#finally entering and accepting my fnaf phase ;;7;;
maidenofporcelain · 3 years
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"Hey kiddo's! Who's ready for story time?"
fnaf sona/oc time! ^7^ info under the cut!
Name: Sakura (cause m’lazy haha;;;;)
Works in the daycare! Is far more involved with the children than her coworkers (who just leave it to the robot y’know) but she’s very interactive!
Craft time is her time, and don’t get her started on holiday themed crafts she goes in hard.
She’s pretty patient, all things considered, especially since she works with practically lazy teenagers for coworkers and super eccentric animatronics, alongside wild children.
That Glamrock Freddy puppet she’s got? She made him! (his nose does do the boop sound) She’s made other puppets for the other animatronics as well! (did i mention she’s a lover of puppets? Muppets yay!)
While her coworkers may find Sun/Moon creepy and annoying, Sakura doesn’t mind them much at all, really only viewing them as a very eccentric animatronic.
- They actually work very well together since their main goal is to keep the children safe and entertained!
- One of Sakura’s favorite activities is telling stories while Sun does some shadow puppetry! (he’s actually quite good at it, but he is an animatronic of course)
- Does have to calm down the kids who are afraid of Sun/Moon tho;;;
- She always has to remind Moon to be a little less…aggressive-? When it comes to putting the disobedient children to sleep;;
- Refers to Sun as ‘Sunny’ (she has a hard time thinking of a nickname for Moon tho, so Moondrop it is lol)
No she hasn’t gotten stuck once or twice in the playpens- no- shut up!
- Who the heck thought it was a good idea to put generators in the playpens!?
Intimidated/afraid of Monty.
She knows what happened.
Wears her Glamrock Bonnie pin with pride!! (especially since they don’t make them anymore;;;) (it's hard to see but i based the design of the pin off of @/lueey-jayzilla design cause its seriously cool! ^7^ )
part of her uniform is also from the time Glamrock Bonnie was still around.
Glamrock Bonnie was her favorite animatronic, even when she was a kid she was always a fan of Bonnie.
That is until…well y'know…
She misses Bonnie….
She’s always had a problem with falling asleep when she’s extremely exhausted, and as much as she enjoys her job at the PizzaPlex- being a daycare teacher is very very exhausting.
One of her coworkers told her that the Moondrop candies are not only good at putting children to sleep but are also pretty good at easing the brain pain (basically like sleepy time tylenol) And told her that the sleeping effect is something that primarily only works on children.
So when it comes to closing time she might take one just to ease whatever headache she has while she picks up around the playpens and theater.
But halfway through cleaning and either her exhaustion or the candy gets to her and- oh man, the floor just feels really comfortable right now- aaaand it’s sleepytime.
This usually ends up getting her stuck inside the PizzaPlex after hours, with her waking up at some ungodly time and panicking- wondering just what the heck happened.
Even when she doesn’t take a Moondrop candy she still gets tired enough to just pass out (geez are they pumping something in the air here?)
This sleeping problem has gotten so bad that she just packs an overnight bag and keeps it in her locker just in case. Better safe than sorry y’know?
Sometimes she uses the time that she’s stuck inside to do some prep work on crafts for the next day or do some extra cleanup with Sun.
The first time she had passed out Sun found her on the floor in the theater and just- was very confused? She wasn’t hurt, but not responding so…he just stood there and waited for something to happen (for hrs btw until she woke up, he just kinda stood there on high alert)
They’ve made forts on occasion.
Sun seems hesitant to let her leave the daycare area however, and by hesitant i mean extremely, it’s even worse when Moon is out instead….
They insist that going around the PizzaPlex after hours is "no good” and that she should just stay inside the daycare.
She doesn’t really get it, it’s just the mall after hours after all- just what could go wrong in a giant mall after hours?
She knows Vanessa. And by ‘know’ I mean ‘greet her when she sees her but barely gets as much as a nod back’. She thinks Vanessa’s probably just a really introverted person. She wonders if she knows that she’s accidentally slept over in the PizzaPlex, being the night guard and all, but if she does she hasn’t snitched yet so…
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