#file under “posts that have 100k notes in my heart”
extasiswings · 7 years
For the fic writing asks: 1. Which is your favorite of the fics you've written for Timeless fandom? 5. What is an image/set of images that you're particularly proud of? 20. Go nuts, and talk about writing. :)
1. Favorite Fic:
I just looked at my ao3 and I’ve apparently written 20 fics and close to 100k words for Timeless since the end of February which is definitely the most prolific I’ve ever been as a writer and has a lot to do with how lovely this fandom is and how much I love these characters (so thanks, all). 
So, since I’ve written so much, this is really difficult because I love different things about all of them. I was incredibly proud of (take me) back to the start and that’s what comes to mind first. But I think I’m actually going to cheat a little and pick all the ashes in my wake (the series) because of Lorena. I love writing her. I love getting to fill in their past and seeing her come to life on the page. It’s very bittersweet because obviously she’s gone, but I’ve felt like in working with her the way I have, I’ve contributed something that no one else has (not that I would be opposed to that because please yes more Lorena). Yes, that’s what I’m going with.
5. Image/set of Images that I’m particularly proud of:
From build this ship to wreck: “There are scars scattered across his chest, some fragile spiderwebs, nearly invisible raised lines, others thicker, jagged in a way that suggests serious injury or at least haphazard medical care.(He has a fighter’s body, hard muscle and scars—and that’s only what’s visible on the outside. She has an Achilles in her bed—beautiful and angry and broken, fighting for something far bigger than himself—and she’s going to put him back together)”
From (take me) back to the start: “It hurts...and yet it’s not a bad thing. It’s the kind of hurt that comes from cauterizing a wound or ripping off a bandage that’s been stuck for too long. It’s the pressure, the burn that comes from finally breaking the surface and taking a breath after drowning. Kissing Lucy is a shock to the system, a bolt of lighting restarting his heart after months of wandering through the days cold and numb.He can’t find it in himself to regret it.”
And from the heart stays silent: “Lucy’s blouse is blood-spattered—the splash of red on white like some macabre work of modern art—but she no longer cares once Flynn rends it from her shoulders....(Not to mention, Lucy gives as good as she gets, scoring crimson lines down Flynn’s back with her nails, leaving dark crescents on the back of his neck when he nips hard at the juncture of her neck and shoulder...)”
20. Talk about writing:
Oh gosh. Writing is hard. Words are hard. And my muse is very fickle (which is partly why I try to avoid writing WiPs because I will inevitably hit a block when she abandons me).
When I write, it’s very rare that I’ll start from the beginning. I am absolutely terrible at writing things in order. Usually, what happens is that I’ll get a very clear image of something and I’ll write that down so I don’t lose it, which can sometimes be great because it allows the rest of the story to develop around it naturally, or can be terrible if I get too attached to it and the everything else isn’t coming together the way I’d like. 
When I wrote Woe & Wisdom, the absolute first thing I wrote was the argument leading up to the kiss in the library. In ex gratia there are scenes that I’m refusing to write because they’re for future chapters and it’s just going to drive me up the wall to have them sitting there waiting for me to fill in the gaps when everything else is one big blank where my brain is ????? and my muse is filing her nails while flipping me off. 
I’m pretty sure this, and the resulting frustration, is why most of the things I write are on the shorter side (under 5k). I do much better when I can sit down, write something out in one go, and then post it before I change my mind and decide it’s all terrible. 
(As a side note, I don’t really edit things. I edit as I go along and when I’m done I usually don’t even read things over before I post them. Instead I’ll post them, then read, and if I find anything glaring I’ll go back and fix it)
But as frustrating as it is, I love writing. I love getting to dive deeper into characters than canon usually does, I love exploring their thoughts and conflicts and looking for the reasons why they do the things they do. I love AUs, throwing characters into random different situations and seeing how they stay the same and how they might be different in that setting. I love developing relationships. And I love sharing those things with others.
I just love writing a lot. 
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