delanuit · 10 months
“Your hands are cold.” she grabbed them then Immediately said that, 10/10 politeness
it is a shock when her small, warm hands slip into his, gripping them with surprising strength. Erik almost pulls his own away at her complaint, but Christine makes no move to release them, despite her protest. a small, almost chagrined smile twists the corner of his already twisted lips as his hands squeeze hers in return.
“ apologies, my dear. they've always been like that. ” his hands tremble in hers, overwhelmed by the contact. “ it's why I usually wear gloves, you see. ”
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noblehcart · 1 year
@firstsorrow (stefan & christine)
"Mademoiselle Daae?" The fine chain of silver felt cool against his skin as curious eyes settled on the retreating form of the dancer. Paris had been lovely thus far for a new settlement to start a life and enjoy the pension he received on behalf of his service to Russia under Tsar Alexander II. He didn't have vices and stayed far from the red district and their tenements much to the chagrin of his comrades who would visit and ask after the area. Libraries, cafes and the opera was where he spent his time though the latter had been a more recent development. He found himself forgetting much of the world watching the performances though he never cared much for the music in particular.
But there was a girl...
A brief moment in passing during the daylight hours as he sought to secure a box. She had floated through the foyer like a feather; light, airy and soft. It didn't take much questioning to discover her name and recall the twist of her features and form in pirouettes. For a moment he had scoffed at himself. He was an accomplished general in the Imperial Army- he shouldn't be turned by a ballet girl and yet... polished boots quickly strode across the marble flooring before his stiff frame swept into a slight bend to snatch up the necklace. Simple, silver and bearing a cross. Fingers briefly rubbed the chain over tips before he righted himself and called out to her taking a step closer, but stopping at the base of the stairs.
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His throat cleared as stoic tone settled in. " "Mademoiselle Daae? I believe this belongs to you? If I'm not mistaken?"
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herresponsibiliity · 1 year
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so @firstsorrow and i came up with an au for our muses but instead of having an npc as attina's betrothed i wondered if anyone would like to join us?? its set in renaissance italy where attina's father is king of Naples. i can send the bio i wrote up to see if you'd like to join us
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@firstsorrow PENNED: “   i  love  it  when  you  call  me  that .   ”
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A grin grew on his lips at Christine's words. " Azizam? " he repeated, moving to tuck a stray lock of hair behind the soprano's ear. " In Persian, it means ( my dear ). " His fingers lingered against her cheek. " I could call you other things as well, if you would like... ".
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dolcesuono · 1 year
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" truly, the honor is mine, " she says, grasping the other woman's hand in greeting. she had not been in paris long before the name of young mademoiselle daaé had reached her. and after hearing her perform, she could not deny that the praise was entirely warranted. with her own debut production with the company still in rehearsals, she had been eager to taken in as much as she could. and she had not been disappointed - indeed, the company's reputation was not exaggerated. " you certainly have made it a challenge of us for those of us who must perform after you, " she adds with a wry smile.
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𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳 --> @firstsorrow
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mortevivante · 1 year
‘  finally ,  i  plead  guilty  of  adoring  you .  ’  › @firstsorrow
she speaks of love and guilt, and erik understands. perhaps more than ever, he understands what she feels. love, he had learned, was precious and fleeting, and how many nights had he spent agonizing over this! am i allowed to love even when my first love has died? have i betrayed her? in his heart of hearts, he imagines luciana would be happy to see him love again. he knows she would've loved christine. christine, who spoke of love and guilt / some sweet sin- 
( love is not a sin, is it? is it a sin if it is his love? for it was his love that killed luciana / his love that would surely be the death of christine- christine, christine, christine who kissed his forehead / his lips / her hand in his hand, hands in his hair- her one sin, love-
her one sin, not a sin at all ) 
❝ oh, christine- ❞ her name is a prayer / the closest he's felt to God in quite some time / since his sun-kissed days in rome / in persia- ❝ christine, do not think of it as guilt! your adoration is a blessing, not a sin! ❞ she has taught him that he had no need to feel guilt in loving her- even when it clawed at his mind and whispered words of doubt in the darkest nights, she had taught him that it was not a point of shame, but one of pride! not everyone could love so deeply / not everyone would pour their heart out in ink on parchment. not everyone could look upon love and sing of it among the choirs of heaven- she believed erik could.
slowly, he was learning to believe this as well.
❝ once more, my angel, you have given your erik a precious gift- ❞ the gift of love / gift of song ( for she sang for him! gave her soul for him! how impossibly lovely! )  ❝ your erik shall cherish it, always! ❞ 
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wihlted · 1 year
- ̗̀   STARTER CALL  ━━  @firstsorrow  ♡   ̖́-
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my   dearest   christine,
america   is   as   eccentric   as   i   remember   it   to   be.          many   of   my   memories   are   filled   with   a   child-framed   haze,   but   i   think   i   can   still   find   the   joy   in   being   here.          my   hope   is   to   relax   -   august   insists   this   is   meant   to   be   a   holiday.          if   i   come   across   anything   that   reminds   me   of   you,   i’ll   keep   it   in   my   pocket.
i   am   writing   this   as   soon   as   i’ve   arrived   to   my   room.          i   have   yet   to   even   unpack,   but   i   miss   your   company   already.          sailing   on   ships   terrifies   me,   and   though   the   boat   was   lovely,   i   was   unable   to   enjoy   even   one   bit   of   it.          i’m   sure   you   could   have   made   it   bearable,   somehow.          smaller   rowboats,   closer   to   shore,   are   much   more   tolerable.   
please   tell   madame   not   to   worry.   i   will   still   do   my   stretches   every   day.
all   of   my   love   from   america,
serena   carlisle.
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@firstsorrow gets ariel chomping on a flower for funsies.
she's doing her absolute best to learn but, sometimes, she still does things that other humans don't usually do. thankfully, christine does a good job of reeling her in... most of the time. there are occasions, such as now, where ariel wanders off and does her own thing. one treat that the former mermaid has recently discovered are rose-flavoured things, which ariel has developed a fondness for. while wandering around, she's picked up a rose before heading back towards the singer. ❛ sorry, i wandered off again. ❜ there's a slight smile before she goes ahead and bites off a single petal. there's an expression, one of confusion as she chews. ❛ not as good as the cakes. ❜ still, she continues.
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metalcursed · 1 year
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the opera house was an impressive sight against the bustling streets of paris. of course, edwin was not surprised at the fact, though, his breath was struck from him all the same at the living picture of it before him. he was still in shock to receive an answer back as per his request to visit, however. since the infamous incident, he was sure his claim to interview the parties involved would be met with a firm and swift refusal. he imagined the owners would want to do away with the ugly business at the close of legal investigations. as it was, ed was delighted to accept the offer of an unimpeded stay in order to conduct his research. he was granted full permission by the two managers to explore the property and discuss with witnesses the events. with their individual consent, that is.
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upon arrival, his star witness--if one could forgive the double meaning--was at the top of his list. were he not so young and inexperienced, he might have exercised prudence. perhaps, it would have been best for word to get around of his attendance and mission here, but edwin had little self-constraint. at the earliest opportunity, he sought out her prima donna dressing room and knocked softly on the door. he'd convinced himself during the walk along the vast corridors that it was better to catch her unawares. she was engaged for the season of shows, so she could do her best to avoid him. if he were to bite the proverbial bullet and introduce himself right off, it could turn out in his favor than leave it to chance they meet. straightening his collar and clearing his throat nervously, ed waiting outside the door, his rapid heartbeat the only noise to greet him thus far. even though he'd been invited, ed felt he was intruding upon the grand place all of a sudden. a chill rocked him back on his heels, and he wondered if the shadows were beginning to play tricks in the candlelight. @firstsorrow
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ircnwrought · 2 years
@firstsorrow liked for a starter (eponine) !!
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__________❅      SHE  OFTEN  FINDS  HERSELF  AT  THE  THEATER  NOWADAYS.  sometimes  she  can  scrounge  up  the  odd  job  sending  messages  for  a  sou  here  or  sweeping  the  back  for  a  sou  there.  sometimes  men  pay  for  other  things.  a  few  more  sous,  but  never  a  livre.  when  no  one  is  looking  she  takes  some  of  the  makeup  from  the  vanities  to  hide  the  bruises  her  father  leaves  she  is  called  for  &&  she  slowly  comes  out  of  the  shadows,  half  bob  in  response.  is  one  supposed  to  curtsy  like  nobility  ??  even  the  actresses  are  higher  in  station  than  she.  ❛    you  look  very  well  today,  madame.    ❜
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delanuit · 1 year
@firstsorrow liked for a starter.
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deep breath. shaky exhale. first one, then another. staring into those trusting eyes: wide, warm, full of . . . something he doesn't dare to name. his bones feel hollow, muscles so taut he fears he may crumble into dust. there is an ingrained fear within him, so deep-set he cannot decipher where it lies. it lives in the base of his skull, it paralyses him, it takes all the strength he possesses to twitch his fingers toward his face. it's a battle against every instinct, every hard-won lesson, an entire lifetime that has served as nothing but a dire warning against this very action he's attempting to commit.
but he looks upon her — Christine — looks into the depth of her soul and knows deep down that there is nothing he would not do if she asked it of him. he would KILL, LIVE, or DIE at her command. surely he can do this, whatever the outcome may be. the rejection, if it comes, could kill him. but he cannot think of a better end.
( in some corner of his mind he cannot help but laugh at himself ; a grown man approaching his middle age who has lived his whole life according to his own design, becoming little more than a dog begging to be kicked in the presence of this young diva. but then, love has never been something that made much sense to this phantom . . . )
with shaking fingers, Erik removes his mask.
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noblehcart · 1 year
@firstsorrow SC: (christine & stefan)
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"mademoiselle daae, where on earth are you taking me?" because he didn't recognize where they were going and she seemed particularly excited. infectiously so. "you have me utterly curious and at your mercy."
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herresponsibiliity · 1 year
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@firstsorrow asked: 💇 !!
Attina lay in her handmaid's lap, a soft rustle of air passed through the branches above them. "Father says I will have to marry him. He hasn't even arrived and I hate him. I don't want to marry some stranger." These were words she'd never utter to anyone but Christine. The only person she trusted enough to whine to whenever she wanted. She'd do as she was told, but for right now she'd whine and complain about the unfairness it was to be the eldest daughter and thus the most sought after.
A soft sigh escapes Attina as Christine plays with Attina's curls. She had loosed them in their privacy. Christine was a good listener, something Attina had learned long ago when Christine became her handmaiden. "Perhaps I can jump from the cliffs and let the gods take me?"
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@firstsorrow PENNED: ❝ you continue to surprise me in all sorts of mundane, unremarkable ways. ❞ he’s probably cooking or something and she’s just 👀
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A laugh leaves him as he adds a handful of herbs to the simmering broth, the scent of garlic and thyme wafting through the air. " Bourguignon is not so complicated, " he remarks as he stirs the mixture. " I have not made it in quite some time, but...I thought you might enjoy it. Your first leading role is something to be celebrated, after all. "
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butnobodyhome · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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tommywllliams · 2 years
@firstsorrow, "you know any other dances but that ballet they teach you?" you know what they say about assumptions, but tommy figures he can count the times christine's been out on the town on one hand. the greaser extends his hand to her and dips his head in the direction of the jukebox.
"c'mere, i can teach you THE HAND JIVE tonight. think you'll like it, christine."
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