monchikyun · 9 months
FIKMAS part 2
1. Big Basta & Vesa Luma – "Mbinatyrale - There is nothing to be said about this one, the peak of blandness and unoriginality
2. Elsa Lila – "Mars"  - Is this really the favourite to win? I mean it's not the worst ballad in the world but where is the juice??
3. Jasmina Hako – "Ti"  - Wtf even is this. Are you trying to make us dislike you? Again, there is nothing fresh about this song or performer, mouldy soup, really.
4. Michela Paluca – "Për veten - This song feels like when your thoughts are chaotically racing at 3 am and you're desperately trying to fall asleep
5. Anduel Kovaci – "Nan'" - This one feels pleasantly Albanian, inoffensive, quite nice to listen to.
6. Kleansa Susaj – "Pikturë" - I don't dislike it. The refrain reminds me of jesc Netherlands 2021, but of course not as good.
7. Eden Baja – "Ajër" - Maybe this is fine within its genre, I just don't vibe with this at all
8. Erina and The Elementals – "Jetën n'Skaj" - Can I say that I miss escz (our red haired lady was superior) this is just... meh.
9. Irma Lepuri – "Më prit" - Sorry I zoned out, this has almost put me to sleep
10. Arsi Bako – "Zgjohu" - This one is trying so hard and it's almost there...
11. Tiri Gjoci – "Në ëndërr" - Another Albanian lullaby.
12. Besa Krasniqi – "Esenciale" - Oh look, d a n c e r s. But why can't the song be danceable too?
13. Bledi Kaso – "Çdo gjë mbaroi" - Reminds me of father's old friend belting eastern songs while wasted beyond recognition
14. Troy Band – "Horizonti i ëndrrave"  - This would be great in an Albanian bar, drinking and vibing. I quite enjoy it, just not esc-like.
15. Martina Serreqi – "Vetëm ty" - Nooooooooooooo.
I watched it today :D
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Anyone else really exited for Vidbir 2023? It's weird how we barely see any discourse of it online tbh
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camryemerald · 2 years
(NF) 🇦🇱 #ALB: Albina & Familja Kelmendi - Duje
Merry FiKmas! Our second entry of the season is upon us, this time from Albania.
Overall, Duje feels like a return to form for Albania, which is slightly disappointing in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, the song is good and the group pull it off vocally, but I was hoping we'd get to explore the more upbeat Albania we got a taste of last year. This one, in contrast, feels like a cross between Tomorrow I Go (2005) and Karma (2021), so more of Albania's usual powerful, dramatic entries.
Despite this, as mentioned above, I think the song is good. The vocals are done well and the melody is nice. However, I don't know if the production will help or hinder the song in Liverpool, due to the fact that FiK has a live band and orchestra while Eurovision doesn't. This also means that Albania's songs tend to go through a revamp at some point, some more dramatic than others, so we'll see how the song sounds by the time the contest rolls around.
Overall though, Duje is a promising entry and I'm excited to see what the coming months have for this song.
Watch the performance (Source: EBU & RTSH)
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realita-lampung · 10 months
Rutan Kelas IIB Kotabumi Siap Sanksi Tegas WBP Gunakan HP
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Rumah Tahanan (Rutan) Kelas llB Kotabumi, Lampung Utara, akan memberikan sanksi berat bagi warga binaan yang kedapatan menggunakan ponsel didalam tahanan. Begitu pula jika petugas rutan yang terlibat memfasilatasi penggunaan ponsel akan dikenakan hukuman. Sebab, pihaknya telah menyediakan Wartelsuspas secara gratis untuk warga binaan yang rindu dengan keluarganya untuk berkomunikasi. Demikian dikatakan Kepala Rumah Tahanan Kelas II B Kotabumi, Nur Febrianto, didampingi Kepala Kesatuan Pengamanan Rutan (KPR), Ade Candra Irawan dan Kasubsi Pelayanan Tahanan M Rizcho Sakanandy serta Komandan Regu jaga, Fikma di Rutan Kotabumi, kepada sejumlah wartawan, Kamis (30/11/2023). Nur Febrianto menyebut soal adanya kabar pembiaran penggunaan ponsel bagi warga binaan didalam rutan tidaklah benar. "Informasi yang beredar itu tidaklah benar. Kami berupaya penuh melakukan antisipasi pelanggaran tata tertib yang dilakukan oleh Warga Binaan Rutan Kotabumi, " kata Nur Febrianto. Pihaknya terus berkomitmen melakukan pencegahan terhadap barang terlarang yang ada di dalam rutan. Yaitu dengan melakukan razia rutin di setiap blok kamar hunian tahanan. "Kami berupaya penuh melakukan antisipasi pelanggaran tata tertib yang dilakukan kepada warga binaan. Kita lakukan razia, sosialisasi, dan binaan lainnya. Jadi, sangat tidak mungkin jika masih adanya ponsel di dalam, apalagi kami sudah melakukan tandatangan fakta integritas,"tegas dia. Ia juga menghimbau kepada seluruh warga binaan dan petugas agar tetap mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku di Rutan Kotabumi. Disamping itu, lanjut dia, pihaknya telah menyediakan Wartelsuspas secara gratis untuk warga binaan yang rindu dengan keluarganya. "Wartersuspas yang ada di dalam selama ini disambut antusias warga binaan. Mereka berterimakasih, dengan adanya itu mereka bisa berkomunikasi dengan keluarganya," ujar Karutan. Dia melanjutkan, jika tetap ditemui adanya benda terlarang akan langsung ditindak tegas baik pegawai maupun warga binaan. "Karena itu, kami juga mengharapkan kerja sama media jika mengetahui adanya itu laporkan kepada kami. Kami akan tindak itu. Kami sadar bahwa kami tidak bisa kerja sendiri tanpa bantuan masyarakat demi terwujudnya Rutan yang bersih dari benda terlarang apalagi narkoba, " ujar dia. Sementara, Warga Binaan Rutan Kotabumi yang tak mau disebutkan namanya mengaku pelayanan di Rutan Kotabumi cukup baik. Ia mengatakan didalam Rutan dilarang keras menggunakan handpone apalagi narkoba. "Kalau ketahuan, pasti kami mendapat hukuman isolasi atau Leter V dan hukuman itu sangat berat. Kami diberikan fasilitas wartel suspas secara gratis untuk berkomunikasi dengan keluarga sebagai pelapas kerindungan selama menjalani hukuman, " ucapnya. Read the full article
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juuret · 3 years
Albania moving the nf to 29 December feels like betrayal
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escinsight · 3 years
Eurovision Insight News Podcast: The Week Before FiKmas
For many, it’s the week before Christmas. For the Eurovision community it’s the week after Junior Eurovision and the week before Albania’s Festivali i Kenges. As well as a few special podcasts this week from the Insight team. Shall we catch up with all the news? Eurovision Insight News Podcast: The Week Before FiKmas SVT reveals the MelFest running order, NBC starts the promotion, and it’s time…
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And even if Albania fails this year, there’s always the next FiKmas! Albanians are preparing for them already!
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freakuotes · 8 years
"Hay una gran luz que viene..." - Gloxinia (Nanatsu no Taizai)
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camryemerald · 9 months
🇦🇱 Albania: Besa Kokëdhima - Zemrën n'dorë
FiKmas has come and gone, and now we have our second national final winner of the Eurovision 2024 season: Besa Kokëdhima with the song Zemrën n'dorë.
The song itself is fine. A dramatic tune with a good melody sung by a woman with a strong voice, your typical FiK affair. The more rapid-fire lyric delivery in the second half of the song does help break it up and provide some level of interest and uniqueness, though it's hard to tell if this is enough to bring it to qualifying standard.
Performance-wise, I feel pretty much the same way. Besa delivers well vocally and FiK's live orchestra (;-; if only the logistics were right to have one again in esc) helps elevate the song. Visually, there isn't much going on aside from some pretty LED backgrounds and Besa's golden goddess costume (between this and her chestplate outfit from night 1, she seems, at least somewhat, into fantasy aesthetics for this song). Granted, from what I've seen FiK entries tend to just be like that, and honestly the song probably doesn't need a whole lot in terms of staging.
Overall, Albania is doing what Albania does best, which is completely fine. While there were choices in their selection I would have preferred, Besa delivers the basics very well and, depending on circumstance, may be able to make it to the final. Of course, this is subject to change based on Albania's track record of revamps, so it's one to keep an eye on. But until then, time will tell how things play out in Malmö.
Watch the performance:
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monchikyun · 9 months
yuuhuu Fikmas is here!!!
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