#first kino.. then hui.. then shinwon.. now yanan.. who's next????
shinehyuk · 3 years
current fixation : pentagon 😭
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firetextskpop · 4 years
Hi , can u do pentagon's reaction when they are doing sex with their wife and suddenly their son / daughter come in to their bedroom bcs they had a nightmare ? I think it would be funny lol ..
A/N: Absolutely! Let’s see how this goes.
PTG when their kids have a nightmare and they were doing the do 
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With your wrist pinned above your head and husband pounding into you, it was hard to hear anything but the both of you. Jinho whispered in your ear, “I think Mina would love, a little sibling. Is that what you want love? Another baby.” His words nearly take you over the edge until you hear crying. “J-Jinho, wait. I think she’s up.” Your husband stops his movements and hears the same thing. “Is she in the room?” He asked, pulling out of you and turning around. Low and behold stood your 3 year old daughter. “Fuck.” Jinho mumbled. You hit his arm and began speaking to your child with open arms. “Mina, what’s wrong baby?” She walked over for you to pick her up. “I had a bad dream. There was loud noises. I went to the noise and its here.” You pout your bottom lip at her. “It’s okay princess, let’s get you back comfy. Go to your table and I’ll heat you up some milk.” She nodded and went to her table. Jinho looked at you and started speaking but you cut him off. “Absolutely not.” Now it’s Jinho’s turn to pout. “She’s going to your mom’s next week.”
Seok was very sure he locked the door. So when your 5 year old twins busted in as Hongseok fucked you in the mirror with the camera on, he felt terrible. Immediately He covered you and yelled at the boys not to look. The twins turned around as Hongseok got everything situated. “Okay, Daddy’s sorry for yelling, you can come in now.” He says and the boys came in and hugged you both. “Why are you two up at 3 am?” You asked stroking the younger of the two’s head. “Haneul had a bad dream then scared me too.” Hyunmin said cuddling into your side. “Can we sleep with you please?” Haneul asked with puppy dog eyes, (like his father.) Hongseok nods and tucks them in between you both before telling them a story he made up on the spot.
After a long hard day at work, Hui just wanted to endulge in you. Anywhere, anytime. Being able to take you on the kitchen counter was more than enough for him. When your son walked in with his protective blanket, you know something wasn’t right. Thankfully, he wasn’t looking completely so you began to push off Hui and fix yourselves just in time. “Jisung?” Hwitaek addressed his son and picked him up. Surprisingly, this made you son cry more as he held on dearly to his father. “Talk to me Sungie.” Your husband coddled Jisung. “I miss you daddy, please dont go.” This of course confused Hui. “I think you had a bad dream. I’m not going anywhere. Let’s go to bed” He says and pats your sons back.
Changgu literally just put the kids to sleep. But at the same time he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. The second your bedroom door shut, he ripped off your clothes and began pleasuring you with mouth. Just as you neared our climax, there was a small knock on your door. Quickly you tapped on his head to inform him of this. Changgu sighed before throwing the blanket over your private bits and opening the door. There stood your youngest child with the biggest tears you’ve seen in your life. “I sleep with you please daddy?” She says wiping her eyes. “Absolutely.”
Surprisingly enough this was your 4th round at it and it was 5 am. You bounced on Shinwon as he tightly grasped your hips. “Fuck, you ride me so well.” He mumbled against your neck. You began to scratch at his chest but then felt a little dip in your bed. Neither of you thought too much about it until you heard a soft sniffle. Both of your attention turned to the 3 year old laying on her side facing away from the two of you. Panic rose in the two of your eyes as you both looked at each other but you moved calmly. Quietly and slowly getting off the bed to put on your under clothes at minimum before sliding back into the bed. When you went to ask what was going on, she already was soundly asleep. You and Shinwon decided not to prompt her on it but join her in sleep.
He finally came home after being on tour and doing shows and you really missed him. Every night leading up to this one, you promised that the day would be all about him. Yanan sat in the chair as you worked your oral magic on him with ice cubes in your mouth. His sensitivity was severely high, so high in fact that his other senses were heightened and he actually heard your 5 year old son come close to the door. “Xiaohui is coming.” He warns you and you immediately pop up as he fixed his pants. Not a second later, your son knocks on the door and you let him in. “Monsters aren’t real, right?” He asks immediately. Yanan chuckles a bit and you shoot him a look. “No HuiHui, but if you want, I can still check the room for you.” You say and push the stray hairs out of your son’s hair. “Please.” He asks and holds on to your wrist.
You both were in the shower getting clean but Yuto looked a little too good under the water. He noticed you staring and started flexing a bit for you. After some teasing and messing around, he began to fuck you against the shower wall. “Come for me babe.” He whispers in your ear and you do just that. In that moment there were 3 loud bangs on the bathroom door. Normally you would be afraid it was an intruder but it was your 7 year old daughter. “What’s wrong Natsumi?” Yuto asked drying off and throwing on his basketball shorts. “Naoki is having a nightmare and keeps talking about some big bug and I can’t sleep.” This wasn’t the first time your son had a sleeptalking nightmare. “Okay, we’ll be there in a minute.” You responded through the door. Once you both were dressed, you went to your sons side with a glass of warm milk.
Hyunggu had you pinned against the couch. Your legs completely spread apart as he rocked his hips into yours. Well explaining how he was a father of 3. “Are you gonna give me a daughter love?” You nodded your head agreeing to anything because, well...he was fucking you so well. His head now buried into your neck. “Dad?” Your oldest asked from behind the couch coming from his room. Kino panicked and sat up to face his child who had dried tears. “Hyunwoo what are you doing up?” He asked nervous. “I had a bad dream..Why are you naked on the couch?” Your 7 year old son asked genuinely concerned. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll be there with you in a minute.” Kino responded. “Also where’s-” “Now.”
It was one of the many nights that you both had pre-planned. The 4 year old should be sleep by 9, wine at 10 and 11? It was time to ‘double your pleasure’. Wooseok held your legs around his head and you moaned around his shaft as he rapidly flicked the tip of his tongue on your sensitive bits. When he began fucking you with his tongue, without thinking, you made attempts to deepthroat him. Wooseok began to growl a bit before spreading you open a bit more. When you both least expected it, the door busted open and there stood your child, sobbing the hardest since he was an infant. Immediately, Wooseok threw you off and pulled up his pants. “Jinwoo?” The child nodded his head. “I had a bad dream.” Seok pouted and looked at you, who was slightly more dressed now. “Can we talk about the bad dreams Daddy?” Jinwoo asked. Wooseok nodded and ushered the child to the kitchen where he fed him food Yanan cooked for your husband’s birthday.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
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Hongseok: Bittersweet (part 3 -- mommy hui)
Summary: You were looking for a sugar daddy to make more money. Hongseok was looking for a sugar baby to get his friends off his back. But once you find out what he’s using you for, you don’t want anything to do with him. Unfortunately, you love his money more than you hate him.
a/n: timestamps don’t matter!!! i also have no idea what like decent prices are for this shit so just roll w me here lmao
Previous | Next | Bittersweet Masterlist
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Of course Hongseok wasn’t actually going to get a girlfriend. Luckily for him, he was not only handsome, but also smart. He quickly came up with the idea that he could simply just make his friends think he got a girlfriend so they’d get off his back. But he also knew he didn’t have any friends who were women who would agree to help, and he knew any girl he had spoken to previously would just tell him to go fuck himself if he asked any of them -- and there was no way in hell he’d let any of those girls think they were actually his girlfriend. He needed to find a way to get a girl to go on dates with him while still making sure no romantic lines were crossed. 
Again, Hongseok was a smart man, and he had money to spare, so his plan didn’t take long to come up with.
He wanted to get some assistance with his plan, but he had nobody he could tell. Hui and Jinho couldn’t know for obvious reasons, Wooseok, Shinwon and Yanan would just tell everyone else to get him in trouble, Changgu probably wouldn’t listen anyway, and Kino and Yuto were a no-go because they’d just be disappointed in him and would probably eventually let it slip to everyone else. This was something he’d just have to do on his own.
Hongseok searched up a few sugar daddy websites before picking one he found to be the most reliable and least sketchy. This one seemed to have better options, stronger background checks, and overall just seemed to be the safest bet. So he made a profile under sugar daddy and waited for a message or whatever.
It didn’t take long for him to get some inquiries, but he didn’t like any of them. They either weren’t his type or were interested in things he wasn’t looking for. Or they just came on too strong, which was automatically a no from him. He wanted someone he’d consider ‘normal’. Basically wasn’t overly-sexual, was just looking to go on a few ‘dates’ or whatever, and wouldn’t actually call him daddy. But they also had to be someone he’d consider cute or good looking, and it seemed like those two things he was looking for didn’t come hand-in-hand.
At least, not until he got one message around 7:30pm a few days after making the account. He was just hanging out in his apartment and doing what he usually did when he had finished his classes. Then he saw the email notification come up that he had a message from the sugar daddy website, so he went over to his laptop and opened the tab he left.
snflwr: hi!! um i don’t know how to really start this but my name is _____. i feel weird saying i’m interested in like your profile and stuff but i guess that’s basically what it is. uhhhhh yeah lmao i’m sorry i’ve never done stuff like this before
It honestly seemed to be the most normal message he’d gotten. Every other girl was always very straight-forward, but this one seemed to come from someone who was nervous and unsure about what to say. Somehow, he liked that over the overly-confident ones.
He clicked on the little circle for the profile picture to make it pop up on his screen. Not everyone used photos of themselves -- most of the sugar daddies did for obvious reasons, but not a lot of the sugar babies did --  but he always just asked for selfies if that were the case. In this case, the one he was looking at was a photo of their lips.
He went to the profile and read over it. _____ _____, 2 years younger than him, lived in the same area, liked to play video games, and was just looking for someone to spend time with. So far, so good. But it was still such little information that he still couldn’t tell if this person would be normal or not.
yanghong: That’s okay, I’m new to the sugar daddy thing as well lol. Do you mind if I see a photo of you first?
The photo that was sent was at least pleasing to look at. He thought the girl was very cute, actually, but he still had to be positive it was actually her. He could easily be catfished. He wasn’t stupid.
snflwr: can you also prove that’s you in the pfp? lmao
snflwr: no offense but i wouldn’t put it by some old dude to use a younger good looking guy w a six pack to catfish women
Hongseok couldn’t help but chuckle at that. She was funny, too. That was good.
yanghong: Would you want to Facetime? That would definitely prove we’re who we say we are.
It took longer than before for snflwr to reply, but he eventually just got a ‘sure’, followed by her information to contact her. He grabbed his phone to start the call before another message popped up.
snflwr: i’ll be honest, i’m really nervous, so my friend is gonna talk to you first. so like don’t hang up when you see a dude answer lmao that’s not me
Hongseok had to admit, that seemed just a little sus, but sure. So he started the Facetime call and waited.
Sure enough, when they picked up, there was a guy with a black baseball cap on, his blonde hair peeking out through the sides.
“Oh damn, it is him,” he chuckled, looking off camera before looking back at Hongseok. “I’m ______’s friend, Soonyoung. I wanted to make sure you were legit first. She’s...well, she’s shy.”
“But she’s looking for a sugar daddy?” Hongseok chuckled. “Why would she want to go hang out with a stranger if she’s shy.”
Soonyoung just shrugged, “Can’t be too picky in this economy.”
“Lemme see!” another male voice called before a second boy popped his head in frame. This one had cotton-candy-blue hair, and was wearing a brown visor with the name of a local cafe embroidered on it. “Whoa, you are real. I really had my money on you being a creepy old guy.”
“Okay, well now that you know I’m legit,” Hongseok began, “can I actually see that _____ is?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Soonyoung replied before handing the phone over.
Hongseok only saw a few empty tables in the cafe before he suddenly saw your face on screen, your eyes still looking up at the two boys from where you sat. You were laughing a little timidly at someone one of them was doing behind the phone before your eyes settled on the screen.
Thank god, it was the same girl that was in the photo.
“Hi, sorry about that,” you said. Your voice wasn’t necessarily what he expected, but it wasn’t like it was anything bad. It was just...normal. Nothing annoying to listen to or anything. “But uh, yeah. I’m real.”
“Good,” he chuckled. “So tell me a little more about yourself. What do you do for work?”
“Technically, I’m a streamer,” you shrugged, “but it’s only because I’m a full-time student. But obviously it’s not making a lot of money since I’m here doing this.”
Hongseok laughed, “Yeah, I don’t even have a job right now. My parents just make a lot of money, and I’m supposed to take over for my dad when he retires. I’m also a full-time student.”
Neither of you decided to ask where the other went to college because that seemed too personal, especially considering what your arrangement was -- well, hopefully would be.
“So you’re just looking to spend time together?” Hongseok checked. “Not offering anything more?”
“Nope,” you replied. “I don’t really want to do any of the stereotypical stuff you hear about. I’m not...comfortable with that, if that’s okay.”
“That’s perfectly okay,” he nodded. “So...I guess we should talk about how it would all work out then?”
“Yeah, what’s the deal?”
What Hongseok was looking for was proof. Proof that he had a girlfriend, so he needed to make it seem like he did. Going out on dates, texting, stuff like that. Stuff where he could give photo evidence that you existed if his friends asked.
“Just go out with me like, once a week if your schedule allows it,” he explained. “You don’t have to call me or anything, but some texts would be appreciated. You don’t have to talk to me everyday, but don’t just like, ignore me for a week, y’know?”
You shrugged with a nod, “That seems reasonable. I’m down.”
“Okay, so we should talk money, then,” he chuckled. “I was thinking like, $800 a week -- assuming we do go out every week -- and I’ll pay for all of the dates on top of that. Otherwise, just $300 for talking to me every week. Sound fair?”
For a second, he thought he lost connection because you were just frozen on screen. $800 a week? That seemed too good to be true to you.
“U-um, yeah,” you stammered finally, making Hongseok smirk. “That sounds good.”
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Pentagon Masterlist
Rules and Request Information
Key: 🔞- 18+ 🤬 - Angst 😊 - Fluff : 💗 - Female Reader 💙 - Male Reader 💜 - Gender Neutral Reader
Gone - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Suddenly people keep disappearing, but you’re the only one who can remember them. -  Warnings: Disappearing themes (somewhat explained, not really), stalker themes, forgotten/abandonment themes, yandere themes? at the end kinda.
Petal Parade - 😊💜 - Summary: When you’d accidentally shared something about yourself thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal you didn’t expect them to react like this. - Warnings: Some slight anxiety (like social anxiety), but I think that’s it.
Something New - 😊🔞💗 - Summary: You wanted to add a little spice in the bedroom. -  Warnings: Bondage/Handcuffs, soft dom/sub themes, overstimulation, oral, implied sex.
Family - 😊🤬💗-  Summary: Hwitaek swore to protect his family no matter what, and he would do so with a vengeance if necessary. He was going to ensure people knew not to mess with him. - Warnings: Vampire themes, kidnapping themes, some violence.
Start With the Basics - 😊🔞💗 - Summary: You knew you wanted Jinho to be your first, and he knew he was going to take his time with you. -  Warnings: Virgin reader, oral sex (f! receiving), honestly not much I think this one is relatively soft and mild.
Step 2 - 🔞💗 -  Summary: Short continuation of Start With the Basics - You wanted Jinho to be your first, and you were only willing to be patient because of how amazing he looked when like this for you. - Warnings: Protected sex, fingering, praise kink, virgin reader, teasing mentions of corruption kink, cursing.
Affair - 🤬🔞💜- Summary: This is the last thing you would have expected from Hongseok, but now you saw it...right before your very eyes. - Warnings: Cheating themes, it’s gender neutral reader but he cheats with a woman, heartbreak, mentions of nudity, crying, mentions of sex (Hongseok is literally caught cheating, so...).
Love Stings - 🔞💜 - Summary: Shinwon decided to be a cheeky little shit, so you decided to return the favor. -  Warnings: Biting, marking, possessive, slight exhibitionist kink? kinda sorta.
License to Kill -  🤬💜-  Summary: His system was flawless, until you came along and had to figure him out. - Warnings: Serial killer themes, undercover agent/detective themes.
Yeo One:
Glitch - 🤬💜 -  Summary: As if finding out that your whole life was a lie wasn’t bad enough, you then find out that it was all thanks to the person you loved. - Warnings: Robots (not like a take over, but just pretty much all that exists anymore), science experiments, some angsty themes, uncertainty, blood (but it’s fake from the robots so..).
Home Alone - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Suddenly everyone over a certain age is gone, with no explanation and now you have to figure out how to survive. -  Warnings: Themes of abandonment? kinda, mentions of death.
Tough Love - 😊💜 - Summary: Yanan is starting feel left out and it’s kind of making him regret getting you a kitten to love instead of him. He’ll get his attention soon enough though. - Warnings: Scratches and biting (from a kitten), that’s it I think.
Rings - 🔞💜 - Summary: You might like it a little too much when Yuto wears rings. -  Warnings: Ring kink, hand kink, spanking, choking, dom/sub themes, hard dom, degradation, master kink, brat taming.
Thief - 😊💜-  Summary: Yuto’s finally figured out who’s stealing his clothes, and he’s not having it anymore.
Changed - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Everyone has been changing and you think you just met the next person who will. -  Warnings: Pandemic, cure, side effects, body transformations, blood, gore, dystopian.
Kino In Bed - 😊🔞💜 - Headcanons - Warnings: 18+, NSFW
Devil in Disguise - 😊🤬💜-  Summary: You knocked on the wrong persons door, and now all he wants to do is lure you into his trap. - Warnings: Devil themes, mildly suggestive.
Unwind - 😡😊🔞💗 - Summary: Hyunggu just wants to be the most loving boyfriend and take all your stress away. You’ll let him take care of you, won’t you? - Warnings: Stress, crying, slight dom/sub dynamics if you squint, oral (reader receiving), praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, unprotected sex (be safe).
Play Thing - 🔞💜-  Summary: Wooseok was everything you wanted in a dom, that’s why you hired him. That doesn’t mean you were always good and obedient though, where would the fun be in that? - Warnings: Hired dom, bdsm themes, dom/sub themes, brat taming, bongage, shibari, spanking/impact play, implied smut, cursing, degradation, hair pulling, sir kink.
-coming soon-
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Pentagon: Reaction to Cockwarming
“ptg reaction to cocwarming plssssssssssss”
A/N I know next to nothing about cockwarming so like i had to google it but it really wast helpful lol so if this is shite...sorry lmao
Jinho: You would probably be the one to suggest it. He’d be super turned on by the control aspect of it, but I don't think he’d be able to stop himself from moving inside of you lol. 9 times out of 10 it would probably turn into sex, the other 1 time, he'd probably just give up and pull out...he loves it in theory, not so much in practice.
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Hui: He’d be the one to suggest it. I think he'd like it, but it'd probably take some finessing, almost like training if you will lmao. Each time he'd stay inside you a little bit longer, so that now y’all can actually stay there together without him getting the urge to just pound into you lmao
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Hongseok: He was the one who suggested it and tbh, it's probably one of his favourite things to do lol. Especially whenever he's had a tough day and just wants to connect with you but he doesn't have the energy for proper sex. He finds it so relaxing to just lay with you, but still be able to get off whenever he wanted to.
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Shinwon: First of all...GOOD LUCK LMAO. Because he would really not be able to keep still or relax at all. He'd try to go along with what you suggested, bc he wants to please you but he just can't stay still lol, ain't happening...srry.
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Yeo One: It would probably be you who brought it up. He wants to like it, really he does, but he just doesn't understand it. Even though he would like the closeness of it, he just feels so beyond awkward. He’d try it a couple times but I dont really think he’d vibe with it
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Yanan: It would be something you both would've brought up in passing at some point. For some reason he’d love it even though more often that not he finds it impossible to contain himself. Maybe he just likes to torture himself lol idk.
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Yuto: You would have to bee the one to suggest it, probably multiple times lol. He’d be a bit perturbed by it tbh, he’d really take some convincing. But I feel like after yall had tried it a couple times, he would be the one to bring it up. It’d be something he’d like to do in the mornings, like some kind of foreplay until he gets the energy for proper sex lol
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Kino: He would have been the one who suggested it initially. He totally loves it. It usually acts as some kind of after sex cooldown lol, when y’all are both coming down but he doesn’t wanna pull out of you just yet. Even better if the both of yall fall asleep like that lol.
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Wooseok: He wouldn't necessary like it, but he wouldn't hate it either. It’d just be something he was partial to that yall did every now and then. He’s totally impartial about it lol. He’d be surprisingly good at keeping still and only moving in response if you started to initiate something. If it’s something that you like, he’d more than happily comply, but I dont picture him initiating it lol.
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bananban-feature · 4 years
Stan Talent, Stan Pentagon
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So many reasons to stan Pentagon:
1. Self-Produced
They just have a ton of talented songwriters in here! Cube is popular for self-produced idols after all, like BtoB, another super talented group.
Hui is a composer-producer, not really a secret because he’s well-known as a genius as he also composed hit songs for other popular groups (such as Energetic by Wanna One)
Kino and Wooseok wrote a lot of songs in their albums too, including some of my favorites Spring Snow (Kino) and Nostalgia (Wooseok). Kino also wrote their special single Eternal Flame. Wooseok had a big contribution in writing my absolute favorite, Daisy (but mostly written by Hui), and honestly his songwriting talent seems to be underrated.
Jinho has also composed a few and helped write a lot. Yuto also composed songs (aside from his rap lines), one song being Camella that a lot of “unis” love. *Universe/Unis = fandom name
Both Kino and Yuto have their own soundclouds for the songs they write/produce.
Yeo One composed his own solo songs (yes, even as rookies, they were already composing), and they’re actually so good. 
Also, in general, they are so creative in their songs and performances. Example: their Road To Kingdom performances, and also their super fun b-sides like Round 1 and Round 2!
My personal favorites: Obviously the genius Hui, Wooseok (I love him so much!), and Kino (such a talented person)
2. Vocal Kings
Their main vocals (Hui and Jinho) are absolutely top-tier vocalists, two of the strongest ones in the kpop world (imo).
Jinho was LITERALLY a vocal coach of kpop stars. Incredible vocal range.
Their lead vocals Hongseok (actually now a main vocal) and Yeo One are potential main vocals! And their sub-vocals, Kino (honestly surprised he was a sub-vocal cause he’s waaaay too good to be sub!), Yan An and Shinwon, are on par or better than other groups’ lead vocals, imo.
Vocal kings of harmonization. I love it so much, they sound so good! They take after their sunbaes BtoB, the OG harmonization kings. (Song references: You Are, and Shine acapella version).
Wooseok and Yuto’s rap are also so good! Honestly, I go crazy sometimes, especially with Wooseok’s delivery.
Edit, random trivia: I actually found out Wooseok auditioned in Cube as a vocalist and a model. Thank God, he discovered his talent in rapping later on, because dang, this guy is SICK. His rap touches my heart. He is proof that the basis of what a good rapper is doesn’t need to be about how fast you can say your words.
My personal favorites: Hui, Jinho, and Yeo One (what a beautiful voice, and he’s so good and stable live, halp huhu, totally underrated), Wooseok’s rap (I’m a big fan, my eyes are filled with hearts)
3. Musical ability (in general) and Dance
Being composers/producers, they have a good understanding of music theory and techniques, especially for Hui (obviously, the genius), Jinho (as a vocal coach) and Kino (I think).
Musical Instruments: Almost all of them (except for Hongseok) plays musical instruments
Piano: Hui, Jinho, Kino, Shinwon - I have to make a special note here. These guys can really play. They’re not the type to say they play the piano but only press a few chords here and there a bit and sing a song. They play their keys!
Guitar: Yuto (he is really good! he posts electric guitar covers on Twitter), Wooseok, Jinho, Hui, Yeo One, Shinwon
Erhu (Chinese traditional instrument): Yan An - studied it for 10 years. Haha! This is so unique, I’ve never seen him play it, and it’s not exactly a useful instrument to have for kpop music, but I love it!
Edit: I also found out Wooseok can play the violin. Not only that, he’s won a violin competition.. I couldn’t believe it! Violin it’s such a hard instrument. It’s not easy to be good at violin, let alone win a violin competition. Wooseok really surprises me with the musical talent he has sometimes.
Dance: Quite obvious as a kpop idol group, even though admittedly they aren’t exactly the best as a whole group. 
But anyway, Kino is the main dancer. (Also known for being such a good dancer of girl group songs. Hihi cute)
Lead dancers: Hui, Yuto, Yeo One
Apparently, Kino is also the choreographer! I think he was the main choreographer for Daisy. (Don’t @ me, I’m not sure. But in general, yes, he does choreograph for the group.)
My personal favorites: Kino, Hui - this also includes stage presence.
4. Visuals
Their official visual is Yan An. (Pentagon is whipped for Yanan, btw.)
Other unofficial visuals, at least in my book: Yuto, Hongseok, Yeo One, Kino (but tbf, as a well-loved idol group, everyone becomes an unofficial visual)
Shinwon was actually a legit model before being an idol, and he became viral for being “the handsome part-timer” at a cafe Exo went to.
Men’s Health Korea models (YES, ACTUAL MEN’S HEALTH COVER BOYS aka gym freaks): Hongseok, Yeo One. *PS: I have a feeling Yuto will also be on there soon, one of these days
Let me just reiterate though that while Hongseok is known for his muscles, he more than his abs. He’s smart, funny, and talented, as you can see in this whole post. So yeah, basically, please don’t objectify him.
My personal favorites: Yuto (the reason why I checked Pentagon out in the first place! my heart went deugun deugun), Hongseok (what a great face, beautiful eyes), Yeo One (cutie), Kino (very very pretty face)
*check ending for gifs/pics*
5. Other talents
Literally THREE of them are musical theatre actors, and all were actually the main characters in their respective musicals: Jinho (already a theatre sunbae), Hui and Yeo One. Honestly, this shows both acting skills and strong vocal ability. (Imagine the strong vocal ability of the lead vocal, in PTG, Yeo One, a main character of a musical. It gives you an idea of how good the vocal line up is.)
I think some of them had some acting in dramas, like Hongseok and Yeo One
Update: Yanan and Wooseok are also on dramas/will be on dramas now. That makes almost everybody in Pentagon (still waiting for Yuto and Shinwon) an actor.
Another update: Kino is now hosting his second podcast with Dive Studios! :)
Hongseok, Jinho and Kino speaks three languages pretty comfortably: Hongseok/Jinho (Korean, English, Chinese), Kino (Korean, English, Japanese) ---not super fluent but able to have good conversations. And foreigners Yanan (Korean, Chinese), and Yuto (Korean, Japanese) are obviously fluent bilinguals.
Kino drew and painted the album art for WE:TH / daisy. He even gifted a painted version to Hui for his studio!
6. Personality
Let me start by saying Pentagon is a crazy group. They aren’t really kids but they are so chaotic. I love that they have no filter!
Even the leader, Hui, who’s not really young, is very chaotic! Hui is actually such a cutie pie. And also so funny, especially in their TMIs
Hongseok is so funny, so witty, and has absolutely no shame. I love it!
Shinwon is very witty, and is known to be the mood-maker of the group.
Yeo One is a little 4D. He’s like a messy kid and sometimes has his own world. :)) An absolute cutie!!!
Kino is the sweetest person ever! He never fails to tell Universe how much he appreciates us.
Jinho is known to be the kind and caring hyung they can depend on.
My personal favorites: Hongseok (hilarious and crazy, has me dying), Hui, Yeo One (ugghhhh super cute personality!), Kino also!!!
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Overall: They have a bunch of all-rounders! (My personal favorite all-rounders: Hui, Kino, and Yeo One) They’re so talented and deserve a lot of recognition and support.
Hui is my bias and my ult, but I can’t decide who’s my next bias.
Update: I think Kino is my next bias, cause he’s just so good, so multi-talented! I can’t with this guy. I’m even considering adding him to my ult list.
But my gosh, Changgu is absolutely adorable. Wooseok talent. Huhu idk if second tier bias or...
***Not to be this obsessive OT10 fan, but I really like Dawn (formerly E’Dawn), so I’m writing his skills as well: Great composer (Shine, one of my faves huhu), such a great Rapper (he gets some amount of hate for his voice, but I actually really like it!), Main Dancer (what a good dancer tbh), and very unique personality. I love him, he’s so talented. (But anyway, even with him gone, Pentagon isn’t lacking! They’re still so great!)
If you wanna see my fave visuals, click below:
The legendary Yuto ponytail
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PG-13 Hongseok GIFs only!!!
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Also PG-13 Changgu only 
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Sweet sweet Kino
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milkybonya · 4 years
Can I request a Soulmate Au series with Pentagon? Please 👉👈 (if possible could you start with Hongseok?) *also my english sucks so I'm really sorry
hello lovely anon!! you are my first request hehe i’m so excited !!! also your english is AMAZING so don’t you worry
I hope you like it !! if this is too short, you can request a part 2 as well
Other members: Soulmate!Kino / Soulmate!Shinwon / Soulmate!Yeo One / Soulmate!Jinho / Soulmate!Hui / Soulmate!Yanan / Soulmate!Yuto / Soulmate!Wooseok
Soulmate!Hongseok Au
Part 2
Warnings: mentions of pain/injuries
Pairing: Soulmate!Hongseok x reader
Summary: From the age of six, you feel pain every time your soulmate does until you find out who it is.
Song recommendation to listen to while reading: Hongseok’s cover of an OST by Baekhyun, find it here
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[a/n]: omg look i found a gif of Hongseok singing the Baekhyun cover ^
On your sixth birthday, the first time you felt your soulmate’s pain was on your knees. It felt like a scrape, as if you’d fallen on gravel. When you looked down, your knees showed no signs of being hurt though, and you were confused.
When you told one of your friends at your birthday party about it, they said, “you’re six now. It must be your soulmate! He must’ve fallen down…”
Although your knees burned a little, you were more worried about your soulmate. Was he doing okay? Why did he fall?
Over the years, you didn’t feel too much pain, and you were glad to know that your soulmate was taking good care of himself. Sometimes, you would feel a small scratch on your hand - the telltale feeling of a paper cut. You guessed your soulmate liked to read books.
One or twice, you felt something hot against your hands and guessed your soulmate had burned himself while cooking or eating. You would also feel a sharp pain in one of your toes or elbows sometimes, and you knew your soulmate had bumped into something. It was always small pains like that.
You took good care of yourself too, not wanting your soulmate to feel pain. Everything was fine until you reached your teenage years.
The muscle pains. The muscles pains. Oh, were they bad. Your arms, shoulders, legs, even your stomach burned for a good hour everyday. It was the burning feeling of exercise - your soulmate was working out. While you were proud of him for being so healthy, you wished he would give you a break, because you could feel the pain from all of his hard work too.
One day after many years of enduring his workout pain, you decided you were going to get him back. You had been so nice to him all of these years, always taking good care of your body so he would never have to feel any of your pain. This time, you were going to work out, and he was going to feel every bit of it.
You went to the gym that was closest to your home and walked to the front desk to sign up for a membership. There were a lot of people behind the desk, some waiting to help and others talking in the Employees Only room in the back. They all looked fit, and you assumed they were personal trainers.
After filling out the forms, you put them all neatly in a pile so you could hand them to the lady who had been helping you, but you were moving so quickly that the edge of one of the papers pressed again your palm and you got a small paper cut.
When you did, you heard a yelp from the Employees Only room in the back. Even the lady who had been helping you turned around to see what was going on.
“Just a paper cut I think, don’t worry!” A boy said in the back, waving his hand around. You thought it was funny how you both got a paper cut at the same time.
“Oh, it looks like you got a paper cut too. Do you need a band-aid?” The lady behind the desk kindly asked you.
“No, that’s okay,” you responded, since the cut was very small anyway.
“Okay, so I think because it is your first time coming to a gym, it would be good to start with a personal trainer. You can see what it’s like and choose to continue without one. Does that sound good?” The lady explained.
“Yep, that’s fine!” You responded.
The lady proceeded to ask you about your schedule so she could set up times when you could meet your personal trainer.
“This is perfect! One of our trainers who fits your schedule is here right now, I can bring him and he can show you around.”
She went into the back room and when she walked back, the same boy who had gotten a paper cut earlier walked out.
“Hongseok, can you show this person around? You’re going to be training them,” she said to Hongseok.
“Sure,” he replied, looking at you and giving you a big smile. “My name is Hongseok, I’ll be your trainer from today. Let’s go look around the gym!”
He walked around the desk and together, you went to the gym area. He carefully explained all of the equipment to you, and every time he turned to you to make sure you understood what he was saying, his eyes would stare right into yours. You weren’t sure why, but your heart would race and you would have to look away.
After the quick tour was over, he turned to you, hands on his hips. “So, how about we get started today with a quick workout?”
“That sounds good!” You felt so happy to finally be able to make your soulmate feel the same burning that you had to feel everyday.
Hongseok led you to where there were some mats on the ground. “Let’s start with some stretches to warm up,” he said.
He told you to stretch out your calves by touching your toes, demonstrating before asking you to do it. Strangely enough, right when he did it, you also felt pain in your calves. You thought to yourself that wherever your soulmate was, he was also starting his workout at the same time as you.
When you stretched just like Hongseok showed you, he placed his hand on your back and gently pushed you down, encouraging you to stretch as much as you could. You felt such a sharp burn in your legs and smiled, knowing that your soulmate must also be feeling it.
When you finished the first stretch, you stood straight up to notice an uncomfortable look on your trainer’s face. He starting rubbing his calves.
“Are you okay?” You asked him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. My calves really hurt… That’s okay, let’s keep going!” he laughed lightly and showed you the next stretch, but you could tell he was hiding something.
With every stretch, Hongseok would demonstrate first and you would feel pain every time. You thought you were either so afraid of exercising that you were imagining things, or your soulmate really was doing the exact same workout as you.
Hongseok would make sure he was always near you whenever you stretched, making sure you were balanced, always placing a hand on you to encourage you to stretch further. He always looked uncomfortable though, and you were starting to get worried.
He walked you to the treadmill and showed you how all of the buttons work. He set you up for a light jog and stood right beside the treadmill, making sure you were doing okay. You felt a little uncomfortable with him watching your every move, but it encouraged you to work even harder. Your entire body was aching, but you kept going.
You were a little disappointed, though. You expected more encouragement from him, but his face looked sour and he kept spacing out. It was making you a little angry, so you ran even harder.
At some point, your chest started to ache as you breathed heavily. Your legs felt heavy, you were so tired but you kept going.
Beside you, Hongseok was panting with a hand on his chest. He was doubled over and placed a hand on your treadmill, signalling you to stop. 
You came to a stop and stepped off, bending down to take a look at his face.
“Hey, are you okay? You haven’t seemed so well during this whole thing,” you said.
He looked up at you and his face was all scrunched up, full of pain. His eyes looked into yours, and you had to look away again. He took a sip of water and stood up straight.
“Haven’t you noticed what’s going on?” He asked you.
“What’s… going on?” you repeated, confused.
“Every time you’ve been doing the stretches, my muscles also hurt. Just now when you ran, I felt like I was going to die. I thought it was a coincidence, but it can’t be. You even have a paper cut on your hand,” he said, holding your hand to show you the paper cut. “I felt when you got that at the reception desk,” he explained.
Your eyes widened as you realized what was going on this entire time. None of this was a coincidence, your soulmate was right in front of you!
“So it’s you? You who works out every day and makes me feel so tired and full of pain?” you asked, pointing at him. 
He laughed and scratched his neck. “Yeah, it’s me, your soulmate. I’m sorry for making you hurt all this time… Wow now I really know what it felt like though, that sucked,” he said.
You sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You were annoyed, confused, shocked… but also amazed. This was your soulmate! This tanned man with rounded lips and beautiful eyes was your soulmate! And now that you had found him, you wouldn’t feel pain anymore.
“Let’s keep working out,” Hongseok said, winking, “and I’ll treat you to something healthy after we’re done.”
Part 2
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bomnun · 4 years
5, 13, 15!
heyy! thank you so much for asking !!  💖 💖
5. what is your favorite album? i...had a hard time picking but i think for now it’s we:th because it’s the era i stanned in for real. it was the first time i listened through the entire album after it came out and every song is so distinct and so memorable but it works so well as an album concept too and i hardly ever skip any of the songs from there. daisy and paradise are two of my most played pentagon songs in the past few months and the rest of the tracks arent far behind. (as i’ve said before there’s a part of my brain that’s constantly playing daisy and for some reason paradise sends me into another dimension ? every single time?) i like crying and i like flower aesthetics too so it really is just That album for me. (i’m gonna say that thumbs up! is probably the second because, again, it’s an album that i see a very coherent theme in and it’s such a mood booster.)
13. who would you like to switch bodies with for a day? if it gave me any sort of look into the person’s brain too it would be hui. i really want to know what goes on inside there and how his brain works and how the cogs move. i wonder what it’s like to have a brain that arranges music while sleeping and i would really love that insight into his genius mind. if not and only the body then kino bc i would like to try being coordinated and, like, capable of dancing for once! that would be fun.
15,  would you rather live in dorm a or dorm b? i struggled with this bc they both have their pros...and cons...but i came to the conclusion that even though there are scary pranksters everywhere i am Afraid of yanan and what he might do next after the boiler thing. i’m sensitive towards any changes in the environment and i couldn’t manage if someone suddenly turned the heat up to 72 degrees. i don’t think dorm a would be too great either, but kino’s there and i feel like it’d be cozy and fun to paint with him and make him read my favorite books talk about books. he feels like he’d be fun to be friends with. i really want some of shinwon’s inner peace he’s been channeling too, maybe i can acquire some through osmosis by being in his vicinity. but yeah im scared of him and honk too. just realized everyone i’ve seen answer this have answered dorm b...is there something i should be aware of or am i just weird?
pentagon asks
sorry it took me so long sdshjfkdfhs
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kweebtrash · 5 years
When I Was In Love (M)
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Sexual Liberation Ch 14-Everyone Focused
Pairings: Hui/Kino/Hongseok/E’Dawn x Reader/OC
Genre: College AU, Smut, Angst
Summary: College is about experimentation, being free, and having no strings attached fun. Hui, Kino, And E’Dawn have messed around with their best friend ever since last spring. Now that summer is over and they’re back in America, their sexual antics have intensified especially when everyone starts catching feels. Throw Hongseok into the mix and it creates a swirling mess of emotions and an ultimate decision that might hurt everyone.
Warning: a lot of angst, multiple POV’s
Features: there’s some small sexual details but not any full scenes.
Word Count: <10k
A/N: Hey guys and thanks for reading all the way to the end of S.L. Thank you for being patient with the extended delay between Ch 13 and this one. I’m still in the process of writing more Pentagon stories, it’s just taking me longer because lmao I have 50 million ideas and never am able to finish them. I appreciate all the feedback for the story and am still in the process of getting all the chapters updated. This one is written a bit differently and I hoped that it would give more insight on everyone’s relationship with the MC. One more little thing...don’t hate me ok? See you at the end of the chapter!
Teenage Heartbreak Queen-Kino
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I sighed and ran a hand over my face as I surveyed my almost barren room. Spring semester was officially over and i had to stuff my entire life into a luggage and head back to Korea for the summer. My last few days in America had been spent cramming for finals and packing and I longed for more sleep. My body was starting to give out on me. I was hardly looking forward to the almost 17 hour flight back. I stepped out of my room, hauling out a bag of trash to the hallway. Beside me were the empty rooms of my hyungs, already long gone and living their lives back home. Their nonexistent presence made the dorm eerily quiet and left me too much in my head. There were thoughts bubbling up that I didn’t have enough energy to exert on right now but they still weighed on my shoulders. I hadn’t gotten a chance to ask Hui-hyung or Hyo-hyung if they had said goodbye to her.
We had been around her almost the entire semester like we were all attached to one another and clinging to some semblance of fun, pleasure, and the most nauseating and scary feeling of possibly love. Nights on end were spent with us occupying each others beds. I had given up my virginity to her in a whirlwind of anger and frustration. I would never forget the way she looked pressed against the mirrors of the dance practice room; her breath and heated body creating foggy imprints as I pushed into her from behind. I had been confident at first but as soon as she was naked in front of me I choked. Every nerve in my body seemed to have tensed and I almost chickened out. But the way she clutched at me, begged me to keep going, it spurred me further until we collapsed on the floor with a layer of stickiness between us.
We were fuck buddies; in fact she had made it abundantly clear that we were only fuck buddies. I wasn’t any more important than Hui- hyung or Hyojong-hyung. Our first night together was just an experience she could add onto her list while I was still forcing myself to come to terms with the fact that she slept with other people. I had given in to her persuasion of threesomes, especially when we had all found out that we had been fucking her, but lately a nagging voice in the back of my mind had been stirring up feelings of jealousy and minute possessiveness. I didn’t want to start thinking about the pathetic, romantic, and scary things that I had never experienced before. I repressed it more each time they threatened to rip through the surface. I was trying to convince myself that I wasn’t slowly falling in love with her and that as soon as I ran away to Korea everything would be fixed.
I, myself, didn’t want to say goodbye to her even though that was the right thing to do. It would possibly give me some closure instead of giving into my cowardice and also given the uncertainty of our future together. I was still working to see if I could continue studying abroad and if i succeeded there was no guarantee that I would have classes again with her, even though we were both dance majors. I was still afraid though, always afraid of everything with her. I tiptoed around that fine line of love and friendship too often to my liking. Just one look into her eyes now would send me to my knees in a fit of desperation and longing. I shook my head to try and clear the quarreling thoughts from my mind and instead go back to making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned before peeling off the miniature calendar I had above my desk. I threw the angry reminder of deadlines and stress into another trash bag, ready to toss it into the hallway next.
I was rechecking my desk drawers to see if I had emptied them out for sure when there was a rushed pounding at the front door. I was confused as to who the hell it would be. It was almost midnight and I would have to leave for my red eye flight around 4:30. I didn’t have time to deal with anyone. I grumbled and stalked over to the door, swinging it open and ready to yell at whoever was going to make me late.
My mouth snapped shut as soon as I saw her. Her cheeks were streaked with tears. Her chest was heaving as she tried to regain her breath and she looked at me as if i was a beacon of hope in her world. She held me tight, burying her face in my chest and clutching at my shirt. I barely had time to formulate a response. My body reacted instinctively, wrapping my arms around her. I knew that I didn’t want to let her go. I could infer that perhaps she was crying over the hyungs leaving. Maybe they had talked with her and she still wasn’t okay with it or maybe it was something entirely different. I swallowed down my sigh, irritated that my plan to avoid her had gone awry. I had to face my demons now which was a battle I hadn’t prepared for.
“Th-they left.” She said through soft hiccups. “They didn’t even say goodbye. Why would they do that? I thought-” Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to steady her voice. “I thought we were friends. They should’ve at least told me when they were leaving!”
So they hadn’t told her at all.
She wiped the tears from her eyes with her sweater sleeve and continued. “I just...we spent all this time together. I thought it was the least that they could do.” She looked up at me finally and I knew what she was going to ask before it even left her lips. My hold spread to her shoulders, clutching tightly to brace myself for my impending lie. “Were you even going to tell me when you left?”
“Of course,” It came out much smoother than I had anticipated. “But there was just so much going on with finals and packing up that I almost didn’t have time. I leave in a few hours. My flight’s at 6 but I have to leave around 4:30 or so.”
“Oh great. Just great.” She fiddled with a stray thread on her sleeve, averting her gaze. “Nevermind then. I’ll leave you to your packing.”
I pushed my hair back and exhaled. “It’s not like that ok? Sometimes saying goodbye is harder than we think. Sometimes it just feels easier to not do it at all. We care about you...maybe a little too much.” I mumbled at the end.
“It certainly doesn’t feel that way.”
“Well, it’s the truth. I’m sorry that they didn’t let you know, hell I didn’t even know when they were leaving until they walked out the door.” I wanted to invite her inside. It felt just wrong to leave her out here to wallow and stay caught up in emotions that were obviously paining her. I nodded towards the inside of the dorm, bringing her in and shutting the door softly behind us.
“Kino...i really am gonna miss you. I’m gonna miss all of you. Well I already do but you know what I mean.”
“You mean you’re gonna miss our dicks.” I nudged her, trying to lighten the mood just a bit. She cracked a little smile finally and hit my stomach playfully.
“Not just that, jerk! We had a lot of good times together. I mean I’m even missing Wooseok and Shinwon, Yuto, Yanan, Yeo Onnie, Jinho-everyone! I know i’m heading back home soon too but home doesn’t feel like home without my friends. Sorry,” she sniffed. “I’m being lame.”
I shook my head. “No, you’re not. You’re seriously not. I…” My heart felt heavy again. “I’m gonna miss you too.” That confession, that tiny little confession, was when i felt myself cross that threshold. She was no longer just my friend. She was someone I wanted, someone I thought about, someone I sang about, someone I danced with, someone I felt in the very core of my soul. She was the person I was in love with.
Her smile ignited happiness inside me like a phoenix flame that rose from the ashes of weeks of lying to myself. She wrapped her arms around me again and I kept her closer this time. I settled my arms at her lower back practically crushing her to me. And when we separated just a bit, our eyes locked. Our soft chuckles of uncertainty filled the space between us until our lips closed the distance, meeting in a rush so intense I almost felt lightheaded. Her hands trailed to my shoulders, my hair, my face, seeming like she wanted to engrave the way i felt into her skin. Step by step we moved back towards my room. I had to catch her when she tripped over my suitcase and she laughed. It was like music to my ears that could inspire me to write a book of lyrics. I kicked the suitcase out of the way and we continued our journey to my bed. Our clothes eventually got tossed aside in between kisses and sweet caresses. My body always reacted to her touch at a moments notice. Every moan she made when i laid nibbles to her neck and shoulders and the way her breath stayed in her lungs as my fingers dove between her thighs had my blood boiling.
I loved the way she felt. Her slick lips always made me hungry and though I hated going down on anyone I would do it for her. She coated my tastebuds with each trail i made with my tongue. My finger dug into her plush thighs, feeling the muscles ripple when I hit a particularly sensitive spot. When i sucked her into my mouth she created a sweet symphony that made me dig my hips into the mattress just to try and relieve some of the pressure. Her hands were back to my hair again, clawing into my scalp and wrenching locks around her fingers. That pressure sent a shiver down my spine and i dove deeper, trying to dig out the orgasm that she deserved.
She said my name as if it was her new favorite curse word, over and over again until she could barely breathe. I pulled away from her then, licking my lips and wiping her trace from my chin and nose. I kissed up her stomach, towards her breasts and neck until our lips met again and i could share her between us. “Please Kino…” She set her forehead against mine, holding me between her palms. “Please don’t leave me…”
My heart shattered. She knew that i had to. I knew that i had to. I couldn’t stay here in the summer. I had nowhere to live, no money to support myself, and permission that only lasted nine months. The truth was more painful than the goodbye at this point and the only thing that could bring us comfort was more lies. I swallowed hard and finally looked at her. Just as i sank into her depths and pulled her close I told her what I wished was the god awful truth. “I’ll never leave you.”
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“That was literally the best Marvel movie! Hands down!” She said as we exited the theater.
“No way? The best? Are you sure it’s better than Hulk and your pretty boy Thor?” I laughed. We had just finished seeing Venom in our town’s local theater, weeks after it’s initial release and taking full advantage of student discount day. With the end of the semester creeping closer and piecing together everything that happened between us at Halloween, it was really nice to do something together as friends. I had to admit that I still thought about that night. I tortured myself with wondering if she thought about it too. I couldn’t believe the way I had acted then. It wasn’t like me at all and I felt ashamed more than anything. If I hadn’t drank that night I wouldn’t even have had a ounce of the courage I did to ask her to help me lose my virginity. In fact, I would’ve been a bumbling mess and messed everything up. A small part of me had worried that we would never be the same after that, that our relationship was over and could never be repaired. But when she asked me to go with her to this movie it was like a light washed over my heart and I could breathe a little easier.
I had no idea what to really call our “relationship” to be quite honest. I stuck with the term ‘friends’ but i had come to realize all too quickly that I wanted that term to morph into something better. I felt like a preteen with a crush. Every time she was near me my heart would race, my palms would get sweaty, and i overthought everything so bad that I ended up stuttering more than i meant to. I wasn’t sure if she even noticed but I did and it only made me more anxious. Even tonight, my face felt red hot with embarrassment. During the movie, she got closer to me and i wished the armrest between our chairs hadn’t existed. Then, as cliche as it sounded, our hands touched when we both dug into the popcorn bucket at the same time. She made a joke out of it, hitting the back of my hand playfully and shooing me away from her hoard. It made me smile more than anything, my whole body tingling with giddiness. God, she was so beautiful and I felt like I still wasn’t even on her radar.
We walked to her car, occasionally bumping into each other. “Yes, i like it even better than Thor, okay? Though Ragnarok was extremely good too. Venom was my favorite in Spiderman 3 even though no one likes to talk about that movie. I think he more than made up for Tobey Mcguire’s awkward dancing and emo hair.”
I laughed and shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat. “Well, you may be onto something even if I don’t agree entirely.”
“Yeah, yeah. Ironman, blah blah blah.”
“Hey!” I nudged her with my shoulder, making her stumble. “Don’t talk about him like that!”
She giggled and ran ahead of me. “Ironman couldn’t even save Spidey from the Infinity Stones.”
I gasped loudly. “You take that back! That was a very emotional time for me and you know it!”
She unlocked her car and opened the door, sliding in while I was still prepared to make an argument. I shuffled quickly to catch up and get in beside her. “You know, it’s still pretty early.”
“Yeah it is. I can start my presentation about how what you just said was completely wrong and uncalled for!” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.
“Seokkie, you know I’m just joking.” The nickname, no matter how simple, made my stomach explode into a kaleidoscope of butterflies. I pretended to pout some more which made her laugh and tug at my coat, desperate to get on my good side again. She began poking my sides, making me squirm and swat at her annoying antics. I loved the way we could joke around. It felt like I was at home, a place of safety and protectiveness that barricaded me from the worse feelings I had. I could be myself around her, wholeheartedly. I didn’t have to keep up the facade my parents wanted me to create. I didn’t even have to think about grading papers and essays or trying to deal with my professor breathing down my neck. When i was with her I was just a normal 20-something year old college student enjoying life and taking it easy. It was the best feeling in the world to forget about the worries that constantly bombarded my mind. The freedom to talk about what made me happy with the person that made me happy was something that I held onto so dearly.
In between me struggling to keep her prodding at bay she turned to tickling me, a torture I hated more than anything. I grabbed her hands and squeezed them tight, turning towards her and accidentally knocking our heads together. We reeled back, rubbing the sore spots on our foreheads as the result of my stupidity. “Crap, sorry!” I said.
She winced and rubbed at the pain faster. “Way to give me a concussion with that hard ass head of yours!”
“Well, if you hadn’t been tickling me we wouldn’t have this problem, huh?!” I looked up at her, noticing how we were now face to face with the center console barely putting a barrier between us. Her eyes held my gaze for a moment before jumping up to my forehead. Suddenly, she leaned in close, pressing her lips to the tender area. It only lasted micro seconds but I clung to the way her perfume wafted into my senses and the gentleness she exhibited. I opened my mouth trying to fathom any response but nothing came out. I was stunned, retreating to my feelings of a preteen boy in love.
In love...A tiny word that held so much weight to it. Could i really be in love with someone I just met not even two months ago? I had no idea what love was like but I knew what I felt was something entirely different than anything I had ever experienced. Surely, if people could believe that there was love at first sight then there was no harm in feeling the most vulnerable of connections with someone after two months. My heart thundered in my chest every time that word came up and I could feel my entire body quaking with fear of the unknown. What’s to say would happen in this car with her by my side? What did i even want to happen in this very moment? Did i want her to profess her love to me or did I want to face the possible reality of her tossing my heart into a forgotten oblivion? “What are you thinking about?” The question came out as a breath against my lips and she seemed to have gotten closer to me. Her elbow rested on the console while her fingers eased over mine.
I wanted to scream that I was thinking about her, always thinking about her, in the best ways, the worst ways, the most lustful and sinful of ways. I cleared my throat as if to remind myself to put the latter thought in a trapped box where it belonged. Instead, i came up with a generic answer that still didn’t seem to satisfy her. “Just the movie…”
“Liar.” She caught on instantly. “Something’s on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?”
“Uh…” I had no idea how to respond without possibly hinting at my true feelings.
“We could go back to the plateau. Remember?”
“Yeah, i remember getting drunk off my ass and making a fool out of myself.”
“Well, there’s no alcohol this time so no harm, no foul right?” She set her keys in the ignition, bringing the car to life. “C’mon, if you still don’t want to talk we don’t have to but i just…” Her voice seemed to grow a bit quieter. “I don’t want this night to end just yet.”
I swallowed hard and nodded, my mind taking off into a deep swirling galaxy of thoughts. Even though I had gotten drunk that night, i gained all the courage in the world to kiss her. Alcohol seemed to be my vibranium- this sword and shield that provided me with everything I need to lead me into conquest. Yet it was also my kryptonite because I felt like without it I was weak and susceptible to making whatever it was between me and her worse. The car ride had settled into a quietness with only the soft sounds of the radio in the background. I looked out the window, watching the sidewalks of our college town filled with people bar hopping as we drove through downtown. The further away we got from the hustle and bustle the better it felt to be with her. It was like we were in our own little world when we got to the top of the plateau. The lights of the city were brighter than the last time we were here but we could still see some of the stars in the night sky. She set the car in park and cut the engine before stepping out. “C’mon, lay on the hood with me!”
I smiled and followed her lead, settling myself on the hood. I set my back against the windshield, putting my hands behind my head. She sat beside me, not letting any space between us. “It’s chilly out. This was probably a bad idea.” She chuckled.
“Yeahhh, probably. The wind is definitely brisk.” I shivered a little and felt her scuttle closer until her head rested on my chest. I stiffened completely beneath her, afraid that she could hear the way my heart was banging against my ribcage. Her arm wrapped around my waist and she left out a soft content sigh. While this seemed to be perfectly normal for her I was aching with thoughts of what it all meant. I drifted my eyes down to her watching the way she was enamored by the stars. The question I longed to ask burned on my tongue and i dared myself to ask it. “Hey...um...I wanted to ask you something…”
She turned her heads towards me and all I could do was stare at her lips. It was like she was hell bent on sucking the ability to talk out of me. “Hmm?”
“C-can I kiss you?” WHAT?! Hongseok, what in the actual hell? You were supposed to ask her about the Halloween party and what it all meant for you as friends, NOT to ask her to kiss you. I winced and closed my eyes wishing that I could disappear from this entire plane of existence. Her expression had switched as soon as the words left my mouth and now she she seemed like she was at a lost for words too. I tried my best to deflect the question. “I mean uh...that’s not what I wanted to ask. What I wanted to say was-”
I felt her sweet caress of her lips then, unexpected and powerful enough to shatter my frazzled thoughts. Her lips were utterly amazing. They brought up residual memories of how they felt the first time we kissed. I cherished every moment they shared with mine even if it only lasted a few seconds. She pulled away all too quickly, her eyes wide with fear. “I-I...i’m sorry.” She whispered.
I sat up quickly, fumbling over my own apology. “Nonono! I-I swear I didn’t mean to ask that! It just- my brain just slipped and-”
“It was on your mind though…”
I swallowed at that nugget of truth. “Y-yes. I’m so sorry.”
She set her hand on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. Her voice was so soft that I could barely hear it. “It’s ok. I was thinking about it too.”
Want It With You-E’dawn
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Trust. You would think it was such a simple word but it bared more meaning for me than anything else in life. I didn't trust just anyone though I seemed to be surrounded by people I loved and adored. It took years to get to that point with them. There were hoops and barrels that they had to jump through to prove themselves worthy. It wasn't some grand scheme of knighthood- rather simple things that showed they would always be there for me.
Which was why I was so stuck and dumbfounded by my feelings for her. We hadn't known each other for long. Definitely not long enough for me to trust her but i did with every fiber of my being. I didn't know if it had been from the first night we met or right here at this very moment but at some point my heart caved in. Her smile chipped at the bricks of my wall of trust, her body tore chunks out of the barrier, and our connection musically made the wall give way. Behind that trust was love, an even more guarded feeling that rarely anyone got to experience. But the buds of soft touches, gentle kisses, and late night talks bloomed into the purest emotion I ever had.
The problem was that there was already two other people that had my heart. My girlfriend, Hyuna, who remained a secret to everyone I knew, and my best friend Hui who I felt like i could possibly never confess to. I didn't know how to exactly explain it but each of them provided me with something i needed and wanted. Hyuna gave me the care I never experienced from anyone- the tender love, affection, and understanding of my weirdness that she could keep up with. Hui on the other hand gave me a new type of love. Something that was exciting and refreshing yet filled with curiosity and the thrill of danger. And she, she gave me freedom. Freedom to explore, to live, to experience things i had never done before and open my eyes to wonders unseen.
My brain and heart were at war with one another. My brain told myself that it was impossible to be with three people no matter how desperately i wanted it to work. My heart, of course, screamed that I could do anything. No one could judge us or tell us otherwise. I wished that were true, i really did. There were nights when I couldn't sleep that i lay awake and thought about what my life had turned into. Being in the states changed my perception on love and relationships in general but going back home none of those things would be accepted. I didn't want to hide forever- i already had to do that with Hyuna. Her career was on the line and I would never compromise that for her. With out her here though it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay monogamous, which is how that night after the party happened.
I told Hyuna right away that i slept with someone else. I was a crying mess. I thought she'd never forgive me and i would truly be alone. I confessed how much i missed her and that i just wanted to feel something- a touch, a kiss, anything. It was hard. One of the very hardest things I'd ever had to do and when she forgave me and told me it was alright I knew i had chosen the right one. We laughed about it after and she told me never to worry. She knew my heart was with her because she could feel it even with all the miles that separated us. She let me sleep with whoever I wanted as long as I came back to her, which i would always do.
But when i met my new object of affection at the top of spring semester it was like my world got flipped upside down. How could I tell Hyuna that I was in love with someone else, let alone confess to the person that I had been with almost the entire time this semester? Love and trust weren't the only things weighing on my mind. Part of that trust was asking for further exploration of my sexuality. I was all wrapped up in my feelings and this just added another layer.
Lately, i had been curious about kinky things. It wasn't just the beginner things either. It was the darker things, the dirtier things, the things that made your skin crawl with lust filled excitement. I wanted to share that with her but bringing it up had my heart racing.
I laid next to her, my feet towards the end of the bed while hers were towards the headboard. Our heads met in the middle and we stared at the ceiling relaxing in our sexual afterglow. I puffed silently at my e-cig, closing my eyes and pondered over how to even begin to ask what was weighing on my mind. She yawned beside me and i nudged my temple gently against hers.
“You whimping out on me already?” I teased.
“Um, excuse me. You wore me out! You try being on your hands and knees for an hour then practically bent in half. It takes a lot out of you.”
I chuckled. “Yeah well, it was good wasn’t it?”
She nodded and softly hummed a response, turning her head into my neck. We stood quiet for a moment while i continued to mull over how I should ask her. From what she told me about her experiences with Kino and Hui-hyung there was nothing that even came close to what I currently wanted. We were both inexperienced but I was sure that we could learn and be patient with one another. She could reject the idea all together, which would sting a bit but I would accept it. I couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to. I hoped she would at least try and not run away completely.
“Hey,” I began, clearing my throat a little. She turned towards me with such an adorable sleepy look. It made me smile as I pushed her sweaty hair away from her forehead. “I want to ask you something but...don’t freak out okay?”
Her eyes went wide and fear washed over her face. She swallowed hard. “O-oh...what is it?”
“So...ok. Um…” I took a deep breath. “I don’t know if this is going to sound stupid but have you ever heard of...bdsm? Like the kinky stuff?”
“Oh?” She raised her eyebrows now faced with curiosity. “You mean like getting tied up?”
“Yeah. I mean, there’s more to it but that’s like a good place to start.”
“Why are you bringing it up all of a sudden?”
“I’ve been thinking about it for awhile.” I sighed, returning my gaze back to the ceiling as I felt warmth creep into my cheeks and ears. “Kinda researching a bit. Since we’re- I mean we’re not together, together- but we hook up a lot and stuff. And we’re friends so I thought maybe I could ask and…” I was stumbling over my words, regressing into a bumbling idiot. I wish i could convey what was on my mind as clearly as I wanted to. I took a deep breath, trying to recollect myself and start over. “Basically, I trust you. I trust you a lot and I wouldn’t ask anyone else to do this with me. It was important that I tried it with you. When we...fuck it’s on a whole other level. I feel kind of like...at peace. Like I don’t have to worry about anything or feed into my insecurities.”
“O-oh…” she said quietly. I wasn't sure what to make of that and it made my entire body tense. “I trust you too Hyojong. You've never done anything to betray my trust. But this is so sudden.”
“I know, i'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to bring it up or what would be a good time to even bring it up. Like how do you start a conversation about wanting to try bdsm? Like hey, babe, wanna tie me up and choke me?”
She laughed, part nervous and part humorous. “I guess you're right. It's not something to schedule a talk around. But why do you feel insecure?” She sat up a bit, just scooting close enough to lay her head on my stomach and set her hand over my heart. I laid my fingers over hers and moved my other hand to rest behind my head.
“I...i don’t know. I mean who ever really knows why they’re insecure they just know they have insecurities.”
“You know what I mean but what things are you specifically insecure about?”
“A lot of things. The way I look, the way I have sex, the way I talk. It all makes me nervous but you’ve never really judged me…”
“Of course not! I would never. There’s no reason for me too.” She said as she turned her hand over to give mine a squeeze. “You’ve been there for me since day one and I like everything about you. You’re so weird, cute, funny, and caring. Your random screeches and crazy running makes me laugh all the time. I just feel...” She shrugged and smiled at me. I wondered if she could tell how fast my heart was beating now. When I was the source of her smile it made my entire body turn to jello. It made me feel like a goopey mess of feelings that i loved. Love was one of my favorite things in the world. The rush of being with someone so perfect for you and holding them in your arms as much as you could was the source of my happiness. Being so far away from my girlfriend always put me in a funk. But having this new found love in the states filled that void and blossomed into something I looked forward to every time we met. The more time we spent together, the more I wanted to be with her. My heart was getting restless but asking her out was something that made me panic even more than asking her to tie me up. “I feel good when i'm around you. You're a great friend.”
Friend. I screamed internally. Yes, just friends. It stung, that was easy to admit but as of right now I couldn't do anything to change that. I squeezed her hand again and swallowed the lump in my throat trying my best not to crumble into a puddle of pathetic tears. I sought to turn the subject back to where it started. “So, would you want to try it out with me? The kink stuff I mean…”
“Wellllll…..it doesn't seem so bad. It could be a lot of fun. I'm a little scared though. What if we're totally bad at it?”
“We can practice. Isn't that part of the fun?” I gave her a little wink to add to my flirtatious tone.
“You want to wear me out, don't you, Dawnie.” She giggled. “I guess we can start practicing. But i guess we might need some equipment first.” She sat up then, crossing her legs and letting her fingers drum against her chin. “I'm sure there are tons of websites to buy some.”
“My cart on some is already filled.” I admitted.
“Oh my god, you sneaky little slut. I shouldn't have expected any less from you.” She kissed me quickly. “Start ordering then. Then i can tie you up like a little present.”
“Tie me up? Aren't I supposed to tie you up?!” I asked.
“Who says? Just because you're the boy? Why don't we both try it. Maybe we'll both like it.”
She did have a point. We didn't have to conform to any standards. That wasn't really my gig anyway. Besides, thinking about her being in control gave me a little tingle of excitement. We were truly doing this and I couldn't be more happy. Even though she thought of me as a friend I hoped eventually she could see how much I wanted her, how much love I could give her. All i could do now was be patient but have a hell of a good time along the way.
All To You- Hui
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“Ok, so what do you want to do for our project?” I asked her as we sat in our private piano room that was basically our sanctuary. After almost every class together we would come here, enjoying the peace and tranquility. The hecticness of our schedules were forgotten and we spent hours getting lost in the music. Time didn't exist when I was with her. My only focus was on her which was a-okay with my heart. We had a project due in a couple of weeks that needed to showcase both our talents. I wanted to do something on the piano, more so a ballad which was my speed and wasn’t too sure how to incorporate her rapping skills. Rapping could go with a ballad but the rhythm and flow would have to be just right. I was nervous as this was the first time we would ever be making music together. The way music was instilled in me sometimes made me overanalyze and become a perfectionist. I didn’t want to really take control of this...but also I did. I just had to figure out how to do it in the nicest way possible. I was picturing every scenario possible, even wondering what she would say in response even before she uttered a word in real time.
“Well, I know rapping isn’t your thing and I’m not the best at music production since I’m still learning so i hope that maybe you could take responsibility over that? Like how we could mix the song? Maybe incorporate the piano since it’s kind of our thing?” She smiled.
I almost sighed in relief. I was so happy we were on the same page. “Yes!” I said, almost too excitedly. “Sorry, I really wanted to make something like this with you.” I started pressing a few chords onto the keys, humming along to the melody in my head. “Do you have any idea what song you might want to do?”
“I was trying to think of some good duets we could do. I really wanted something modern and kind of soft.”
“There aren’t many duets with singing and rapping that I can think of.”
“Actually,” she said with a bit of a nervous tone in her voice. “Teach has been getting on me about actually singing in class since ya know, since it is about vocals. I know she said she doesn't grade on talent but she wants me to at least try and sing... in front of everyone.”
“Sing?” I tried to hide the shock in my voice and failed miserably. “I’ve heard you before and you know how I feel about your voice but I also know that it’s hard for you to do this.” She nodded and stared down at her lap, looking so ashamed. I set my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close so my temples touched hers. “You know I’ll be there beside you every step of the way, right?”
“I know…” Her voice was breaking. “I’m just so nervous that I’m gonna make a fool of myself. I feel like everyone’s gonna judge me. I don’t get stage fright when I rap but when I sing it’s like my throat just closes up and my heart shrivels into a dried husk and like...i just can’t breathe. My anxiety takes over and-and-” A small tear trailed down her cheek and i squeezed her to my chest. I couldn’t bare to see her like this. There wasn’t a way to magically cure her anxiety or relieve her from her stage fright though I desperately wished I could. I curled my fingers around hers holding onto her hand tightly.
“You’re putting too much pressure on yourself. I don’t want you to end up like me. All I do is drive myself crazy with being a perfectionist. We’re going to work through this together. I promise I won’t let you fail.”
“I know, Hui. I know. I just have to believe in myself but that’s easier said than done. It’s always something I battled with. I’m glad you’ll be there with me.”
I smiled and tilted her head up gently. “Of course, angel.” I pressed my lips to hers, taking in their warmth and tenderness that always made my body react instantly. I poured every ounce of passion into our tongues colliding and bringing her small unsteady breaths to the surface. My hand fell to her waist, clutching it tightly and never wanting to let her go. I needed her to know how much this meant to me, how much she meant to me. She deserved it so much. Her hands anchored themselves in my hair and kept me as close as possible. Eventually, my chest tightened and my lungs ached for a break. It was almost funny how lost we could get in each other like this. I pulled away, chuckling as i finally took in a breath. “Sorry, i got carried away.”
“I like when you get carried away.” She smiled, flirtatiously. “Isn't that how we ended up fucking on the piano during our first lesson?”
“Ah,” I remembered that day all too well. The first moment her lips hit mine after I heard her sing. Nothing could ever compare to how my heart fluttered and my stomach tied in knots just hearing her sweet tone. Since that day I had silently begged that I would hear her voice again, instead of her keeping it trapped. “It was definitely better than learning chord progressions and tonality practice that's for sure.”
She giggled and dabbed away at the few remaining tears at the corner of her eyes. “You always know how to make me smile, Hwitaek.”
My name was always my favorite melody to hear on her tongue. The airiness to her voice made it sound so dreamlike and ethereal. I could feel my cheeks heating up just at those few syllables. “I'm glad I can but uh...you should stop distracting me so we can get to work!” I poked her side playfully and she swatted at my hand.
“Ok, ok! I'm sorry! Let me see what I have on my spotify playlist and maybe we can get some inspiration for our duet, yeah?”
I nodded at her suggestion and let her go to work while i fumbled on the piano, working through key changes and scales in hopes of jogging my brain. I had no idea why it seemed so difficult. It should have been a piece of cake figuring something for us to do, especially because even if it was just a school project it would be personal. Maybe that's why I was getting stuck in a rut. Too much pressure on myself to possibly slip a blinded confession to her through lyrics. There didn't seem to be any other way to tell her. I wasn't even sure if I should. There hadn't been any confirmation in the slightest that she felt anything towards me. After all, I had Hyojong and Hyunggu at my back, constantly tipping the scales in their favor. They were my very best friends and I should never be jealous of them but I was. Even after the fun we had with the foursome I realized that there was still an empty part of me that wasn't getting filled. It hurt to think that perhaps it would never be filled.
Continuing to hook up with her might be the biggest mistake of my life so far. I could sense that things might get worse. I wasn't exactly known to love subtly. I was a big hopeless romantic, comically extravagant, and a walking cliche of greeting card cheesiness. I couldn't help it. It went with my goofy personality and inability to like being so serious all the time. It was my little break away from throwing my entire soul into my music. I sighed and set my elbow on the edge of the piano, resting my chin in the palm of my hand while my fingers danced over the same three keys. Little slices of my favorite lyrics pieced together in my head as I imagined the picket white fence dreams I could have with her. I could stay here in America and live an entirely new life with her, an extra dose of happiness in my fantasy. I closed my eyes then, drifting off into that better place that was protected from thoughts of self doubt, hurt, and feelings of worthlessness and not being good enough for her. I rarely tried to give into those thoughts but there was always a devilish voice on my back whispering filthy lies about how I could never capture her attention and love like the other's could. I squeezed my eyes tighter as the voice started to ring a little louder and I was just beginning to get into a war with myself.
“I think I got it!”
I snapped back so suddenly that my body jolted upright. “Huh? What?”
“The song, i think i found the perfect song for us. I think I can manage hitting all the notes in this without messing it up too much and the male part is right up your alley.”
I raised a brow at her, curious at her selection. “Ok, lay it on me.”
“Do you like Lana Del Rey?”
My cheeks heated up with embarrassment. I did, but mostly when I was drunk off my ass and known to cry on the floor, belting out all her greatest hits. I laughed nervously at my shameful alcohol induced memories. “Y-yeah, she's great. I like her.”
“Want to do ‘Lust for Life’? You have a good voice for it.”
“Ah….actually that doesn't seem so bad. It wouldn't be so hard to work into a piano piece either. I think we could do it.” I smiled brightly at her, grateful to her ability to think more clearly than I could. She clapped her hands excitedly before looking over the lyrics on her voice. I edged myself closer so we could both look at the small screen. She was humming at first, mumbling a few words here and there until the notes rang in during the first verse. I set my hand on the small of her back, working my thumb in small swipes, to give her a comforting touch and encourage her more. She laughed a bit as she got to the pre-chorus, her eyes trailing up to meet mine.
“And I was like, take off, take off...take off all your clothes, take off, take off...take off all of your clothes…” she sang. She moved her fingers to pluck at the top button of my shirt, opening it.
I set my hand over the sliver of newly exposed skin and gasped. “So scandalous, Lana!”
She giggled. “Oh, and you don't want to fuck under the Hollywood sign while I wait for my sugar daddy to call me?”
“We'll I don't think we can fuck under the Hollywood sign but does under a piano work for you?”
“Oh yes, a whole two feet of space! You'd knock your head on it so fast!”
“Hey, i tried, ok? Besides, i can find a way to position you.”
“Lee Hwitaek! You perv!”
“You started it but I can definitely finish it.” I tackled her gently to the floor, making her cry out and laugh with me. We were always goofing off like a pair of idiots which were my absolute favorite times. I pulled her against me tight and kissed all over her neck and cheek. “You drive me crazy you know that?”
She pawed at my face. “Ah! Hey! Yeah, you definitely drive me crazy too.” She turned her head to catch one of my kisses on her lips. “It's a good kind of crazy though. She gave me another quick kiss then looked down at my watch. “Shit, i have to get going for dance practice with Kino. He's gonna kill me if I'm late.”
My happiness was cut a bit short and I held onto her tighter. “Just stay with me instead.” I whispered.
“Aww, Hui. You know I'd love to but we have a dance project and-”
“We have a project that we need to work on too. He can deal with it.”
“Noooo, i can't! I'll never hear the end of it. You know how Kino is.” She pushed me away and sat up. “We can meet up again this weekend or something. I think I’ll have some time on Saturday.” She stood up and gathered her things. “I promise I’ll give you all the time in the world ok?! See ya!”
I watched her leave our practice room, destroying the bubble of our safe haven to go hang out with my friend. I sighed as another pang of jealousy hit directly to the heart. I pulled my knees up and set my arms on them, wondering what to even make of myself. Just tell her Hui, I thought. Just tell her that you love her.
I’m a Ruin
I held my pillow close to my chest as tears flowed hot and heavy down my face. Everything that had happened with Hongseok replayed in my head as guilt riddled my stomach. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t rope him into any of this and I did just that. On top of it I revealed that I had slept with all of his friends and while there was a small sliver of me that was glad that it was all out in the open, every other part of me was screaming that it was all a mistake. I never wanted him to find out, if anything he could have been my escape from it all. Hongseok was a clean slate, after all. There wasn’t any drama attached to him and we had so much fun whenever we hung out. But he also didn’t have the history that I had with Kino, Hui, or Hyo.
Those three were a whole other battle in of itself. Kino and I’s relationship was basically shattered and nonexistent. I knew Hui was ready to take the next step but with everyone else on my mind I had no idea if I would be able to give him my all without hurting him in the process. Hyojong was one of my closest friends. We knew so much about one another and though I wasn’t really too sure about opening my heart to multiple people (which let’s face it, at this damn point I might as well to save myself a headache), but Hyuna was so welcoming. Together they were like the perfect ray of warmth and sunshine that it almost felt as if I had nowhere to fit in. My head was swimming so much with thought after thought that i almost felt dizzy. I needed to somehow get some sleep and maybe try and set them aside for at least one night. They were just consuming me to the point where it was suffocating. I just wanted to be happy again. I wanted to survive college and graduate and be a star where I could share my talents with the world and live free. I know I had dug this hole for myself but running away seemed like the best thing to do right now.
I was ready to recline into my bed and give up entirely when I heard harsh raps on my door. I jumped up quickly wondering who the hell that could be. It was already late and my roommate wasn’t home. I sighed and thought that maybe she may have forgotten her keycard. It was unlikely but stranger things have happened. I wiped my face as much as I could, trying to gather myself  before I opened the door. I sniffed deeply and pulled the door open, wincing as the bright light of the hallway poured into my dark room. My heart fell into my stomach as I saw the disheveled, pajama’d and panting messes that were before me.
“W-what...what’s going on?” I stammered while i was internally begging for this to not happen at this moment.
“We need to talk.” Kino stated flatly, he was the first to push past me and go into my room. Hyojong flicked on the light in my room and squeezed past me as well. I sighed, absolutely defeated and let the others in before making my way over to sit on my bed once more. They circled me then, like lovesick vultures corning me into a decision I was no where near ready to make. I knew what they were going to say before any words were even uttered.
“We just...we we’re talking...” Hui started.
“I needed to know about everything that happened. It was even worse then the minimal lies you told me.” Hongseok spat. 
“Don’t you even dare, Hongseok. I never lied to you. I didn’t want you to know about everything because you had no business knowing about it all.” I interjected.
“I had no business knowing about what you were doing with my friends?”
“No, you didn’t. You know why? Because what I do with anyone is no ones business, even if you are friends. I gave myself to each and every one of you and I’ve said it over and over, my intent was never to break up your brotherhood or turn you on one another. I fucked up and I know that. But if I wanted to fuck Kino i did. If i wanted to fuck Hui i did. If I wanted to fuck Hyojong I did. Hell, if I wanted to fuck them all at once I did that too! I’m not going to be guilted into having urges just like you all. I love you guys, most importantly as friends. Every last one of you. It’s who I’m in love with that hurts the most.”
“Who are you in love with then?” Hyojong asked.
“You can’t be in love with everyone. That isn’t possible nor is it fair!” Kino snapped.
“It is possible. It’s always possible to love more than one person but...how we’re all thinking-even me- is that we want her to ourselves. We don’t want to share. We want to have that one on one connection.” Hyojong continued. “It just seems further and further from reality than we expected.”
“You need to chose someone. Please, love, just for the sake of my sanity.” Hui pleaded.
“Your sanity? What about my sanity?! Don’t you think I’ve been driving myself fucking insane thinking about who I would want to be with? I’ve been trying to piece together what I even want for weeks, months, semesters! I don’t know how to even begin to choose!”
“Well you better fuckin’ decide. We’re tired of being dragged along by you.” Kino said.
I whipped around to face him. “Don’t you dare fuckin’ talk to me. Why would I even pick you!? You hurt my feelings. You betrayed my trust! You slept with my best friend and just when I thought that we were on the mends you threw me out in the cold again.”
“I love you! More than anything! I’ve always loved you! I’ve just been...I’ve been too fucking afraid to admit, ok?”
“Yeah?” I swallowed hard, trying to shove my tears down my throat instead of having them burst forth once again. I was so tired of crying. “Well, it’s a little bit too late for that isn’t it Kino?”
“Look, I can’t speak for anyone’s actions but my own but...we do...we want some kind of closure. I know this is hard given your relationships with us- even with Kino. Someone is bound to get hurt by this, even I’ve prepared myself for that, but anything is better than no answer at all.” Hui set his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me gently. His face held nothing but sorrow and his brown eyes were dripping in sadness. If my heart wasn’t already shattered it definitely was now. Completely minuscule pieces that didn’t even resemble a heart anymore.
I pulled away from him as I could feel my body trembling. Their eyes were on me once more and fear made my blood run cold. They weren’t going to stop until they got a response. I looked at Kino, seeing the regret on his face and want to repair the broken relationship between us- something I never thought I would’ve ever witnessed. A simple apology weeks ago would’ve solved all this between us and yet I never felt more distant from him than at this very moment, even though there was a thin thread tethering me to him still. Hyojong stayed ever the patient one though he had underlying panic in his stiff frame. He couldn’t fully look at me but I could tell his mind was racing a mile a minute. I wish I could let him know fully that he still had a hold on me, Hyuna aside, I wanted him and his unconditional love. Hui was the one with the most hurt on his face, as if was about to cry just as much as I was. I didn’t want to hurt him. I couldn’t bear it. He meant so much to me-the absolute world to me. Then there was Hongseok, who’s eyes, even if he was mad at me at this very moment, reflected every happy moment I had with him. The way I felt in his arms never ceased to amaze me. His warmth, his gentle kiss, and sweet demeanor was everything I had ever wanted in someone. I wanted to waste hours and days laughing with him, playing video games, binge watching movies, and getting lost in that perfect smile.
I was back at square one, as if I had never left and frozen in my skin.
“Well?” Kino said.
“Who do you choose?” Hongseok asked.
“Please...” Hui begged.
“I just want you to be happy.” Hyojong whispered.
I covered my face and let the tears flow. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I was lost, stuck, and ready to move forward all at once. All I had to do was take the plunge. “I....I choose... I choose H-”
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rovalent · 5 years
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With their lines supposedly mastered, came the time to show what they managed to learn last month. After going through the choreography of both of their songs, the boys continue with their practice until the following day.
With them in the room are both Jo Soonyang, their vocal coach, and Yoo Jaekyung, their dance coach. They exchange a few words with each other before turning their attention to the nine idols-to-be in front of them. “Well, good morning,” Jaekyung is the one to start. “You had to learn two choreographies last month, which you showed to me yesterday. I think it’s easy to say that it’s expected of Royal to have a better grasp on their vocals, but that’s no excuse to let your dance abilities fall short. You’re standing here to become idols—dancing idols.”
The woman stops talking for a moment to shake her head. “For how long have you been training here? Kangjoon?” She looks down at the sheets of paper she’s holding. “It’s been three years now? And that’s what you had to show me? What did you do during your dance lessons as a trainee? You’re a charming guy, so we tried giving you some center spots, but if you don’t get your act together it wouldn’t be the first time I had to rearrange a choreography before its release. And what’s worse is you’re not the only one I need to talk about.”
Jaekyung points at a name on the paper before reading it out. “Yoo Seonho. It’s been two years and a half, right? And you’re only better than Kangjoon. As a main vocalist, you’ll get a lot of lines, and if you can’t keep up with the dance how do you think that’ll turn out? During practice this month I’ll keep pushing you two, and if any of you complain you’ll be staying late. And Jung Jaehyun…” She looks at the last person she’s going to comment on. “If you’d like to join them it wouldn’t hurt you.”
The woman looks away and takes a step back. This is taken as code for Soonyang to speak. “Since you learned your pre-debut songs these last few months, we’ll move on to the next step of our preparation stage. You can come now.” She motions to one of the men standing by the wall and he starts moving forward. He’s very tall and chubby with a friendly expression. “This here is Kim Sohoon. From today on, he’ll be working as your manager. You’ll start having a bit more activities this month so he’ll have to keep an eye on all of you. Please, don’t abuse his patience.” Even with her request, the smile on the man’s face tells you he has a lot of patience to spare, unlike the coaches.
“Why don’t you hand them the lyrics?” With an excited “Yes!” Sohoon hands the file he had been holding to Baekhyun, who then needs to distribute them to the rest of the boys. “While you’re getting ready and set, we’ll also start work on the ‘go’ code. The thing you have in your hands is the lyrics of your debut song. It’ll work the same way as it did last time. If you learned anything from your time with us,” Soonyang takes a look at Park Jihoon, “then you should achieve a good result.”
This month, the boys of DE:CODE will have more than one mission to worry about. The first thing in line are the lines they received for their debut song, which is titled ‘Gorilla’. It’s rather different from their two other songs, especially ‘I’m Fine’, but the coaches tell they should leave a big impact from their debut, and this is the song to do it.
During this month, the members will be assigned multiple lines to learn and practice. None of these will officially be theirs and, by next month, the coaches will officially assign them. Their temporary lines for ‘Gorilla’ can be seen below:
Byun Baekhyun: 0:36 - 0:46 (Hui); 0:55 - 0:57 (Hui); 1:22 - 1:33 (Jinho); 1:42 - 1:43 (Jinho); 2:17 - 2:28 (Hui); 2:21 - 2:22 (Jinho); 2:28 - 2:29 (Adlibs: Jinho); 2:37 - 2:38 (Hui); 2:43 - 2:46 (Hui); 2:47 - 2:57 (Adlibs: Jinho);
Lee Seunghwan: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Jung Jaehyun: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Yoo Seonho: 0:36 - 0:46 (Hui); 0:55 - 0:57 (Hui); 1:22 - 1:33 (Jinho); 1:42 - 1:43 (Jinho);  2:17 - 2:28 (Hui); 2:21 - 2:22 (Jinho); 2:28 - 2:29 (Adlibs: Jinho); 2:37 - 2:38 (Hui); 2:43 - 2:46 (Hui); 2:47 - 2:57 (Adlibs: Jinho);
Kim Hongjoong: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
Park Jihoon: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok);
Jeon Wonwoo: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:31 - 0:35 (YeoOne); 1:04 - 1:12 (Kino); 2:09 - 2:18 (YeoOne);
Kim Mingyu: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
Lee Minho: 0:16 - 0:21 (Wooseok); 0:22 - 0:25 (Hongseok); 0:27 - 0:28 (Shinwon); 0:29 - 0:30 (YanAn); 1:13 - 1:14 (Wooseok); 1:15 - 1:22 (Yuto); 1:51 - 1:59 (Wooseok); 2:00 - 2:08 (E’Dawn);
On the morning of December 30th (because everyone has better plans on the 31st), the members will sing all their assigned lines in front of their coach and her results will be shared on the following month.
As promised, however, the nine boys will have more schedules added to that. On December 9th, they will be split into two groups of five and four by age to go to a hair salon (the same some of them went to for Dream Knight) and get their hairstyles ready for their pre-debut releases. They’ll be split by age, and the five youngest will go first early in the morning, and then the oldest later on. 
Kangjoon — Black ( reference )
Baekhyun — Blonde ( reference )
Hongjoong — Light brown ( reference )
Minho — Ash brown ( reference )
Jaehyun — Brown ( reference )
Jihoon — Bright brown ( reference )
Mingyu — Ash blue ( reference )
Wonwoo — Black ( reference )
Seonho — Black ( reference )
With this, the boys should be ready to head off to their first-ever photoshoot on December 18th. This will consist of two different sets, one inspired by these images ( 1, 2 ) and another by these ( 1, 2 ). The day after, December 19th, their music video recordings will start with ‘I’m Fine’ going first. They’ll record the video for ‘What Time is It Now?’ on December 20th.
5AM: Get hair and makeup done
6AM: Go to filming location
7AM: Change into outfits
7:30AM: Recording first beauty shots ( 0:30; 1:00; 1:19 )
8AM: Thank LUXE’s Ella for coming & Shooting of game scenes ( 0:00; 0:06; 0:09; 0:13; 0:24; 0:28; 0:38 )
10:30AM: Thank LUXE’s Ella for coming; Change outfits
11AM: Recording of second scene ( 0:03; 0:11; 0:18; 0:21; 0:46; 1:16 )
12:30PM: Lunch break
1PM: Filming of first dance scenes ( 1:09; 1:15; 1:20 )
2PM: *Change outfits & recording of solo scenes ( 0:04; 0:20; 0:23; 0:27 [Jihoon] / 0:19; 2:42 [Seonho] / 0:30; 0:31; 0:36 [Hongjoong] / 0:52; 0:58; 1:49; 1:55; 2:25 [Wonwoo] / 0:59; 1:03; 1:31; 1:40; 1:45 [Mingyu&Baekhyun] / 1:08; 1:11; 1:17; 2:04; 2:16 [Jaehyun] / 1:22; 1:26 [Minho] / 1:52; 2:07; 2:10; 2:30 [Kangjoon] )
6:30PM: Change outfits
7PM: Recording of white scenes ( 0:08; 0:15; 0:26; 1:29 )
8PM: Recording of white dance scenes ( 0:02; 0:07; 0:34 )
9:30PM: Change outfits 
10PM: Recording of dark dance scenes ( 2:11; 2:15; 2:18 )
11PM: Thank staff for hard work
11:30PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
*Scenes may not correspond to their assigned lines as referenced on the video, but IC they’d match. The scene with Mingyu & Baekhyun will be split between a soda scene with Baekhyun and a books scene with Mingyu.
8AM: Get hair and makeup done
9AM: Go to filming location
10AM: Change into outfits
10:30AM: **Recording all the shots ( 0:00 )
1PM: Thank staff for hard work
1:30PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
**The video uploaded by DE:CODE will be of the full song, unlike the reference video. There will be parts with a different choreo from the original for this special video, which the boys will learn throughout the month.
Write one four-post thread or one 300+ words solo about your muse practicing for their debut song or dyeing their hair for +3 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH and +2 DEBUT POINTS.
Write one four-post thread or one 300+ words solo about the day of their final month performance or their mv recordings for +3 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +1WK RELEVANT ACHIEVEMENT and +2 DEBUT POINTS.
The tag for this evaluation will be #de:code:deceval and posts should be up by midnight EST at the end of December 31st. DE:CODE members are told not to share the information given to anyone outside of Royal or else they’ll risk losing their place on the debut team.
DE:CODE DECEMBER EVALUATION (for the January 1 verification form)
+3 ___ POINTS
+3 ___ POINTS
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baekhyunbitz · 5 years
First Kiss
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A/N: it's this cuties birthday today and he is one of my biases for Pentagon, so I really wanted to do something for him. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think❣
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Jo Jinho x Reader
Warning(s): online dating, please be careful if you ever are involved with online dating. It can be dangerous.
Word count: 2.2k+
As the shadow of the night spills through my window, I finally settle into the comfort of the disheveled satin sheets, waiting as midnight draws close to facetime the only person I would stay up this late for. 
*buzz* *buzz*
Speaking of the handsome devil.
"Hey babe, we finally landed. I've never been more tired than I am now." His ash gray hair was sticking out a bit from his beanie, small circles under his whiskey colored eyes. 
"At least you can head back to the dorm soon and get some rest." I lay my phone against the other pillow as I snuggle further into the blanket. 
"Would be much better if I could finally fall asleep with you in my arms. Are you sure you can't come by tomorrow?"
"You know I would if I could Jiji... I have a big day tomorrow though. One day really soon, we will meet before you know it. I promise."
"I'm gonna hold you to it. I should have you wear something goofy when I finally see you for having me wait so long." Even though his tiredness shows, it definitely doesn't stop the adorable giggle that passes his lips.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" My lips turn up into a slight smirk, he replies with a wink.
"Guess you'll just have to find out when the time comes." Commotion goes on in the background as they get in the vehicles to leave the airport, every now and then I'll hear greetings from the other members. 
"Looks like we have to part for now babe... I'll talk to you tomorrow though, even if I have to escape the guys for a few minutes."
"Okay, and Jiji?"
"Yes Y/N?" 
"Happy Birthday." I blew a kiss towards the camera, causing Jinho to turn a light pink even in the darkness. 
"What about me?!" Hongseok yells in the background, his face coming into view when Jinho turns the camera for Kino, Shinwon, Yanan, Hongseok, and Hui to see you.
"Well, now I can't forget about you either Hongseok, Happy Birthday." I blow another kiss and wave to the guys, wishing them a great night's sleep before Jinho turns the phone back to himself.
"Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams my dear." 
"Sweet dreams to you too." When the screen goes back to the call screen, I lock my phone after setting my alarms to wake up early for the big plans I have in store tomorrow. 
I wonder what his face will look like when he finally sees me; I smile to myself as I rummage through my closet to find my outfit for the day—a pair of my black shorts with a basic white v-forget to with the addition of his yellow hoodie that he sent me a few months back. After a nice shower and changing, I grab my keys and head out to my car while messaging Hui that I'm on my way to the amusement park. After planning to meet up for a week for Jinho’s and Hongseok’s birthday, today is the day I finally get to meet Jinho and give him his gift, his gift being, well, me.
Jiji: Are you sure I can't just come see you instead? I much rather see you than be here with screaming kids after not getting a giant stuffed bear. 
Y/N: It can't be that bad, you have the guys with you. 
Jiji: Those are the kids I’m talking about. 🙄
Y/N: I'm sure it will be fun, it's your birthday. Maybe they have something planned, but I got to go Jiji, my mom needs my help. 
Jiji: okay… I'll talk to you later. Tell her I say hi. 
Y/N: I will. I love you😚❣
Jiji: I love you too babe xoxo
After letting Hui know I’ve made it, I lock my phone and finish grabbing some tickets for the rides and attempt to stay hidden from them until I get to the Ferris wheel. The biggest crowds are around the food stalls and the smell of the greasy festival food makes my stomach growl, I get in line to get an elephant ear when I hear his unmistakable laugh.
Oh no, not yet. It will ruin the plan!
Walking towards the same booth, nine familiar faces catch my eye, Jinho catching my eye the most as he was fashioned in a periwinkle turtleneck, paired with obsidian black jeans, and a navy blue windbreaker. His gray hair, not styled like usual, laid against his creamy skin, a slight pout forming on his lips, "Miss, can I get you anything?" The lady at the counter spoke, tearing my attention away from the guys back to reality in front of me.
"Umm... I changed my mind, sorry." I dart off away from them to find another booth to ease my grumbling stomach. 
An hour has passed, the sun has started to make its way to the horizon, the perfect time to ride the Ferris wheel, it always seemed to have the best view of the amusement park that you can enjoy with someone special. No better way to finally meet the man I've been waiting to meet now for eight months due to being on tour. My steps turn into light skips with butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, my nervousness starting to sink in.
Hui: Is it time?
Y/N: Definitely. I'm walking the direction towards the Ferris wheel now.
"Who's sitting with who?" Yanan asks the group. The guys start pairing themselves off to ride the Ferris wheel, leaving me to sit alone. This day has not been as fun as they said it would be, all I keep thinking about is how I wish I could just finally meet Y/N now that I'm back from tour. We waited in the short line as each seat is filled with couples or a pair of friends, the staff member checking each barrier as a precaution so nobody falls. The wheel turns once more to bring down the final seat for me to get on.
I don't even know why I'm going along with this. Who even rides the Ferris wheel by themselves.
Before the guy checks the barrier of the seat I'm in, a lady's voice rings in my ears, a voice I've heard many times before during our face times and phone calls. 
"I'm sorry I'm late, is this seat taken?" Jinho is speechless as he looks me over to make sure he isn't hallucinating, the staff member asks him if it's okay if I ride with him. Jinho nods as a huge smile spreads across his face, taking over the pout from before. I walk up the few steps to the ride, handing my ticket over then sitting down next to my boyfriend for the first time, “So, do you have something goofy for me to wear now that we have met?" His laugh is much cuter in person, little wrinkles by his eyes as he leans his head back with laughter. 
"It was a joke baby, I swear." He scoots closer to me as the ride begins to start, our seat slowly going backward as we raise up in the sky. 
"Happy birthday Jiji. I wanted you to have something extra special for your birthday this year."
"Special indeed. You're my favorite present ever." His arm wrapped around my shoulders, closing the space between us as if there was any left. I lace our fingers together and lean my head against his shoulder, the thrill of finally being able to relax in his hold fills me as the breeze at the top of the Ferris wheel blows around us for a short time. 
"You should thank the guys for helping me set this up, it took a week to figure out everything and make sure it was okay with the management."
"That explains why they have been so secretive lately. Especially last night, they were constantly snickering to themselves. Also explains why Hui has been on and off his phone all day today."��
"You guys almost caught me though, I had to run away from an elephant ear stand to keep the surprise going."
"That was you?! I knew I recognized the yellow hoodie, they told me I was just seeing things because I wished you were here. By the way, I'm happy to see you wearing my hoodie, it suits you well my dear." I lift my head as the Ferris wheel comes to a stop close to the top of the ride, the sun setting as darkness slowly starts to take over the pinks and purples of the sky. The wind picks up right at that moment causing my hair to blow around my face. I tried fixing it but with no luck, the wind kept blowing it around. 
"Hold still." Jinho removes his arm from around me to pull out his beanie from his pocket, stretching the material to place it upon my head, keeping my hair from getting into my face as much. I look into his whiskey irises that sparkle with the last bit of light from the sun, l the scent his cologne and cotton candy filling my lungs. He lowers his hand to rest against my cheek lightly, his thumb soothingly rubbing my cheekbone, his eyes looking at my lips then back up to my eyes asking for permission. 
"Kiss me."
"With pleasure babe." He closed the space between us as his lips finally meeting mine, the taste of root beer still lingering on his lips. My heart starts drumming in my chest from excitement as he pulls me a bit closer if that was even possible in these seats. My digits raked through his gray hair causing a slight sigh to escape his throat and a giggle to pass my lips, his tongue tasted my bottom lip before dancing with mine in a more heated session. 
"Oww owwww!!!" 
"Get it Jinho!!" Kino and Yuto hollered from the seat behind us, cheering and clapping for their friend. He pulls away to wave them off causing me to laugh and grab ahold of his hand again to lace my fingers back to their new home. The staff member continues to let the riders off, the Ferris wheel moving one seat at a time.
"I actually have another surprise for you. I talked with your manager into letting me see you for the whole weekend, so the guys packed some of your stuff so you can stay with me at my apartment in Daegu."
"Yes!" He throws his arms up in excitement, his cute boyish charms showing through. The Ferris wheel came to a stop to let us off the ride, the staff member unhooked the barrier as Jinho grabbed ahold of my hand, tugging me with him to the ground before picking me up and spinning me in a hug. 
"I'm guessing this is confirmation that you're coming with me back home." He sets me down to kiss me once again, taking my arms to wrap around his neck then snaking his around my waist.
"I'll follow you anywhere. Now that I've finally met you, I don't ever want to let you go." 
"Please take him, his grumpiness of you not being around was starting to get annoying, but it's lovely to finally meet you in person, Y/N." Wooseok chimes in. The guys standing there came into view as I released my hold on Jinho, each member coming up to hug me for the first time since I've talked to any of them. 
"I'm glad I can meet you all now, and thank you so much for helping me set this all up, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you." 
"Anything to make our hyung happy." Yeo One chirped as he ruffled Jinho's hair. Jinho smacked his hands away then grabbed ahold of me, hugging me from behind to rest his chin on my shoulder.
"I want to thank you guys as well for making this happen. It means a lot to me."
"Well, you two can get going if you want as much time together as possible before we have to go back to the studio Monday. Be sure to stay out of trouble." Hui winks at us as they all say their goodbyes before running off to ride a few more rides. Jinho took my hand in his as we walk back towards the exit of the park.
"Any other surprises I should know about?"
"You'll just have to wait and see once we get there." I winked at him while I pulled my keys out to unlock my car. Just when I get ready to open the door, I'm spun around and pushed up against the metal frame, his breath causing shivers to rush down my arms as he whispers in my ear. 
"If it requires taking this hoodie off of you, I can't wait." He placed a chaste kiss on my neck with a smirk before lazily walking over to the passenger side and getting in. Once inside the car, I start it up as Shine by them starts to play from my Spotify causing us to laugh on our way back to enjoy what the night has to offer back home.
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firetextskpop · 4 years
Could you do a poly!pentagon fluff or smut(or both, whatever you feel works lol) where the female reader is a tall(179cm) girl who's low key insecure about her height?? Thank and I love your stuff!♡♡
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A/N: OMG YES! I'm 5'10 myself so I know the feeling 🤧 Also thank you so much 😭💞💞I’ll make this one a fluff one and make a smut one later.
Tw: Body Image Insecurity, cursing, Negative comments, mentions of a fight.
The boys had decided to take you to a local fair for your 3rd anniversary. It was tradition since you all had became friends as well as where everything began. As always, there were a lot of couples there, riding rides and playing games. Jinho had just won you a big stuffed animal and you were so happy. Putting the stuffed animal under your arm, you bent down a bit to kiss your boyfriend. A few snickers were heard from a couple nearby. You were very upset by this. For years you’d been bullied for being significantly taller than most girls (and boys). Especially since you’re now in a relationship with men ranging from 6′3 to 5′5. Too often people will see you with your smaller boyfriends and even the 2 that are eye level, and have a rude comment regarding the height difference. To bring you out of your trance, Jinho kisses you again. “Please don’t let them ruin our great day. Not wanting to upset him, you nodded and smiled. As you both proceeded to the next ride, Hui and Shinwon met you guys at a concession stand. The ride was the one that spins in a circle and presses you against the walls. Once all four of you were off the ride, you were dizzy and laughing. “That was too fun” You giggled and held onto Hui. His arm wrapped around your waist as he spoke on his favorite moments on the ride. “He can’t feel like a man with a girlfriend bigger than him.” A guy jokes to his fellow guy friends as they walk by and stare at the 2 of you. Hwitaek’s anger got the best of him as he responded. “And you must feel like a bitch worrying about other people’s relationship!” He said now taking after the man. Luckily Jinho and Shinwon were fast enough to grab him and stop him. “I’m not about to fight some short ass guy, especially not when his girl is as big as me.” The guy said and walked away, his friends turning back every 5 seconds. “PUSSY!” Hui yelled at the guy. Earning a few odd looks from parents with their kids and other couples. “Hwitaek love, just leave them to their ignorance.” Jinho whispered, attempting to calm down your angry boyfriend. “Y-yeah, We’re okay love.” You said and hugged him. He hugs you back and mumbled “I better not see him around here again or that’s his ass.” Shinwon recommended going to another ride/game and Jinho denied, deciding to take Hui somewhere to comfort him better. Shinwon understood and called Wooseok, Kino and Yeoone. You all met up at the fright house and had so much fun. You could hear Kino and Shinwon’s screams as they went through, making you, Changgu and Wooseok laugh. When you went through the swirl tunnel you lost your balance and fell on top of Wooseok. Both of you giggled and the couple behind you told you how cute of a couple you both were. You thanked them and proceeded to the end, where your other boyfriends waited. Kino gushed about his favorite parts while holding hands with Yeoone and you guys laughed and listened. Wooseok explained the situation you guys had in he spinning tunnel and you nudged him “It wasn’t my fault.” You pouted. “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.” He messed with you. You rolled your eyes and looked at a nearby concession stand. “Shinwon, will you go with me to the get some funnel cake?” You ask. He agreed and you both went to get the funnel cake and a drink. As you waited for your food, you looked over to see a group of girls talking to the 3 boys you just were by. Shinwon reassured you everything was okay. Nervousness ran through your body as you received your food and began walking back. “So you guys are in a relationship?” One of the girls asked confused to the boys. “Yes, this is our girlfriend Y/N and boyfriend Shinwon.” Changgu states and gestures towards the two of you mentioned. The girls faces now turned up a bit. Wooseok takes a piece of funnel cake. “She’s your girlfriend too?” Another asks Hyunggu looking back and forth between the both of you. He let out a sigh, knowing where it was going. “Yes, 3 years now. My beautiful girlfriend and 3 out of 8 of my boyfriends.” He said then took a sip from the straw in his drink. “You must have a type for tall people..” The last girl said. “Not that it would be any of your business.” He retorts. Just as the girls were about to respond again, Yuto ran up to you all. The girls eyed him as well. “We have to go. Hui found the guy and they fought.” Immediately Kino and Wooseok made their way to the van and Yuto followed closely. As you, Yeoone and Shinwon began walking towards the van, the first girl said “I can’t believe that monster managed to bag so many attractive guys.” This, of course hurt your feelings. Apparently Shinwon heard the comment and stopped you. “Do you want a piggyback ride?” You nodded and got onto his back. The whole walk, you cried silently onto his shoulder. He rubbed your legs until you got to the car. Then you were sitting on Hongseok’s lap. Judging by the situations at hand, the boys were well aware of the reasoning behind your tears. “Y/N, love. I’m sorry they treated you like this today. “ Hongseok mumbled against the top of your head. You held onto him tighter and cried a little harder. “I just hate it so much. I don’t say anything to them and I’m always hurt unprovoked.” Hong’s hand ran up and down your back. “Look, they only make comments for a few reasons.” Yanan began. “Either they’re insecure about something in their life, which is likely their height, and they’re jealous, they love creating chaos in this world, or they’re confused.” He finishes and grabs your hand to calm you down a bit. “The people that were laughing at us, I’d say they were insecure.” Jinho said. “We seen the example of wanting to cause chaos.” Changgu said holding Hwitaek, stroking his hair. “And he learned what chaos really was.” Hui said now more relaxed. (Yes, he won). “Those girls were both confused and jealous.” Wooseok said taking a bit more funnel cake. Hongseok wiped more tears away. “No, you don’t deserve it at all. And that’s why we’re here. We’ll do every and anything we can to make you feel better and love yourself.” He said and placed a kiss on your lips. “Thank you my loves. I’m sorry that they make comments about you guys as well.” You said. “You never need to apologize for someone else’s behavior. It’s not your fault they’re stupid.” Hyunggu said holding Yuto’s hand now. A smile now spread across your face. “I love you guys so much.” You say loud enough for them all to hear. “We love you too.” They say. Hongseok holds you and rubs your back while littering kisses on top of your head. They always know how to make you feel just as important as you are!
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
The College Crush ~ Chapter 1: Twisted Girl
Black!MC x E’Dawn
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Just a flash of red and brown, and E’Dawn couldn’t help but stare. His smile fell and it felt as though his world had stopped. Your hair was in twists and so was his stomach after seeing you. The other guys didn’t fail to notice their friend’s new infatuation with the girl who had just passed by.
“You think she’s cute, huh?”
He nodded and fell off the wall since he had been too occupied staring at the beautiful brown girl who had passed by to worry about his own safety. Hyojong just had to know one thing. Who were you?
[Two hours earlier...]
Hyojong woke up and stretched, turning off his phone alarm and almost forgetting he wasn’t living on campus this year. He was so used to seeing the cream colored walls, that his black painted ones surprised him. Yawning, he smacked his lips together and tasted last night’s sleep on his tongue. It tasted like spit.
“Good morning, Cheolsoo! Yeonghee, how was your sleep? Is Nari thirsty this morning?” He said cheerfully as he watered the growing sprouts on his windowsill before getting ready.
Skipping forward, Hyojong spit foamy toothpaste into the sink and wiped his face. Only as he double checked his freckled face did his roommate Hongseok came out of his room to do his morning routine.
Scratching his tummy, he said his usual greeting, “Mornin’”
“Sleep well?”
Hongseok nodded and yawned, splashing his face with cold water, “Ah, we’re meeting the guys at the brick wall outside the library today for lunch. Bring cash. Jinho says the card swipe thing got stolen over the summer.”
 “Well fuck,” He pouted. “Ok.”
The be-speckled blonde beauty opened his closet and changed his bottoms to the black slacks required by the school that sported his grade’s color. He slipped on a white tank top after flexing in the mirror a bit. High white socks and black tennis shoes. They could have been any color, but Hyojong decided to keep it simple.
He’d put on his jacket last in case something spilled on his shirt and he had no time to change. Speaking of which. Breakfast. Nothing too big as he’d get coffee with his friends soon enough. Yuto was in the kitchen, toast waiting on the counter with jam and butter surrounding the green plate.
“I made two slices for everyone. Do whatever you want with them.”
The three waited for the last one to wake up as they ate in the living room and played a few video games. None of their classes were until 11am, and it was just now 9:23. Wooseok shuffled in his pajamas and drank some juice.
“Cute.” Hongseok smiled.
They talked about their classes and what they heard about their teachers until it was time to go. They buttoned up their gold buttons that shined brightly against the black fabric
“These look like Japanese high school outfits.”
“And here I thought I had gotten rid of these awful collars when I graduated.” Yuto looked at himself in the mirror. “Why are they trying to copy the uniform style?”
Hongseok shrugged, “Don’t know. But I don’t exactly hate it. You look adorable, Wooseok.”
Hyojong smiled, “He’s always adorable.”
“Oh, be quiet. These pants are so stupid. Why aren’t they full length?” The adorable one turned his ankle to emphasize the fact that it showed off his navy blue socks instead of covering them like regular pants.
“Fashion!” Yuto said. “I like that feature. Makes me feel young.”
“I feel like I’m cosplaying.” Hongseok laughed. “Anyways. Let’s go. We’ve got classes to get to, and it’s best not to be late on the first day.”
After their first classes, the boys met up where they had the past two years after making their rather large group of friends. There were ten of them in total, Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Shinwon, Yanan, Yeo One, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok. Hyojong went by E’Dawn because he messed up creating his first semester schedule so badly that he had classes at the crack of dawn for a whole term.
Most of the others had regular nicknames. They always met for lunch outside the library since Jinho worked at the school cafe located on the library’s first floor and got off at the time. He always brought his friends food that was fresh but would be thrown out after his shift. It was ok as long as he didn’t get caught, and his boss didn’t tell on him.
Even in this large group, they talked about the new uniforms for guys. Every grade had its own color that they had to wear. Freshmen in red, Sophomores in green, Juniors in pink, and Seniors in blue. Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok wore red while Yeo One, Shinwon, and Yanan got green. Hui, E’Dawn, and Hongseok got to wear black this year and Jinho was the only one who wore blue.
The colors were on everyone’s Student IDs. For the guys, they had two sets of pants. One were plaid and whatever color they needed to be. The others were black with a colored stripe down each side. The color also showed up on their ties they wore for their alternate uniforms.As for girls, their skirts signified their current academic level. Although girls could wear pants, there was just social pressure that made skirts more common than not.
Hyojong had decided to wear his black pants today. He met Yuto and Wooseok during their summer orientation since Hyojong was their Orientation Leader. They mentioned not wanting live on campus but not wanting to stay with their parents and E’Dawn said he had two empty rooms in his apartment. They’ve been close ever since.
The guys were taking turns walking on the red brick wall in front of the library to see who could do it the fastest without falling. Hyojong fell and landed on his ass, making the others laugh. He laughed along with them until your red skirt caught his eye. Your legs were an earthy brown, and you wore high black socks in combat boots.
Looking at the rest of your body, he saw that you had on a blazer with red accents and a white dress shirt underneath, red ribbon tied under the colar. The messenger bag you held was an army green color and covered in all sorts of buttons. Some E’Dawn recognized since he was a fan of the shows and bands.
Your hair was natural and in a plethora of twists, but you didn’t really notice him among all the other handsome men. You just saw them as a group of men you had to pass by. It didn’t occur that one of them had been captivated by your presence. Then again, while you were trying to see if you were headed towards the right building, E’Dawn was trying to get a better view of you. He sat up from his first falling position, fingers hanging off the edge of the wall.
After you passed the group, you didn’t see your newest admirer fall to the ground after losing his balance since you were already inside the building and taking everything in. So this is what the inside of a Korean library looked like, you mused.
Hyojong scrambled to his feet and followed you. He just had to make sure that what he saw was human not a goddess made from his imagination as he currently believed you were. When he got inside, he saw a red skirt go around a corner. Your twists bounced with every step and suddenly stopped as you searched for the right room. Hyojong couldn’t help but reach out and touch your shoulder.
You turned around, “Yeah?” You spoke English.
He didn’t know a lot of English. Right now, he barely remembered any Korean as you two met eyes. Yours were such a dark brown, tunnels to another world. E’Dawn had to say something.
“Hi. I’m Kim Hyojong.” He bowed. “I help with new students. Are you lost?”
Having bowed when he did, you sighed and spoke Korean, “Yes, I’m lost. I’m looking for this classroom, but I don’t see this number anywhere.”
He loved the sound of your voice. You showed him the number, and E’Dawn saw the number written in both Hangul and Romanized alphabet.
“Ah, I’m guessing you didn’t get the email. That class is now upstairs in the computer lab.” He pointed upwards. “I can take you to it if you want.”
The way you smiled made his heart skip, “Could you, please?”
Hyojong smiled back, “Sure. Follow me. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You gave a small bow and your twists trickled down your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you.”
There was no way he was going to tell you how easy it was to find the classroom since they were mostly glass walls and had the teacher’s name on the door. E’Dawn wanted to spend more time with you wanted to learn more about this beautiful black girl with a voice like the sea.
“Where you from?”
“I’m from North America. And before you ask, I learned Korean and moved here because of K-pop. Mostly the fashion aspect.”
He smiled, “Sounds about right with all the foreigners here. What’s your major?” E’Dawn asked as he opened the stairwell door for you.
“Thanks,” You grinned. “And I’m undecided at the moment. Just trying to get my general studies out the way and try a few things out before committing to a specific field just yet.”
“You’ll find your place here rather quickly. Um, let me see that paper one more time?”
You hands him the paper, and he took a pen out of his pocket to scribble something on it. He handed it back to you, and you noticed a few extra characters along the bottom.
“Wow” You heard a voice whisper.
Both of you turned your heads to see the stairwell door closing even though it should’ve already been shut after E’Dawn and you stepped out. You guys decided to ignore whatever it was.
“It’s my KTalk. You can message me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your class.” He opened the glass door leading to the largest computer room.
“Thanks. Hyojong-oppa?”
He wanted to clutch his chest as he was having a heart attack from how cute you were, calling him oppa. He almost forgot you were younger than him, but the red skirt was obvious. You were just very comfortable to be around that you didn’t feel younger. Must’ve been because you were American.
You took his reaction the wrong way, “Oh, sorry, I guess we’re not close enough for me to call you that yet.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. You can call me oppa if you want.”
“Oh, that’s a relief! Thank you, oppa!”
Hyojong nodded, caught his breath, and put on a charming smile, “Yes. You’re welcome. I’ll see you around. Your Korean is very good.”
“Thank you! I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him and went inside.
He nodded back at you and let go of the door. Releasing the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, E’Dawn gave you one last glance and headed downstairs to rejoin his friends. However, as he opened the door that lead to the stairs he saw several of them standing on the landing.
“Hey, guys. What were you doing?”
They all looked at each other until Yeo One spoke, “Nothing, oppa~”
The others joined in teasing him about having the freshman girl call him oppa even though they had just met. Hyojong was a blushing mess, and nothing could hide it. The librarian shushed them and pointed outside.
Once outside, Jinho was the first to tell the other five, “She called him oppa and almost took it back, but he said it was ok. Dawnie’s got a crush~”
“So, is she Korean?”
E’Dawn shook his head, “American. Not sure which area. Her name is (Y/N).” He touched his cheeks, starting to blush even more. “She’s really cute.”
This was fun. Should I write more? I should. Five chapters. I’ll write five chapters of this with this one being the first.
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sujus-girl · 7 years
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, so please don’t take it too seriously. This is not an official profile or anything like that!
I actually had a lot of fun making my guide to JBJ, so I was like?? What other group do I love that doesn’t get the attention they deserve? …. PENTAGON
Are y’all ready to cringe? To sigh? To question what is going on with these children? Then, without further ado, I present to you: Pentagon: My Shitty Guide to 10 Toddlers
Group Name: Pentagon
First appeared on a show called Pentagon Maker, which was called a survival show, but SPOILER ALERT: Cube decided to do the right thing and debuted all 10 members together
If I’m going to be 100% honest, I still dk where to find the full episodes, but there are a ton of clips on youtube, and, honestly, I was satisfied with just watching those
Beware because they’re very. Very. very. Loud
The fandom name is universe and i just think that’s so cute OKAY?
Ofiicial Music Videos: Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Critical Beauty, Pretty Pretty, Run Away, Like This, Violet
Personal Favorite Non-Title Tracks: Thank You, Beautiful, You Are, Spectacular, and Lose yourself
Aight, we have ten members to go through this time, so BUCKLE UP, MY FRIENDS
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Jo Jinho
The oldest member of pentagon
Vvv smol baby. Is only 5’6”
Is scared very easily lmfao
May be smol but has A HELLA SET OF LUNGS
High note king that leaves almost everyone shook
Used to be in SM the Ballad, but left and became a trainee again under cube entertainment
I guess he gave vocal lessons to cube trainees like Yoo Seonho (someone pls KINDLY let me know if i’m wrong)
Drops a bunch of covers and spoils Universe with his voice, thx boo
Usually gets paired with hongseok for stuff?? Idk
Has a room by himself in the dorms, lucky boi
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Lee HwiTaek (Hui)
The leader of this mess
Got pretty popular after the song Never was released, then continue to leave people quaking after Energetic was released
Is an A+ Singer and Producer, we love a talented man
Is vvvv scared of everything and also has a lot of tears (we love a man in touch with his emotions)
A former JYP trainee
Got7’s JB said that one time, Got7’s Mark got into a fight with him, Hui, and B.A.P.’s Youngjae and Day6’s Brian had to translate the argument LOL
Also in a subunit called Triple H that consists of him, E’Dawn and Hyuna
Also has a room to himself
Has a fanboy named Yoo Seonho that loves him vvv much, and they even went to vietnam together
also appeared on this variety show called hyena’s on the keys and flaunted his composing SKILZ
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yang Hongseok
A former YG trainee
Was on the show that created iKon, and it was…. Oof
He was new at the time, so it was kinda awkward and tense, but it got better
Is obsessed with working out, and has the abs of a greek god as a result
Reads books in his free time, and enjoys studying foreign languages
He moved around when he was younger, so he can speak Mandarin and English (we love an intelligent man)
Apparently the mom?? Cooks and cleans for the babies in the dorm
Shares a room with E’Dawn
Also really likes Iron Man… and Jinho
The members say he’s the worst at dancing in the group LOL
It’s okay though, cause he’s vvv talented in other aspects
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kim HyoJung (E’Dawn)
“I have no fear” not even two seconds later *HIGH PITCH SCREAMING*
Can reach an octave i didn’t think human possible
A little weird, but that’s okay!
Is also in Triple H with Hui and Hyuna
Hongseok’s roommate
Is really good at dancing, wow
Kinda looks tired 24/7, but we’re pretty sure that’s just his face. Like you know how some people have resting bitch face? E’Dawn has resting tired face.
Sry, i just really like tattoos, lol
But yeah! E’Dawn has multiple tattoos! Since it’s like 1 in the morning and I’m kinda tired, I’m not gonna try and think of all of them, but they should all show up if you just google e’dawn tattoos lol sorry
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Go Shinwon
Has trouble keeping his clothes on apparently
Like for real, just casually pulled his pants down and took his shirt off multiple times in pentagon maker
Is scared of animals because one time because… um…. let’s just say that there was an unfortunate incident with his pet hamster when he was in like middle school... yeah
Was eliminated during Pentagon maker, but four remaining members broke into cube late at night and put up posters saying they wanted pentagon to debut as ten
Gets mad real easily
Has broad shoulders… Like real broad. Edawn and yanan fell asleep on his shoulders and they were comfortable
Shares a room with Kino
Also really likes Mcdonalds?? Like, this boy put on a burger hat and ate a mcdonalds burger.
Really hates bugs LOL
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Has a visual that a lot of foreigners seem to really like? That’s just something I noticed, I know it’s not the general consensus
Is also an actor, he appeared in a webdrama called Spark and was the main actor for a historical drama not too long ago
Shares a room with yanan
Is yanan’s biggest fan
Has a laugh that can revive wilting flowers tbh
Talks a lot too
Sucks at table tennis
He and hui put ducktape on their legs and ripped it off
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yan An
“Annyeong chingudel”
He’s from Shanghai
Hella model vibes, amirite or amirite
He injured himself when preparing for the Ceremony album, and he had to sit out and everyone was vvv sad and vvv worried
Got better and is back, and more random than ever
Sometimes says things that are real funny, even if he doesn’t intend for it to be
“What are you talking about, this is plastic”
“You… You’re in big trouble!”
“Korean name is Yanan. Chinese name is Yanan. English Name? Yanan.”
Also once called Jinho a foreigner, even tho Jinho is Korean and they were in Korea?
May be tol and handsome, but he’s really just a big toddler
Scared of roller coasters
Roommates with yeo one who loves him v much (yeo one has the right idea, y’all)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Adachi Yuto
A japanese prince
AN ATHLETE! Played baseball and used to do soccer
A former JYP trainee
Good friends with Yuto (U) from ONF because they both used to be JYP trainees and also NCT’s Yuta
Shares a room with Wooseok and will laugh at anything he says
Milk couple
Can’t eat spicy food for shit
Hella tall
Also appeared predebut at ISAC 2015 for futsall
A bby that is afraid of many things. Especially the dark. On pentagon maker, the crew turned off the lights and he real cutely went “pd-nim~” and i almost cried it was so cute
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” “Ice cream.”
Says he can’t do aegyo, but he hella cute already, so it’s okay
Also once danced shirtless and i almost sued, you a child Boi (i say as I am younger than him)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
A whole cutie
I legit that he was my age or younger cause he was just so adorable
Only 4 days younger than yuto and 4 days older than wooseok, but he a whole baby
They did a vlive for wooseok, yuto, and kino’s birthdays and when they were getting into teams, hongseok was chosen to be in kino’s team but he said it so emotionlessly that kino got all pouty LOL
A dancing king
“I was going to go easy on you, but you called me Hyunggu”
Has a lot of friends in k-pop, he vvv popular
Shares a room with shinwon
A laugh that motivates me to be a better person
Saved the entire world by eating watermelon in front of cameras BLESS
“Get it Kino Beauty”
Proceeded to destroy yanan’s face with makeup RIP
Makes funny faces that i sometimes screenshot and send to my friends at 2 in the morning
ALSOALSOALSO, he had this little dance solo in Critical Beauty and I was LIVING for it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Jung Wooseok
The baby of the group
He was sleeping backstage once and yuto put a chocopie in front of his mouth and he sleepily tried to eat it and i was :((((( he was so cute
Really likes yuto, they’re usually paired together for stuff. Like dorms
Really likes anime, legend has it that if you play samurai heart at exactly 1:23 AM, wooseok will appear behind you and sing along
Imitates an opera singer and achieves an octave that i would imagine isn’t humanly possible for someone with a voice as deep as his
Has a fanboy names Lai Guanlin from wanna one, and he will not let anyone forget about his precious Wooseok
Once did an eating broadcast with super spicy food and accidentally got some in his eye and the rest of pentagon thought it was the funniest thing ever RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
That was a journey! We’re almost done, though!
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Videos Of Pentagon to Watch! Weekly Idol with Victon and Momoland! (X) This crack (?) series that I live for (X) The VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Triple H Weekly Idol (only Hui and E’Dawn) (X) This clip from Pentagon Maker that was all sorts of mess, even with only 4 members (X) Hui, Wooseok, and E’Dawn trying to cook (X) This other VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Pentagon Heyo TV (Mafia Game Cut) (X)
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A VERY SHORT, SHITTY GUIDE TO PENTAGON! I hope this helps anyone wanting to get into Pentagon, or even just makes an Universe smile! Now go and bask in the glory that is Pentagon’s craziness! Bye!
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mingyus-noona · 6 years
My niece renames Kpop groups
**With my notes, because sometimes they’re needed to make sense of what’s going through her mind. She definitely repeats things, so there are a few people with the same name (but that already happens in Kpop, so it fits) or part of the same name, even within the same group. Twice has two members named Pool in my niece’s version. She also asked several times afterward if the name she said was Korean lol. She switches between saying random sounds and objects after I asked her to do shorter names so I could write them down and to say actual names, so she started naming objects. FIRST UP: Some Highlights: Big Bang Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Twice Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush (f)x Luna: Kiss the Beach A.C.E. Wow: Sunny Side Animal Got7 Jinyoung: Trashcan Monsta X Minhyuk: Skeleton Winner Taehyun: Bedroom Mamamoo Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose 24k Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words 2PM Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Block B P.O.: Drinking Boyfriend Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion BTOB Sungjae: I’m lemoned out B.I.G. Benji: Logo Beast Junhyung: I want Treasure And then she kind of just gave some names to other idols: Shinee Key>>B1A4 Gongchan Astro Sanha>> Block B Kyung Some of the names she chose weren’t that bad and I could actually see them as idol names, given that some are a little odd: Big Bang G Dragon: Song K Monsta X Shownu: Zucka Za Red Velvet Wendy: A-talk Red Velvet Yeri: Boxy A.cian Seulgi: Taeko The full list: BTS: Jin: Chun-gu [this is a character from the Lion Guard] Suga: Chung-who J-hope: Kissy [she said like a Hershey Kiss] RM: Huggy Jimin: Hat [Jimin was wearing a hat] V: Hershey Kiss Jungkook: Lovey Lovey
EXO: Xiumin: I Pig Luhan: Passa Pass a Suey Butt Kris: A Koosa Koosa Wah Suho: Eye Coo Soak Lay: Paper Paper Color Snow [there was snow in the picture] Baekhyun: So Kay Chen: Coal Kah Kushe Chanyeok: Hairy Hair Hair D.O.: Kissy Kissy So Tao: Silly Butt Eye Kai: Koko is a Bobby a So Su Sehun: Koko Ih Ih E A Chacha
Seventeen: S.coups: Steppy Jeonghan: Coosy Joshua: Here We Go Again Jun: Phoney Hoshi: Grass [grass in the picture] Wonwoo: Cuppy Closewa Woozi: Laying Down in Grass [grass in this picture too] DK: Sleepy Sleepy Slook Mingyu: Wordy Cosa The8: Icy Koos Seungkwan: Standy Call Vernon: Heart [she saw a gif of him holding a cut-out heart] Dino: Coosy Got (funny that this goes with Jeonghan's name: Coosy Got is the equivalent of Dino being Jeonghan's aegi 😂)
Got7: Mark: Silly JB: Silly Butt Soup Jackson: Mouthy Kahs Jinyoung: Trashcan Youngjae: Rotten Fish Filled with Trashcan [and not the other way around] BamBam: Pirate Kite Yugyeom: Eye Lip [she was trying to say eyelid lol]
Astro: MJ: Huh? JinJin: Kooka Wappu Deh Eunwoo: Sorry Moonbin: Fan Rocky: Light Sanha: Koosa
Monsta X: Wonho: Eye Sooka Soak a Soaka Shownu: Zucka Za Minhyuk: Skeleton Kihyun: Soaka Soaka a Bassa Hyungwon: So Bae Jooheon: Cossa Cossa Oh Bae Doo Doo Wah I.M.: Kiss the Go Bae Soap Ooh Wah
Winner: Yoon: Table Jinu: Bottle Hoony: Ice Water Minho: Floor Taehyun: Bedroom
Pentagon: Jinho: High Hui: Low Hongseok: Right E'Dawn: Left [creative, huh?] Shinwon: Koos Yeo One: Took Yanan: Keet Yuto: Keep Kino: Eye Wooseok: Love [if there was another member, she definitely would have named him You because the last three would be that Eye Love You gesture people show kids]
Blackpink: Jennie: Kussah Jisoo: Kass Bwi Bway Rose: Bob Wah Lisa: Toosedah
(f)x: Victoria: Pizza Amber: Kayswah Luna: Kiss the Beach [I don’t know if it’s what she said, but it sounded like it and I asked her and she said yes] Krystal: A Kassa Wah Sulli: Jees
Mamamoo: Solar: Peesagwa Moonbyul: Blah Blah Blah Wheein: Bowl Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose [I think she was trying to sing nursery rhymes and then saw the rose in the picture]
Girls’ Generation: Taeyeon: Um, I don’t know Sunny: I don’t saw Tiffany: Dress [she had a dress on] Hyohyeon: Plug Yuri: Spoon Sooyoung: Call Yuna: Blah Blah Blah, I get it Seohyun: Hairy Jessica: Hug Kiss
Big Bang: G Dragon: Song K T.O.P.: Cooshy Coosh [close enough to kush, and we all know what he was caught with lol] Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Daesung: Hairy Hair Coso Seungri: Jerry Sook [this just sounds like someone’s American name]
Red Velvet: Irene: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Seulgi: The horn on the bus goes bing bing bing, bing bing bing, bing bing bing, the horn on the bus goes bing bing bing all through the town Wendy: A-talk Joy: Bubblegum Yeri: Boxy
I.O.I.: Nayoung: Hi Goodbye Chungha: The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again Sejeong: Light Cult [I found out later she tried to say lightbulb, but this is funnier] Chaeyeon: Good Bye Bye Kyulkyung: Toe Sohye: Hair Yeonjung: Bobobo Yoojung: Smiley Face Mina: Hershey Kiss Smiley Doyeon: I don’t know Suh Somi: Wall
Twice: Jihyo: Pool Nayeon: Water Jeongyeon: Fill Momo: Up Sana: Pool Mina: Pineapple [she was holding one in the picture] Dahyun: Flower Flower Chaeyoung: Happy Happy the Hop Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush [nursery rhymes again] [you can tell in this one that she was swimming at the time since she said pool water fill up lol]
Super Junior: Leeteuk: Polka Dot Heechul: Triangle Yesung: Square Kangin: Rectangle Shindong: Heart Sungmin: Circle Eunhyuk: Splash [she was in the pool] Siwon: Fly [she saw a bee] Donghae: Umbrella [same] Ryeowook: Porch [we were on the porch] Khyuhyun: Butterfly Zhoumi: I see butterfly, I like butterfly [she likes butterflies] Henry: I love you Hangeng: Coo Say Kibum: Bubbly a Way So Eh
24K: Cory: Emmy E [her nickname is Emmy] Kisu: Boolooloo Jeunguk: Ma Ba Ba Ba Ba Changsun:  Chair Jinhong: Pooly Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Hongseob: Sun-who Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words Sungoh: Woo-ah Hui: Vacation [she was pretending we were on vacation] Daeil: Flamingo Seokjun: Water Water Byungho: Snow
2PM: Jun. K: Fish Nichkhun: Bird Taecyeon: Heart Lovey Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Junho: I We Oh We Chansung: I love bathing suits all day long in the pool [she really likes swimming] Jay Park: Ha Ha Ha
2AM: Jo Kwon: 444 Wa Changmin: Florida [she knows it’s a place that’s hot lol] Seulong: Sunny Wa Jinwoon: Wha’s that?
A.C.E.: Jun: Rolly Uh Gaygay Donghun: Bubble Bubble Floating in the Pool Wow: Sunny Side Animal Kim Byeongkwan: Haha Chan: Muh Muh Muh [she said this to the tune of Got7′s Just Right, as in ma ma ma ma ma]
A.cian: Jungsang: Pot Hyukjin: Dah Sanghyeon: D Jin.O: Ma UTae: Me Seulgi: Taeko Chanhee: Susu Waya Crooge: Highway Hidden: O Lo-J: Heh Heh Heh Sehee: I’m a PoPoPuh [she was being cute naming one person Dah and the next D (like daddy) and then Ma/Me (mommy)]
B1A4: Jinyoung: Pee CNU: Facey Bath Sandeul: Buh Baro: Goo goo Ga ga Gongchan: Key [she has no idea who he is]
B.A.P.: Yongguk: I love you E Ah Himchan: Helicopter [there was one outside] Daehyun: Plane Youngjae: Bathing Suit Jongup: Iwosa Zelo: Incredibles [she is into the movie right now]
Block B: Zico: Little Taeil: Bump Bump Bump B-bomb: Aisle Jaehyo:  Bubble Bubble Wawa U-Kwon: Boo Boo Kyung: Sanha [as in from Astro] P.O.: Drinking
Boyfriend: Donghyun: Bath Hyunseong: Water Jeongmin: Poggy Youngmin: Eggy Eggy Ah Gaygay Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion [I have no idea with this one] Minwoo: Armpit [the names carry over from Block B to Boyfriend: as in Drinking Bath Water]
Boys Republic: Onejunn: Mall Bah Sunwoo: Star Sungjun: Eggy Eggy Gosowah Minsu: San Hahaha [I got her to remember her “boyfriend” Sanha’s (from Astro) name by saying it sounds like San haha] Suwoong: I love you for the time
BTOB: Eunkwang: Here we go again Minhyuk: Dirty Changsub: Clean Hyunsik: Paper Peniel: Couples 2 Ilhoon: Water Out [someone let water out of the pool] Sungjae: I’m lemoned out [no idea?]
B.I.G.: J-Hoon: Incredibles I Benji: Logo Gunmin: I Woo-eh Minpyo: Robot Heedo: Sun tea Gah [my sister just made some sun tea] [Incredibles I Logo: I told you that’s her movie right now]
Beast: Doojoon: Treasure [we were playing pirate/buried treasure earlier and she agreed to name these if I gave her more stuff to use for the treasure lol] Junhyung: I want Treasure Yoseob: Sangha Kikwang: Em Look [I told her this right before] Dongwoon: I don’t know [she couldn’t think of any more names] Hyunseung: Okay [I told her this was the last one]
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knamjooons-blog · 7 years
When you guys spend some intimate time together and he wakes up first the morning after.
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All these are meant to be for fun and are plainly from my imaginations so if you don’t like them, then please don’t read :)
[NONE of the gifs are mine and belong rightfully to their owners!]
//Some of these ended up like little imagines lmao//
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This sweet man would be up way before you were. He’d see that you were in such a comfortable position against him so he’d stay there for awhile to just stare at you (lol creepy) and smile to himself, thinking how lucky he was to have you as his girlfriend. He’d wait until you rolled over and then give you a quick peck before getting out of bed to get breakfast going. He would’ve probably been away for Pentagon’s promotions for awhile so he wanted to make sure he’d treat you like a princess whenever he was with you. AWWW
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We all know Hui is a busy, busy man so he was so used to waking up early, even on his day off like today. He’d been working non-stop lately but after spending the night with you and being able to wake up next to you this morning, it was like as if his tiredness and worries had all disappeared (lol cringe sorry).  When you’d finally wake up, he’d greet you with a soft “good morning jagiya” before leaning in for a sweet kiss. Small, playful kisses would soon escalate into a heated make out session that would leave a pool in between your legs. In seconds, he would be on top of you; his hands caressing your sides as he looked at you with a growing smile. He had actually planned out an entire day for you - wanting nothing more than to spoil you with the nicest of things because to him, you deserved such and more. But now that you were both so worked up, maybe it was best to just postpone those plans for a little later…
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(I’m not even Hongseok biased but damn imagine waking up next to this fine beast) 
He’d wake up with you lying on his arm, while your hand rested on his lower stomach and your legs tangled up with his. He’d instantly spot the reddish marks on your neck and shoulders and grin to himself, having instantly remembering back to yesterday night when you were yelling his name over and over. He felt bad for marking you all over but he wanted the world to know that you were his and only his. You’d wake up not too long after and he’d dive right in for a wonderful morning kiss that would eventually lead to him hovering over you while you wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close. Let’s just say it’ll definitely lead to… MORNING SEX. YASSSSSSS 1 round? 2? 3? Who knows really, since Hongseok had everlasting energy when it came down to fucking you.  
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This perverted boyfriend of yours would stir awake to go to the bathroom when he noticed you sleeping next to him, naked and with the blanket barely covering anything at all. He’d lean over to pull the blanket up to keep you warm but the sight of your beautiful chest mountains right in his face only had him grinning cheekily to himself as numerous evil thoughts flashed in his mind. So what does he decide to do instead? Well, he’d end up lying flat on your chest while his arms went around to hug your body against his. This way, he could keep you warm and also have his boner satisfied for now… of course just until you wake up later and help him with his “problem” instead.
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The moment Shinwon woke up, he would’ve lost it. The sight of you sleeping next to him was beautiful - yes, of course - but what had him going crazy over is the fact that you were in his white over sized t-shirt with nothing underneath. He wanted to snuggle you until tomorrow… but his boner wanted something else. He’d lightly place kisses along your sides before moving to hover over you so he could have a better angle to attack the crest of your neck. He knew how sensitive you were there and it was true because you were up in matter of seconds. However, you’d instantly melt into his many kisses and before you could even ask him what he was up to, he’d already be positioning himself into between your legs. His soft hands would then gently graze along your sides as it made its way underneath your t-shirt to cup your bare ass, while a smirk grew on his lips.
“Jagiya… can you perhaps help me?” *WINK*
(I’m going to write this into a smut lol)
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He’d wake up and smile to himself, seeing you peacefully asleep next time him and instantly remembering back to how you were clinging onto him last night as he brought you closer and closer to your wonderful climax. His smile would only continue on as he sees you in his huge t-shirt, loving how it was so big that it practically hung off your shoulders and reached to your knee. He’d lightly brush the strands of hair away from your face so he could kiss you before sitting back against the headboard to think of what he could do the entire day to spoil his beautiful girlfriend. Breakfast in bed? Morning shower together? Shopping? Movie? Why not all of it.
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Back at the dorms, Changgu usually woke up the latest out of the ten members but with you, he always loved to wake up first. He just loves to have his arm wrapped around your small frame as you snuggled so closely against him in your sleep. He’d lovingly place soft kisses on your forehead, just lightly so he wouldn’t wake you up and when you were finally up, he’d asked you constantly if you were feeling okay and that yesterday night was just perfect. Then would come the wonderful shower of loving kisses from him as you both cuddled closely in bed for the rest of the day.
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Yuto isn’t one to show heaps of affection, especially around his members so at times like these he just loved to be close to you. You’d be sleeping with your back at him and even though he didn’t want to wake you up, he’d end up scooting over so he could spoon you from behind. He loved it when your small body was pressed against his as his protective arms wrapped themselves around you to hold you close. He’d bury his face into the back of your neck, allowing your familiar scent - that he loved so much - to instantly attack his senses. Yuto could never get enough of you and after a wonderful night like last night, he wanted nothing more than to see you wake up in his arms.
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This fluff ball of sunshine would wake up to the biggest grin on his face, like as if he had just ate 10 rainbows. He was usually so affectionate anyways but at such intimate times like these when you were both naked and tangled together under the sheets, he just loved to hold you so tightly in his arms like you were the most precious thing to him (you are). He’d admire your beauty for a while and waited until you woke up to tell you just that. BECAUSE HE IS A SUCH A SWEET BOY.
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You would’ve woken up before him actually and was happily snuggling into his huge body with his arm wrapped so sluggishly around you. You both would be completely naked under the sheets and with this freezing weather, you just loved to be as close to him as possible to keep warm. Wooseok, who was now finally awake would secretly peek down at you and feel so happy to see you all cutely cuddled up to him. He was always busy with schedule and when he had the chance to be with you, it was usually just all fun and games so moments like these were really precious to him. But then again, this is Wooseok we’re talking about so how could he just give up the chance of saying something witty… 
“Can’t get enough of this dick can you?”
Whose reaction is your favourite? (Sorry I got carried away with some lmao. Hope you’ve liked it~)
- @knamjooons
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