fuckingfinwions · 1 year
Ooh that point about grudge for eternity is a really cool thought -findunderground
Thank you!
I like the trope of elves not really having invented a lot of crimes in pre-Darkening Valinor, just to make the kinslaying at Alqualonde and then culture shock of Beleriand and meeting the other species all the more stark. (Okay, I write a lot about elves doing terrible shit in Valinor too.) But I don't think they're inherently kinder than humans, they just have longer-term thinking. If a human blackmails someone into obeying them for thirty years and keeping silent for another twenty, the human can expect to be dead before consequences reach them. With an elf, the most they can hope for is to have gotten out of town - and then to literally never come back.
Maedhros is thinking several things. a) he can blackmail Fingolfin pretty much indefinitely, as Maedhros will remain leader of the next largest military faction unless one of them dies, or they win. b) If they win and get the Silmarils, Fingolfin might stop considering cooperation worth it. But the Feanorian army and the Nolofinwean army can just split into different kingdoms at that point if Fingolfin tries to make Maedhros face consequences. c) Maedhros's family and his followers will believe him over Fingolfin d) If they die, they weren't going to walk out happily as friends in Valinor in a week anyway. All the Noldor are doomed to a long time in Mandos, and Maedhros specifically is sworn to the Void. The Tirion government can't arrest him for rape if he doesn't exist anymore!
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outofangband · 4 years
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A darker version of the modern day Maedhros board I made based on a verse by @findundergrounddragoutofwater (original moodboard here)
Also findunderground should get a lot of credit for finding a lot of the images/and or ideas for them!
(also should have the Maedhros and sword story up soon!)
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fuckingfinwions · 4 years
(This is findunderground) Oh, that's really interesting, what particular thing Feanor really wants and how that translates into what he wants with Nolo. Love your descriptions. Does he ever order him to tell the truth and then ask him repeatedly if he wants this?
I think Feanor tries ordering Nolo to tell the truth once or twice.
However, Feanor isn’t focused on giving very precisely worded orders in the middle of sex. Nolo can think of a lot of true things to say about Feanor raping him, most of them insulting. Things like “I don’t understand why anyone would willingly have sex with you a second time,” “I expected you to misuse my trust from the moment I pledged allegiance, I was just hopeful Dad would convince you otherwise,” “This is all the proof I’ll ever need that you really are marred.”
These do technically show Nolo’s unwillingness, but they don’t really get Feanor in the mood. After those first couple times, Feanor just orders Nolo to shut up during sex.
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fuckingfinwions · 4 years
(Findunderground) does Nolo beg when there's a knife because knives are scary and painful, or because he doesn't want to die? Does he not want to die?
Knives are scary and you can do permanent damage with them with very little effort. Also, Nolo doesn’t want to die (at least not yet). He wants Feanor to die and Morgoth to die and Finwe to come back to life, and Feanor’s sons to be arrested and sent somewhere far away from society. As long as Nolo is alive, he has a chance of achieving at least some of that. If he dies, he sees Finwe again but not his children and can’t get justice on Finwe’s murderer.
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fuckingfinwions · 4 years
(findundergrounddragoutofwater again) does Feanor get angry when Nolo insults him? Does Nolo do it anyway because things are bad no matter what, or some other reason? (Uh, let me know if all the questions are annoying!)
Yes to both!
Feanor gets angry, and sometimes hits Nolo in retaliation for insults. But he leaves in a bad mood if Nolo mentions a sensitive topic, so Nolo counts it as a win. Feanor’s going to hurt Nolo in one way or another no matter what, but not kill him because it would cause a political crisis and also then Feanor would have no one to demonstrate his superiority over. So Nolo figures he might as well make Feanor unhappy in return.
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fuckingfinwions · 4 years
@squareroot-1​ replied to your post“Thought about the rape magic slavery verse: Maedhros’s capture and...”
oh my god them talking about this in front of Fingolfin. Poor Fingon, who is also very impressive
Feanor and his sons have adapted really fast to thinking of Fingolfin and Fingon as essentially furniture. They can’t repeat anything they overhear, and rarely interject any comments of their own. Talking about what Fingolfin or Fingon plan to do does remind Feanor&co that that one is a person though, but not necessarily the other.
"Maedhros has not acknowledged that he and Fingon aren’t really boyfriends anymore" that is *so creepy* wow
Thank you! Fingon will probably get fed up with it and yell at Maedhros that being his sex slave doesn’t mean the same thing as dating at some point. For now though, Fingon isn’t correcting him. He doesn’t think Maedhros is restraining the urge to beat him or whip him just to see how he reacts, but he didn’t expect any of this. As a boyfriend, he gets treated gently most of the time and occasionally even asked if he’s in the mood. Having every time Maedhors wants sex be physically painful wouldn’t be better.
"Their fathers are very glad to see them. (Feanor has been taking out his stress on Fingolfin.)" 👀👀   
Feanor can just order Fingolfin to obey, so there’s no need to torture the him to find out where Fingon went. But he does have to be punished for telling Fingon, and honestly just because there’s no need to torture him doesn’t mean it isn’t fun for Feanor. Plus the situation is rapidly going out of Feanor’s control, and Fingolfin’s actions are one thing still entirely under Feanor’s control.
I am worried about this plan...
also general ooh
The plan is not any more terrible than the rest of the situation as long as Feanor and Maedhros are still alive. While Fingon is watching, Feanor gives Fingolfin an order: “If Fingon tries to attack me, stop him by any means necessary, including killing him if you have to.” If you have two people who care about each other both under mind control, you might as well use them against each other. ;)  (Feanor probably gives Fingolfin more secret contingency orders, but this is the only one that works best if Fingon knows about it.)
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