cyberaxolotl · 1 year
wambus and gramble are househusbands by design, filbo snorpy and lizbert are housespouses by “their partner(s) have day jobs and cannot do it”
wambus and gramble, regardless of their partner’s employment, are househusbands because. they are husbands who are at home . though triffany and wiggle are definitely very working
snorpy just ended up as the househusband because chandlo is a professional athlete who has a career in athletics and also snorp is so reclusive that he’d rather do online jobs or chores than go outside for a career
filbo is partially because i feel like between him, beffica, and floofty, he’s really the one with the energy to BE a househusband, especially in the early morning and making breakfast. he wakes up and he goes “good morning sun” meanwhile beffica tries her damnedest to fuck her responsibilities and go back to sleep while floofty cannot process any occurrence until their brain has turned on all the way
it’s funny to think of liz becoming the housewife because she wouldn’t think of it until she got settled back into the schedule of eggabell going to work at a hospital again and then she’d realize “wait. i don’t have a job. i’m the housewife”
uh what is this post for. No reason i just think it’s fun to think of couples (and throuple) settling down
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 10 months
we’ve seen a couple ships around the block recently and we figured we would see if the resident floofty has any thoughts; anything thoughts or ideas about floofilbo/fizzlepie and/or beffloofilbo?
So, I'm lukewarm on Befffilbo. Neither of them are me, I don't *dislike* it but I don't particularly like it either. It could work, it seems like their relationship could go in that direction, but I'm not passionate enough to move them from their "friends" position.
Fizzlepie is very interesting, however, as Filbo is likely #1 on floofty's "dumbest grump in snaxburg" list. (Lizbert being #2). And we all know how much Floofty values intellect. However, Floofty also values risk taking..... something Filbo tries and fails to do. BUT, postgame I could see floofty trying to connect with grumpuses and starting with Filbo, and Filbo, finally realizing how to get other grumps to respect him, ends up impressing them. They both share the goal of helping grumpuses, but filbo always had the right frame of mind, while Floofty had to reshape their goals pretty significantly. I could see him even suggesting the teacher thing to them if they didn't want it already. And dating? I think their color pallets go well together. Yellow and red, magenta and cyan. I could see floofty bringing Filbo absolutely horrifying lunches at work, and unloading an absolutely thesaurus selling rant to someone trying to insult Filbo. I can see Filbo being so sweet and kind and patient and Floofty trying to replicate it. Filbo touching them, maybe just pulling them a little closer to him in public and Floofty absolutely EXPLODING IN FLAMES.
And Fizzlesnoot... I *used* to be a diehard Beffloofty shipper, and my feelings haven't changed, I just have since discovered other ships I prefer more. It's actually kind of a funny ship. Floofty and Beffica are SO similar. If floofty had ended up more interested in socializing than science, they'd be virtually indistinguishable from Beffica. (Actually, confession. The letter quest where Floofty pretends to be Beffica had me fooled for way too long. Might just be the floofty in me, though.) Beff and Floofty are about discovery. About the truth and meaning behind everything. Floofty wants to use it to help others move forward, and Beffica wants to use it to keep everyone safe. I understand her paranoia about the grumpuses around her.... I am a Fizzlebean, after all. Floofty and Beffica actually makes for an emotionally resonant pair. They likely would be glued together until work tears them apart, chatting with each other but barely making eye contact at all. Floofty might take her out to a nature reserve to photograph things with no guilt about not asking, and she'd deliver them so many pictures of bugs. "Saw this bug and thot of u <3" kinda deal. She's probably also teach them how to be more social adept, all the cheats and stuff. The scripts to seem more normal until you suss out who can handle the real you. And let them vent about how dumb people are.
All together makes an interesting trio! And a disaster trio. Floofty may be the best cook out of the three of them but that doesn't mean what they cook is edible 100% of the time. Filbo and Beffica would probably introduce Floofy to more "wild and fun" activities they neglected as a studious college student. Floofty and Filbo would introduce Beffica to.. well, interesting people with rich lives she can ask about and learn about! Floofty and Beffica can introduce Filbo to so many rings of gossip.
Domestic things are fun too, since Beffica doesn't seem the type to be able to REALLY settle down, she's so anxious. And I don't think Floofty every thought they'd be free enough for a domestic lifestyle. Filbo probably wouldn't mind and probably has the most say on interior design.
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i did solo vocaloid songs i associate with the cast a while ago. now duets (and acute) :o3
last 3 are platonic
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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what do kids call their parents?
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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triplets who are googly
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
actual references for the filbeffloofty kids because Bumble’s old info is outdated
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Bumble Fizzlesnoot
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 14
Hobby/interest: Ecology/Environmental Sciences
Relations: Floofty Fizzlebean (biological parent,) Beffica Winklesnoot (biological mother,) Filbo Fiddlepie (legal father,) Remay Fiddlesnoot (potential sibling,) Skyer Fizzlepie (potential sister)
Grumpus Species: Raccoon
Human ethnicity: Mixed (Afro-Mexican w/ French-american)
When he was young, it became very clear that Bumble took a lot of influence from his parent’s intellectual and somewhat reserved lifestyle. Bumble is smart and focused with a passion for nature and keeping it healthy, though being a young whiz came with the con of never fitting along his classmates in school.
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Remay Fiddlesnoot
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 14
Hobby/interest: Dancing/neon coloring
Relations: Filbo Fiddlepie (biological father,) Beffica Winklesnoot (biological mother,) Floofty Fizzlebean (legal parent,) Bumble Fizzlesnoot (potential brother,) Skyer Fizzlepie (potential sister)
Grumpus species: Hybrid deer/raccoon
Human ethnicity: Mixed (African American w/ French-american)
Reckless and seemingly always full of energy, Remay was what their parents called the wild child. They love the bright, the bold, the glowing, and freestyle dance paired with glowsticks is their way of winding down. That being said, they get understimulated very easily, and are on the verge of overstimulation if things get just a little too loud.
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Skyer Fizzlepie
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 14
Hobby/interest: Health/care
Relations: Filbo Fiddlepie (biological father,) Floofty Fizzlebean (biological parent,) Beffica Winklesnoot (legal mother,) Bumble Fizzlesnoot (potential brother,) Remay Fiddlesnoot (potential sibling)
Grumpus species: Jackelope (hybrid deer/bunny)
Human ethnicity: Afro-mexican
When Skyer’s egg was laid, her parents were frightened by how small it was, being half the size of whichever sibling she came with. When she DID hatch, there was no guarantee she’d make it older: even for a baby, she was tiny. However, Skyer grew up healthily, with the only odd thing being her height stopping at 4’4”. Skyer is soft spoken, quiet, cautious, and does anything to make sure she isn’t in dangerous situations.
notes: the reason all the siblings say “potential” is that these three’s existences are interchangeable. no three of them exist at once, however i commonly write them as pairs of twins.
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cyberaxolotl · 11 months
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they’re gonna have a fancy dinner out :o3
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
a short fic where Filbo and Floofty take care of the twins (filbeffloofty but beff isn’t doing much)
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It was a quiet, dark night in the house, the moonlight coming squarely through the windows. Upstairs, inside the deep blue painted bedroom, all three adults slept undisturbed. Or at least, they did for now. Filbo was sprawled carelessly in the middle of the bed for three, while Beffica laid curled against him to his side, Floofty facing away from him on the other. They spent most of the night like that, having quickly gone to bed when the chance had arrived, and wondering if they’d finally get lucky enough to sleep through the night.
The childish wails of upset children told them no, they would not.
“Ugh…” Beffica, practically trained to hear the sound as soon as it started, got stirred up first. She grabbed Filbo’s chest with the paw that was already on him, shaking him. “It’s my turn to be off…” She groaned to her partners.
The blue deer let out a hum as he was stirred awake. “I’ve got it, I got it… Floofty?” He rubbed against his partner with the back of his paw. “It’s our turn.” He said, nudging them.
“Mmh.” They grunted at him, but shifted onto their back. As per routine, they plucked the blankets from themself and got up, him quickly following.
“If they need to eat, there’s water in the mini fridge and formula in the cabinet.” Beffica flicked her paw at them as the two stalked off, tiredly getting adjusted into the bed again.
“So, you’ll take Bumble and I’ll take Remay?” Filbo asked as they entered the hallway.
“Mmhm…” Floofty nodded, rubbing their eyes. It took them forever in the morning to be awake enough to start talking, and even longer in the middle of the night.
When they stepped into the nursery, they both faced the end of the small room. “Oh, it’s just Remay.” Filbo observed, letting his partner stand by the door while he took care of the infant.
In that room were two cribs, both nesting a single child. In the one colored with baby pinks was Filbo and Beffica’s child, Remay, who was currently squirming and wailing. Next to that crib was one in purples and blues, for Beffica and Floofty’s son, Bumble. Despite his sibling’s cries, the baby raccoon was still asleep.
As soon as Filbo was at the crib, he could smell the problem. “Oh- okay, grump…” For being the one of three parents who found the most joy in taking care of the children, changing them was the part none of the three of them ever wanted to have. Unfortunately, he was also the one doing it the most, being the only one of the three who didn’t have a job to be at during the daytime.
Floofty watched by the door, disgruntled by exhaustion, and just watching with the hope that their som wouldn’t be awake next. Passing by Filbo as he went to take care of Remay, they walked away from the entrance, figuring they’d take a closer look at the little one.
As they thought, Bumble was sleeping soundly. He always was the one between the infants who cried the least; sometimes, they wouldn’t even know something was wrong. Him being a quiet child was both a blessing and a curse, because while sleeping was nice, waking up in the morning to find out their baby was distressed for however long he was was never a good feeling.
“Little bundles of joy, eh?” Filbo said suddenly, picking up Remay after changing them. “Lots of fun that we ended up with two of them.” Sarcasm wasn’t really his thing, but while high on tiredness, he tended to make a couple quips.
“Mh.” They hummed, shrugging. “At least mine is the calmer one.”
He chuckled at that. “And mine! …Is the wild child.” He sighed as he put the baby back in the crib, patting them a little to get them to rest. “We’re awfully lucky though, aren’t we?” He turned to his partner.
“Eh?” They raised an eyebrow.
“That we ended up with these two.” He looked happy as he turned to Bumble. “I-I mean, I heard that there’s usually complications with someone carrying eggs from two different parents, and these two turned out just fine.”
“I suppose it is a miracle that neither of them have shown any signs of problems. I’m surprised, given how my niece is.” Floofty thought about it for a second.
“Huh?” Filbo was confused.
“Snorpy and Chandlo’s daughter. She’s ten now, but she had complications even though both of her fathers are normal.” They walked closer to their boyfriend, their expression unreadable. “Not very present as an infant, but she walks with a cane now. Cerebellar hypoplasia. I thought it would be because of Snorpy and I’s blood, given Chandlo is perfectly healthy, but… Bumble seems just fine.”
“…” The deer grump didn’t like thinking about possible future problems. He could only think of one that could show up in Remay. “Do you think Remay’s antlers will come in right when they’re that age?” He asked.
“They should. They might be smaller than a pure deer grumpus’s would be, but the raccoon traits shouldn’t stop them completely.” They figured, looking at both of the children.
They both took a sigh. “Well… I guess we should be back to bed now.” Filbo smiled at them. “I-“
They were interrupted by quiet sniffling and groaning.
“Speak of the second child…” Floofty looked over, seeing Bumble start to squirm. Walking over, they carefully picked him up. “He’s just hungry.” They figured.
“I’m surprised Remay didn’t wake him up.” Filbo observed.
“I’ve noticed that he never seems to be bothered by them. He certainly isn’t hard of hearing, he hears us perfectly well, but he’s never cried because of them without a secondary reason.” Floofty walked up to their boyfriend, seeing as he was free. “Hold him while I get the formula.”
He nodded, taking the infant. “He must’ve gotten that trait from you, huh?” He joked.
They groaned a little. “Believe it or not, I was a crier as a child. Snorpy nor I were quiet as infants.” They measured out a scoop of powdered formula, mixing it into a bottle. “Wherever Bumble got his quietness, I can’t be sure.”
“I doubt it was Beffica.” He chuckled, walking up to the table. With the bottle ready, the bunny took their son, feeding him.
“Only time will tell us about these two, then.” They looked down at the infant in their arms. “I’m… Very glad that the three of us are caring for them together.”
Filbo walked up behind them, putting his paws on their shoulders and leaning against them. “I’m happy too, Floofty.” He smiled, purring.
i don’t know how to close this fic off
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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miscellaneous . weeee
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
i’ve been thinking about this ever since i played endacopia
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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i made a joke with my friend that if he’d redraw a picture of something awful then id draw 3 boyfriends pictures as filbeffloofty and then he actually started redrawing his image so i was morally obligated to do this. I’m so fucking sorry i hate the bfs webtoon but i essentially lost a bet that i made
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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would be drawn but i’m slooby. ot3 shipping meme with filbeffloofty
“woah they’re all bisexual i didnt know that” “BY THE WAY WE’RE PRETTY MUCH A WALKING BISEXUAL FLAG”
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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clothes stealing. quick doodle before i flop asleep
beff is jealous because shes the smallest one in the relationship (by a lot, 4’9” in comparison to 5’7” and 6”) so her clothes wouldn’t fit on anyone.
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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sleepy time
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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filbo and his trash partners doodles
i might finish in the comic. Might
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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some miitopia gears are. Yup
yes triffany is my imp, no that is not changing anytime soon, i think it’s funny as fuck
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