#first pic is from pofv aya's route
wretchedbirdthing · 8 months
Despite just making the post about how fun it is to roast Aya as an Aya Enjoyer, I am also happy to see her grow and learn to be a tiny bit less of a shithead.
Heactia’s interview put the fear of god into that bird and it shows. Imagine having your world view shaken by a goth who dressed her kid up as an American clown fo piss off her girlfriend’s enemies.
I like how she's gotten progressively more of a shithead. Compare how she was in pofv and then later on in ds or afieu (up until the hecatia part). You love to see it.
She was almost a plucky reporter at the start. Her biggest problem, according to eiki, was that she was too inquisitive. People wanted to be interviewed by her. Like yeah, she'd still write exaggerated articles but it wasn't as bad as afieu. She wasn't terrible, most of her lines are pretty neutral and not all that interesting, save for her convo with eiki.
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She's such a little shit (I also like how raw eiki's dialogue is).
But if we move to afieu, things only get worse..
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I don't think hecatia put enough fear of god into her. She should do it again. It'd be funny.
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Just a little more should be good.
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I think it'd help.
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Not just her but everyone.
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