#fitz has a son now and i'm curious about how closely it'll mirror his upbringing with burrich
the-blue-phantom · 4 years
Thank you SO much for sharing the headcanons!!! It's exactly what I wanted and I'm obsessed with the idea that Burrich keeps pictures of Fitz in his belt; during my re-read I noticed how Burrich subtly showed care towards Fitz like by GENTLY reminding him to wash blood off his face in Verity's study or how in AQ he legit called Fitz the "centre of his life" and honestly I haven't stopped crying since (now my Farseer brain is activated fhjsdhjshd)
glad you enjoyed them!! and i knowwwwww i love their relationship so much. their relationship has its problems but they still care so much about each other. I’m always thinking about how after Fitz’s first big battle when he went berserk, he got super drunk and depressed and Burrich just led him home and kept an eye on him. Plus!! After he finds Fitz after Galen’s attack and is taking care of him he’s very, very certain to make sure that the case he can make for challenging Galen is a) valid and b) won’t come back to hurt Fitz. You could easily contrast Fitz’s punishment under Galen to how, in AQ, he tells the story of the time he was 6 and Burrich was like “a kid can take a harness off a horse, right?” and when Fitz completely dismantled it Burrich wasn’t even mad because Fitz technically followed the rules and how else would he know? Or! In the Mountain Kingdom, when Fitz is telling Burrich he’s not going back and Burrich is like “no, I’m staying with you until the end.” Or all the times Fitz is upset that someone else is replacing his position in the stables and all the times Burrich pushes him to do things and reminds him that he’s Chivalry’s son and not just some bastard.
Not to mention all the time Burrich thought Fitz was dead (like at the end of book 2) or in book 3 when he came back devastated because he thought Fitz was dead dead and he was blaming himself and going “maybe if I had just kept him in the stables and not the palace he would still be alive”. It kills me. It kills me.
I really do wonder what their relationship would have been like if there wasn’t the ever present threat of death either for being Chivalry’s son or having the Wit over their heads.
Because like yeah, there are times when Fitz uses the Wit and Burrich is furious at him--I think he didn’t speak to him for a long time, once? Or all the arguments they had. And I don’t think all the ways he reacted is reasonable, but I understand why he did that and where he’s coming from. In my opinion, Burrich deals with a lot of--I don’t know if I should call it self-hatred? frustration, maybe--due to a lot of things: him being left behind by Chivalry, his leg, having the Wit, etc. And seeing the child of a person he swore himself to and promised to protect and watch have something that’s so dangerous is scary! And then Fitz doesn’t listen to Burrich when he says to repress it and its probably not helping any fears. But Fitz isn’t Burrich and repressing the Wit wouldn’t have ever worked for Fitz.
Its complicated! Its a complicated relationship and I find it fascinating. But what’s most important is that despite it all they care deeply about each other and they only want what’s best for each other. That’s what I think at least part of the reason was for Fitz leaving everyone behind at the end. Like, yes, there was nothing left for him, but showing up would have only caused problems between him, Molly, and Burrich. So you know Fitz was betrayed or shocked by that, but he was also seeing Burrich live the life Burrich had always wanted but never had, especially when those were related to some of the last words Fitz said to him.
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