#first quinn song is. concerning and more than a little stalkery lmao
albatris · 2 years
Hey, hi, hello. The music associated with ocs thing: nat & quinn please! I'm love them & every rental car related post I've seen. ^^
hello, hi, hey! I'm very very late, but I was in the mood for Tunes today so I come bearing gifts for u
thank you for the ask!! and for the kind words also, I'm so happy you've enjoyed rental car so far :D
nat and quinn were popular choices for this game, which is fine by me because I obviously have a soft spot for these two ahaha. so, there are a few tunes for them I posted a while ages back in response to this game and potentially some more on the way! again, I know I'm late, rip
but for now mmmmmm two tunes for both I think c:
and pls forgive my rambles, I love talking oc music so much
"Mx. Sinister" by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME is a funky little Quinn tune! albeit a distressing one. pretty self-explanatory for an all-round shady bastard. a tune fitting for both an early story Quinn who is. for lack of a better word. Extremely Fucking Sinister. in their hunting down and acquiring of allies and useful people and "friends", as well as an early story Quinn who's in a bit of a love-and-obsession spiral with a particular new ally of theirs c: either way, shifty, ruthless, manipulative, little regard for the other person's opinions on the matter
Oh, you never seem to notice when I follow you home / In the dark of your apartment when you think you're alone / What will it take? What else should I do? / How far must I go to prove that I love you?
whether it's genuine love or just a convenient illusion they spin together to get folks to trust them It's Fuckin Shady As Hell
plus the chorus in general of course
And I'll get you yet / I've got to make you mine / Just know I'm not the sinister type
aaaand next up for Quinn is "The Fox" by North Bloom, which is one that came up on my discover weekly that I immediately yoinked for my playlist
fantastic vibe for a scared Quinn who's starting to slip a little bit
I thought I was always awake / I thought I wouldn't make a mistake / They say I lost hold of the glue / They say that my view is skewed
n particularly this part lmao
But it's hard to get around / When you can't see the ground / Or the path that leads me to / A bond built on something other than bluffing
these are some Quinn vibes if I've ever heard them :( most of their relationships aren't exactly mutual and trusting, the only way Quinn feels safe in their relations to others is if they can maintain the upper hand at all costs, often resorting to manipulation and bluffing and occasionally blackmail. they feel uncomfortable and vulnerable without it. Quinn's approach to relationships is to immediately establish the best way to gain control over the other party and keep that control at all costs, so constantly being paranoid and On Guard and lying through their teeth comes with the territory, n they have very few real friends
n like. oh, sure, Quinn doesn't recognise it at first, but they're SUPER fucking lonely and isolated, like, this song has some good Yearning in it too. they have no fuckin CLUE how to establish a bond built on anything other than, yeah, bluffing and manipulating and whatever in a frantic effort to Keep Control and maintain their image as someone formidable and not to be backstabbed. plus also
Could I have your attention just for a second / I'm trying to tell you that all of this blame and this shame / It is all mine to take, I have so much to say / So I'm trying my best just to do what I can / Without addressing the topic at hand
Quinn Cooper, master of "I'm desperately lonely and scared and isolated and I want to open up to the people I care for but I'm going to sidestep the entire conversation and beat around the bush and never use any specifics because this is fucking terrifying to me"
(genuine connection and real friendship?? no open up and be vulnerable!!! only genuine connection and real friendship!!)
n lastly "chronically dire / reliable liar" is too delightful a Quinn description to skip out on c:
as for Nat tunes!!!!
I have to include the obligatory Super Edgy Nat Tune which is "An Ode To Death" by Birds of Tokyo. honestly this song all round is a fantastic vibe for this poor boy's many, many, MANY ongoing personal crises
Tell me, how far would you go / Would you take the life of another? / Will you be the one to say no? / Forgive and forget when you die, my love
plus of course the repetition throughout the song of "Never will I see the sun again" and "Where were you Monday? / I was not missing, I was dead" are real good too :3 like, oh, perhaps a dash too literal but not technically WRONG. either way they're good lines for a truly sad little miserable vampire lmao
and finally, I was tossing up between two songs here, but I think "Dear Wormwood" by The Oh Hellos is an excellent Nat tune, specifically for the kinda..... ramping up to the climax of the story scenes, where the mystery is mostly solved and all that's left to do is fuck shit up with the Garble
like. the end gets Loud and Passionate but it's still quite a gentle, sad song imo. I have plenty of angry vs. Garble tunes but this one is. just. yeah. yep
I have always known you You have always been there in my mind But now I understand you And I will not be part of your designs
I know who I am now And all that you've made of me I know who you are now And I name you my enemy
like!!!!!! hello. this is just such a great little vibe for a Nat who finally has all the pieces put together and has accepted what he's about to do, intense and determined but not angry, with a newfound self-assuredness and understanding of himself, both in terms of the role he's playing in this whole stupid mess and just like........... himself as a person, what’s at his core, what he wants, what his morals are, the ability to stand firm in his convictions. v good. yep
anyway thank u for coming to my ted talk and also for reading these rambles <3 mwah. goodnight I'm going to bed
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