#fisics memes
tramon81 · 1 year
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tlecuauhtlapcupeuh · 7 years
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Gods spectrum meme!
I hope the imagen looks good,but in cae it doesn´t, here´s the link: 
OH MY TONACATECUHTLI GUYS You know who they are,but in case this is your first time I´ll present to you: (left to right) Tlaloc,Teccíztecatl,Tezcatlipoca,Tepeyellotl,Xipe-totec,Xochipilli. Mictlantecuthli,Nanahuatzin,Quetzalcoatl,Xolotl,Huitziloopchtli. I didn´t put Tonatiuh because is the same as Nanahuatzin (except in the fisical ) And If I have more time I´ll the goddess!!   This was too fun ! *Calmecac was the school for the sons of Aztec nobility,they normally learned about many disciplines,but the fight was essential!) Original : https://dustbunnythumper.deviantart.com/art/OC-Spectrum-Meme-BLANK-276918754
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madchoices · 7 years
tanks! @kate-snotamused ^^
1) Favorite band? Imagine dragons 2) Do you believe in miracles? nope even if i hope a lot for one, like when i don’t study 3) What’s the best place to sit and think? mmm somewhere with a good view i suppose? 4) Last song you listened to? panic!at the disco- crazy=genius 5) Do you know any foreign languages? English 666) Would you make out with Mothman behind the 7-eleven down the street? sorry i don’t get it lol 7) If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words? make friends 8) In one sentence what is your biggest concern right now? School and money 9) How gay are you? ...no 10) Last Avatar or Legend of Korra? difficult... LOK probably 11) Your aesthetic in four words? write in crazy hell(literally)
12) Popcorn or Nachos? popcorn 13)Coffee or Tea? ehhh depend on the time tea for breakfast or afternoon, cafè after lunch 14) Star Wars or Star Trek? star trek 15) Vampire or Werewolf? Vampires 16) Team Edward or Team Jacob? ahahah no one lol 17) Winter or Summer? summer 18) If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words? numer 7 19) Why did the chicken cross the street? death lol 20) What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? you know 3 law of fisics: recycle energy 22) What is love? emotions(?) 23) Is Schrödinger’s Cat dead or alive? don’t know but angry for sure for begin trapped in a box 24) In which time period would you like to live? roman empire or the first years of 900 25)Train or Plane? train 26)Dawn or Dusk? Dusk 27)Do you trust geese?  some of the more bastard animal in the WORLD, i’m serius 28)Favourite Actor/Actress? i suppore Tom Hiddleston 29)What is your favourite Meme? i don’t have one lol 30)Are you a cat or a dog person?dog
31)Favourite room in your house? my room  32)What to you dream to be in the future? writer 33)Favourite animal? wolf and otter 34)Pineapple On Pizza yes or no? NO for God’s sake
1)Favorite flavor of icecream?
2)Zodiac sing?
3)Hated food?
4)Favorite movie?
5)Are you competitive?
6)You do sport?
7)Do you belive in aliens?
8) It’s never came true a dream of yours?
9)Favorite color?
10)A current obsession?
11)Current series tv you follow?
tagged: @biquoi @eternalsailorserena @iosono-io @in-these-castles-of-glass
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ayatimascd · 6 years
How is it possible to have a big ass trauma with Venom since childhood to the point of having wake-up-screaming-nightmares, crying like a bitch (like this morning) and yet being perfectly ok with drawn depictions and fanfics? Like I can read a 10k fic about Eddie Brock and that simbionte learning to play ping pong and laugh at memes but as soon as a still or a video of the movie comes up on my feed I fisically turn my head and hold my breath like... WTF? WHY CAN'T I CONTROL MY OWN BODY?
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