#filip abbey
lazerrlustt · 2 years
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ainthappyanymore · 10 months
Hiii, so i was tagged by @lukamagnotta724
Last song: Ai vist lo lop, i believe it is a medieval song.
Song stuck on your head: Smells like teen spirit, i just gotta love nirvana.
Favourite colors: Pink, green and black.
Currently reading: Northanger Abbey, i believe i have written the title correctly. Anyways it is a book by Jane Austen
Last movie: Filip, i think thats the title in english, its a 2023 movie about a Jewish boy serving in a hotel full of nazis during world war two .
Sweet, spicy or savoury: All of them
Relationship status: In a relationship with a wonderful boy this august we will make it to 3 years together!
Current obsession: My new job i guess....
Three favourite foods: Prepare to read spanish foods, paella, patatas bravas and calamares a la andaluza.
Last google search: how to make cookies?
Dream trip: to japan, with the love of my life <3
Anything I want right now: to pass my exams!
Soooo I will tag really random people cause i dont have many friends in tumblr... @truecrime614 @dylankleboldsucksballz @reb-dooming
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call-me-nicky · 2 months
4 a 7 de julho
Na quinta-feira, dia 4 de julho, comecei o dia correndo 5km pelos jardins do Kesington Palace, foi o primeiro dia que consegui sair treinar e definitivamente nao imaginaria que uma corrida seria a primeira coisa que eu faria em Londres.
O dia estava lindíssimo e depois do café da manhã pegamos o metro para a parte mais turista da cidade. Saindo do metro logo demos de cara com o Big Ben. Caminhamos até Westminster Abbey e depois voltamos para atravessar a ponte e irmos até o London Eye.
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Depois do passeio de roda gigante fomos para o Buckingham Palace e em seguida andamos pela área que parecia a Times Square + 5a avenida versão Londres. Passeamos por várias lojas antigas de música que o Filipe queria visitar até chegarmos na loja da Gibson. A noite jantamos em um pub.
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Na sexta feira acordamos cedo para pegarmos o onibus para fazer nosso tour. A primeira parada foi no Windsor Castle, também muito bonito, mas infelizmente fotografias eram restritas por lá. O rei estava no castelo (de novo??) e por isso não pudemos visitar a capela.
Depois do castelo seguimos para uma cidade chamada Bath, onde ficam as ruinas de uma casa de banho do tempo do império romano. O local em si não era "nada demais"porém a cidade era muito fofa e pudemos andar um pouco por ela - inclusive achamos pão de queijo e guaraná em uma cafeteria por lá.
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Seguimos para nossa ultima parada - e motivo principal de todo o passeio - Stonehenge. O guia foi contando várias histórias e hipóteses interessantes sobre o monumento durante o caminho. Infelizmente estava chovendo bastante quando chegamos lá, ainda assim pudemos tirar várias fotos e apesar do "perrengue chique" valeu a pena.
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No sábado turistamos por londres mais um pouco, embora o dia extremamente chuvoso tenha atrapalhado um pouco e alterado alguns dos nossos planos.
Não pudemos andar tanto pela cidade quanto gostaríamos e compramos ingressos para a Torre de Londres achando que seria um local coberto onde poderiamos nos "refugiar"da chuva até ela passar porém eu estava bem enganada. Ainda assim o lugar era bem legal - embora tivesse fila para fazer qualquer coisa "mais interessante" como ver as joias da coroa ou as muralhas.
Depois da torre de Londres almoçamos no restaurante do Gordon Ramsay, onde comi fish and chips e depois fomos para a Catedral de São Paulo, lindíssima!!! e nela subimos 500 degraus para ir até o topo mais alto da igreja onde voce podia "sair" e ver a vista toda lá de cima.
Da catedral fomos para o Camdem Market, que é um mercado ao ar livre com comida de rua e varias lojinhas interessantes, um lugar bem "hipster"e cheio de personalidade. Voltamos para o hotel nos preparar para a volta para casa no dia seguinte.
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Domingo acordamos cedo para pegar o metro para pegar o trem para pegar o voo. O trem parou no meio do caminho e foi bem complicado encontrar um uber e chegar no aeroporto a tempo de pegar meu voo para Portugal - e depois Brasil, mas deu tudo certo e apesar de ter chego atrasada no aeroporto conseguimos passar na frente devido ao atraso no trem e cheguei no avião a tempo.
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paletalegear · 3 months
Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes Elias Pettersson and J. T. Miller signatures shirt
Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes Elias Pettersson and J. T. Miller signatures shirt
Both Christmas day and New Year’s day are paid holidays for both Canada and US. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve do not belong to public holidays although Monday, December 24, 2018 has been declared a Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes Elias Pettersson and J. T. Miller signatures shirt holiday by the US government. Most businesses open on normal hours during these two days. Grocery stores, post offices, department stores, specialty stores, pharmacies, convenience stores, malls, transportation services, banks, movie theaters, public libraries, YMCA, walk-in clinics and many other services are all open during the day or even late in the evening during the Christmas Eve. Procrastinating people take advantage of this last-minute to buy Christmas gifts for family members or friends or the missing gradients for the Christmas’s dinner party. Many employees work normally during these two days. I remember I insisted on working on December 24th while working with Transcanada Pipelines. I finished a little bit earlier that day because it was Christmas Eve. I worked regularly from 9–5 on New Year’s eve. I was all paid regularly.
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lazerlustt · 4 years
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beerselfie · 2 years
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#Repost @craftbeerconcierge You know those “right place, right time” moments that are just truly serendipitous? Well my amazing visit to Huyghe Brewery in Melle, Belgium - about 20 minutes outside of Ghent - was a result of one such moment about a month ago. A need to kill time led me to sit at the bar of an old favorite watering hole, one I hadn’t been to in four years, where I was approached by a member of Atlantic Distribution with a Delirium Tremens on the house. He recognized me from Craft Beer Cellar, and said he was entertaining an employee of Huyghe Brewery on their trip to Boston. He then brought Filip, Huyghe’s purchasing manager over to meet me - and he extended me an invite to the brewery when I told him I’d soon be in Belgium. Today, my dad and I got a private tour and tasting at their expansive (and expanding!) facility, and had an absolutely amazing time. We saw: Their gorgeous old copper Brewhouse to the state of the art new one - they brew around the clock, up to 11 batches a day(!)- Their wild robotic kegging machines, which were so fascinating to watch. Their gorgeous “A La Debut” or - at the start statue, holding a drop of water, because well, all beer starts with water. We finished with tasting a few of their beers at the source, which is my favorite way to drink, including an Abbey Ale and their “Paranoia” IPA. The afternoon was just an absolute treat and a “Huyghe” shoutout for the hospitality! . . . . #craftbeer #drinklocal #beerstagram #beergeek #instabeer #blogger #drinkcraftbeer #beerstyles #beerscholar #beereducation #beerme #craftbeernerd #beerlove #ilovecraft #craftbeerlife #beerblogger #beerlifestyle #belgianbeer #brussels #belgium #travel #europevacation #beercation #beerselfie #deliriumbrewery https://www.instagram.com/p/Cib1k29LiDk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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withinycu · 2 years
Muse Preview- Petronilla, Sleeping Beauty & Witch Queen of Kieste
She was a gift, but the fairies’ gifts always come with caveats and fine print. When the fairy, Carabosse, had answered yes to Agnes of Longobardia’s begging and entrities for a child she told her, her kind were too see to the princess’s education, and when she was of age they would take her too their country and be the ones to find her a husband. 
But the King of Longobardia was a rigid and pious man called from from his abbey to take his brother’s throne and take a wife. He locked his daughter in a high tower, safe and away from the corrupting influence of the fairies. 
But the fairies stepped the cracks and wound their way up high in the shape of vines, in the shape of birds and a thousand other shapes and forms to teach her in her sleep. 
So the princess grew up to beautiful, as tall and fair haired as a fairy, but cunning like one too. And then one day she made the vines that grew on the high tower grow thorns, the grass surrounding the tower became brambles and the princess fell into a deep slumber. 
The king sent soldiers, summoned princes and even tried himself to make his way through but none survived. And the brambles grew higher and thicker for a hundred years or more and all the while the princess slept. 
Need to Knows
Petronilla is based on Sleeping Beauty but is very different from most depictions of her being more defiant than she is in most tellings. 
She’s ambitious, self aware and also loves to laugh and gossip. But can also be very charming and manipulative depending on the situation. 
Even in situations where she’s not paired with Filip Luca, she wants someone who listens to her and admires her as she is, not as they want her to be because of her beauty.
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londoneye-pbf · 3 years
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Filip Mountbatten, książę Edynburga
„Kiedy mężczyzna otwiera żonie drzwi do samochodu, to albo żona jest nowa, albo auto.”
książę Filip urodził się 10. czerwca 1921 roku w Grecji jako członek greckiej i duńskiej rodziny królewskiej; pochodził z duńskiego rodu królewskiego Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Gdy był jeszcze dzieckiem, jego rodzina została wygnana, przeprowadzili się wiec do Francji. Wkrótce jego ojciec zostawił rodzinę, a u jego matki zdiagnozowano schizofrenię; młodym Filipem zajął się wuj od strony matki lord Louis Mountbatten.
książę poznał królową Elżbietę II w 1934 roku podczas ślubu księżniczki Maryny oraz księcia Jerzego; ich ponowne spotkanie miało miejsce w 1939 roku w Royal Naval College w Dartmouth, podczas którego [wtedy] trzynastoletnia księżniczka Elżbieta zakochała się w osiemnastoletnim Filipie. Nazywała go „książę Wiking” i od tamtej pory ze sobą korespondowali; zaręczyny ogłoszono 9. lipca 1947 roku, natomiast ślub odbył się 20. listopada tego samego roku w Westminster Abbey. Przed ślubem zmuszony był zrzec się swoich greckich i duńskich tytułów królewskich, stać się poddanym brytyjskim i przybrać nazwisko swojego wuja. Musiał tez przejść z prawosławia na anglikanizm.
książę był znany z ciętego humoru, przez co wielokrotnie narażał swoją reputację. Został również oskarżony o „nietolerancję rasową”, gdy podczas wizyty w Chinach powiedział do brytyjskich studentów Xian’s Northwest University „jeśli się tu zadomowicie, wasze oczy zrobią się skośne”. Na szczęście nie wpłynęło to na stosunki brytyjsko-chińskie
książę Edynburga był wolnomularzem, wstąpił - do loży w 1953 roku - oraz członkiem jachtklubu Royal Yacht Squadron, w którym pełnił funkcje komandora następnie był jego admirałem
hobby Filipa było malarstwo; kolekcjonował obrazy oraz sam malował. Jego prace wiszą na ścianach w Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Sandringham House i Balmoral Castle
9. kwietnia 2021 roku w godzinach po południowych ogłoszono, ze książę Filip zmarł rano tego samego dnia. Jego pogrzeb odbędzie się w sobotę 17. kwietnia 2021 o godzinie 15:00 w kaplicy św. Jerzego przy pałacu Windsor. W uroczystości, ze względu na panujące obostrzenia, będzie brało tylko trzydzieści osób. Pałac Buckingham uruchomił księgę kondolencyjną online.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 years
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Through the Years → Queen Mathilde of Belgium (985/∞)
24 June 2018 | Belgium's Prince Emmanuel, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Princess Eleonore, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Philippe - Filip of Belgium, Prince Gabriel pose during a photo session of the Belgian Royal Family's vacation at the Villers Abbey in Villers-la-Ville. (Photo credit Frederic Sierakowski/AFP via Getty Images)
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New Wetherspoons to open in Dublin city later this month as 70 jobs created
~CXL~ Pub operator JD Wetherspoon has announced that its newest pub will open in Dublin City Centre on Friday, June 21.
The company has spent €4 million developing the outlet which is on the site of a former bank and chapel in Lower Abbey Street. The pub will be called The Silver Penny, creating 70 new jobs in the capital, Dublin Live reports. It will be managed by Filip Mordak who was previously at The Forty Foot, a Wetherspoon pub in Dún Laoghaire. The opening hours of The Silver Penny will be 8am until 11:30pm Monday to Thursday, 8am until 12:30am on Friday and Saturday and 8am until 11pm on Sunday. The pub will also serve food every day from opening until 11pm and will specialise in real ales as well as craft and world beers. It will also cater for family dining with children welcome in the pub up until 9pm during the week when accompanied by an adult.  
The new-look pub features two bars, with the main bar at ground floor level, serving an impressive two storey space surrounded by a first-floor gallery, with a large roof light.
Manager Filip Mordak said: “Myself and my team are looking forward to welcoming customers into the pub and we are confident that it will be a great addition to the Dublin city centre community.”
The company runs six pubs in the Republic of Ireland and four in Dublin: The Three Tun Tavern in Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock; The Forty Foot in The Pavilion Centre, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire; The Great Wood at Westend Shopping Park, Blanchardstown and The Old Borough in Main Street, Swords.
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Read More at   https://www.irishmirror.ie/whats-on/food-drink-news/new-wetherspoons-open-dublin-city-16499699
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lazerrlustt · 2 years
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sciencesortof · 3 years
343 | Webb's in the Greenhouse
00:00:00 - There’s a new telescope in town to look out of town and see exactly what’s going on in this here galaxy. Introducing… the James Webb Space Telescope! What can it do? Where can it do it? And did we name it after a not so great dude? All this and more are discussed!
00:36:36 - Drinks are any beverage that are consumed. Here, we talk about them. Joe is having tea with lemon and honey to help with a cough. Ryan recommends even fancier tea. Ryan waxes poetic about a Herkenrode Abbey Vesper (typical). Charlie is double fisting some red wine and a Rogue CBD seltzer, balancing the blend perfectly.
00:47:26 - Trailer Trash Talk returns again to discuss the much-maligned but fun-looking Moonfall.
01:00:57 - Climate Change is definitely a thing that is happening, we’ve known about it for awhile, but just how long? Turns out some folks as far back as the 1800s were figuring out the connection between carbon dioxide and atmospheric warming and we just haven’t been listening.
01:23:15 - PaleoPOWs are a lot like… something. Listener feedback, probably. Teemu A. wants to know what we think about the geology/biology of the video game The Witness. Elizabeth D. wins a copy of Life’s Edge by Carl Zimmer for submitting her pick for weirdest life from, the sea salp! And Patron Bruce Haupt gets a BSso thesis for the second time, and that thesis is: SCRUB: SCUBA Carbon Removal Underwater Bioremediation - Using Sea Salps to sequester carbon in oceanic basins using a human propelled delivery mechanism. Thanks, Bruce!
More cool rewards await you if you decide to support us on our Patreon!
Music credit: The Green Room - Blue Dot Sessions Audio Production: Ryan Haupt Image Credit: Filip Lukic on Unsplash
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paletalegear · 3 months
Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes Elias Pettersson and J. T. Miller signatures shirt
Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes Elias Pettersson and J. T. Miller signatures shirt Both Christmas day and New Year’s day are paid holidays for both Canada and US. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve do not belong to public holidays although Monday, December 24, 2018 has been declared a Official The Canucks Abbey Road Filip Hronek Brock Boeser Quinn Hughes…
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bloglivre-blog · 5 years
Knightfall, nova série do History Channel sobre os Cavaleiros Templários, ganha primeiro trailer
New Post has been published on http://baixafilmestorrent.com/cinema/knightfall-nova-serie-do-history-channel-sobre-os-cavaleiros-templarios-ganha-primeiro-trailer/
Knightfall, nova série do History Channel sobre os Cavaleiros Templários, ganha primeiro trailer
Os fãs das séries de ficção histórica ou drama histórico podem se preparar para Knightfall, a nova atração divulgada pelo History Channel (que também exibe Vikings, nos Estados Unidos) sobre a Ordem dos Pobres Cavaleiros de Cristo e do Templo de Salomão, também conhecida como Ordem dos Cavaleiros Templários que foram monges guerreiros do século XIV. Os Templários integravam uma ordem religiosa – com uma hierarquia inspirada na teologia, um código de ética e uma missão declarada – mas também eram um exército armado e dedicado à “guerra santa”, ou seja, aos movimentos militares de inspiração cristã que partiram da Europa Ocidental em direção à Terra Santa e à cidade de Jerusalém também conhecidos como Cruzadas. Knightfall vai se aprofundar no mundo clandestino dessa lendária irmandade e mostrar quem eram esses cavaleiros, como viviam e pelo que morreram acreditando.
Don Handfield e Richard Rayner são os criadores da série que tem Dominic Minghella como showrunner e conta com a produção executiva de Jeremy Renner, o Gavião Arqueiro do universo cinematográfico da Marvel. A produção é uma parceria da A+E Studios em associação com The Combine, Midnight Radio e Stillking Films. O drama traça a história da ordem militar medieval a partir da sua queda misturando ação e aventura: desde as batalhas na Terra Sagrada, passando pelos combates entre o Rei Filipe IV da França (1268 – 1314) e o Papa Bonifácio VIII (1235 – 1303), até a traição orquestrada por Filipe IV com a ajuda do Papa Clemente V (1294 – 1314) que levaria ao fim definitivo da ordem no dia 13 Outubro de 1307 (uma sexta-feira, data que se tornou sinônimo de má sorte). A série vai abranger o período de 1291 a 1307, como explica o co-criador Richard Rayner em matéria no site do Hollywood Reporter:
“Nós pensamos desde que Star Wars começou no final, com o fim dos Cavaleiros Jedi, e como George Lucas usou os Cavaleiros Templários como uma inspiração para o Jedi, podemos começar pelo final também. Nós também queríamos evitar algo diretamente envolvido com as Cruzadas, para não ter 200 anos de cristãos lutando contra os muçulmanos.”
O ator Tom Cullen durante as gravações no set de Knightfall
No elenco estão Tom Cullen (Black Mirror), Pádraic Delaney (Os Implacáveis), Sarah-Sofie Boussnina, Simon Merrels (Spartacus, Legends of Tomorrow), Olivia Ross, Julian Ovenden (Downton Abbey), Ed Stoppard (O Pianista), Sabrina Bartlett (Game of Thrones), Bobby Schofield (Mar Negro), entre outros. A primeira temporada vai ter 10 episódios, cada um com duração aproximada de 60 minutos. As filmagens foram realizadas em Dubrovnique, uma cidade costeira da Croácia localizada no extremo sul da Dalmácia, e em Praga, a capital e maior cidade da República Checa, onde parte do cenário foi destruído após um incêndio provocado por uma ponta de cigarro descartada.
A história dos Cavaleiros Templários nunca foi completamente contada até agora e Knightfall vai mergulhar nesse universo. No entanto, foi ao ar pelo canal France 2, em 2005, a minissérie histórica Os Reis Malditos (Les Rois Maudits), a segunda adaptação televisiva da saga literária homônima, composta por sete volumes, do escritor francês Maurice Druon. No início dos anos 1300 o tesouro da França está vazio e o Rei Filipe IV da França (Tchéky Karyo) decide que a única solução é atacar os tesouros dos Templários, então inventa várias acusações de traição, heresia e desvio contra os Cavaleiros e seu Grão-Mestre Jacques de Molay (Gérard Depardieu).
Após confessar sob tortura os crimes dos quais é acusado, Molay (1243/1244 – 1314) é condenado a ser queimado na estaca. Em seu sopro derradeiro de vida ele amaldiçoa o rei, o conselheiro do rei (Guillaume de Nogaret), o papa (o Papa Clemente V) e as treze gerações sucessoras de suas famílias. Composta por cinco episódios, cada um com 90 minutos de duração, a minissérie enfoca na sucessão ao trono francês e num dos períodos mais dramáticos da história da França com meio século de intriga política, assassinato, traição, guerra e fome, que culminou na Guerra dos 100 Anos.
Segundo informações do The Hollywood Reporter a programadora A+E Networks já acertou os direitos para a transmissão da série em mais de uma dúzia de territórios entre eles: Austrália (SBS Two), China (iQiyi / BesTV), Israel (SIM), Islândia (Sirkus) e Sudeste Asiático (IFlix). E isso foi antes da rodada de negócios promovida pelo MIPTV (Marché International des Programmes de Télévision), evento para desenvolvedores de conteúdo para TV e internet que acontece anualmente em Cannes. Em outras rodadas de ofertas, HBO e Cinemax também adquiriram a primeira temporada para exibição na Europa Central, Polônia, Espanha e Andorra; já a FilmBox Premium arrematou os direitos para veiculação na Europa Central e Oriental.
Acredita-se que os Templários tenham tomado o Santo Graal de Jerusalém durante as Cruzadas. O Graal é uma expressão medieval que designa normalmente o cálice usado por Jesus Cristo na Última Ceia, e onde, na literatura, José de Arimateia colheu o sangue de Jesus durante a crucificação. O History Channel, subsidiada da A+E Networks (que desenvolveu a série), vai exibir Knightfall na América do Norte, América Latina e em seus canais no Sudeste Asiático. O seriado ainda não tem data de estreia ou previsão de chegada ao Brasil.
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lazerlustt · 4 years
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equipedefranceinfo · 6 years
Revue de stress #144
    Les images
Représentation du but d’Hiroki Sakai face à Leizpig (via @Gilles_Juan).
  La mystérieuse disparition de Nasser Al-Khelaïfi en passant du papier à la version numérique de L'Équipe…
          Les infographies
La dernière lettre du CIES se penche sur les joueurs les plus fidèles à leur club.
         La dernière simulation du classement de fin de saison montre une vraie lutte pour l'Europe et le maintien (via @Birdace).
    Chronologie de l’histoire des clubs romains (via @FrSerieA).
        L’évolution de la répartition des recettes des clubs de Ligue 1 depuis 1970 (via @BastienDrut).
    Les masses salariales des clubs de Ligue 1 et Ligue 2 à partir du rapport de la DNCG (via @BonBonal).
            La devinette
Ancien partenaire de Roberto Sosa, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Mickaël Landreau, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang et Flavien Tait, j’ai joué quatre matches cette saison en championnat, soit le double de la saison dernière. Présent sur le banc lors d’un match de Ligue des champions à Manchester, je ne suis pas entré sur la pelouse – ne jouant finalement jamais en compétition européenne. Mon club, lui, échoua tout près du titre.
  La réponse de la dernière fois : Filipe Luis.
        Le rébus
    La réponse de la dernière fois : Denis Appiah (de Nice à Pia).
        Les produits dérivés
Les t-shirts et tote bags de la collection "Traumas" seront bientôt dans notre boutique en ligne, mais pour se les procurer à des conditions exceptionnelles, il faut les prendre avec l'abonnement à la revue. 
          La lucarne de la semaine
    Grèves à Air France: les premiers vacanciers semblent mécontents.
  [-> le Diaporama] 
        Les immanquables
Le créateur de Downton Abbey planche sur une série consacrée à la création du football moderne en Angleterre (radiotimes.com / en anglais).
  Pour lutter contre la diffusion gratuite de matches sur le web, les chaînes s’organisent (liberation.fr).
  Le contact s’étiole entre les supporters lillois et la direction (france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr).
  Quelles seraient les conséquences de la suppression des prêts dans le football? (24heures.ch)
  Le stade Vélodrome est au centre de plusieurs procédures judiciaires (lemonde.fr).
  Dans la plupart des compétitions, l’aléa sportif s’est envolé au profit de matches exhibition (lemonde.fr).
  Interview croisée entre Jérôme Penisson, cécifootballeur nantais, et Adrien Thomasson du FCN (fcnantes.com).
  La formule a un peu évolué mais Vu du Banc continue à sortir de nouveaux épisodes.
  Chronologie du poste d’arrière droit et du maillot des gardiens en équipe de France (chroniquesbleues.fr).
  La manière dont reviendraient les tribunes debout doit encore être définie (eurosport.fr) mais leur retour en Ligue 1 est plus que jamais d’actualité (la-croix.com).
        Le tweet
      L'image du grenier
9 février 2012. Nicolas Sarkozy remet à Frédéric Thiriez des insignes d'officier de l'Ordre national du mérite en présence d'une vingtaine de présidents de clubs. Le président (de la République) se dit honoré d'être l'ami du président (de la Ligue), et déclare notamment: "Vous êtes un progressiste qui veut faire avancer la société. (…) Depuis vingt ans, vous placez votre expertise et votre rigueur au service du football. Votre travail est reconnu et apprécié de tous, dans un univers, le football, où l’unanimité est bien rare".
            La bonne enseigne
Jouant toujours avec un coup d'avance, Pep a déjà prévu de passer sa retraite à Taormine, ville de Sicile où il a acquis toute une rue.
      Crédits. La lucarne est de vertigo, le rébus de la rédak et l'enseigne de Milan de solitude.
  via http://www.cahiersdufootball.net/article-revue-de-stress-144-6937
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