#finally got around to try Clip studio and this is fun aha
cyraes · 8 months
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🌻sort of ghibli'sh colour style of the lineart version. for my dear @theriverwild 💛
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a-muse · 4 years
FVD - Week 4
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The module was building up at a faster pace now. Kuntal was keeping us engaged with his stories from around the world. Carmina and Shilpa had already joined us during our 3rd week but we missed out Suman, Shiva and Probal.
We started with Gestalt laws and theory and their significance. We got to know about Similarity, Continuity, Figure and Ground, Closure and Proximity. There was also another principle of Pragnanz which talks about how we perceive our environment and things around us in terms of simpler shapes and patterns.
So, we got into more examples as we went along. A short recap of my understandings.
Similarity- Elements which are similar to each other in colour, form, texture, size or motion are perceived to be one group.
Continuity- When viewing objects together, human eyes sometimes perceive objects moving in a straight or curved line if they are arranged in such a way.
Figure and Ground -  Our brain sometimes divide elements and their spaces, both negative and positive as foreground and background and look at them in such a way to create that distinction.
Closure- Even if objects do not join together to form a recognisable shape, our brain draws parallels between them and perceive those elements as one single comprehensible entity, shape or form.
Proximity- Objects arranged together start forming shapes or patterns of their own when they are close or far away from each other based on their proximity.
Pragnanz- Human eyes and brains have a tendency to divide and look at environments and things around us in terms of simpler patterns and shapes.
Gestalt Photo Diary
The first assignment of this week was to click photographs which would showcase gestalt principles. These photo may have multiple principles in them but there should be one dominating principle in all of them. 
Initially, I had problems with finding the right subjects but as I started reading and researching more on this topic, I started to notice the principles all around me but next the task was to single out the dominating elements in them. Following ones are few of the pictures I clicked.
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Proximity- How the squares have come together to create a pentagon like shape. It also somehow has a hint of closure as well.
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Continuity- The curved lines moving up and down the wooden blocks.
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Figure and Ground
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Continuity- How the electrical cables continue in the dark BG making our eyes follow them. 
Happy Durga Puja btw everyone.
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Ok a small break. Umm.. let me show what I have filled up in my colour journal this week.
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Kaashful. Durga Puja -can’t really keep calm.
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TV and childhood
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Experiments with textures
This is very interesting as this has been done with plastic crumpled on acrylic white solution with water and left to dry. Some interesting thin ice like patterns.
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Mahisasuramardini. Ok last one about Durga Maa, I promise.
Music Video with colours
This was the highlight of the week. We were both excited and kind of taken aback with the brief that was provided to us and plus we had to work within random groups of 4 or 5 people, create our own music and patch them with the visuals... Ok phewww..
I meet with my group which consisted of Dikshita, Ranjana and Subhadeep on call and discussed multiple ideas and how to implement them. We looked into  some very interesting links and videos and articles. Let me share a few with you right here right now.
Neil Harbisson: I listen to Colour. It was very fascinating to learn about the different types Synesthesia. The video link for you here.
Kandinsky and his paintings. How he turned music and sounds into colours and finally into beautiful elaborate abstract paintings. The video link.
Look into these. I am sure you will enjoy them. Now for the initial ideas, let me share some of them in here for you to see.
Initial Ideas:
Idea 1: Play with Rasas and their colors along with their corresponding raga patterns as bg music.
Idea 2: How a blind person might sense color through music or sounds with very faint interaction of colors. Just enough to understand the ambience outside
Idea 3: How we can see different colours throughout the day right from the time sun rises to the time it sets and then through the night and till the next morning whenever it rises again. We can use corresponding ragas which run through the timings of the day.
Idea 4: Colors as thoughts in our brain. How unrest, peace, insights, ideas popping in our minds and other things might be working in our minds. Like how a jumbled train of thoughts arriving at a point of insight.
There were multiple brainstorming sessions which helped in moulding the ideas and finally zeroing in on one. Let me take you through the flow of the final idea.
Final Idea
1. When the project is announced:
That AHA moment. Excitement runs through our mind. The project seems to be one of a kind and challenge gives a sudden adrenaline boost.
2. When reality sets in:
We start to question the reality. How do we go about this?
Ok we have groups now. Random, whattt? Ok, do I know this person?
3. When discussions start:
A little bit of icebreaking is required.
Brainstorm, Brainstorm, Brainstorm.
A lot of ideas are coming to me but how do I put those into words? Are the other team members able to understand my idea.
The ideas seem very vague. Actually all of them
Wait, that sounds like a good one. Oh ok how about we do this with that? Now, things are starting to take shape.
4. Reality strikes once again:
The idea seemed very interesting at first but I do not have any clue about how do I take this forward.
Gloominess sets in. Trying to carve time out of busy schedule to do some explorations.
Fail. Do again. Fail Do again. This is getting tiring.
Procrastination overpowers.
Some of the explorations work well.
5. Penultimate stage:
The lethargy is contagious. Everyone seems to be slacking off.
The date and time splashes on the mobile screen. WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT AT ALL.
Panic sets in. Try to do everything to finish off the project somehow. By hook or by crook.
Although the project that you are working on right now seems to be very enjoyable but you just cannot relish the process anymore. Aaaaaghh, this is exhausting.
6. The final deliverable:
Ok the project is done now. (sigh of relief)
You skim through the entire thing once more and find some of the things very roughly done.
Things could have been done better
Blaming ourselves for not taking it seriously the first time.
Showcasing of work. Other people seem to have done a marvellous job.
Ok now that we are done, there is nothing left to do. Only promise ourselves to manage our time better for the next project.
Behind the scenes:
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Had some fun with refined oil, water, colours and guess what, PepFizz
Ink in Water
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Ink in Water
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Milk, water, paint and washing powder
Creation of the BG Track and final video:
We recorded different sounds from around us ranging from washing machines, void sounds from washrooms, voices, metal clanking of glasses and spoons, rattling pf crockery. Then, I further took them to FL Studio, digitally remastered them and created the entire BG track.
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Creating the progressions and melodies on FL Studio
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Layering tracks to make the final score on FL Studio
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Editing the clips and merging the sequences with sounds to create the final video on After Effects 
Let’s see the final video now, shall we?
The journey of Anticipation
Ok, wow. This was done in a very short period of time with half of our group not well. Pulling this off was a task in itself but the explorations and everything made it worth it. I also tried my hands on FL Studio after a long long time and I plan on continuing composing some scores and music in my spare time from now on.
But although the explorations were fun, it was insightful as well. Many properties of colour, composition and whole treatment of these things came in as hoardes of information as we went along. And making the connections between each shots and relating them to the stages of our narration while thinking in a abstract way of how colours and music would narrate that same thing. It was tough at first but then it seemed very natural. 
But.. But... Ummm.... this whole assignment made my mother pretty angry because the room was a total mess and I was too lazy. But worth taking the risk for assignments this interesting.
Ok that was the end to Week 4. A very fruitful one indeed. Catch up on Week 5 soon.
Alvida, Adios, Tata, Bye Bye, Hasta la Vista and Sayonara till next time.
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