesn’t want her future to be so dark. Regina was forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, who is only concerned with power. Regina wants love and being forced to wed someone she doesn’t care for is very difficult for her to deal with. Regina doesn’t initially try to rule as the Evil Queen… she wants them to like her. Regina tries to gain favor with the villagers by convincing them that she’s the one who loves them, not Snow White. However, Regina eventually comes to the realization that the people will never love her. They’ll only ever fear her, and so she embraces this and becomes the Evil Queen in order to punish her kingdom for not accepting her. Regina tries to ruin the budding relationship between Emma and Henry by having Emma come by to talk when she knew Henry would be arriving shortly. She manipulated Emma into calling Henry’s fairytale fixation “crazy” so Henry would overhear. She knew that this would make him very upset with Emma and hoped that this would keep him from wanting to see her. She manipulates the Genie and plays on his feelings for her. Regina confides in him that she acquired Agrabahn vipers to bite her so she can escape her loveless marriage by dying, allowing her suffering to end once and for all…
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: … but the Genie suggests using them against the King instead, so Regina can live. When the Genie carries out the mission, Regina informs him that the vipers have been found and the Genie is being blamed for the Leopold’s murder. Regina knew that if she could get the Genie to fall for her, she could manipulate him by telling him about her “plan” and she was certain that he would offer to kill the king in her place. She even used Agrabahn vipers to do it, so they would be traced back to the Genie’s homeland, thus implicating him and not Regina. She knows how to play on people’s feelings and is good at nudging people to do her bidding in a way that makes it seem like their idea instead of hers. She knows how to maneuver people like game pieces. For a long time, Regina’s only concern is seeking revenge on Snow White. Everything she does is part of her plan to ruin Snow’s life, the way Snow ruined hers. She doesn’t care what it takes or how long it takes. She kills her own father because the curse she plans to cast requires her to kill the thing she loves most. She stops at nothing to make her vision a reality, because she convinces herself that vengeance is the only way she’ll get her happy ending (Fe-Ni). Regina is extremely good at predicting what moves her opponent will make and striking preemptively. Regina thinks in the long-term and isn’t satisfied to just kill Snow White. That would just turn her into a martyr for the people to adore. She would much prefer to turn the people against her, which will allow them to see that Regina should be their queen, not Snow. Regina always knows exactly what she needs to do in order to get what she wants, and she always has backup plans. She keeps David and Mary Margaret apart by keeping David in the coma. When Mary Margaret manages to wake him up, she inserts false memories of his “marriage” to Kathryn. When David can’t stay away from Mary Margaret and begins seeing her behind Kathryn’s back, she has Kathryn kidnapped and makes it look as though she’d been murdered. Then, Regina frames Mary Margaret for the crime, separating her from David once again when Mary Margaret is imprisoned for the murder. Regina has very good intuition, which often leads her to accurate assumptions, even though there hasn’t been any real physical evidence of her claims, such as her immediately sensing Graham’s attraction to Emma. She also realizes that her mother used magic to make Snow’s horse behave wildly, knowing that Regina would step in to save her, thus gaining the affection of the king.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Sometimes, Regina can be reckless and impulsive. When Regina suspects that her mother is trying to interfere in her life to encourage Regina to have a child just so Cora can have an heir (which she would then use to seize Regina’s power), Regina handles the perceived threat by swallowing a potion that rendered her barren. Although Cora cautions her against doing this, Regina does it anyway, because the pain it will cause Cora is “worth it” (Fe-Se). She is often quick to kill, ripping out hearts like weeds in a garden. She doesn’t bat an eye at slaughtering entire villages of people. When she happens upon a wedding that didn’t receive official permission for the ceremony, she rips out the groom’s heart because it is the anniversary of Daniel’s death and if she can’t have her happy ending, why should anyone else (Fe-Se)? Regina is usually good at improvising in the moment, and is able to modify her plans as she goes along. She enjoys her status, her power, and has an appreciation for the finer things in life. She had a fondness for riding horses (and was criticized for not riding like a “lady” by her mother). Regina is opportunistic and uses what is available to her to achieve her goals. She needs the satchel from inside the Blind Witch’s home – so she kidnaps the woodcutter and tells his children that she’ll help them find their father if they retrieve it for her.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: When Regina is younger, it is difficult for her to put her feelings aside. She doesn’t understand her mother’s wickedness and is incapable of being so detached. Regina doesn’t care about what’s logical or what puts her in the best position politically. She just want to be happy and in love. Once she begins to embrace her dark side, Regina becomes quite good at finding the most rational resolution to her problems. She can analyze most situations with ease, which allows her to pinpoint solutions, which are often creative. Regina often uses her various observations to terrorize the people around her. She’s good at noticing logical flaws and using them to her advantage in arguments (“I will not listen to childcare lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and shipped her to Maine.”)
Note: Deciding between ENTJ and ENFJ for Regina is difficult. I could probably construct a valid argument for ENTJ, and it’s absolutely possible that I could change my mind on this down the road. If you strictly look at her behavior after becoming the Evil Queen, it’s easy to write her off as an ENTJ. I think enneagram plays a big part in this. She’s a 2, who spends a lot of time disintegrating to 8. I fully get the ENTJ arguments. She only tries to be good for Henry’s sake… because she cares about him and doesn’t want him to see her as “evil.” That sounds pretty Fi to me. She only throws herself into learning dark magic to bring Daniel back. She doesn’t learn for the sake of knowledge, she wants to put it to practical use, which is definitely associated with Te. However, if you look at her from before she gave into her darker urges, there was no trace of Te there. Bleh. I could have this argument with myself all day, and the ENFJ/ENTJ decision was one of the toughest I’ve had to make for a character. For now, I’m standing by ENFJ, but I reserve the right to switch positions on this in the future. I’ll have to watch again at some point and see if my decision holds up.
Enneagram: 2w3 6w5 8w9 So/Sx
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Evil Queen: Oh, I haven’t come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I’ve come to give you a gift. Snow White: We want nothing from you. Evil Queen: But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day. But tomorrow, my real work begins. You’ve made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do.
Evil Queen: Oh, don’t worry dear. In a few moments, you won’t remember you knew him, let alone loved him. Snow White: Why did you do this? Evil Queen: Because this is my happy ending. Evil Queen: The child? Guard: Gone. It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. It’s nowhere to be found. Evil Queen: Where is she? Snow White: She got away… You’re going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win. Evil Queen: We’ll see about that. Snow White: Where are we going? Evil Queen: Somewhere horrible. Absolutely horrible. A place where the only happy ending will be mine.
Evil Queen: The only comfort for me is Snow White’s suffering.
Evil Queen: Love is weakness, Maleficent. I thought you knew that? Maleficent: If you’re going to kill me, kill me! Evil Queen: Why would I do that? You’re my only friend.
Evil Queen: Who among us is tired of losing? That’s why I called you here. To put an end to our misery. Today, we claim victory and move to a new, better realm. A place where we can finally win. Blind Witch: And we’ll be happy? Evil Queen: I guarantee it. But first, I need something from you. A lock of hair from those with the darkest souls. You must trust me. Because if you don’t, there are other ways.
Evil Queen: I’m not sure I should say. I’m conflicted. Henry I: How bad is it? Maybe I can help. Evil Queen: I have to cut out the heart of the thing I love most. Henry I: Me? Evil Queen: Daddy, I don’t know what to do. Henry I: My dear, please. You don’t have to do this. Evil Queen: I have to do something. Henry I: Then move past this. I know this may sound self-serving, but you don’t need to enact the curse. Evil Queen: But I can’t keep living like this. What Snow did to me, what she took from me? It’s eating me alive, Daddy. Her very existence mocks me. She must be punished. Henry I: But, if the price is a hole that will never be filled, why do it? Stop worrying about Snow White and start over. We can have a new life. Evil Queen: But what kind of life? All I’ve worked for, all I’ve built, would be gone. My power will disappear. They already think I’m nothing. Henry I: Power is seductive. But so is love. You can have that again. Evil Queen: I just want to be happy. Henry I: You can be. Of this I’m sure. But I believe, given the chance, we can find happiness. Together. But the choice is yours. Evil Queen: I think you’re right. I can be happy… Just not here. [The Evil Queen kills her father.] Evil Queen: I’m sorry…
Snow White: Goodbye, father. Evil Queen: I’m so sorry, Snow. Snow White: I loved him so much. Evil Queen: So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father. (Snow sobs.) If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I may only be your mother trough marriage, but I’m here for you dear. Truly and forever.
Tinker Bell: Why did you lie?! Because I’ve been over it a million times, and that spell worked! You never went in. It’s the only explanation. Why couldn’t you just go through that door and meet your soul mate?! Was being happy such a terrible fate? Regina: Yes. Yes, it was. You’re right. I never went in. I was afraid. I didn’t… You said I could let go of the anger that was weighing me down. And suddenly, it feel like without it, I would just… float away. That anger was all I had. What would I be without it? Tinker Bell: Happy. Regina: Weak. Tinker Bell: And look what good it did you. That “strength” you gained, ’cause I’m holding your heart in my hand, and I’m not hearing one reason not to squeeze it into ash. All right, you want a reason? Here you go. You think I was afraid? You think I did the wrong thing? Well, fairy, right now you’re making the same choice. I picked revenge over hope, and you’re holding the result. A small, hard, dark heart. If you make the same choice I did, then what you’re looking at is your own future.
Regina: I’m saying we can’t just send Marion into an unknown world. Someone has to go with her – you and Roland. And once you do go… you can never come back.
Regina: Maybe you should be less concerned with hats, and more concerned with taking care of my son. David: Oh, because you took such great care of him. Regina: I will not listen to childcare lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and shipped her to Maine.
Regina: Daddy, you don’t know what Mother’s doing to me. It’s like she’s turning me into her. I have to get away. Henry: Get away? But tomorrow’s the wedding, child. Regina: I don’t want to marry the king. I’ve told you that. Henry: Are you certain it isn’t just cold feet? Regina: Daddy, this is not cold feet. This, this is… this is insanity! I’m angry all the time. She’s making me crazy. Henry: She wants to give you everything she never got for herself. Regina: I don’t want her life! I want a life of my own.
Regina: You know what else isn’t in your best interest? Having everyone know the Enchanted Forest still exists. Knowing that you and I are keeping that little secret. You’re up to something. And it doesn’t involve going back home.
Evil Queen: You carry very little. Belle: I don’t want to be slowed down. Evil Queen: Mm. You’re running from someone. The question is, master or lover? Oh. Master and lover. Belle: I might take a rest. You—you go on ahead. Evil Queen: So, if I’m right, you love your employer, but you’re leaving him. Belle: I might love him. I mean, I could, except… something evil has taken root in him. Evil Queen: Sounds like a curse to me, and all curses can be broken. A kiss born of true love would do it. (Belle stops. The Queen laughs and they continue walking.) Oh, child, no. I would never suggest a young woman to kiss a man who held her captive. What kind of message is that? Belle: Right. Evil Queen: Besides, if he loves you, he would’ve let you go. And if he doesn’t love you, well then, the kiss won’t even. Belle: Well, he did let me go. Evil Queen: Yes, but no kiss happened. Belle: And a kiss—a kiss is enough? He’d be a man again? Evil Queen: An ordinary man. True love’s kiss will break any curse.
Regina: You knew the King was travelling through our land, didn’t you? That steed with Snow on it… didn’t go wild on its own. Did it? Cora:: I have no idea what you’re saying. [Regina just smiles knowingly and walks off] Regina: [under her breath] I should’ve let her die on that horse!
Regina: The trial starts tomorrow, and it won’t be a long one. And you’ll be sent out of Storybrooke for good, and I will never have to see you again. Oh, I want to enjoy this while I still can.
Regina: What good’s a new life if you don’t have anyone to share it with?
Regina: You can have all the friends you want come over anytime, and you can show them everything in your book. Henry Mills: No one’s gonna want to come over here. They’re scared of you. Regina: You can make them not be scared. You can make them love you. Henry Mills: I don’t want that. I don’t want to be you.
Regina: I don’t know how to love very well. I wasn’t capable of it for a very long time. But I know, I remember… that if you hold on to someone too hard, that doesn’t make them love you. I’m sorry I lied to you, that I made you feel like I didn’t know who you are. But I want you to be here because you want to be here, not because I forced you. And not because of magic. I want to redeem myself.
[Regina has detected a black spot in Mary Margaret’s heart] Regina: Once you blacken your heart, it only grows darker… and darker. Trust me, I know. Mary Margaret: So crush it. Do it! Crush it! Get it over with. Regina: And put you out of your misery? I don’t need to destroy you, you’re doing it to yourself. And along the way, you’ll bring down that perfect little family you fought so hard to reunite. And then Henry will be mine. Mary Margaret: [in tears] Please kill me. Please, just kill me. Regina: You see, I can have everything… [she puts Mary Margaret’s heart back in place] Thanks to you. Now get off my porch!
Neal: Even if we can find Pan, he was powerful before. With Henry’s heart, I-I don’t know if we can hurt him. Regina: Yes, we can. Look. [she points at the bloody sword in Emma’s hand] You nicked him. If he can bleed, we can hurt him. And if we can hurt him, we can kill him. And we will.
Regina: I could’ve killed her, but I didn’t. Mr. Gold: Yeah, you did much worse than that. You kept her alive, so you could kill her when it suited you – a fate worse than death.
Regina: A good witch covers her tracks, but a better one can uncover them.
Regina: Slowing the device… It’s going to require all of the strength I have. Emma: You’re not coming with us, are you? When you said good-bye to Henry, you were… saying good-bye. Regina: He knows I love him, doesn’t he? Emma: Regina, no. There has gotta be another way! Regina: You were right, you know. Everything that’s happening, it’s my fault. I created this device. It’s only fitting that it takes my life. Emma: What am I supposed to tell Henry? Regina: Tell him that in the end, it wasn’t too late for me to do the right thing. Emma: Regina, please… Regina: Everyone looks at me as the Evil Queen, including my son. Let me die as Regina. [Emma begins to exit, but then turns around for one final plea.] Emma: Regina— [Regina ignores her, and has already begun slowing the trigger.]
Regina: What are you doing here? Henry Mills: You were willing to die to save us. That makes you a hero. And now we’re gonna be heroes.
Regina: All this has reminded me of something oh so very important: how grateful I am to have Henry. Because not having someone… well… that’s the worst curse imaginable.
Regina Mills/The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time): ENFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Sutton Brady (The Bold Type): ISFJ
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Dominant Introverted Sensing [Si]: It’s hard for Sutton to break out of her comfort zone. She’s spent three years on Lauren’s desk, and even though her dream is to work in fashion, she’s too “realistic” to pursue it. Because Sutton spent her entire life being the adult in her relationship with her mother, she is hesitant when it comes to doing anything that might be considered impractical. She is hardworking, committed, and highly organized. Her past is important to her and her experiences define who she is. She’s sentimental and has a great memory, particularly for things that are personally significant to her. When she tries to make a board for Oliver, she doesn’t make it personal enough at first, and focuses more on what she thinks he wants to see. When she takes another stab at it, though, she makes it reflect who she is by decorating it with the U2 shirt she was wearing when her mother told her she couldn’t afford to send her to college. She uses her prom dress, her diary, and other physical, deeply personal items from her past to show Oliver who she is. Sutton loves fashion and uses clothing to express herself. She is reliable and wants to show people they can depend on her. Sutton has a keen eye for detail. She has trouble being able to enjoy porn because of the poor production values and would much rather use erotica.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Sutton is encouraging, affirming, and supportive. When her friends achieve something, she is proud of them and celebrates their success. She wants to offer them help when they’re struggling, and will drop everything to be there for them. Sutton goes out of her way for other people and wants to be liked. She is very conscious of other people’s feelings and doesn’t like to make them angry or upset with her. She might think something negative, but she doesn’t typically say it aloud if it might hurt someone or cause conflict, which she hates. When Sutton has a moral dilemma, she asks her friends what they think she should do about it and listens to their opinions. She doesn’t know what to do when she realizes that Oliver is only considering her for the position she applied for because he thinks she went to FIT, and has trouble deciding whether or not to come clean with him. Sutton is in tune with the emotions of those around her and tries to get them to be okay with what they’re feeling. She tells Jane that it’s alright if she’s not fine. You don’t have to be fine! Sutton is comfortable with expressing what she’s feeling and encourages those around her to do the same. She can also easily discern what another person might have been feeling when they made a particular decision.
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Tertiary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: It’s usually easy for Sutton to figure out the logical thing to do. Sutton is witty and usually has a quick, sarcastic remark for most situations. She’s good at analyzing situations and coming up with correct assumptions, particularly about the people around her. Sutton is particularly good at coming up with resolutions to interpersonal problems. When Kat is having trouble figuring out what to do about Adena, she initially suggests just asking her how she feels, but then she gets the idea to use the letter Adena asked Kat to write as an excuse to get together so Kat can use that time together to see how she feels. Although she sometimes lacks confidence in herself, Sutton is usually certain that she can come up with a way to solve whatever problem she faces. When Oliver finds out that Sutton allowed him to think she went to FIT when she didn’t, Sutton accepts responsibility for her actions and sets out to work on a way to get him to hire her despite her lie, and ends up being successful. Things that other people say sometimes give Sutton a “lightbulb” moment, allowing her to come up with the solution to her problem (Si-Ti). When Sutton loses $5,000 worth of jewelry that she was supposed to procure for Oliver in a cab, it isn’t until Alex says “Big brother’s always watching” that she thinks to go back to where she got out of the cab and check for security cameras that might’ve recorded her that day.
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Inferior Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Although it may take some time for her to do it, Sutton is able to take risks. She keeps a $100 bill with her at all times, so that if she fails, she can buy a ticket back to her hometown, but eventually decides to apply for a new job and spends the money on a bottle of celebratory champagne and makes a toast to “crazy dreams.” The unknown is often frightening for her and she likes having a safety net. However, Sutton is creative (as evidenced by her fashion board), and is capable of taking chances (though, she only does so after intense deliberation). Sutton makes connections in her mind, typically to things she’s seen, read, or heard in the past, and typically uses them in her sense of humor (Si-Ne). Sutton can sometimes have trouble making decisions, particularly when she must decide between something practical and stable, and something new and unknown. When she’s offered the job she wanted “more than she’s ever wanted anything,” she reconsiders taking it once she realizes it pays less than her current job.
Enneagram: 6w7 3w2 1w9 Sp/So
Note: Sutton’s gut type is either 9 or 1. Whichever wing she has is very strong, so it’s difficult to decide. If you look at the 1 versus the 9 individually, she seems to fit 9 more, but if you look at the archetypes for 136 and 369, Sutton fits with 136 a lot better.
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Sutton: When we started together as assistants, I had no idea that you guys would also become my very best friends. Jane, we’re so happy for you and so incredibly proud.
Kat: I’m gonna persuade that artist to be in the magazine. Sutton: Oh, no Kat. I would let it go. Lauren was not happy today. Kat: Well that’s just because she’s threatened by anyone young with ambition. Sutton: Well, Jacqueline wasn’t happy about it, either. Kat: Well, she wasn’t happy about the interruption. But she was basically telling me to go after that story. Sutton: I wanna be as confident as her. How did she get to be so confident?
Jane: God, it’s so weird being back here. I mean, how many hours did I spend hanging out on those steps with him? It’s okay, it’s okay. No need to be melodramatic. I’m fine. Sutton: Jane, he’s the first guy that you said “I love you” to. It’s okay to not be fine. Jane: But I’m seriously fine.
Sutton: Kat, where are you going? Kat: I don’t know, okay? I don’t know. I need to go to the consolate or… or call the… I don’t know. I just – I need to do something. Sutton: There’s nothing you can do. Jane: It’s gonna be okay. Kat: They could send her to jail forever or worse and it is completely my fault. Sutton: Hey, it is not your fault. Kat: Yes it is! I gave her the vibrator. It was my idea to smuggle them in all because I- I just – I need to fix this. Jane: No, what you need to do right now is just scream. When I was a kid in Colorado, I would hike up the mountains and scream. Just let it out. Kat: Well that is a beautiful story, Jane, but unfortunately this is not Colorado, this is New York City and there is literally nowhere in this entire city where people aren’t always on top of you.
Sutton: We’re just trying to help you. Kat: What are you gonna do to help, Sutton? You gonna call your boyfriend and see if maybe he can fix the problem for me? I gotta go. Sutton: You know what, if she wants to go through this alone, let her.
Sutton: I wanna be the girl you can’t stop thinking about. I deserve that.
Kat: Men are always such a let down. I can get the job done better myself. Sutton: That’s because you never stick around long enough. Takes time to train them.
Kat: Why don’t you just admit that you want to work in fashion? Sutton: Everybody wants to work in fashion, but it requires this little magical thing called talent. Kat: You have talent.
Sutton: My mother is complicated. I had to be the adult. It made more sense for me to do something practical.
Sutton: Honestly, it’s the production value of half of this stuff that turns me off. Give me an erotic novel any day of the week. Jane: Wait you like- Sutton: Get myself off to high-end errogenous literature? Oh, yeah. Henry Miller, am I right?
Sutton: No way. I mean, even if I could get a foot in the door, there’s no money in it. Unless you really make it, which, I mean, the odds of that happening are basically zero.
Sutton: I just feel like they don’t know what this could mean for me. Kat, especially. She’s never had to worry about money. She doesn’t have student loans and a mom who can’t pay her own bills. This job could literally change my life.
Alex: Okay, forget the money. What’s your dream? Sutton: Fashion. I’ve always loved it. But it’s too risky, you know? I can’t afford to fail and there are practicalities that I need to consider.
Kat: God, I feel like such an idiot. I just completely misread that whole situation. Sutton: You’re not an idiot. Jane: No, you’re not. I mean, you’re the bravest person I know. You take risks and you put yourself out there. I mean, I wish I could be more like you. Sutton: Yeah. Me too. Kat: Like I said, you gotta do something crazy. Jane: I can. And I will.
Alex: What are we drinking to? Sutton: Crazy dreams.
Sutton: I am not gonna let her hold me back. Jane: Good for you, babe. Sutton: Oh, I am going full Hamilton on this. Cause I’m the definition of young, scrappy, and hungry, and I’m out.
Jane: Huff Po did a profile on the congresswoman, and it was basically what I was gonna write, excpet they actually got a quote. Sutton: Oh, man. That’s awful. Jane: It is what it is. So I’m doing a piece on congressional fashion. Sutton: Yeah, that’s what I was talking about. That jumpsuit is beyond awful. Jane: Okay, you’re part of the problem. You should be criticizing her politics, not her pantsuits. I mean, look at these comments. They’re just… mean. Sutton: A walking popsicle? A Star Trek reject on acid? How much do people suck on the internet this week? Jane: This was the day that she decided to roll back the Clean Water Act… but instead of talking about that, they’re all talking about this hideous lime green situation. And then she turned around and said that she was being unfairly attacked as a woman, and that became a story. Sutton: I mean, I would never say this to her, and I would never put it on the internet, but to you I’ll say: that’s a terrible color for an adult. How does she not know that? Jane: I think she does. Here. “So when I choose an outfit, I’m always thinking, what am I trying to communicate? How can I use fashion to my advantage? Sutton: What are you doing? Jane: I’m seeing what she wore when she did that press conference defending the Keystone Pipeline. Ha! It’s hideous. Sutton: It is hideous. Jane: She is using fashion as a smokescreen. Sutton: That’s kind of genius. Jane: And I have my article.
Sutton: I have to tell him. I have to tell him, right? Jane: Yes. Kat: No.
Jane: Stop making excuses. You rewarded yourself, which you deserve to do.
Sutton: I hate conflict. And I don’t want Oliver to think that I’m not grateful.
Sutton: You’re really good at your job.
Kat: Hey, so according to this, I have to speak to Adena’s unique skills. Okay, see, now it makes sense why she wants me to do it… “and submit on official letterhead.” Sutton: Sorry, not seeing the significance here. Kat: God, it is a dark day when I’m the most legit person in someone’s life. Sutton: Or she really cares about the way that you see her. Kat: You know, I cannot get a read on her. Sutton: It’s a crazy idea, but you could ask her how she feels. Or better yet, use the letter as an excuse to hang out. Kat: Sutton Brady, are you asking me to lie? Sutton: No. Definitely not. But I am telling you to use the situation to your advantage. Tell her that you want to get the letter right, but you have questions, and then while you’re asking those questions… see how you feel. Kat: You know, that’s actually not a bad idea.
Oliver: So… this is it? Sutton: This is it. Oliver: I can really see the FIT influence. Sutton: You can? Oliver: Sutton, I’m gonna ask you a question. Did you really go to FIT? Sutton: Uh, no. And I know that I should have said something as soon as- Oliver: But you didn’t. In fact, your opening move in our relationship was to lie to me. Sutton: I know. I don’t know why- Oliver: Neither do I, Sutton. Thank you.
Richard: Sutton, I am so sorry. Sutton: No, it’s my fault. And I’m gonna deal with this myself.
Jane: What are you doing? Sutton: I was so close, Jane. I finally found something that I really want. Something that I’m actually good at. And you’re right. I can do this. And if I’m gonna go down, I’m gonna go down swingin’. So, I have to show Oliver who I really am. Jane: Okay, but what is… all this? Sutton: Well, that’s obviously my prom dress. Jane: Oh, obviously. Sutton: You know. And in here… is the U2 tanktop that I was wearing when my mom told me she couldn’t afford to send me to college. Jane: Did you bedazzle it yourself? Sutton: Yeah. And this is… my high school diary. Jane: Oh, it’s a letter from your dad. Sutton: Yeah… I just feel like if I’m gonna lose this job, it’s gonna be me who loses this job. You know? Not some fake FIT girl.
Kat: Jane, in 1986, seven New York women on a picnic were charged for showing “that portion” of the breast below the top of the areola. They appealed, and they won! Sutton: Yeah. Kat: Women fought for our right to do this. Sutton: Anywhere in New York that a man can take his top off, so can a woman. It’s the law. And I respect the law. Kat: This is our contribution in an ongoing mission to fight for women’s breast health and breast equality. Jane: Oh, come on! You’re just whipping your boobs out. Kat: Uh, yeah. Sutton: Sure. Jane: That is our water delivery guy. You guys are gonna flash the water delivery guy? Kat: It’s just a breast, Jane. Jane: Exactly. Which is why mine are going to stay in my bra where they belong. You two guys have fun though. Kat: Oh, yeah! I am! Sutton: Feels good!
Sutton: That’s been my desk for the past three years. And now I’m gonna keep walkin’.
Sutton: And I can’t stop hearing the recording of the mayor’s voice saying “Don’t forget your belongings.” I hated that thing! It freaks me out. It made me feel like he was watching me. Alex: Oh, big brother’s always watching. Sutton: You! That’s it. I have to go back to where the cab dropped me off. Do you wanna come?
Sutton Brady (The Bold Type): ISFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Aladdin (ESTP): Aladdin
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Dominant Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Navigating his physical environment is a piece of cake for Aladdin. He’s aware of his surroundings and uses them to escape the guards who are after him. Aladdin is able to jump out of buildings and land on two pieces of rope, which he skis down. He uses a sheet he finds to disguise himself. He even catches his fallen loaf of bread without looking. When guards are coming at him from both sides, he jumps up, causing them to all crash into each other. He manages to use a carpet he finds as a parachute to jump out of a window and escape once and for all. Aladdin always remains ahead of his adversaries and is great at improvising in the moment. He successfully dodges every obstacle in his environment and uses what’s available to him to sabotage the guards who pursue him. Aladdin readily takes risks, whether it’s jumping off buildings, pole vaulting across them, or facing Jafar with no plan whatsoever. He appreciates the beauty and wonder in the world and seeing what it has to offer. He enjoys experiencing all that’s out there, and wants to show it all to Jasmine.
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Auxiliary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Aladdin is skilled when it comes to hatching plans on the fly. If one scheme doesn’t work, he simply tries something else. He’s a fast thinker and can usually spot the best solution to a problem with ease. Aladdin often utilizes his quick mind in his sense of humor. He’s able to trick the Genie into helping him without actually using a wish. When he notices that Jasmine has been caught stealing, he immediately jumps in to help by making up a story about her being his “crazy” sister to keep her from getting in trouble. Aladdin is able to deduce that Jafar is hypnotizing the sultan with his cobra staff, and he leaps into action (Se) by breaking it, thereby putting an end to Jafar’s control over him. Aladdin’s logic is internal and he has his own ideas about what’s rational. Aladdin also has a knack for finding loopholes and ways around the rules. He can’t wish for love, but he can wish to become a prince so he can marry the princess!
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Tertiary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Although he survives by stealing food, he only does it because he needs to eat to live. Aladdin cares very much about other people, and makes sacrifices for others – even perfect strangers. After everything he went through to steal it and to evade the guards afterwards, Aladdin notices two children digging through the trash for food, and decides to give his half of the loaf to them. When he notices one of Princess Jasmine’s potential suitors getting ready to whip the same kids, Aladdin steps in and stands up for them. He’s good at understanding other people and uses his insights to get what he wants (manipulating Jafar into using his final wish to become a genie). Aladdin cares about what other people think of him and it bothers him that other people only view him as a “street rat.” When trying to make a decision, Aladdin wants to hear other people’s opinions. Genie, what would you wish for? Aladdin often struggles with morality. He thinks he needs to be someone else to win the heart of the princess, and often chooses to lie instead of just being himself. He nearly goes back on his promise to free the Genie because without the Genie, he’s just Aladdin.
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Inferior Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Considering the consequences of his actions isn’t Aladdin’s strong suit. Aladdin continues to lie, even though doing so gets him into trouble. He also steals, knowing that the guards will chase and try to capture him. Aladdin believes that one day, things will change for him. He visualizes himself becoming rich, living in the palace, and never having any problems in his life – though he doesn’t actually have a plan to make that happen. He just believes it will become a reality.
Enneagram: 7w6 3w2 8w9 Sx/Sp
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Aladdin: Gotta keep…one jump ahead of the breadline One swing ahead of the sword I steal only what I can’t afford That’s everything!
Aladdin: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat Tell you all about it when I got the time!
Aladdin: One jump ahead of the slowpokes One skip ahead of my doom Next time gonna use a nom de plume. One jump ahead of the hitmen One hit ahead of the flock I think I’ll take a stroll around the block.
Aladdin: One jump ahead of the hoofbeats! One hop ahead of the hump! One trick ahead of disaster They’re quick, but I’m much faster
Aladdin: Here goes, better throw my hand in Wish me happy landin’ All I gotta do is jump!
Aladdin: Riffraff, street rat. I don’t buy that. If only they’d look closer Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They’d find out, there’s so much more to me.
Aladdin: Someday, Abu, things are gonna change. We’ll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.
Proprietor: You’d better be able to pay for that. Jasmine: Pay? Proprietor: No one steals from my cart! Jasmine: Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I don’t have any money. Proprietor: Thief! Jasmine: Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan. Proprietor: Do you know what the penalty is for stealing? [He takes her hand and pins it down on the table, intending to chop it off] Jasmine: No, no, please! [The sword drops, but his hand is stopped by Aladdin] Aladdin: Thank you, kind sir. I’m so glad you’ve found her. I’ve been looking all over for you. Jasmine: [whispering] What are you doing? Aladdin: Just play along. Proprietor: You know this girl? Aladdin: Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She’s a little crazy. Proprietor: She said she knows the Sultan! Aladdin: She thinks the monkey is the Sultan. [Abu is picking a pocket. He hears this and straightens up. Jasmine, playing along, kneels down and bows to Abu] Jasmine: Oh, wise Sultan. How may I serve you? Abu: Well, blah blah blah blah. Aladdin: Tragic, isn’t it? [He leans forward, picking up another apple from the cart with his foot] But, no harm done. [He walks over to Jasmine] Now come along, sis. Time to see the doctor. Jasmine: [to a camel standing nearby] Oh, hello, Doctor. How are you? Aladdin: No, no, no. Not that one.
Jasmine: I want to thank you for stopping that man. Aladdin: Uh, forget it. [He grabs a pole] So, uh, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh? [He pole vaults to the next building, leaving Jasmine behind] Jasmine: Is it that obvious? Aladdin: Well, you do kinda stand out. I mean, uh, you don’t seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be. [He lays a plank between the buildings for her to walk over, but as he is leaned down, she vaults over his head. He looks back in surprise. She tosses the pole to him.] Jasmine: I’m a fast learner. Aladdin: Right. C’mon, this way.
Aladdin: Ah, provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes? Some all powerful genie – can’t even bring people back from the dead. I don’t know, Abu – he probably can’t even get us out of this cave. Looks like we’re gonna have to find a way out of here- [They start to leave, but a big blue foot stomps down in front of them] Genie: Excuse me? Are you lookin’ at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up, did you bring me here? And all of a sudden, you’re walkin’ out on me? I don’t think so, not right now. You’re gettin’ your wishes, so siddown!
Genie: Thank you for choosing Magic Carpent for all your travel needs. Don’t stand until the rug has come to a complete stop. Thank you. Good bye, good bye! Thank you! Good bye! Well, now. How about that, Mr. doubting Mustafa? Aladdin: Oh, you sure showed me. Now about my three wishes- Genie: Dost mine ears deceive me? Three? You are down by ONE, boy! Aladdin: Ah, no – I never actually wished to get out of the cave. You did that on your own. Genie: Well don’t I just feel sheepish? All right, you baaaad boy, but no more freebies. Aladdin: Fair deal. So, three wishes. I want them to be good. What would you wish for? Genie: Me? No one’s ever asked me that before. Well, in my case, ah forget it. Aladdin: What? No, tell me. Genie: Freedom. Aladdin: You’re a prisoner? Genie: It’s all part-and-parcel, the whole genie gig. Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space. Aladdin: Genie, that’s terrible. Genie: But, oh – to be free. Not have to go “Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? Poof! What do you need? To be my own master, such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world! But what am I talking about, here? Let’s get real here. It’s not gonna happen. Genie, wake up and smell the hummus. Aladdin: Why not? Genie: Theo only way I get outta this is if my master wishes me out. So you can guess how often that’s happened. Aladdin: I’ll do it. I’ll set you free. Genie: [Head turns into Pinocchio’s with a long nose] Uh-huh, right. Whoop! Aladdin: No, really. I promise. [He pushes the nose back in and Genie’s head returns to normal] After I make my first two wishes, I’ll use my third wish to set you free. [He holds out his hand] Genie: Well, here’s hopin’. [Shakes Aladdin’s hand] Okay! Let’s make some magic! [Turns into a magician.] So how ’bout it. What is it you want most? Aladdin: Well, there’s this girl– Genie: Eehhh! [Like a buzzer, and Genie’s chest shows a heart with a cross through it.] Wrong! I can’t make anybody fall in love, remember? Aladdin: Oh, but Genie. She’s smart and fun and… Genie: Pretty? Aladdin: Beautiful. She’s got these eyes that just… and this hair, wow… and her smile. Genie: [Sitting in a Parisian cafe with Abu and Carpet.] Ami. C’est l’amour. Aladdin: But she’s the princess. To even have a chance, I’d have to be a – hey, can you make me a prince?
Genie: Tell her the… TRUTH!!! Aladdin: No way! If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat… she’d laugh at me. Genie: A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh! Al, all joking aside, you really oughtta be yourself. Aladdin: Hey, that’s the last thing I want to be. Okay, I’m gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look? Genie: Like a prince.
Aladdin: I can show you the world Shining, shimmering splendid Tell me, princess, now when did You last let your heart decide!
I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over sideways and under On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we’re only dreaming
Jasmine: A whole new world! Aladdin: Don’t you dare close your eyes Jasmine: An hundred thousand things to see Aladdin: Hold your breath–it gets better! Jasmine: I’m like a shooting star, I’ve come so far I can’t go back to where I used to be! Aladdin: A whole new world! Jasmine: Every turn a surprise Aladdin: With new horizons to pursue Jasmine: Every moment, red-letter
Aladdin: A thrilling chase Jasmine: A wondrous place Both: For you and me!
Jasmine: You are the boy from the market! I knew it. Why did you lie to me? Aladdin: Jasmine, I’m sorry. Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid? Aladdin: No! Jasmine: That I wouldn’t figure it out? Aladdin: No. I mean, I hoped you wouldn’t. No, that’s not what I meant. Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth! Aladdin: The truth? The truth… the truth is… I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. But I really am a prince! Jasmine: Why didn’t you just tell me? Aladdin: Well, you know, um… royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don’t you think? Jasmine: Not that strange.
Aladdin: Tell them the truth, Jafar! You tried to have me killed. Jafar: What? Ridiculous nonsense, your highness. He is obviously lying. [He brings the staff close to the Sultan’s face.] Sultan: Obviously… lying. [Aladdin sees the staff with its glowing eyes.] Jasmine: Father, what’s wrong with you? Aladdin: I know what’s wrong! [Aladdin grabs the staff and smashes it on the floor. Jafar flinches and the spell is broken for good.] Sultan: Oh, oh, oh my! Aladdin: Your highness, Jafar’s been controlling you with this!
Genie: Huzzah! Hail the conquering hero! [Turns into a one-man band. He sees Aladdin walk away with his head hung. He stops, scratches his head, comes up with an idea, then zooms over to Aladdin. He holds up his hands like a director scoping a picture and we look through them.] Aladdin, you’ve just won the heart of the princess. What are you gonna do next? [Aladdin looks at him, then walks away in sadness to the bed, where he falls on it and sighs. Genie again is confused, then goes to him and pulls out a script labeled “Aladdin.”] Psst, your line is “I’m going to free the genie.” Anytime. Aladdin: Genie… I can’t. Genie: Sure you can. You just go “Genie, I wish you free.” [He grabs Aladdin’s head and uses him as a mock ventriloquist’s dummy. Aladdin pulls away.] Aladdin: I’m serious. Look, I’m sorry – I really am. But they want to make me sultan – no! They want to make Prince Ali sultan. Without you, I’m just Aladdin. Genie: Al, you won! Aladdin: Because of you! The only reason anyone thinks I’m anything is because of you. What if they find out I’m not really a prince? What if Jasmine finds out? I’ll lose her. Genie, I can’t keep this up on my own. I can’t wish you free. Genie: Hey, I understand. After all, you’ve lied to everyone else. Hey, I was beginning to feel left out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, master.
Genie: Al, I can’t help you – I work for senor psychopath now. Aladdin: Hey, I’m a street rat, remember? I’ll improvise.
Jafar: Without the genie, boy, you’re nothing! Aladdin: The genie! The genie! The genie has more power than you’ll ever have! Jafar: What! Aladdin: He gave you your power, he can take it away! Genie: Al, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this? Aladdin: Face it, Jafar – you’re still just second best! Jafar: You’re right! His power does exceed my own! But not for long! Genie: The boy is crazy. He’s a little punch drunk. One too many hits with the snake. Jafar: Slave, I make my third wish! I wish to be an all powerful genie! Genie: [reluctantly] All right, your wish is my command. Way to go, Al.
Jafar: Yes! Yes! The power! The absolute power! Jasmine: What have you done? Aladdin: Trust me! [A black lamp appears at Jafar’s base. Jafar is busy conjuring.] Jafar: The universe is mine to command, to control! Aladdin: Not so fast, Jafar! Aren’t you forgetting something? [Jafar looks down questioningly] You wanted to be a genie, you got it! And everything that goes with it! [Shackles appear on Jafar’s wrists.] Jafar: No! No! Iago: I’m gettin’ out of here! Come on, you’re the genie, I don’t want- [Iago tries to fly away, but is sucked in with Jafar.] Aladdin: Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space. Genie: Al, you little genius, you!
Aladdin (ESTP): Aladdin was originally published on MBTI Zone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Prince Charming/David Nolan (Once Upon a Time): ESFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: David is fiercely protective of his loved ones. He cares about being helpful and doing the right thing. David wants to be of service to others. He’s warm, affirming, honorable, and supportive. David wants to do what is best for everyone, whether it’s the citizens of Storybrooke or his people in the Enchanted Forest. David is okay with fighting and killing if it’s for the greater good. The only way to stop the Evil Queen is to kill her! Think of all the damage she could inflict on more innocent people if we allow her to live! David hates to upset people and will typically lie to them to avoid hurting their feelings. He doesn’t want Kathryn to feel bad, so he lied about remembering their dog. The first time he leaves Kathryn, he tells Mary Margaret he did it because pretending would be the most hurtful thing he could do to her. She deserves to be with someone who doesn’t have to fake their affections. When he ends their relationship for the second time, David lies to her about why he’s leaving her to spare her the pain of knowing he fell for another woman. However, as Mary Margaret points out, his desire to not hurt anyone results in everyone getting hurt. He doesn’t tell Henry that Jefferson can’t help them because he doesn’t want to disappoint him. When David’s mother wants him to marry for a dowry that could save their farm, he refuses to do it because he wants to marry for love. However, when King George tells him he must marry to save the entire kingdom, David agrees because he can’t allow that many people to suffer – it’s selfish. It was one thing when it was just his family’s farm on the line, but he can’t stand idly by when he can do something to help such a large number of people. Not only is he willing to sacrifice his chance of ever finding true love – he even agrees to never see his own mother again in order to help his people. When David is ordered not to go into battle, he does so anyway because people are dying! David is usually good at sensing how those around him are feeling – even though she doesn’t say it, he knows Mary Margaret wants to be with him. He can feel it. He’s appalled when King George gives him a crown (a gift from King Midas) because it could “feed the kingdom for an entire winter” with it.
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Auxiliary Introverted Sensing [Si]: After waking up from his coma, David decides he wants to leave his wife to be with Mary Margaret, and goes through with it, until Regina gives him false memories of his life with Kathryn. When he “remembers” her, he decides he must honor the commitment he made and go back to her. Even though he doesn’t feel the love he once supposedly had for her, he remembers feeling that way, and so he feels staying with her is the right thing to do. David believes that he can replicate past successes by using the same techniques. He used a bird to find Snow once, so he’ll just do that again. When Emma and Snow get stuck in another realm, he asks Mother Superior if he can use a tree to cross from Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest, because that was how they got Emma to this world in the first place, so it could work again! In his quest to get them back, David goes to Mr. Gold and asks him for something like the ring he had given once given him to find Snow. David’s first response is rarely to come up with a new way of doing things – he trusts the methods that he knows have worked for him before. David believes he and Snow will always find each other – because they always have. Each time they’re separated is no different than the last. They always make it back to each other. David is certain that Snow will be in the Netherworld because she made it there once before, so if he goes there to find her, he knows she’ll be there again. Once the first curse is broken, David wants to return to the Enchanted Forest. He wants to go back home and carry a sword again! He longs for the way things used to be. Snow, on the other hand, is content to stay in Storybrooke because home is wherever her family is. It’s hard for David to come around where Regina is concerned because of everything she’s done in the past. While Snow and Emma are willing to start anew and want to give Regina the chance to redeem herself, David believes that she’ll revert to her old ways sooner or later because that’s who she is. She’s ruined their lives every chance she’s ever had, and that’s what she will continue to do! It’s hard for David to deny physical evidence and, instead of thinking of alternate possibilities (someone must’ve framed Mary Margaret for Kathryn’s murder), he begins to doubt her when confronted with what seemed like solid proof (“It was your jewelry box, your fingerprints, knife in your apartment”). David is old-fashioned and traditional and is comfortable with the old way of doing things (such as using torches). When the curse is broken and everybody tries to flee Storybrooke, David is able to keep them there by empathizing (Fe). He gets why people would choose to leave and just forget all of their unhappy memories – but your memories make you who you are! The good ones and the bad ones! For David, all of life’s moments are worth living. David tries to learn from his mistakes and use the knowledge he gains from his past experiences to make better decisions in the present. He made the mistake of failing to believe in Mary Margaret when everyone thought she was guilty of murder so he’s not going to do that again with Ruby. Instead, he stands by her and protects her. When Ruby sees Regina going into Archie’s office on the night he supposedly died, David believes that Regina is responsible. Ruby isn’t lying because he knows Ruby and she wouldn’t make something like that up, but all of his experiences with Regina have been negative, so Regina must be the one who’s lying.
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Tertiary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Although it’s not his main approach, David can be good at connecting dots and is able to make the occasional intuitive leap. When he finds out from Red that Snow intended to stop his wedding, David realizes that King George must’ve intervened and caused her to change her mind somehow. When David brainstorms, it’s not just for fun – he wants to come up with ideas so he can use them to create plans to defeat whatever he finds himself up against. David tends to maintain an optimistic view of the future – he typically believes that things will work out favorably for himself and his loved ones. He volunteers to be put under a sleeping curse because he’s sure that Snow will make it back to wake him from it. Even though Mr. Gold cautions him by telling him he may never wake up, David has no doubt that Snow will break the curse. David has faith in the people he loves and believes in them no matter what.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Because David leads with his heart, it’s difficult for him to make logical, detached decisions. He always believes that he’ll be able to come up with a solution to whatever problems he and his loved ones face. If his original plan is foiled, David usually believes that he’ll be able to find another way to get the job done, though sometimes he has moments of doubt. When the hat is destroyed, he doesn’t know how he’ll be able to find another way to travel between worlds. In stressful situations, David can come to harsh conclusions (we must execute the Queen for the safety of our people!) He’s also able to deduce that Albert killed Billy in order to pin it on Ruby, knowing that David would come to her defense. He wanted to take power away from David by getting the town to turn against him for protecting Ruby. When David analyzes problems, he can struggle to come to the correct conclusion. When Mary Margaret is framed for Kathryn’s “murder,” he begins to question her innocence because all of the evidence pointed to her. He later does this again when Cora tries to frame Regina for Archie’s “murder.” He struggles to see beyond the alleged “facts” of a situation.
Enneagram: 1w2 2w1 6w5 So/Sx
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Prince Charming: I say we fight! Jiminy: Fighting is a bad idea. Giving into one’s dark side never accomplishes anything. Prince Charming: Then how many wars has a clear conscience won? We need to take the Queen out before she can inflict her curse. Doc: Can we even trust Rumplestiltskin? Prince Charming: I’ve sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the Queen’s plan. This is going to happen unless we do something. Snow: There’s no point. The future is written. Prince Charming: No. I refuse to believe that. Good can’t just lose. Snow: Maybe it can. Prince Charming: No. No, not as long as we have each other. If you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our child. She will be the saviour.
David: I’m trying to remember this place. It’s like… It’s like I woke up in some strange land. Mary Margaret: Is there anything coming back? What about when you’re with her? You remembered your dog. David: Yeah, I lied. Mary Margaret: You did? David: She’s so loving and I didn’t want to disappoint her. But none of it feels right. You know, a dog named Ajax? Who would name their dog that? None of it makes sense. None of it… None of it feels real.
Ruth: He has a daughter. She’s ready for marriage. He thinks the two of you would make a great couple. Prince Charming: Mother… Ruth: I know, I know. I hate myself for even bringing it up. Prince Charming: Let me guess – she has a dowry that will save the farm? Ruth: We are running out of options. Prince Charming: Mother, please. As poor as we are, love is one thing I can afford. I will find a way to save this farm, but I won’t do it by marrying for riches. When I marry, I want it to be because I choose to spend the rest of my life with someone I love. Ruth: When are you going to learn? You can’t have everything.
[The dragon, who is still in the cave, roars. Flames are seen at the cave’s entrance. The knights are heard screaming.] Prince Charming: They need our help. [Prince Charming tries to run to the cave, but is held back by the two knights.] Knight: We stay here. Our orders are clear. Prince Charming: People are dying!
Prince Charming: Midas wants to unite the kingdoms. By marrying me to his daughter. Ruth: What? Prince Charming: It makes the grain merchant’s dowry look like sheep dung. Ruth: No. You were right to turn down that offer, as you must this one, too. Every day you’ve been gone, has shown me it was shameful of me to ever encourage you otherwise. Your freedom to choose is more important than anything. I’ll give up the farm. Prince Charming: No. Ruth: They can’t force you. Prince Charming: Yes, they can. Because of our ruse, Midas can never really know who I am, which… Ruth: We can’t ever see each other again. Prince Charming: Yes. Ruth: Then don’t do it – run away. Prince Charming: I can’t. They will kill you. Ruth: I lose you either way. At least I’ll know you’ll be happy. Prince Charming: I already accepted Midas’ offer. I didn’t come here for advice, mother. I came here to say goodbye. There was too much at stake. I couldn’t let the kingdom suffer on my account. I couldn’t let them hurt you. You know, you were right about one thing – can’t have everything.
David: So, I heard you resigned from the hospital. Was it me? Cause of what I told you, about how I felt about you… Oh, come on – don’t tell me it’s one sided. Mary Margaret: You’re married. It should be no side. David: Should be doesn’t matter. Whoever married Kathryn, it’s not me. I didn’t choose her. I’m choosing you. I know you feel it – I can tell.
Mary Margaret: Tell me you didn’t leave your wife because of me? I do not want to destroy your marriage. David: You’re not. It’s me. I don’t want to hurt her either, but the most hurtful thing to Kathryn would be me pretending. she needs someone to feel about her the way I feel about you. Mary Margaret: I’m really trying hard to stay away from you. To do the right thing. David: Why is that the right thing? Mary Margaret: Because you already have a life. David: With someone I didn’t choose. The man who chose that life, whoever married Kathryn, is gone. Mary Margaret: You really have to leave me alone.
David: You came. Mary Margaret: You sound surprised. In fact, you almost sound a bit disappointed. David: I remember. Mary Margaret: Kathryn? David: Everything. Mary Margaret: And you love her. David: I don’t know. But I know I did. I remember how I felt and I think I have to honor that. Mary Margaret: And everything that you said to me- David: Is true. I do have feelings for you – intense feelings. Feelings I don’t quite understand. Mary Margaret: And you’re going back to her. David: It’s the right thing to do. Mary Margaret: The right thing to do, was not to lead me on. David: I know. Mary Margaret: So, you’ve made your choice. David: I’m sorry- Mary Margaret: That’s okay. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.
King George: Your absence is felt. It is, after all, in your honor. I thought this might rouse you from your chamber. [He pulls the lid off of the box, revealing a crown.] Prince Charming: You could feed the kingdom for an entire winter with that crown. King George: It’s a gift – from King Midas. For you to wear as you marry his daughter. Once that is done, our new prosperity will allow us to feed the kingdom for all eternity. Show some enthusiasm. Prince Charming: Enthusiasm wasn’t part of the deal. The wedding’s in two days. I’ve honored your wishes. King George: But I want your heart – not just your honour. Prince Charming: My heart shall belong to Abigail. King George: You think I’m a fool, don’t you? Your heart can’t belong to Abigail when it’s held by another woman. And don’t deny it. I know that look. Who is she? Prince Charming: I met her on a journey. We haven’t seen each other since, but… She stayed with me. King George: Forget her. Prince Charming: You speak as if that’s so easy. King George: Nobility was not meant to be easy. All this wealth, the power we hold over other men’s lives – do you think that comes at no cost? Prince Charming: I asked for none of it. King George: You were chosen to be my son. Plucked from poverty, wanting for nothing. Be thankful for that. Prince Charming: It wasn’t charity, Father. It was the only way to save your kingdom.
Mary Margaret: No, David. It’s too painful. David: It doesn’t have to be. We don’t know if Kathryn’s pregnant. Mary Margaret: It doesn’t matter. You chose her. David: I know, but I still have feelings for you. Mary Margaret: You can’t have both. David: But I do have both. I know… I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s like I have these two conflicting lives. Memories of feelings for her and real feelings for you. Mary Margaret: Who’s to say which is real? David: I can’t get you out of my head.
Kathryn: David? David, come take a look. I found a whole bunch of great apartment options. I have no idea which neighbourhood to look at, but… Have you ever been to Boston? David: No. No, I’ve never been. Kathryn: Maybe we should ask the Sheriff, Emma. She’s from there. She could probably help- David: Kathryn. I can’t go to Boston with you. Kathryn: Can’t? Or won’t? David: I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry. I… I don’t know what to say. Kathryn: Try the truth. David, is there something going on that I don’t know about? David: No. No, something happened. I don’t know what it is, but there is something that’s preventing me from connecting. And it’s not fair to you to let that screw up your life. You’re right – you need a fresh start. It’s just not with me.
Mary Margaret: Who did this? David: I don’t know. I’m sorry. I don’t know how any of this happened. Mary Margaret: You don’t know? Really? David: Mary Margaret, I can’t control what other people do. Mary Margaret: No, but you can control what you do. And you lied. And, now, everyone is calling me a tramp. David: Who told her? Mary Margaret: That is exactly the wrong question. The real question is, why didn’t you do what we discussed? Why didn’t you tell her? David: I thought we could spare her feelings. Mary Margaret: Right – you thought. Not we – you. And we discussed this. David: I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Mary Margaret: Now everyone is hurt. We had an understanding. We had an agreement. But you not only lied to her, you lied to me.
Red: She’s gone. She never came back after she went to find you. Prince Charming: Then I’ll find her. I will always find her. And I will convince her that we belong together. I will always fight for her, no matter what comes between us. Red: It won’t be much of a fight. Prince Charming: What are you talking about? Red: Snow wants to be with you more than anything. Prince Charming: Don’t mock me. Snow told me that we can’t be together because she doesn’t love me. Red: She left here to break up your wedding, because she’s in love with you. Unless, something changed her mind along the way… Prince Charming: Not something – someone.
Abigail: There is legend of a lake – Lake Nostos. Its waters are said to have magical properties, that can return to you something that was once lost. Prince Charming: And, yet, you haven’t tried it? Abigail: Of course I have. But the lake is guarded by a ghastly creature that drowns its victims. No one who’s ever faced it has lived to return. Prince Charming: Don’t give up hope just yet. I will face this guardian and return with the water that will undo this wretched curse. Abigail: None have succeeded. Prince Charming: None have my fearless bravery. Abigail: Or fearless disregard for their own safety. Prince Charming: Either way, one of us should have our happiness. Abigail: And if you die, neither of us will. Prince Charming: No, not true. Don’t you understand? If I succeed, you will be reunited with Frederick and your misery ends. If I fail, the misery that ends will be mine.
Frederick: I am forever indebted to you. Prince Charming: Well, pay me back by walking down the aisle with someone you truly belong with. And, perhaps, giving me a horse and supplies for a journey as well? Frederick: Done. Abigail: Thank you. So much. Where will you go? Prince Charming: To find Snow White. Abigail: You are going after her. Prince Charming: True love isn’t easy, but it must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced. Abigail: How will you know where to find her? Prince Charming: Well, a bird helped me track her down once. Hopefully, it can again.
Snow: What do you think you’re doing? Why would you do this? Prince Charming: Well, because… You said you appreciate… Action more than words. So, now… You’re going to get both. I love you, Snow. Snow: But, I don’t love you. I don’t even remember you. Prince Charming: Well, I don’t care. The only thing I care about is that you don’t forget who you really are. I would rather die than let you fill your heart with darkness. Snow: You would really die for me? Prince Charming: Does it look like I’m making this up? Snow: No one’s ever done anything like this for me before. No one’s ever been willing to die for me. Prince Charming: No one you can remember.
David: Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret: David. David: Emma said we could have a few minutes alone. I wanted to tell you, that Dr. Hopper helped me remember what happened during my blackouts. Mary Margaret: And? David: Uh, I… I only, um, got pieces of the memory, but… We were in the woods, and I kept saying, ‘don’t do it’. Mary Margaret: Don’t do what? David: Don’t kill her. That’s what I kept saying. Mary Margaret: Kathryn? You think you remember me wanting to kill Kathryn? David: Can you explain why I have that memory? Mary Margaret: David? Are you asking me if I had something to do with Kathryn’s murder? David: The Sheriff found a heart in our spot. It was in your jewelry box. The weapon was found in your apartment. And I have these… These memories. So, yes, I’m asking. Mary Margaret: When your phone records came back, when I found you wandering in the woods, when everyone thought you killed Kathryn, I stood by you. I never once doubted you. And, now that everything is pointing to me, you actually think I am capable of that kind of evil? Get. Out.
David: Please wait. Look, I’ll leave if you want. I… I just think we need to talk. Mary Margaret: So, talk. David: I need to apologize. Mary Margaret: Yes, you do. Keep going. David: I didn’t believe you. I didn’t stand with you. Mary Margaret: You know, I will never forget that moment… The moment the world sort of blows you backwards, and the one person you thought would always be there to catch you… He isn’t there. David: Look at what was going on. It was your jewelry box, your fingerprints, knife in your apartment- Mary Margaret: It was a setup. David: And a really good one. I’m human. I fell for it. I’m sorry, but… We have to move forward. Mary Margaret: But we can’t. It’s like something in this world doesn’t want us together. David: Like what? Dark forces? Mary Margaret: Maybe. I don’t know, but it’s like something just keeps pouring poison between us. And what I don’t want, is to have all of those good memories… Replaced by moments like that. When I looked at you, and I saw that you didn’t believe me… David: No. I know. I am so sorry. Mary Margaret: I know. I know. David: But, I love you. Mary Margaret: And that… Is what makes it all so sad.
Emma: Then, we have a problem. David: No, we don’t. Regina does. Regina: What? Mary Margaret: David? Emma: You want to let her die? David: Why not? Then it goes away and then, we’re safe. Regina: That’s quite the example you’re setting for your daughter, there. David: No, you don’t get to judge us.
David: Torches – for when it comes back. I know it’s old fashioned, but so am I.
David: Could there be a tree on this side? The way we sent Emma through as a baby. Maybe I could go after them that way. Mother Superior: It’s possible, but without fairy dust to guide us here… No, it’s hopeless.
David: Okay. You had a little girl’s tea set in your car and a stuffed rabbit toy, so I’m thinking you have a daughter you love. Well, I do, too. And a wife. And they’re out there somewhere. In the Enchanted Forest, or a void, I don’t even know. But I’m going to get them back.
David: If you cross that line, you’re going to be lost. Everyone who loves you will lose you. But there’s something worse – you’ll lose yourself. Look, I get wanting to leave here, I do. And I get that it’s easier to let go of bad memories, but… Even bad memories are part of us. David, Storybrooke David, was – is – weak, confused. And he hurt the woman I love. I wouldn’t give up being Charming just to be him, but, you know what? I wouldn’t make the other trade, either. Because that David reminds me, not only of who I lost, but of who I want to be. My weaknesses, and my strengths. David, and the Prince. I am both – just like you. You are both. The town is both. We are both. Stay here, and every choice is open to you. Live in the woods if you want. Hell, live in a shoe if you want. Or eat frozen burritos and write software. Let’s open Granny’s and the school. And get back to work. I will protect you. She won’t be able to hurt any of us. Not as long as I’m alive. Not as long as we all come together. As we did before. As we shall do again.
Henry: I’m not coming with you. But I… I thought we were going to find Jefferson? David: I already did. Henry: What? Is he going to help us? David: No. No, Henry, he’s not. Henry: But why didn’t you tell me you talked to him? David: Because I didn’t want to disappoint you. I know you want to find your mom, but Jefferson can’t help us. I need to find a way to restore the hat.
David: It had to be something else, Ruby. Ruby: No, I did this! We both know it. David: No. A few months ago, everyone thought Mary Margaret was guilty of murder. She needed someone to believe in her. I didn’t do that. I am not going to make the same mistake with you! Ruby: Mary Margaret never killed anyone. I have. David: I know who you really are, Ruby. Even if you’ve lost sight of it.
David: You’ll be safe in here tonight. Ruby: Thank you, David. David: Thank me in the morning. By then, I’ll have found whoever really killed Billy. Albert: You already have. That thing. That she-wolf. David: Get out. Whatever issues you have with me, don’t involve her. There’s no proof Ruby had anything to do with what happened. Albert: It seems to me, that you’re allowing your emotions to cloud your judgment. Ruby: Leave him alone. Albert: Protecting your friend at the peril of everyone else. I knew you’d slip up, shepherd. It was only a matter of time. David: What do you want? Albert: Justice. Hand that over to me, and let the town decide her fate. David: Never. I know exactly what kind of justice you have in mind. Albert: This town is bigger than you think. I start telling people that you’re putting their lives in danger to protect your own interests? You’ll have a mutiny on your hands. David: Yeah, we’ll see. You want her, you have to go through me.
Granny: This way. The trunk. [David pops the truck. Inside, everything appears to be normal. However, underneath, they find Ruby’s hood and a hatchet in the spare tire compartment.] David: The wolf didn’t kill Billy. Granny: Ruby’s hood. David: So she’d be forced to change back into a wolf. So whoever killed Billy could pin the murder on her. Granny: Who would want to hurt my Ruby? David smashes in the driver’s side window and finds the registration.] David: This isn’t about Ruby. It’s about me. Spencer. Granny: King George? David: He needed a reason to wrestle power away from me, so he created one. [A wolf is heard howling in the distance.] Granny: She’s out. David: The mob. They’re going to kill her.
David: He may never see his mother or grandmother again. How am I going to break that news to him? Ruby: You won’t have to. David: Travel between worlds is as hard as it comes. Fairy dust on its own isn’t enough. It took an entire curse to get us here in the first place. Without the hat… Ruby: You’ll find another way. David: You don’t know that. Ruby: But I know you. And I know you’ll never give up until you do. And David? You’re not going to be doing this alone. David: Thank you.
Regina: Aurora is gone. Why do we need to send Henry back to that fiery inferno with no one there to receive our message? David: Because someone will be there. Regina: Who? David: Snow. Regina: Well, that’s an awfully big assumption. David: No. No, it’s not. She was there once before. She can go back. She can find a way. She will – I know it. And I’ll be waiting. Regina: You’re going to this Netherworld? David: I faced you. How bad could it be? Mr. Gold: It’s not as simple as that. You can’t get there. You haven’t been under a sleeping curse. David: Well, then put me under one. Mr. Gold: If we do that, there’s a chance you might never wake up. David: Sure I will. When I see her, she’ll kiss me, and I’ll be fine. Now, put me under. I’ve spent far too much time looking for my wife. It is time to bring her home.
David: It’s going to be alright. Henry: How do you know? David: Well… How did you know Emma would save you after you ate the turnover? Henry: I… I believed in her. David: The way Snow and I believed she’d come back to break the curse. That’s the kind of faith that runs in our family.
Prince Charming: Then only one thing is certain – as long as the Queen lives, the kingdom is in danger. Snow: Are you saying… Prince Charming: Yes. We must kill the Queen. Thank you all. Snow: You sure this is what we must do? Prince Charming: What choice do we have? As long as she draws breath, she will come after us – after you. Snow: There’s always a choice. You stopped me from killing her once, took an arrow to save her. Why is this different? Prince Charming: I took that arrow to save your life, not hers. That was an assassination. This is an execution. If we don’t stop her now, there’s no telling what she’ll live to do.
Prince Charming: Snow, I thought we agreed what had to be done. Instead, you show the Queen mercy? She doesn’t deserve it. You heard her. She’s completely unrepentant. Snow: What I heard, was a woman who didn’t want to appear weak in her final moments. Prince Charming: I’ve seen her kill, I’ve seen her terrorize. Every moment I’ve seen of her, has been one of evil. Snow: Exactly. That you’ve seen. But I knew her before. I knew her when she was good. She saved my life when I was a little girl. Prince Charming: That was years ago. Snow: She changed before. Why can’t she change back? Prince Charming: You can’t be serious. You want to rehabilitate the Queen? Snow: Maybe showing her mercy is the first step. Prince Charming: But, if you fail, the entire safety of the kingdom is at stake. We cannot take that risk. Snow: You’re so sure of her black soul? Sure enough to kill? Because there’s no going back from killing. Prince Charming: If you think this is the right thing to do, then it’s what we shall do. But know that your path is one that we cannot come back from either.
Regina: Oh, it’s now against the law to get into an argument with someone? David: It is if you go to their office later that night and kill them. Regina: Archie’s dead? David: Stop it, Regina. Ruby saw you going into his office last night. Regina: Then she’s lying. I was home all evening. After everything I’ve done to change, to win Henry back, why would I toss it all away now? And, if I did and I was going to kill Archie, you would never know it. The fact that he’s dead and you caught me shows sloppiness. David: You’ve been caught before. Come on, Emma. Who do you think’s lying – Ruby, or her? She’s incapable of change, no matter how many times we’ve given her the chance. Why should this time be any different?
Emma: I promise we’ll find whoever really did this. David: Isn’t it time you admit we already have? Regina had a fight with Archie, Ruby saw her outside last night, and now, her file is empty. That’s… That’s a lot of evidence. Emma: Maybe that’s the point. David: What do you mean? Emma: Well, I don’t know how it is in fairy tale land, but in the real world, it’s usually hard to find evidence. But this has been way too easy. Unless, someone wants us to find evidence.
Mary Margaret: I really liked this one. David: I don’t know. The yard looks kind of small. Mary Margaret: You going to say that about every house we look at? David: I grew up on a farm. Mary Margaret: This isn’t about the houses, is it? David: We buried a friend this morning, Mary Margaret, and it made me realize… I don’t want to die here. Mary Margaret: But our home, David? It doesn’t exist anymore. The ogres are back. Cora’s in power. David: Which is exactly why we need to return. To make things right – to fight. Mary Margaret: I’m tired of fighting! That’s all we’ve ever done. We have a chance here – a chance to be together. David: But what if we don’t belong here? Isn’t it worth it to fight for what we really want? Mary Margaret: Unless, we don’t want the same thing.
Mary Margaret: You like the holster, huh? David: I miss carrying a sword.
Leroy: So what’s the plan? David: Lead the giant away from here, so he can’t hurt anyone. Mary Margaret: Wait. If we keep heading in this direction, we’re going to hit the town line. David: Okay, new plan. Mary Margaret: What are you doing? David: Giving him what he wants. Anton! How about we make a deal? Anton: I don’t make deals with humans. David: Just hear me out. I’ll surrender myself to you, if you spare the lives of everyone in Storybrooke. Mary Margaret: David, you can’t do this. David: If I don’t, the whole town will suffer. I can’t allow that. Well, what do you say?
David: Sometimes I wonder how things would’ve turned out if I had been the one raised by King George instead of my brother. You know, would I have been…corrupt like him? Mary Margaret: Never. David: Same blood ran through our veins. Mary Margaret: Mm, but your hearts are different. You may not believe it, but trust me – I know you, Charming. I had a lot of fun today. David: Fun? Mary Margaret: Uh-huh. David: Almost getting killed is fun? Mary Margaret: Yeah. I missed our adventures. David: Me, too. It was kind of fun. You know, we could do this all the time. When the beans grow, we could go back. Everyone could go home. Mary Margaret: I don’t know. David: What don’t you know? Mary Margaret: Home is where our family is. And that’s here. I don’t know if Emma would come with us, and I am not going to be separated from her again.
David: You know, you gotta look for the moments. Emma: Moments. David: Yes. Life is made up of moments – good ones, bad ones, but they’re all worth living. Emma: Well, I seem to be a magnet for the bad ones. David: Well, then all the more reason to look for the good moments in between the bad ones. Emma: And you think having lunch with Neal will be a good moment? David: I don’t know. Does he eat with his mouth open?
David: Why didn’t you tell me? Mary Margaret: Because telling you makes things real, and I needed to believe it wasn’t; that I could find a way to stop it, that redemption was possible. David: It is. Look at August. Mary Margaret: But it cost him… everything. David: You are not him, Mary Margaret, and you sure as hell aren’t Regina. Which means, those are not the only two options. We’ll find another way. I know it. Mary Margaret: What makes you so sure? [he places her hand over her heart] David: This does. And I know it better than anyone.
Prince Charming: Snow, I can explain. Snow: So it’s true. You planted the sword in that stone. Prince Charming: I did. Snow: So you took me on an adventure to find a magical sword because… Prince Charming: You needed to believe in something I already knew. Snow: So when I stood up to Regina– Prince Charming: You did that on your own. You had it inside you that entire time. You just…needed some help to realize that. Snow: But you didn’t. [Charming shakes his head. Snow White kisses him]
Prince Charming/David Nolan (Once Upon a Time): ESFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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