#fille is girl but we don't have the word “fille de café”
r-aindr0p · 5 months
since we're talking about portyguese idk if in Pt-Pt it's the same but in brazil we call restaurant servers garçon and garçonete. another fun fact is if you tell any brazilian it comes from french they'll probably be shocked 😭
Oh the association of the meaning to that word might come from garçon de café !
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though I find it funny that you actually have garçonete to refer to girl servers (I suppose so ?)
The call hasn't been used in ages for well logical reasons, nowadays you just say "excusez moi !" (excuse me)
And tbh it feels kinda bougie/posh to use "garçon" nowadays to call for a guy server, people will look you weird
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