#finding age-appropriate shouty songs is going to be an adventure methinks
deadmomjokes · 5 months
Yesterday I was flipping radio stations while waiting at a red light when I hear a deeply offended gasp from the back seat.
"No, don't switch it!! Turn it up!"
I do, in fact, turn it up, only to learn via the radio display that it's a song by Rage Against the Machine. (Note: I know exactly no songs by Rage Against the Machine, they're just not my cup of tea.) And my child-- my four year old child who, by her own choice that day, was wearing a fluffy pink flower skirt and sparkly cowboy boots-- takes in the screamy, guitar-smashy chaos, gives the most contented sigh of approval, and says,
"Awwww yeah, I LIKE this one!"
And starts head banging in her car seat.
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