#fischs wacken adventure
mutantenfisch · 11 months
Signal on the holy ground was too bad the past 2 days so no daily Wacken updates.
We've had very good weather until last night and I wish my feet hadn't started bleeding from the blisters i got from walking with rain boots for several days yesterday. Because of that i could only see Delain and the fantabulous Wacken Firefighters and had to listen to Alestorm, Saltatio Mortis, Versengold, Mr Hurley and Dropkick Murphys from the tent.
Aaaanyway. We're now waiting for our train back home and I can't wait to cuddle Baldito and put a certain playlist on repeat :3
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
That's all. That's the post.
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
Good morning friends! The mud is beginning to solidify, the sun is coming out, I got a sunburn yesterday and saw The Real MacKenzies, Unzucht, Uriah Heep, Hammerfall, Eivør and Faun :)
They were all great but UH made me tear up a little because the old men were so obviously smitten by how much they were celebrated by the crowd <3
As you know I don't drink and even the 1 light beer can per day rule I set for myself doesn't get reached because I just don't like warm beer xD instead our Italian camping neighbour taught me how to make the best coffee, gave me a very justified scolding about the ground beans I used for my mokka maker being the wrong kind and we spent most of the day yesterday together.
Today I am feeling a little dizzy (I did so a few days before Wacken too) and thus will probably only go to Santiano and listen to Iron Maiden from afar, like I'm doing rn with J.B.O. <3
I already decided to, if I can afford it, get tickets for their concert in Jena in Autumn. They are fun :D
Anna is off to see Harpyie in 30 minutes and hopefully will record a bit of Wardruna for me later this evening. Meanwhile I decided to tidy up around the tent a little because I have lots of plans for tomorrow and we want to pack up on Sunday without a hurry.
I will also take some more pics if my battery cooperates but won't upload them before being connected to DB WiFi and a phone charger socket ^^
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
Good morning it's raining like hell atm, I need to pee and I am hungry but under the current free shower I'm not gonna leave the tent to turn on the camping cooker x'D
According to the forecast it's supposed to get sunny after this shower, but the slightly dried mud is getting thoroughly soaked atm :(
Anyway, Hammerfall, Kreator and Helloween for me today. 😎🤘
(If I don't schlander back to the tent earlier because I don't wanna hike thru the mud in complete darkness.)
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
Wer hat den ganzen Matsch bestellt?
Wacken is sinking into mud. The mood on the ground is still good, at least in our corner, but if the rain keeps coming, well :(
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
Due to recent developments i am wondering if the no open fire policy at train stations still counts if I take our camping cooker to the designated smoking area.
I just wanna boil some water to make a warm cup of tea while we wait for the connecting train past 7 am. Which is 7 hours after we arrive in Hamburg.
And we also still await news regarding the festival officials' plans because of the ongoing rain. By now I am open to place bets on the amount of cars (by percentage) that need to get towed TO the camping ground.
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