soulscrying · 1 year
@finalyaksha: What does the loud kid mean when he says I need to "have my face flattened?"
inwardly, she's berating heizou for being the worst person to ever set foot on this planet. she's killing him dead over and over again - with a gun, with a bat...hell, with a fork. what right did he have to taint her boyfriend's innocence? that's her job!
still, the dark blush spilling over her features regales a different story.
"nothing! it means nothing!" keqing runs both hands down her cheeks so to help their beetness subside (it didn't - not in the slightest). "don't worry about it, okay?"
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royalstorm · 3 years
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Don’t mind her. She’s just going to continue glowering at him from the sidelines in an inhumanly critical, condescending manner.
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* @finalyaksha​ is testing the Yuheng’s patience .
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royalstorm · 3 years
you look very human today.
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" ... I feel like — now that we live in the age of mankind's rule, it's time for the legendary boy-adeptus to be released from duty. "
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royalstorm · 3 years
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@finalyaksha​ :  ‘ there are days where i am morbidly in love with you , and this is one of those days . ’
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“ Ugh, Xiao ... really? ” Consider this a study in poorly concealing her heart suddenly in bloom, unraveling petal by petal. One part of her hopes that he can overlook the pink tint of her cheeks, while another insists that he marvel in how shy and girlish and absolutely smitten she is for him and only him —
— Not that she could articulate any of that properly.
Instead, Keqing, in her flabbergasted ingloriousness, punches him in the arm ... only to wrap that same arm around her waist shortly thereafter. “ You already know how I feel. “ An endeared sigh imbues her breath as she burrows her head in his chest. Her dialogue is muffled as she says, “ I’m morbidly in love with you, too. “
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royalstorm · 3 years
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@finalyaksha​ :  ‘ and you realize the one person in the world who loves you isn’t the one you thought it would be . ’
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“ How dare you  — reading my mind like that. At this point, I bet it’s as automatic as breathing, huh? ” The remark curls snidely on her tongue — in half-jest, half-dread. Since when was she so easy to figure out?
That’s what she gets, Keqing chastises herself, for wearing her rabbit heart on her sleeve.
Still, she further entertains the yaksha’s sentiment with a smile that she would’ve found too soft to be hers a mere five months ago. “ Anyway ... you’re right. “
Here, the thrum of her heart resounds loudly, almost menacingly, in her ears, much more akin to a stampede than the pitter patter of rabbit feet. “ And I normally don’t like conceding defeat, but sometimes, it feels good to be proven wrong.” Keqing reaches a gloved hand forth toward one of his, a hot flush pervading her cheeks once she intertwines their fingers. “ This is one of those times. ”
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